June 2020 ReleaseWelcome to the Biblepay June 2020 Testnet Testing thread.
In this thread we will be testing:
- 'exec price' : XMR price has been added
- Sanctuary Voting :
(This is the ability for a sanctuary to vote on a spork, and if the Vote outcome is a PASS, the spork will go into effect. If it is a FAIL we need to see this spork fail to enter into the chain).
- Anti-Censorship-Feature (ACF) - Although I went through the pain of coding this, releasing it and testing it, I have decided that (as I believe we as a community) will be better off with BiblePay unchained for this use case (as it is safer and does not risk bloating the governance system and the nodes). So for safetey reasons, I have removed this and now am planning on releasing the design for Unchained. (This is a sidechain that holds documents off-chain).
- Removing "BiblePay-Evolution" from the windows wallet and fixing the default program directory name (it is still Evolution). This should go back to BiblePay. Check to see if the windows installer wizard is correct.
- Test a VendorList change (Charity monero addresses in a semicolon delimited list) and a PoolList change (allowable RX pools).
- Remove POOM from the wallet (remove poom listchildren, poom pay). Move POOM payment budget from GSC to Heat mined blocks. Ensure these heat payments go to the heat side and not to the sanctuary. I believe POOM causes the GSC budget to drop by 240K per day, and the mined block subsidy to rise by 1200~, and the sanc payment should stay the same.
- Any Dash changes that occurred between Jan 1,2020 and March 30th? Ask MIP? MIP has made me aware we need a little more time to move up to .15, because Dash has changed 1800 files! So lets shoot for releasing .15 in September.
- The ability for a RandomX hash to be mined in a more RX compatible way (check to see if foundation.biblepay can receive a blakehash as Solution #1) (This is just a reminder note that may result in a code change in the core wallet if this streamlines the xmrig code to be 100% compatible with the xmrig branch), Checking this. (This basically frees us from maintaining a special version of xmrig).
-> Great news, I tested pure merge-mining using the plain vanilla xmrig, and it worked. The changes are in this version already.
- Test Marcus Antonios Russian and Ukrainian Bible viewer(s)
Starting Version:
(Please ensure your version is greater than this, otherwise your testnet branch will not sync.
We are at block ____37650_____ as of May 1st, 2020).
BlockHash 37650:
Testnet Download Links: Ready:
Windows 64-bit:
https://biblepay.org/biblepayevo64develop.exe MacOS QT:
https://biblepay.org/biblepaycore-evo-testnet.dmg Linux 64 bits II (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip:
https://biblepay.org/bbp-lin-develop-64.zipTo self compile:
https://github.com/biblepay/biblepay/blob/develop/BuildBiblePay.txtRetiring (do not use these downloads):
Linux PC 64bits Daemon:
https://biblepay.org/biblepayd-evo-testnet-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz Linux 64 bits QT:
CONFIGURING FOR TESTNET:Create a biblepaytest.conf file with the following contents:
Place the file in ~/.biblepay
Start testnet by typing:./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf
(Note the blocks and chainstate will sync into the ./biblepay/testnet3 folder.
NOTE: This version will also work side-by-side our production nodes,
so, you also have the option if you are short on machines, to run TestNet side by side a prod node!
To run a TestNet Sanctuary:
https://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?topic=391.msg5968#msg5968How to create a deterministic sanc from scratch: