I continued with the native MacOS mail client settings, and went to advanced account settings.
I saw there is an "automatically manage connection settings" on so I disabled it and entered the new ports there.
But it seems I still have issues. I can revert back to Outlook and Windows but I think it's interesting to keep on trying here as this seems to be an standard email client so if we make it work here we can be pretty much sure it will work anywhere.
See attached shot of my account advanced setup in case it helps. I will keep on researching meanwhile.
Cool, well I think you got pretty far with the MAC client. Looking at your settings I think you entered everything correctly.
So in either pop3 or smtp, there are a certain amount of supported commands, similar to how FTP commands differ over different servers (Microsoft FTP might have RENAME while UNIX has a different variation etc), with the mail, we have some supported base64 auth, others doing cleartext etc. I think its a matter of having some case statements in there to handle Mac, and or possibly firebird. Im sure once we find the least common denominator, it will be stable on all 3.
Since I dont have a MAC, I will have to defer to you for some of this unless you would like to try a different client. When we get to firebird, I think I will be able to jump in and help debug the problem as well (which also could bring it to compliance with mac).
But for now, here is the situation, if you would like to stab it, or try outlook, or try firebird. (I ran into this situation when working with outlook: the flow would reach a certain place, then die due to the particular command and its output not being supported).
If you turn on "fDebuggingEmail=true" in the code and recompile and rerun, and be sure to clear the debug.log first, then do your test page setup "test" procedure again (and on a side note, when you restart the client both ports should be listening on telnet - what happened is the dead procedure left the port open, and that will recycle in about 10 minutes which means in normal circumstances it would actually recover later before the mail client makes another poll, but obviously we have to solve the root of the problem anyway), anyway you will start seeing the output of "Pop3::SENT", and "Pop3::RECEIVE" and the same for SMTP:: etc. What we need to do is see the very last command that got sent and feel free to send it to me (actually the whole log would be better) then we can enhance that particular command. I might not even be able to work on it without a mac, but I think its beneficial to try in case its easy etc.
Or you can try another client etc, its up to you.