Sweet, so two things:
On windows boinc, click View | Advanced view. Click on the Projects Tab. View the Rosetta row. Notice the value for "Avg Work Done". That is your RAC. You really have to wait for that to get above like 5 to see anything big in BBP.
Cool, I see the project, it had my initial account name,
but once I clicked Properties command it updated and has the correct account name now,
also see: Disk Usage 4.27GB
Projects Tab:
Project: Rosetta@home, Account: togoshigekata, Team: BiblePay, Work done 0, Avg work done 0, Resource Shares 100%,
Theres a Tasks tab, Application Rosetta 4.06 and Roestta Mini 3.78,
most are in "Ready to start" state, a few are "Running" with really small percentages,
randomly they all got "Suspended" for a few seconds, Cpu busy
Tasks that are running look like theyve been running for 32 minutes now, but are only 4-5% done
But in the mean time, the other thing, on finding your CPID - in your Rosetta web account (the linked one you linked), search for : cross-project id in the stats section. Thats your CPID - it will stick with you forever, even if you launch 1000 machines. But you dont need to type it into biblepy. But please paste it in notepad for this exercise.
In BBP, now you should go to the Distributed Computing page, and type in the rosetta user & password and click associate.
Then wait for 6 blocks for confirm to occur. Then type 'exec getboincinfo'.. If everything worked, your CPID will match the one in notepad.
So I have BiblePay on a remote Linux machine through Putty/SSH (command line) on testnet chain,
and I have BOINC on local Windows Machine,
Do I need to now install latest BiblePay for Windows and run it in testnet to do the above?