Bible Pay

Read 361427 times

  • oncoapop
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    • 17
    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #45 on: March 26, 2019, 10:07:05 PM »
I see in 'exec prominence' im the only one with a nickname.  We added the feature in this version to allow you to re-force your CPK with a nick.

'exec cpk nickname true' (true means force).  Note, you have to pick a new nickname if its in use.

Then do the exec prominence again and see if it picks it up.

Prominence is our leaderboard.

(The digit scale is fixed).

I can find my nickname on  cli exec getcampaigns
  "campaign DUMMY": "DUMMY",
  "campaign POG": "POG",
  "member [oncoapop]yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4": "yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4",
  "member []yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "member []yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "member [randrews2]yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w": "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w",
  "member []yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "member []ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "member []ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "member [randrews]ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "member []yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "member []yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk"

Address appears in campaigns but not in leaderboard

cli exec prominence
  "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS [N/A] - 22118.00": 0.17,
  "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9 [N/A] - 2545762.00": 19.22,
  "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w [randrews2] - 7278035.00": 54.94,
  "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo [N/A] - 2373441.00": 17.92,
  "yboD6R7BNsYprPh3VutRYo9miVvNx7qurC [N/A] - 211051.00": 1.59,
  "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1 [N/A] - 387274.00": 2.92,
  "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW [N/A] - 63873.00": 0.48,
  "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk [N/A] - 365706.00": 2.76

Changing the nickname
cli exec cpk oncoapop
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": false,
  "Error": "Sorry, NickName is already taken."
Good. duplicate names are prevented.

bbpd@testnet:~$ cli exec cpk "onco12&23\45" true
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": true

Let's see how it takes characters in nickname

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2019, 11:15:10 PM »
I can find my nickname on  cli exec getcampaigns
  "campaign DUMMY": "DUMMY",
  "campaign POG": "POG",
  "member [oncoapop]yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4": "yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4",
  "member []yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "member []yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "member [randrews2]yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w": "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w",
  "member []yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "member []ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "member []ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "member [randrews]ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "member []yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "member []yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk"

Address appears in campaigns but not in leaderboard

cli exec prominence
  "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS [N/A] - 22118.00": 0.17,
  "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9 [N/A] - 2545762.00": 19.22,
  "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w [randrews2] - 7278035.00": 54.94,
  "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo [N/A] - 2373441.00": 17.92,
  "yboD6R7BNsYprPh3VutRYo9miVvNx7qurC [N/A] - 211051.00": 1.59,
  "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1 [N/A] - 387274.00": 2.92,
  "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW [N/A] - 63873.00": 0.48,
  "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk [N/A] - 365706.00": 2.76

Changing the nickname
cli exec cpk oncoapop
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": false,
  "Error": "Sorry, NickName is already taken."
Good. duplicate names are prevented.

bbpd@testnet:~$ cli exec cpk "onco12&23\45" true
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": true

Let's see how it takes characters in nickname

Nice work! It appears to strip them out...

 cli exec getcampaigns
  "campaign DUMMY": "DUMMY",
  "campaign POG": "POG",
  "member [onco122345]yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4": "yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4",
  "member []yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "member []yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "member [randrews2]yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w": "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w",
  "member []yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "member []ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "member []ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "member [randrews]ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "member []yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "member []yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk"

  • oncoapop
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    • 171

    • 17
    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #47 on: March 27, 2019, 12:17:35 AM »
Also, someone can test Adding a fake proposal, and once it is in the chain and list, then vote on the proposal.

I tried to add proposal on on testnet
Used this as the receiving address "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo"
and this is the result
Invalid receiving address. [test]

Is there a way to create a proposal using command line?

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #48 on: March 27, 2019, 09:11:04 AM »
I tried to add proposal on on testnet
Used this as the receiving address "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo"
and this is the result
Invalid receiving address. [test]

Is there a way to create a proposal using command line?

Hi!  Thanks for testing.

Are you sure you had the receiving address in that field?  I added one from the UI yesterday morning and it went in.  Could you please try again from the UI, and if it doesnt work, give me the amount and the actual URL you used also?

No, currently no way to enter one from the command line.  Just from QT or the Pool.

Also, you do have to wait 6 blocks once you see it enter, so please dont shut the wallet down after you enter it - just keep going back to the add page and reading the bottom status caption.

EDIT:  Ok, I just entered a 2nd one and it worked, you might have had a space in the receiving address or something.  I used this testnet URL as my url.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 09:38:45 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #49 on: March 27, 2019, 09:36:58 AM »
I can find my nickname on  cli exec getcampaigns
Code: [Select]
  "campaign DUMMY": "DUMMY",
  "campaign POG": "POG",
  "member [[b]oncoapop[/b]]yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4": "yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4",
  "member []yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "member []yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "member [randrews2]yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w": "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w",
  "member []yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "member []ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "member []ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "member [randrews]ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "member []yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "member []yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk"

[b][u]Address appears in campaigns but not in leaderboard[/u][/b]

cli exec prominence
  "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS [N/A] - 22118.00": 0.17,
  "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9 [N/A] - 2545762.00": 19.22,
  "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w [randrews2] - 7278035.00": 54.94,
  "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo [N/A] - 2373441.00": 17.92,
  "yboD6R7BNsYprPh3VutRYo9miVvNx7qurC [N/A] - 211051.00": 1.59,
  "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1 [N/A] - 387274.00": 2.92,
  "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW [N/A] - 63873.00": 0.48,
  "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk [N/A] - 365706.00": 2.76

[b][u]Changing the nickname[/u][/b]
cli exec cpk oncoapop
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": false,
  "Error": "Sorry, NickName is already taken."
Good. duplicate names are prevented.

bbpd@testnet:~$ cli exec cpk "onco12&23\45" true
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": true
Let's see how it takes characters in nickname

Thanks a lot for your help.  10-4 on the positive parts.

I added a punchlist item to verify why nicks appear in exec campaigns and not in exec prominence (it might be intentional due to the way this new system has better data integrity for each superblock, but either way Ill investigate that).  Things look pretty good overall.

Waiting for this next superblock to hit... Block 3095, 100 more blocks.

Then we will know if daily GSC superblocks are being paid.  (For the first time).

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2019, 10:16:45 AM »
Hi!  Thanks for testing.

Are you sure you had the receiving address in that field?  I added one from the UI yesterday morning and it went in.  Could you please try again from the UI, and if it doesnt work, give me the amount and the actual URL you used also?

No, currently no way to enter one from the command line.  Just from QT or the Pool.

Also, you do have to wait 6 blocks once you see it enter, so please dont shut the wallet down after you enter it - just keep going back to the add page and reading the bottom status caption.

EDIT:  Ok, I just entered a 2nd one and it worked, you might have had a space in the receiving address or something.  I used this testnet URL as my url.

Maybe I am doing something wrong? Output for all is Invalid receiving address. [test]. My pool balance is 0 though.

Note:   ** [test] Note: Each new Proposal costs 2500 BBP. Please do not Save the proposal unless you agree to pay 2500 BBP **
Proposal Name   
Testnet Test proposal from Pool
Funding Receiving Address   (tried the following >2500 BBP balance addresses)
Proposal Amount   
Discussion URL
Expense Type:   IT

Invalid receiving address. [test]

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2019, 10:21:39 AM »
Maybe I am doing something wrong? Output for all is Invalid receiving address. [test]. My pool balance is 0 though.

Note:   ** [test] Note: Each new Proposal costs 2500 BBP. Please do not Save the proposal unless you agree to pay 2500 BBP **
Proposal Name   
Testnet Test proposal from Pool
Funding Receiving Address   (tried the following >2500 BBP balance addresses)
Proposal Amount   
Discussion URL
Expense Type:   IT

Invalid receiving address. [test]

Ohhhh ok, 0 balance, OK, we must have a bad error message when it does not have enough for the minimum collateral! 

EDIT: I just realized you said "pool balance", and you obviously have tBBP.

I just added a check in the wallet for a minimum of 2500 bbp in order to create a proposal.

One sec...

« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 10:32:43 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2019, 10:36:20 AM »
Ohhhh ok, 0 balance, OK, we must have a bad error message when it does not have enough for the minimum collateral! 

EDIT: I just realized you said "pool balance", and you obviously have tBBP.

I just added a check in the wallet for a minimum of 2500 bbp in order to create a proposal.

One sec...

Ok, I just realized you were testing this from the Pool.

(You dont have to test the pool, as I know that part works - although yes we should test Evo against the pool a little later for sanity sake but I dont have the pool daemon pointed to Evo yet).

But yeah I would like to test Adding a proposal through the QT wallet, and voting on a proposal.

(I added a couple to the qt wallet and was able to vote on them but more eyes are better).

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2019, 12:41:21 PM »
I can find my nickname on  cli exec getcampaigns
  "campaign DUMMY": "DUMMY",
  "campaign POG": "POG",
  "member [oncoapop]yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4": "yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4",
  "member []yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "member []yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "member [randrews2]yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w": "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w",
  "member []yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "member []ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "member []ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "member [randrews]ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "member []yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "member []yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-DUMMY-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ybywyyKM2GaBQchYM72fnVYEk5vVBF9Yvf",
  "campaign-POG-member": "ygNZ6UjvRt6kRShw5X1hwFuv8KaYUJ96Z8",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW",
  "campaign-POG-member": "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk"

Address appears in campaigns but not in leaderboard

cli exec prominence
  "yTTkbxTnZuq7ozZk1xLzSsgZMrHmvVVTYS [N/A] - 22118.00": 0.17,
  "yVERuh8wC1nVatoxcCmL7TysDSqoKXk4e9 [N/A] - 2545762.00": 19.22,
  "yY8tWKFao1Krn4qkiS7FcQmsHdqATRo48w [randrews2] - 7278035.00": 54.94,
  "yYp6yrjpobRTPdqowHTFGpMG8nnEJwYBSo [N/A] - 2373441.00": 17.92,
  "yboD6R7BNsYprPh3VutRYo9miVvNx7qurC [N/A] - 211051.00": 1.59,
  "ybp7dgG47SXPou2Lruxu1RRtV5v9ZkuAB1 [N/A] - 387274.00": 2.92,
  "yiWrpMBA8YXfVmxntAgZZ1dh18ueaBerbW [N/A] - 63873.00": 0.48,
  "yjYjk8edWJLX1Rubu3CtYFJjETJuB65gDk [N/A] - 365706.00": 2.76

Changing the nickname
cli exec cpk oncoapop
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": false,
  "Error": "Sorry, NickName is already taken."
Good. duplicate names are prevented.

bbpd@testnet:~$ cli exec cpk "onco12&23\45" true
  "Command": "cpk",
  "Results": true

Let's see how it takes characters in nickname

So I checked on this one, and everything is fine - here is the reason:  Your nick (oncoapop) (plus the new suffix) is part of the CPK record (and has been updated).

The prominence report pulls the state of our campaign miners as of the Last superblock through Last Superblock minus 205 blocks (IE that is the window that will be Paid next).  The issue is the current 'exec prominence' didnt pick up Oncoapop yMjm7qwu2pQ3xRwtxu6qcGrdzdtCTPgcU4 GSC Transmission yet (you might be in exec prominence under another key though).

So another words, if Oncoapop made a GSC transmission after block 2890, you will see yourself in prominence after that superblock is paid (IE after block 3095 is paid, you should see Oncoa in *that* prominence).

Next, I only found one bug in Smart-Contract server today, and I just fixed it and it requires an upgrade (in todays build).

So I think everyone can hold off now til this is built (unless you are testing other parts of Evo, or the proposals entry and voting).

« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 12:43:08 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2019, 02:06:22 PM » Mandatory Upgrade

- Show GSC Transmission icon on txlist
- Fix bug preventing GSC contract from being auto-created and auto-voted
- Fix bug showing StatusBar warning for Sanc-Version-mismatch

  • oncoapop
  • Full Member

    • 171

    • 17
    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #55 on: March 27, 2019, 02:09:25 PM »
Ok, I just realized you were testing this from the Pool.

(You dont have to test the pool, as I know that part works - although yes we should test Evo against the pool a little later for sanity sake but I dont have the pool daemon pointed to Evo yet).

But yeah I would like to test Adding a proposal through the QT wallet, and voting on a proposal.

(I added a couple to the qt wallet and was able to vote on them but more eyes are better).

Sorry, was not familiar with that procedure. Thank you for clarifying. I fired up the biblepay-qt on the VPS using X-windows (didn't know I could do it! so glad I tried - learnt something new!).

I also voted for the first and against the second proposal using the GUI and made a third proposal:

Successfully Prepared Proposal 2aa3b879374e76c41da4ce90371a61250dea8aa56207bb60ff225fd05b08b520.   NOTE: You must wait 6 confirms for the proposal to be submitted.  Please check back on this page periodically to ensure a successful transmission and that no error message is listed in the bottom area of the page.  Thank you for using the BiblePay Governance System.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #56 on: March 27, 2019, 02:16:03 PM »
Sorry, was not familiar with that procedure. Thank you for clarifying. I fired up the biblepay-qt on the VPS using X-windows (didn't know I could do it! so glad I tried - learnt something new!).

I also voted for the first and against the second proposal using the GUI and made a third proposal:

Successfully Prepared Proposal 2aa3b879374e76c41da4ce90371a61250dea8aa56207bb60ff225fd05b08b520.   NOTE: You must wait 6 confirms for the proposal to be submitted.  Please check back on this page periodically to ensure a successful transmission and that no error message is listed in the bottom area of the page.  Thank you for using the BiblePay Governance System.

Sweet! I'm upgrading all of mine now, will look.

Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #57 on: March 27, 2019, 03:03:36 PM » Mandatory Upgrade

- Show GSC Transmission icon on txlist
- Fix bug preventing GSC contract from being auto-created and auto-voted
- Fix bug showing StatusBar warning for Sanc-Version-mismatch

It may be annoying but posting the link is helpful if you don't mind :)

Ehh nevermind, it's easy enough on the first post..

  • oncoapop
  • Full Member

    • 171

    • 17
    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2019, 03:22:31 PM »
It may be annoying but posting the link is helpful if you don't mind :)

Can use the following script, given the frequency of performing upgrades in testnet environment.


cd ~/biblepay-evolution
git pull origin master
cd src

Re: TestNet - BiblePay-Evolution & GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2019, 03:29:46 PM »
Can use the following script, given the frequency of performing upgrades in testnet environment.


cd ~/biblepay-evolution
git pull origin master
cd src

I'm runnin on windows so can't do that... could do a batch script i suppose.