Bible Pay

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  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
How many tBBP should i send the the sanctuary wallet? I'm going to try doing a hot wallet sanctuary. Is the windows wallet ready yet? Thanks.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I haven't looked into how PDC is being implemented but I would agree with Swongel on the principle. It is not advisable for a decentralised trust system to be relying/trusting a single external system. Biblepay would then become quite centralised.

Its quite centralized now with a botnet, and quite decentralized with PODC mining.

Sorry to disagree, but obviously you dont understand what you are talking about.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
How many tBBP should i send the the sanctuary wallet? I'm going to try doing a hot wallet sanctuary. Is the windows wallet ready yet? Thanks.
Its 500,000 in testnet.  Windows: No.

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
The DC side doesn't really affect the blockchain though. If the DC side goes down, the blockchain is still running because the POW is what keeps it going. If there are safeguards in place to insure the magnitudes are truthful I don't see a problem. Plus, perhaps the software can auto switch to 100% POW if certain criteria are met.

I'm not really an expert so please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Its 500,000 in testnet.  Windows: No.

I recovered the 200k you sent me but I guess I will have to mine for more unless you can send me another 300k to yXbN5kN9kJiKNU5W7PGd4MFBe8rAM5baxF.


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
The DC side doesn't really affect the blockchain though. If the DC side goes down, the blockchain is still running because the POW is what keeps it going. If there are safeguards in place to insure the magnitudes are truthful I don't see a problem. Plus, perhaps the software can auto switch to 100% POW if certain criteria are met.

I'm not really an expert so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thats exactly right.

Were going from using 12,000 computers that generate random numbers and have others check the number is actually lower than the target, to executing a cancer program, that was written by more devs than ever worked on bitcoin combined, and checking the results by a decentralized team with over 1 million host participants.  To me, that is more decentralized than our fledgling little PC base.

And yes, on the disaster recover, we fall back to pure POW if DC is down.

Like I said, we could get hacked once a month and have a higher accuracy ratio than we do with POW being distributed to 7% of our non-greed based network.

I'm going to be drawing the line with the bashing.  If you dont like the design of PODC you are going to need to find another community.

Its very obvious that Swongel is biased, as every answer to Togo was based on a one-sided view.  Christians are about compromising and giving and making it happen and working hard.  If I say that I will develop a NEW algorithm, then so be it.  If you are not with me on changing the rules and going against the grain then please, dont stick around and drag all the rest of us down. 


  • znffal
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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
I recovered the 200k you sent me but I guess I will have to mine for more unless you can send me another 300k to yXbN5kN9kJiKNU5W7PGd4MFBe8rAM5baxF.


I sent 300k

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Togo: the two articles you posted with gridcoin hacks actually contain a pointer to the same hack.  That whole thing is inflated.
Its a replay attack.  All that actually was broken in gridcoin was the advertisement beacon relied on the blockhash for its nonce, and that allowed a hacker to send in a beacon as a "replay attack".  In practice, its not that easy, costs money, and is very apparent to the researcher that you stole from (as their rewards stop).  They fixed it within 1 day of lead dev being notified.

The main problem as I mentioned in the wiki that gridcoin has is their neural network has trouble emitting the daily magnitudes so I see forking and stuff, but from what I understand its pretty much under control now, but all of these issues they had are not flaws or vulnerabilities in either boinc or the boinc projects.  They are just growth pains in a very complicated crypto project, with new business logic.

  • znffal
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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
Hi all,

Please let's take a breath, a step back and remember that we are all brothers and sisters who love the Lord.

I was thinking about the falling back to PoBH mining in the case of an issue with boinc and I have a (possibly naive) suggestion. What do you think of

1. Create a proposal for voting, that we appoint a moderator between BiblePay and Rosetta (likely Rob, but could be voted on to be anyone who is "qualified"). This moderator has the power to suspend boinc payments to BBP users if it seems like something nefarious is going on. In this case mining reverts to 100% PoBH.
2. If the moderator suspends boinc payments then they must provide a full report to the community. There must be a proposal added before the next superblock with a solution to the issue, or we revert back to 100% PoBH until a solution can be determined

In theory we could vote on who that moderator is so it solves/reduces one aspect of the centralisation, or there could be a team of moderators...

What do you think?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 04:30:08 PM by znffal »

  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
I'm having some trouble getting the masternode running.

masternode list-conf says:
  "masternode": {
    "alias": "t_1",
    "address": "",
    "privateKey": "...BCXZC",
    "txHash": "...ebda4",
    "outputIndex": "1",
    "status": "PRE_ENABLED"

but masternode status says:
error code: -32603
error message:
This is not a masternode

How do I debug this? I'm using a hot wallet so I set up masternode.conf and biblepay.conf as below:

t_1 ...BCXZC ...ebda4 1


I'm also having trouble setting up the watchman:

[Errno 111] Connection refused
Cannot connect to biblepayd. Please ensure biblepayd is running and the JSONRPC port is open to watchman.

I have commented out the mainnet and un-commented testnet in watchman.conf
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 06:54:01 PM by T-Mike »

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
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Thanks for the responses Spongel! I just got into cryptocurrency the end of this summer, this is all very interesting.
Ill have to spend some time and read the Bitcoin whitepaper.

On another note, a lot of the crypto community thinks Masternode coins are fairly centralized,
for example the head Bitcointalk Forum admin Theymos rejected us from his semi weekly banner auction (he doesnt allow ICOs)
"the architecture is maybe quite centralized (masternodes) perhaps it could be considered "an ICO with more steps""

  • togoshigekata
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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
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I had a BOINC screensaver pop up when I was idle, was cool to see,
You can also click on each task and theres a "Show graphics" command

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
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I fired up two PCs for testnet. Will configure them tomorrow.

Personally, I think that the biggest thread for biblepay at this moment is the botnet (of which I'm almost totally sure it really exists). I also think that decentralization should be maintained where possible.

Sometimes is hard for me to see all the angles with problems like the botnet vs centralization. I'm reading everything, but I don't feel like I have enough expertise to really give good input.

And I think everyone in this topic is talking with good intentions.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
If you decide to continue I ask you to announce a reasonable amount in advance as to give anyone wanting to fork off time to prepare, I might very well consider joining such an effort as it would line up better with my beliefs.

I hope the maintainers of the masternodes won't vote in favour of this proposal for reasons I have stated and we would be able to find a better way to help scientific research and or pursue other charitable actions.

Sorry to see you go, I take your input very seriously for POL.  For DC, your view is too constrained and biased to be taken seriously.

I think you have a certain belief system pegged with DC, and can't really envision it working the way I can.

For example, I think you believe Rosetta is a single "corporate" entity with 500 servers and an IT admin that might jack up his credits in BOINC.
However, its really 1 million global hosts who are taking turns turning in complex folding solutions through BOINC, and BOINC is so huge, as 616W just pointed out, that little tiny fish like us are not going to influence the SQL database.  Granted there is an SQL database where credits get updated, but there are over 1 million hosts in it along with us.

What I want to see is the complaint being escalated to me, such as :  How are we going to mitigate this particular centralization risk, and then we develop the IT solution that goes in biblepay to combat such issue.  To me, the issue is : analyzing the rolled up RAC, Total Credit Delta, Daily dump files, CPIDs, and at worst: putting some type of max CPU count cap on each CPID (so as to prevent one single CPID from hogging more than a 100 machine share), etc.   

But to argue that the current status quo with bitcoin is actually better than this is hilarious.  In my eyes, this system is so far superior to heat generating mining we should be a clear winner in the mainstream, and as I said on the other thread, pulling this off gives us intrinsic value.  And that is important, because if we securely check DC work units, from a black-box point of view, the community is far more valuable than bitcoin.

I can design a system that places a smart contract inside the researchers boinc account once per superblock, I can broadcast a payment from boinc back to biblepay once per day to prove that I am a cancer researcher with a certain UTXO  (for example placing a script with UTXOs inside the days
 boinc work), I dont really care what it takes, this is a creative effort.

As far as lead time:  Im shooting for going live with cancer-mining on March 31st, in Prod.  Ill enter the vote for this system before this Saturday.

So you have 50 days notice.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Well, my oddball ARM64 machine won't support BOINC or at least not the rosetta project.

That said, one point that has been brought up on Slack is why do we not have separate Development and Production branches of Biblepay?  The heartache of the PoL payments showing up in main net would not occur, and rapid fire upgrades in Development aren't going to look bad on us like they do in Production.

Ok, cool,  I guess try a different device then.

To answer your question plainly:  We would not have POL at all, or DC at all if we had more than one branch.  Because I wouldnt be doing all this work.  It takes a lot of hours to maintain each branch. 

I guess we wouldnt have a pool either.

Hopefully you would rather have biblepay in its current form that not have biblepay.