Bible Pay

Read 159769 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
THANK YOU ALL FOR TESTING UP TO THIS POINT and helping us integrate IPFS into BiblePay!

Ill leave this thread open so we can continue discussing voting on objects and creating a business object economy.

  • sunk818
  • Developer

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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
says object not found in the description.

every time I do contact add, the number goes up from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4

was able to save bo object

not clear how you bring up your saved contact to delete.

some contacts you can view and info comes up (like togo), but others just empty comes up

i guess if you have long & lat, you somehow map this to gps or map. end of the world scenario, there's no guarantee there will be servesr to give you map layer... maybe text directions are better along with long-lat?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 12:50:47 AM by sunk818 »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
says object not found in the description.
every time I do contact add, the number goes up from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4
was able to save bo object
not clear how you bring up your saved contact to delete.
some contacts you can view and info comes up (like togo), but others just empty comes up
i guess if you have long & lat, you somehow map this to gps or map. end of the world scenario, there's no guarantee there will be servesr to give you map layer... maybe text directions are better along with long-lat?

"Object not found" means you entered the contact add the first time without having a contact record.
The incrementing number is just something I put in to show that page refreshed and updated the fields (I will take it out once the page is useful).
To Delete your contact, you click "Contact Add", and then "Delete".

As far as long lat during the Trib, If we had an in-wallet map of Christians near your contact, you could do the work of mapping and printing while the internet is up and having it on paper - maybe one would do this once per week once things start getting bad.  I think the important thing is that we are nimble enough to empower a user before the internet is cut.  (We dont know that it will be cut but we should prepare for that).

In the BO List of contacts, there is a difference between a blank contact and a deleted contact.  The blank ones are ones that cleared the info and saved the record, but didnt delete the record.  (Primarily because of testing).  Im sure it will happen in prod also.

This system is Far from perfect, and is just a baby.  The idea is to see how useful business objects can be to us, especially BO's store in IPFS and make it cosmetically nicer as we go (as we see it is actually being used in prod).

  • harrisvan87
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    • April 01, 2018, 03:26:40 AM
Initializing daemon...
Successfully raised file descriptor limit to 2048.
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit/ipfs/QmSousmHa2QXQzQPBKxteXtr3RZBX8RvDcCuCL9y56Q                                                                                        Kqg
Swarm announcing /ip4/
Swarm announcing /ip4/
Swarm announcing /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
API server listening on /ip4/
Error: serveHTTPGateway: manet.Listen(/ip4/ failed: liste                                                                                        n tcp4 bind: cannot assign requested address

Hello Bible Team, i just install and run the IPFS on my Sanc but seem it issue now with port 8080. How can i  fix this ?

  • MIP
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Hello Bible Team, i just install and run the IPFS on my Sanc but seem it issue now with port 8080. How can i  fix this ?

run this to check whether the port is already being used or not:

sudo netstat -plnt

  • harrisvan87
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    • April 01, 2018, 03:26:40 AM
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State                                                                                               PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN                                                                                              863/dnsmasq
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN                                                                                              810/sshd
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN                                                                                              737/cupsd
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN                                                                                              1234/biblepayd
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN                                                                                              810/sshd
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*                    LISTEN                                                                                              737/cupsd
tcp6       0      0 :::40000                :::*                    LISTEN                                                                                              1234/biblepayd
tcp6       0      0 :::9998                 :::*                    LISTEN                                                                                              1234/biblepayd
Hi MIP, here the result. i see page 6 that Jaap got same error. but im not technical guys so im not sure according Rob's advise how to bind the 8080 port to local ip address

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hello Bible Team, i just install and run the IPFS on my Sanc but seem it issue now with port 8080. How can i  fix this ?

Hi Harris, It looks like the problem isnt that port 8080 is listening already, I believe the problem is the port should be bound to your local LAN IP (in contrast to your public IP), could you try re-editing your ipfs config file and binding the 8080 entry to:

instead, then restart the ipfs daemon?

Then to see if it actually works remotely, navigate to your http://public_ip:8080/ipfs/ipfs_hash?

Good luck dude.

  • harrisvan87
  • Newbie

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    • April 01, 2018, 03:26:40 AM
Initializing daemon...
Successfully raised file descriptor limit to 2048.
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit/ipfs/QmSousmHa2QXQzQPBKxteXtr3RZBX8RvDcCuCL9y56QKqg
Swarm announcing /ip4/
Swarm announcing /ip4/
Swarm announcing /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready
Thanks Rob, it working .
I see IPFS running on my Sanc now, but how i know and operation the status of IPFS really synced and usage of IPFS ?

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4143

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Thanks Rob, it working .
I see IPFS running on my Sanc now, but how i know and operation the status of IPFS really synced and usage of IPFS ?

I'll be back on this thread shortly...

  • sunk818
  • Developer

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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Business objects in production
« Reply #219 on: October 20, 2018, 11:49:54 PM »
In production, some business objects say COMPASSION.COMn (extra n) in there.

Also, & Kairos right click navigate to works great.

For some reason, BLOOM right click navigate to doesn't do anything.

If I type the Bloom URL manually in Chrome 69, it displays okay. Using Windows 10 Pro, Chrome 69, BiblePay