Bible Pay

Read 764464 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Many thanks for your excellent support!
We narrow the problem to the fact that I cannot get information for "exec price".
You suggested that I have network issues with SSL.

I ran the following command :
And indeed, I saw that the ISP added a cyber protection that blocked this communications.
I asked my ISP to disable this, and indeed all is fixed, including "exec rac"


Oh great man!  Thanks, I'm glad its working again.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hi Mr.MIP, may God bless you. I am elyelma, I am the responsible for the Spanish Translation. You're absolutely right! I don't know when I've missed thie "e", maybe the autocorrector (It changed it again in here when I wrote to "prove") - it is in fact "provee" - I have corrected it. Please let me know if you find any other situation. Thank you very much for the proofreading.

Best regards,


Thanks Ely for the great translation work!

And thanks MIP for proofreading it.

MIP can you please check the Spanish roadmap when you have a chance?


  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** July XMR Liquidation Report **

We raised 3.94XMR in July 2020 (3.62 bbp.miningpool + .32 foundation) or ~$320 (compared to 3.029 last month).

This means we grew by 30% this month!

Great Job RX Charity miners!  You paid for 8 orphans this month!

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

I saw this chart today of BTC/DXY.  It is 'postulating' that a devaluing dollar is causing a bullish BTC value.

It almost looks like one is hedging the other.

I'm not fully trusting in long term BTC investing, because I still believe a lot of old-timers in the stock market short the BTC futures. 
But its possible that as the dollar collapses, those old views might be out the window now.

Im also very hesitant to buy BTC when its price is high, especially since I feel that during the next riots in the US, there will probably be a drop in BTC, at least once more.

Anyway this is just to notify everyone of this trend - and that potentially, its time for the dollar to drop significantly.  China and Russia are now trading almost all their oil trades in Yuan now (that is devastating to the dollar).

And, with Coronavirus causing the fed to print trillions more, the dollar does not look very healthy for the long term.

I certainly feel a deflationary investment is much more sound than the dollar.  Now all we need is to make BiblePay's base as strong or partially as strong as DASH, then we can allow investors to feel at ease when they go to liquidate BBP positions.

It all starts here - with a positive outlook and a growing community.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
We finally have a real world use case for BiblePay coming in the very near future.  It looks like the features will be in testnet within 30 days at this point.

Users will be able to host their files in multiple regions (IE with a selectable level of storage density from 1 through 4), for a selected duration (30 to 365 days) and we will support both small and large files.  We can now store long videos that are over 100 megabytes, and our hosting is compatible with HTML5 video tags (so yes, you can write an entire web site using BBP assets).  Side note:  This storage is not a joke either:  The system will be so resilient that we can back the data with real SLAs and guarantees of quality.

One other feature I am working on releasing first (so that it is part of this next release) is the encrypted option.  We will allow the user to encrypt data before it leaves their machine - then they can not only host public assets, but also private assets.  We will also offer an alternative to FTP for corporations who need EDIs.  This solution already works with a high degree of compatibility to SFTP, therefore we will be able to offer an alternative to SFTP.  For example, lets say IBM wants to transfer a morning file to Microsoft at 8AM, they can do it over the BiblePay IPFS encrypted solution and help support orphans at the same time (and cheaper than setting up an SFTP server for one particular integration, etc).

We also have a c# version of BIPFS coming out in September.  This allows c# developers to send files through biblepay without using the c++ wallet.
Therefore, a user can either:  Send a file through the c++ wallet and automatically pay the storage fee (and we do have a dry-run quote), and the file is sent through c++, or they may download our c# opensource solution, and add a charge key (this allows their BBP wallet to be debited when they send a file).  Either way, the file will contain the same storage parameters and quality levels.

I am also working on one suggestion I received from Ely:  that if we offered an easier to use Dynamic Whale Stake option, more people might burn whale stakes.  In response to this, I'm adding a method to the biblepay-QT wallet to invest BBP for 90 days (without going to the command line) from the UI.  The user will click "Dynamic Whale Stake" (and the default will be 90 day duration), they type the amount to burn, and click Send (this is similar to donating to the foundation). 

On a different note I was thinking back about comparison of this project from the beginning til now, from God's perspective.  I believe that this project is much more aligned with God's true purposes now than where we were in the beginning. 

Finally, comparing BBP to Bitcoin:  To mine bitcoin, you have to use an ASIC and you compete with a farm of mining monopolies who have more money and more machines in a smaller number of hands than you.  With BBP, you use commodity PCs with RandomX, and each individual has their own stake.  With BBP, our charity is raised in two revenue streams:  XMR, and by contributing sanctuaries.  Our charity expenses are no longer being spent right out of the coinbase (or from the governance budget).  This will lower the impact of sales pressure.  We have PODC (cancer mining), so half of our electricity is spent for good use, and the other half is merge-mined (meaning we dont have to spend the entire electricity cost from BBPs pocket).  Our only deficiency is in Mobilizing our use case so we become a usable currency.   This is the primary advantage bitcoin has over BiblePay.


  • coinsinspect
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    • July 25, 2018, 09:03:51 AM
We finally have a real world use case for BiblePay coming in the very near future.  It looks like the features will be in testnet within 30 days at this point.
Very exciting news! I am all for it.

Currently I am using a very limited Internet bandwidth account.
In order to participent in the new storage feature, will I need to pay for a sagnificant internet bandwidth increase ?
Can you estimate how much bandwith each storage participent will need ?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Very exciting news! I am all for it.

Currently I am using a very limited Internet bandwidth account.
In order to participent in the new storage feature, will I need to pay for a sagnificant internet bandwidth increase ?
Can you estimate how much bandwith each storage participent will need ?

Thanks,  so in this first version, the user and miner - they do not have to mine any data or do any indexing, so for the user experience they will not see an impact on bandwidth or file storage costs.

There will however be a sidechain that syncs metadata from the sancs, so the user will be pulling that down once, but its very minimal - and, they wont pay a significant bandwidth unless they actually pull down documents.  They can do that either manually with commands, or if they navigate to some decentralized type web sites that one of our users create(s).

The sanctuaries will have an increase in bandwidth because they will index the sidechain metadata and also the DSQL queries. 

Today, the encryption is now working, so now we have encrypted, non encrypted, storage density options, lease duration, and paid hosting transactions working.  Another words, in testnet you will be able to pay 3000 bbp to store a PDF with a density of 4 that is 12K in size, encrypted or non encrypted for 6 months, and it will be available theoretically even in the tribulation (due to the fact that its stored in 4 areas of the world).  We have Europe, America East and West, and Canada in the solution.

But the sidechain is not finished, so Im trying to see if we can get that v1.0 finished and into testnet by August 25th so we can potentially roll out a beta version of this for September.

Id also like to keep the BiblePay Greeting Card generator and home delivery of documents in the roadmap, as those two things work through APIs that appear to provide pretty good use case(s).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Kairos Update **

Kairos is our orphanage partner in the Philippines.  We sponsor 14 of their 24 children.

Please see this update about Kairos, which basically sets the standards for children participation in their program and provides an update about their school program:

10500 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
*** BiblePay TestNet update, and Unchained Update ***

Please see this wiki first, on our next release that contains BiblePay Unchained:

We need help in testnet testing these new features:

10500 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
New community member bonus:

APM (Automatic Price Mooning in Production):

Starting September 15th, and pending the outcome of the APM sanctuary vote, we are moving to a new emissions model where we won't be emitting many coins from BiblePay, unless our price is constantly rising on our exchanges day over day.  The rules are very simple, basically, our price needs to go up by 1 millisatoshi per day, otherwise we emit hardly any coins that day (we do emit PODC coins, but thats it).  In light of this Im looking for 7 whales who might be part of a congregation that takes turns in buying BBP (each whale buys to the next millisatoshi, then, they stop until the next whale takes over the next day).  I feel that it is absolutely of no value for me to buy BBP if we don't have other strong backers in the tank with me.  If we can find a group of 7 whales, Ill join the group.  Otherwise I wont promote this idea (of being involved in this). 

I feel at this point the APM feature gives new whales a good reason to buy and hold BBP for a longer duration, as with the impetus of a constantly rising price they will have more insurance to be able to get out of biblepay when they want to exit (as APM should add positive buying pressure).

21000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Forum Activity Rewards:

Please join.
10750 BBP

4300 BBP
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 02:13:34 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Thanks Ely for the great translation work!

And thanks MIP for proofreading it.

MIP can you please check the Spanish roadmap when you have a chance?


Sorry I was out on family holidays for a couple of weeks.

Thatīs a pretty good Spanish transalation of the Roadmap, congrats!

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Im also very hesitant to buy BTC when its price is high, especially since I feel that during the next riots in the US, there will probably be a drop in BTC, at least once more.

I also share this view. The mainstream public has not connected the dots yet and they cannot foresee the hit the weakened world economy will suffer in the coming months.
There will be liquidations of even the hardest assets (as we saw in March)  and that will be a better moment to load up.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** Monetizing the Entire Forum **

I am considering the monetization of the entire forum (meaning people will get rewards for original content posted, in all of our topics).

For now however I am starting a beta test:  monetization has been enabled in this forum thread.

To participate please paste your BBP address into the "Forum Rewards" field here:

Monetization should start in about 6 hours.

You will see a cherry in your posts once you get paid for the post (with the amount rewarded) next to it.

The details of each payment will also be in in the deposit report.

My goal is to get this thread up to 1million views. 
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:37:29 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Radar_Dude7
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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
** Monetizing the Entire Forum **

I am considering the monetization of the entire forum (meaning people will get rewards for original content posted, in all of our topics).

For now however I am starting a beta test:  monetization has been enabled in this forum thread.

To participate please paste your BBP address into the "Forum Rewards" field here:

Monetization should start in about 6 hours.

You will see a cherry in your posts once you get paid for the post (with the amount rewarded) next to it.

The details of each payment will also be in in the deposit report.

My goal is to get this thread up to 1million views. 

This sounds pretty cool! Trying it out to see what happens. I pray that God blesses the intent here with BBP and that we're able to shine a bright light into the seemingly dark world of cryptocurrency mining and trading!

1000 BBP
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 09:46:01 AM by Rob Andrews »