Bible Pay

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  • togoshigekata
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #90 on: September 07, 2018, 01:15:13 PM » Upgrade (Mandatory for Testnet)

- Add Foundation receiving address for IPFS so we can track IPFS
payments separate from donations
- Make wallet prayers private, and require public prayers to be signed
(prevent prayer graffiti)
- Ensure miner does not submit bad blocks (help prevent forks)
- Add spork for non-biblepay-team-payment-percentage
- Refactor Sanctuary Magnitude Assessment process
- Disclose IPFS fee to user before committing transaction.  Charge a
Foundation IPFS fee when committing an IPFS transaction.
- Add IPFS altlink to transactiondescription

Alright all, everyone, please upgrade all testnet nodes.

Windows is compiling....

Upgrading to v1.1.4.9!

UPDATE: Upgraded and Masternode ENABLED

Code: [Select]
getblockhash 59184
« Last Edit: September 07, 2018, 01:53:43 PM by togoshigekata »

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #91 on: September 07, 2018, 03:32:49 PM »
Windows is deployed.

  • jaapgvk
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #92 on: September 08, 2018, 02:49:01 AM »
Windows is deployed.


I've got two sancs with ipfs online :)

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  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #94 on: September 08, 2018, 12:50:44 PM »

I've got two sancs with ipfs online :)
Great.  I have my 2 back up again, and I see i got my last PODCs from the last few superblocks... 
Where did we leave off...  Jaap did you receive your expected payment for the non Gridcoin non Biblepay team?  The spork is set to pay .35% to non biblepay teams....

Lets see if its 35%?

  • jaapgvk
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #95 on: September 08, 2018, 02:26:05 PM »
Great.  I have my 2 back up again, and I see i got my last PODCs from the last few superblocks... 
Where did we leave off...  Jaap did you receive your expected payment for the non Gridcoin non Biblepay team?  The spork is set to pay .35% to non biblepay teams....

Lets see if its 35%?

It is  8)

In the previous version and on team BiblePay I got about 1000 BBP, now I get about 300 BBP (but the RAC has probably also risen in the mean time).

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #96 on: September 10, 2018, 01:46:29 PM »
Great job guys.

Alright, lets be patient for a day or so and add another blockbuster feature : Business Objects in BiblePay.

The ability to store a business object off-chain that conforms to GDPR regulations (IE we respect the end-users hide/delete ability).

In our first baby step toward persisting off-chain business objects we will add the ability to store a contact in biblepay (with a signed primary key).

Later we will use this for the Great Tribulation map, BiblePay babysitters, Viewing a business object in a grid, hiding/deleting a business object, adding a church as a vendor, adding an organization-network to the object (virtual permissions), and Tithing on Mobile devices (at church).

For now my goal is to explain how to save yourself in a contact record, view the contact record, test GDPR regulations, and send BBP via e-mail to someone.

The next version should be ready within 24 hours.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 01:50:42 PM by Rob A. »

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #97 on: September 11, 2018, 11:19:58 PM »
... Testing locally, please standy by until tomorrow ...

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #98 on: September 13, 2018, 11:05:53 AM »
... Testing locally, please standy by until tomorrow ...

So this (next RSA) feature has sort of prevented the release, but now the new feature has finally been tested and now I can go back to preparing the next release.

We should have this ready by this afternoon....

SunK, not sure where the question went on Business objects, but yes, the object itself would be stored in IPFS to prevent chain bloat.

Ill paste a wiki later on the mechanics of business object persistence.  This is primarily to create a stable interface to understand the RWAD ability by organization.

  • sunk818
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #99 on: September 13, 2018, 02:14:09 PM »
SunK, not sure where the question went on Business objects, but yes, the object itself would be stored in IPFS to prevent chain bloat.

Call me Sun. Yeah, maybe I thought I posted it, but maybe I deleted by mistake.

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #100 on: September 13, 2018, 07:41:17 PM » - Leisure Upgrade (Mandatory for TestNet)

- Updated Build Instructions
- Added Contact Add/Edit/View/Delete page
- Added ability to store and retrieve a business object in IPFS
- Added ability to serialize and deserialize a business object with JSON
- Added RSA file and string encryption (for symmetric uses, such as encrypted business objects and user permissions)
- Added RPC bolist, bosearch commands, exec bolist contact, exec bosearch contact email emailaddress
- Added ability to send BBP via e-mail address (exec emailbbp e-mailaddress amount)

Alright, it's out for linux.  Building windows now.

I'll explain some of this ASAP.

Please refer to this wiki as the starting point for Business Objects:

  • togoshigekata
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #101 on: September 13, 2018, 10:52:43 PM »
Upgraded to v1.1.5.0, Masternode ENABLED, ipfs daemon running

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #102 on: September 14, 2018, 03:52:03 AM »
Lets go through some use cases for business objects.  Currently we only support non-encrypted objects in this version, so when we Add a business object, all of biblepay can see it (from a hacker standpoint) and any IPFS node can see it (if they decipher the JSON and know how to hack into the local database).  In the future, we can support encrypted business objects, which would only be viewable from someone within your organization.  In the future we would also be able to honor the RWAD permissions per user per organization.

So lets start with what we can do now.  Please go to your Contact Add page from the menu.  The primary key of a contact record is One labeled wallet public key (we automatically create a wallet public key and label it BUSINESS_OBJECTS in the address book).  So this means if you Edit an existing  Contact record, it will be Updated by physically deleting the old one, and saving a new one with the primary key - IE Your public receiving address + CONTACT.  So there won't be duplicates and we will have One contact per wallet.

Go ahead and add a contact record to the chain, but most importantly fill out a working e-mail address (as I want to demo that feature).  Save the record.  (You can add a contact by Clicking Add Contact from the top menu).

After a few confirms you can type 'exec bolist contact' to see if your contact record is publically viewable.  What we can do with this is:  make a wallet UI (ie a grid for a list), in a generic way, to allow a user to view a list of that type of business object (and search the list in the future).  We can map these users on our great tribulation map.  We can send biblepay to each other via e-mail address.  We can work with MIP to make a tithing feature now (a congregation can tithe to a registered church). 

After a while you can also test an edit.  To edit a contact, go back to contact add and change one the fields, and re-save the record.  The system will realize its an edit and save it appropriately.  For GDPR we also support physical Deletion of a record.

Next we can test the business object search feature.  You can search by type, fieldname and field value currently.  Type 'exec bosearch contact email [email protected]', and the system will locate all contacts with a field named email with a field value of my e-mail address and add them to the results list and display them. 

Next, if you want to test sending bbp via e-mail address, type:   exec emailbbp [email protected] 5, and feel free to replace the amount (5) and the recipient e-mail.  The wallet will locate the contact record and send the amount.

I also want to point out that although it appears we created a 'contact' feature, you should look at business objects from a generic perspective.  Contact is one type of business object with a UI.  If we make this as generic and abstract as possible, we could really make a powerful front-end system here, by making UI based on generic business objects - another words, we don't have to create 70 pages of UI to make a powerful system.  We can create add/edit/view abilities for business objects, that provide manipulation and UI for both form based and list based presentations, another words, it would be easy to support as the data is serialized in a common format in the back end, and presented in a common way in the front end.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 03:53:49 AM by Rob A. »

  • jaapgvk
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #103 on: September 15, 2018, 03:48:22 AM »
I haven't come around to testing the newest features yet Rob, but is it possible that something went wrong when deploying the Windows version? Seems like it's still on

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: TestNet Testing Thread - Test IPFS Integration (Decentralized IP File System)
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2018, 10:16:15 AM »
I haven't come around to testing the newest features yet Rob, but is it possible that something went wrong when deploying the Windows version? Seems like it's still on

Yeah, I didn't even build windows yet.  So I have a new feature for us to test today (Quantitative Tightening).
Let me go ahead and release this in a couple hours, then build windows along with the new version.