Bible Pay

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YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« on: December 21, 2017, 02:49:31 PM »
Proposal Amount: <discussion>
Proposal Budget: P2P

I have done one tutorial for YouTube, the audio is poor and I need better equipment to do it correctly, but it gives an idea of what I envision they will look like.

I am a former radio professional, have a Midwestern clear accent.  I am willing to do video tutorials (based on Togo's guides, the board discussion and my notes) for the following topics (or those that would be suggested):

  • Voting with Sanctuaries  -
  • Setting up a Miner on Windows
  • Setting up a Miner on Linux
  • Setting up a Masternode on Vutlr
  • What is BIblepay?

I might need to find some better video editing software and learn to use it more proficiently.  I may need a better mic or small sound board.  I've researched a bit and think that would be in the neighborhood of a $300 to $400 expense, of which I would bear half.  I have a Sanctuary so I can do videos related to that.  I would like to see what people want before I make them, and see what the going rate would be.  With writing a script outline, recording and editing, I think most videos could be a 3 to 5 hour project.

So discuss, what topics are of interest?  What fee is reasonable, for doing them given the uncertainty the time factor.  And yes, I see why this is actually harder than just doing the work and asking for a fee lol.

  • jaapgvk
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Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2017, 01:49:51 AM »
West, I think your voice and articulation is perfect for these videos!

I have experience in video-editing and am a part-time audio-engineer. So if you need any help or advice in that department, just hit me up!

With - for example - a reasonably priced usb condenser mic, this will instantly get a pro vibe with little effort. But it kinda depends on your workflow.

Oh, and maybe someone can make a 'biblepay intro screen' we can use for the videos. I have friends in design. Maybe I can ask one of them to create a short intro with a simple single.

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2017, 03:32:56 PM »
Oh wow, now I can hear your Art Bell voice!  Very nice...

Great to have you on the team! 

Its good to cover our bases and get our brethren up to speed - especially on the things I always take for granted  :P.

Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2018, 04:07:29 PM »
I'm ordering the equipment I need off Amazon for a more professional product.  I'll play around with it a bit (it's pretty close to what I used when I was in radio), but I really want to know what tutorials to work on first.  I should be able to do another one (might redo the Masternode voting one in fact) later this week.

  • togoshigekata
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Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2018, 05:23:38 PM »
I think the list you have is great!

  • Voting with Sanctuaries  -
  • Setting up a Miner on Windows
  • Setting up a Miner on Linux
  • Setting up a Masternode on Vutlr
  • What is BIblepay?

In addition, I think the average person could use help on how to buy BiblePay (how to buy bitcoin, setup account on exchange, transfer bitcoin to exchange, place buy orders, etc)

How to write orphan letters, how to use the pool, how to use proposals to get paid for work, other than that cant think of anything else! Ill post back if anything comes to mind.

  • How to buy BiblePay
  • How to write orphan letters
  • How to use the pool
  • How to use proposals to get paid for work
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 08:01:29 AM by togoshigekata »

Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2018, 11:11:56 PM »
Great, it all shipped and I should have some time, probably going to redo the voting one first as I've got a pretty good handle on it and will give me a chance to get used to the editing software I'm using (since I can practice on the existing footage and then go from there).

Buying BBP is good, might do a short one there and do a more in depth one if we can hit a bigger exchange.

Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2018, 10:59:56 PM »
So the second video (updating Masternodes specifically, applicable to Linux Miners by extension) is up and I am pleased with how it turned out but need more suggestions for improvements.

I'll try a nearly white intro background next video, change the zoom to more clearly display the working window, alter the text boxes to be either black on white background or white on black background for readability. 

Would there be any interest (or would it be distracting or vain) for me to appear in a Picture in Picture box doing the narration (this is a longer term possibility and not available for the next few videos, but might be worthwhile on the "commentary" ones like What is Biblepay)?

I like the equipment I bought, spent about $250 on it all (mic, stand, pop filter, 2 channel USB mixer, cables) and don't have any issue absorbing that cost as I'll likely get other uses out of it (although I would not have bought them any time soon if not for Biblepay).  I'm using GIMP for image editing (open source-free), Davinci Resolve for Video and light Audio editing (free version) and GeForce Experience for screen capture (free) on my GTX1050Ti video card (already owned, and use for gaming).

In the end I'm unsure what a fair price for my work is, but was leaning between $10 and $15/hour (my video editing skills are decent as I'm good with audio editors and they are similar, but by the same token I'm no pro editor on video).

Thoughts or suggestions on any or all of the above?

  • jaapgvk
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Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2018, 02:27:18 AM »

I watched your latest video, and I think this can become a great series. I'd suggest to focus on newcomers first (videos about buying BBP, setting up a miner and mine on the pool etc), because I think they'll probably be the least tech-savvy, and will need a good first impression from our project.

I do have some reservations about the intro-screen. It could be a little more professional in my taste. So my offer still stands on getting a professional one designed by a friend of mine (whose daily job it is).

About the pay: I really don't know what should be fair. I guess your pricerange sounds okay :)

Re: YouTube tutorials - Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 07:51:40 PM »
Its all a work in progress.  Not sure what the intro screen should really look like but would not turn away any suggestions.  Depending on how much a pro intro screen would be, I'd be happy to pay for one or at least consider that.

As soon as C-Cex is open again I agree, how to buy and sell BBP is a good one.  My windows and Linux install videos will mention the pool setup, but I'll make a separate one for how to mine on pool since it's not super relevant as to which wallet you use, just a matter of how to get to the config files.

I'm reserved about the pay, I know a guy who does strictly audio work and he's a production wizard, and earns about $25 to $40 an hour doing that.  Me, I'm decent at much of this but I also enjoy doing it so I'm not really worried about getting "full" market rate, or for that matter really super close.  So I'll just split it in my proposal and go $12.50/hr unless that's out of line.