getblockhash is correct for me.
Keep getting this:
2018-12-15 18:03:55
Illegal tithe @height 87725.000000, max amount 296.500000 amount 296.710000 vout 1
Illegal tithe @height 87835.000000, max amount 296.490000 amount 296.710000 vout 2
Illegal tithe @height 87883.000000, max amount 296.930000 amount 297.150000 vout 1 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
If a tithe is illegal, maybe one can be resent as a test and if it works send it along.
Or illegal tithe should be abandoned? It keeps showing up in the logs... is that right? I assume it'll keep showing up because the transactions can't be abandoned currently or resent?
So on the illegal tithe, I can say with relative certainty what I "think" is happening. (Note that Illegal Tithe and POG Pool Recipients Invalid are mostly for logging, for us to ensure we have prevented those problems in test, and then they become very rare cases of things that arent supposed to happen in prod).
I believe due to people upgrading and being on forks, the difficulty level is not exactly the same on 3 forks. Once we all agree on the block hash, we should re-tithe, and then watch the log for one day and see that the error has dissapeared.
To answer your question though the pool will not induct an illegal tithe. But those will be forced on their own chain anyway, so this error should dissapear once we are synced together.
(The givers actual tithe was legal on his own chain) - just illegal on our chain.