Bible Pay

Read 12061 times

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4187

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
BiblePay Forum Activity Rewards
« on: August 09, 2020, 02:30:14 PM »
I am interested in attracting more than one new user to our project per day, therefore we will be offering forum activity rewards.

In this beginning stage, lets call this the beta testing stage, the program will be limited to activity posted in this thread (the op post thread) :

The way it works is our foundation will send you a wallet reward, based on the table below, according to your activity and benevolence.

To get started please follow these steps:

1) Join and create an account so you can post in the above thread.
2) Add your biblepay wallet address to:
Populate the Forum Rewards (BiblePay receive) address field.  Click Save.
3) Ask questions about biblepay in the above thread, and/or help other users.
4) Thats it!  We will assess the rewards automatically once per week.

Please see the following chart for the reward levels:

(Note the post count is the Distinct post count made by the user (deleted and/or reported posts and/or flagged as negative do not count) in that particular Week, and must have positive benevolence, and the posts must be in the OP thread listed above):

Reward = budget_factor(available_budget) *  min((Benevolence/10),1) * 1000

4 posts with a benevolence of 1 = 4,000 bbp
1 post with a benevolence of 20 = 2,000 bbp
1 deleted post = 0 bbp

To see your benevolence, please see your avatar on any of the forum threads.


We will create a report that outlines the summary of the payouts per week; this will let you know the rewards you received (and the community received).

« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:41:50 AM by Rob Andrews »