Bible Pay

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  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #210 on: May 20, 2021, 12:09:17 PM »
highriskbbpstake 1000000 31 1

  "BBP UTXO": "aeb552f14822481044d62cb2113299a3f2e108ad6f0b8f2c64ed53c79f1fbeb9-15",
  "BBP Address": "yQjboQHyyRAPWbwE3ZXNwc5LH5ZgCeh3TA",
  "BBP Amount": 4999849.8155,
  "Commitment Days": 31,
  "DWU": 194.7211631656014,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 31 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 1995.503500064616,
  "UTXO Value": 2180.162034868621,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "6979fdab69635be8c3b2a7ec77ac27165ba45cb291b60cb840dc82d73b99d611"

So, Rob, I want to draw your attention back to the UTXO stake I did earlier, as I think I may have identified a bug, or it was just some weird glitch for me. Firstly, I put the stake for 1 mil bbp in the actual control window, as you can see, but it says I staked a total of 4.99 something million bbp instead, all of what was in the wallet I sent the stake from. I have no idea why this is, but it does make sense why I was having trouble adding to the UTXO, as I was completely out of tbbp. Also, I did spend the UTXO stake, and, as you pointed out, it burned 50% of the stake as a punishment for taking it out early. I tried withdrawing more that I had, and that was rejected, as well as withdrawing more than my stake altogether. However, maybe you could add a feature where, if someone tries to withdraw from a UTXO stake and the fee would make it so that they have an insufficient balance to finish the transaction, you could say that in the window, so the user knows why they don't have a high enough balance, whenever it might look to some like they do have enough for it to go through. Very easy, and I like the reward/risk factor to it. I did just want to point out, though, that I didn't get the 10 mm you had said you would send so I could keep testing. Not an issue, just letting you know. Also, I am a man :). I will be doing my own nft soon, and I already bought one through the command prompt, will try to buy one through the site in a bit.  I will also look into testing the BiblePay University quiz feature. Quick side note, when do you think that C# will be implemented? I see that the roadmap puts it at the end of the year, but I know that all of that can shift based on other factors. I am really looking forward to it, and I think that it will really change the way this currency is able to be used.
May God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #211 on: May 20, 2021, 12:49:57 PM »
So, Rob, I want to draw your attention back to the UTXO stake I did earlier, as I think I may have identified a bug, or it was just some weird glitch for me. Firstly, I put the stake for 1 mil bbp in the actual control window, as you can see, but it says I staked a total of 4.99 something million bbp instead, all of what was in the wallet I sent the stake from. I have no idea why this is, but it does make sense why I was having trouble adding to the UTXO, as I was completely out of tbbp. Also, I did spend the UTXO stake, and, as you pointed out, it burned 50% of the stake as a punishment for taking it out early. I tried withdrawing more that I had, and that was rejected, as well as withdrawing more than my stake altogether. However, maybe you could add a feature where, if someone tries to withdraw from a UTXO stake and the fee would make it so that they have an insufficient balance to finish the transaction, you could say that in the window, so the user knows why they don't have a high enough balance, whenever it might look to some like they do have enough for it to go through. Very easy, and I like the reward/risk factor to it. I did just want to point out, though, that I didn't get the 10 mm you had said you would send so I could keep testing. Not an issue, just letting you know. Also, I am a man :). I will be doing my own nft soon, and I already bought one through the command prompt, will try to buy one through the site in a bit.  I will also look into testing the BiblePay University quiz feature. Quick side note, when do you think that C# will be implemented? I see that the roadmap puts it at the end of the year, but I know that all of that can shift based on other factors. I am really looking forward to it, and I think that it will really change the way this currency is able to be used.
May God bless,

Hello bro. Twinkle (thanks for letting me know), yes, so first on the fact that it consumed all 5MM:  This is not a bug, but it is a deficiency in our documentation.  When a user does any type of stake, the wallet looks for any coin *above* the min_bbp_amount (and less than 10MM) and tries to use it (and it does display the proposed amount in dry run mode, but like I said its not too intuitive).  If a user bankrolls first, then obviously it will be picking coins of more accurate value.  It cant pick any arbitrary amount because the nature of a UTXO is 'one unspent output'.  Yes we definitely need better docs for that part.

So on the error message, ill add a todo right now to show a better message if the user tries to spend too much from the UI when spending a locked coin.. (I added 4 help messages earlier this morning based on the prior suggestions).

On not getting the tBBP, I sent it to the yqJb* address you posted from your successful utxo stake.  Could you do me a favor?
 Please run 'getrawtransaction 145db7df6b8a7ea0fa53f6fc8ada2c89a542781b1ae5866c8c50d51622df1f9b 1" and see if you can see the transaction?  I want to make sure everyone stays in sync.  That is one of your wallet addresses isnt it?

Thats cool you bought an NFT, you should now see the nft in your Owned NFT list.

On c#, I agree, Im very zealous about c#, I used to be a c# programmer for a long time.  I would love to make it easier for c# organizations to integrate with the block chain.
As a matter of fact, we have two projects that use c# and move us to completion on that item.  I believe once these two are finished, we will have fulfilled the roadmap entry as well.  I think, if Im not mistaken and being too optimistic, I still think we might hit the deadline by the end of the year.
First of all, please read project 1, unchained:
This one allows a c# org to host the biblepay.dll on their web server:

Note that by finishing this, and adding our constitution-protecting and freedom-fighter features located here:
(And be pre-warned that site is still not ready for comments because of my current derailment on Mac builds and Harvest builds, but it is close),
my point is once that thread is open for testing, theoretically we will fast-track c# development to be 95% complete by the end of the year (hopefully).

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #212 on: May 20, 2021, 03:39:07 PM »
So, it is weird, I can't see the transaction, it says that it is not one I have participated in, and also the headers at the bottom of the wallet are still syncing, and have been for the last like 6 hours. I have tried restarting, reloading, etc. but it is not working to get the headers syncing. Also, the nft has not showed up in my wallet yet, but it is off of the store page, and it says I sent the funds. It is like I can send funds, but I don't get anything? kind of odd. Btw, that address is not saved at all in my profile, and I don't even know how the UTXO got it, as the only address I ever get stuff is the CPK, which is yUYSsCGvXhyWhRhzaEPiB3UXHPsGuGaSfD   I looked within my other deposits (from the UTXO, and the other returned fees from such), and they all were received with a different wallet according to the ledger, but I only have two receiving addresses, so I don't know from where I received them. The UTXO stake and the fees say they have not been confirmed (0 times confirmed, actually). All of this seems to stem from the wallet not updating itself or syncing with the system. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, thanks for sharing the stuff about applying C#, looks really promising.
May God bless,

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #213 on: May 20, 2021, 04:03:58 PM »
So, I tried to buy an nft on the main shop page through, and, even after putting in my testnet CPK address, it said the nft "couldn't be found" each time I tried to buy one. Is this because I don't have enough bbp in my account? I literally have none in the foundation account, so maybe that is why it is returning that message? I guess a different way of saying it is if the foundation.biblepay account is what the nft is bought through? I still haven't gotten the wallet synced yet, so that is annoying. Also, the bbp university feature seems to work really well, my only question on it is whether the "review" mode is supposed to be unlimited for tests. It seems all too easy for someone to just look at all of the answers, copy them down, and then put them in with the test mode on. Lastly, thanks for taking my suggestions on more documentation for staking procedures.
May God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #214 on: May 20, 2021, 07:14:29 PM »
So, I tried to buy an nft on the main shop page through, and, even after putting in my testnet CPK address, it said the nft "couldn't be found" each time I tried to buy one. Is this because I don't have enough bbp in my account? I literally have none in the foundation account, so maybe that is why it is returning that message? I guess a different way of saying it is if the foundation.biblepay account is what the nft is bought through? I still haven't gotten the wallet synced yet, so that is annoying. Also, the bbp university feature seems to work really well, my only question on it is whether the "review" mode is supposed to be unlimited for tests. It seems all too easy for someone to just look at all of the answers, copy them down, and then put them in with the test mode on. Lastly, thanks for taking my suggestions on more documentation for staking procedures.
May God bless,

Aha, yes I realize there are many quirks with NFTs, especially since its in testnet and not deployed yet.  So you just reminded me... We are checking the "prod mainnet balance" when you go to buy an NFT... Hang on a sec, there is no way to deposit tBBP into the foundation either.  So heres what I will do - for now, I am disabling the Balance check (when buying an nft) in foundation.biblepay... So this means the 'pool' will pay for it (in real tBBP) but it wont charge you.  Now you should be able to do that test.

But first before doing anything else we need to get to the bottom of the syncing problem.  I think you might be out of sync.  No use testing anything else until we check this first (as NFTs require the chain to be synced).  Can you please type 'getblockhash 91260'?

getblockhash 91260


Im checking my three sancs and they are agreeing with my main terminal; are you on btw?  (Tools | Info)?  If you are out of sync it could have to do with our chainlocks stopping today - I restarted all 3 of my sancs in order to re-jump this.   If you *are* definitely out of sync, please restart with "./biblepay-qt -testnet=1 -erasechain=1".  Our chain requires a clean start on every governance file etc.

Regarding that address I used earlier, I think that was your change address--first let me know you are synced and I will send you 10MM more to your original CPK.  Ok I sent you 10MM to your original pasted address:  yUYSsCGvXhyWhRhzaEPiB3UXHPsGuGaSfD

Btw check to see if you have peer connections in Tools | Peers also?

On BBPU, thank you.  Yes, for right now they can study as much as they want in review mode.  They basically are being trusted to 'learn the course'.  Believe it or not, our simulator is much better than the original instruction format (You literally send the university a printed sheet of answers on your behalf and have access to the answer key) -- at least we have a simulator, lol.  But yes these finer things can be fixed over time after I see a few people actually taking exams, yes definitely.  Anyway Im glad you like the simulator, thanks!  I feel it helps teach the gospel in a way that is more exciting than just reading the course material.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2021, 07:18:07 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #215 on: May 21, 2021, 08:44:53 AM »
So on trying to spend a high risk stake early and seeing a pop up error containing "insufficient funds", I see what you guys mean that the box comes up FIRST  --  way before the warning about how much we will take from the tx.

Know that when I wrote the code, it worked the opposite of that, thats why I couldnt fathom that it worked in this confusing way.

Yes, we need to show the warning box first with all the verbiage!

I will change this now.  FIXED for next version.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 09:06:12 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #216 on: May 21, 2021, 09:52:56 AM »
Alright, so a couple of things happened. First of all, I confirmed that I was out of sync with the rest of the nodes, so I went into the repair wallet portion of the wallet and selected the option to rescan and rewrite blockchain blocks, or reset the chain over again. It worked really well, and I am now synced. Secondly, I actually got both of the payments of 10 mil tbbp that you had sent, neither of them showed up until I synced the chain, so I thought that the first one had just not gone to my wallet. So, let me know where you want me to send the extra 10 mil back to you. Also, the nft shows up in my account now, and I am in the process of buying another one from the store, and will likely try to make my own later today.
May God bless,

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #217 on: May 21, 2021, 10:10:13 AM »
Just wanted to point out, though, that the easybbpstake seems to be having a hard time whenever I try to start one in testnet. It says "CAN'T FIND UTXO", even after I have bankrolled coins, etc. What do you think I should do to try and get it working? Also, can you change what address you put a stake from, or does it have to be your CPK, and, if that is the case, how do you consolidate you coins again after you have bankrolled them (ie. if I bankrolled all of my coins so the amount for staking is super divided, and I decide that I want to re-combine those coins, how do I go about doing so?). Lastly, each time I click on buy it now within the foundation nft page, it says "NFT not found". The command prompt buying of the nft worked great. I do have my testnet CPK as my foundation.bbp address, too, just so you know.
May God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #218 on: May 21, 2021, 12:18:20 PM »
Alright, so a couple of things happened. First of all, I confirmed that I was out of sync with the rest of the nodes, so I went into the repair wallet portion of the wallet and selected the option to rescan and rewrite blockchain blocks, or reset the chain over again. It worked really well, and I am now synced. Secondly, I actually got both of the payments of 10 mil tbbp that you had sent, neither of them showed up until I synced the chain, so I thought that the first one had just not gone to my wallet. So, let me know where you want me to send the extra 10 mil back to you. Also, the nft shows up in my account now, and I am in the process of buying another one from the store, and will likely try to make my own later today.
May God bless,
Hi Bro. Twinkle, God bless you too.
Obviously Im a little concerned that you went out of sync, but not concerned at an emergency level because Ive seen my 4 nodes stay in sync, so I think it had something to do with your node not having enough gov. data to 'honor' the chainlock, and normally chainlocks will never cease in prod anyway.  I took down 90% of our sancs simultaneously and that caused them all to miss the quorum.  They never did recover yet!  But Ill look into that soon, I think they take a full 24 hours simply because of the duration of the llmq quorum...  Thats good you got the full amount yeah I think I sent it to your change address (the dash wallet makes up a new change address with change every time you send a tx) - dont worry about sending it back, I have over 175mm in the wallet in tnet.  Thats great your nft showed up!  There is also a place in the pool, that allows you to see the nfts you bought:

(We dont have this on the menu yet, until ready to go to prod)...  Btw, theoretically the "Hi Quality URL" will be populated with the actual NFT URL that you purchased, and that Hi Qual URL is not visible when shopping..

Give me a few mins to look at the other issue, thanks.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #219 on: May 21, 2021, 12:25:38 PM »
Just wanted to point out, though, that the easybbpstake seems to be having a hard time whenever I try to start one in testnet. It says "CAN'T FIND UTXO", even after I have bankrolled coins, etc. What do you think I should do to try and get it working? Also, can you change what address you put a stake from, or does it have to be your CPK, and, if that is the case, how do you consolidate you coins again after you have bankrolled them (ie. if I bankrolled all of my coins so the amount for staking is super divided, and I decide that I want to re-combine those coins, how do I go about doing so?). Lastly, each time I click on buy it now within the foundation nft page, it says "NFT not found". The command prompt buying of the nft worked great. I do have my testnet CPK as my foundation.bbp address, too, just so you know.
May God bless,

Hi Twinkle,
So first of all Id like to help get to the bottom of the reason that you cant create a new stake.  There are only 2 reqs:  1) That you have a free coin (not locked) between 10K-10MM, and 2) that you have an EXTRA coin from 1-10K available.  When you bankroll, we always give you 10 extra coins, so you should have them, just take a look at what you have in coin control.  If your coins are below 10k or above 10MM they wont work.  Then try typing a smaller value than your coin, for example if they are 200K, then do 'easybbp stake 199000 1' for example. 

Right now you must stake to your CPK-- however, I am looking into creating a 'retirement account service for Christians'.  This demand was slightly revealed by a few inquiries Ive heard (one org wants UTXOs to be created as Prizes for people who fulfill milestones), so if we can somehow Package this as a service then we can give you a configurable option to stake to a specific address.

Consolidating should not be a problem-- lets say you stake 5 coins and they are locked.  And you go for 50 days with 50 GSC rewards coming in to your CPK.  To consolidate you just type 'bankroll 5 100' for example to give you 5 coins instead of 50.  I dont have a problem in prod for example doing that now and I am running quite a few sancs that get rewards etc.

Could you please give me the NFT ID of the one that says 'not found'?  (Its on the NFTBrowse page, the first 8 chars are next to buy it now).  It could be that you bought that one and its not in a block yet, or it could be a problem.

Also if you want to test greeting cards, that would be helpful as no one tested CSV greeting card batches yet.  There should be a lot about single greeting cards about 5 pages back.

NOTE: Although Im happy the wallet tools resync worked, I still recommend -erasechain=1 for our coin as people have had some problems with govdata.  Bitcoins -reindex routine just fixes your blocks and leaves the govdata in a totally random state.  Actually I need to put erasechain on the menu... adding a todo.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 12:30:19 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • earlzmoade
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Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #220 on: May 21, 2021, 01:59:53 PM »

Hi Earlz,

Sweet, yes looks relatively solid, although I think I will go ahead and make a google sheet to track 10 of them over a little duration just so we can see the icons change too.
On the 48-49% penalty, thats good,  sounds good, I did end up capping the penalty at 50% just to give the user an incentive to terminate it for the extra cash (rather than keep it to the end)
 cause who would terminate it  (while reaping from our daily kitty) if we penalized them 80%+ etc.  So basically, we penalize them at double what we believe it costed us, but we cap it at 50% no matter when the fault occurs.

Yes your other highrisk stakes look good too.   Im not too concerned about any risk about continually paying someone for a stake they spent (because the code is solid that detects spent utxos), although Im definitely concerned about the ability to "covertly spend a high risk stake" and not pay the fee.  I thought about this extensively , and I believe we have it covered.  Basically heres what would happen:  If you spend a high risk stake from the UI, the transaction will not be created unless the (burn-network-fee) is included, and if someone were to forge or falsify a fake version of biblepay, and drop one hex version of the tx on the network, the other nodes would reject that tx in the memory pool.  Same thing would happen if they create a binary transaction from the RPC and try to spend that coin - the tx will be rejected in the mempool.  So that risk should be eliminated.

Now all I have to do is make the spreadsheet for the sake of verifying the icons and spend status.
Did you take a look at the icon state of each of your high risk stakes in coin control?  You should see a DOVE for the one(s) that are Fulfilled (and free to spend), and a chain-hard-drive looking icon for the ones that are not fulfilled yet?

I feeel pretty good about referral codes also.  From what I can see, there is no attack vector possible (if someone uses too many codes, they get capped at 10% of the portfolio size).  If many codes are attached, they are capped.  If people share codes among friends, they are capped.   Just to clarify, codes are also limited to one distinct code per direction per cpk, so there is no unfair advantage among any player, either.   Additionally, this reward is decreasing over 700 days at the decay factor  - basically my feeling is we ramp up some referral code reward activity now for the next two years and that sort of gets phased out as the portfolios age and this is our chance to popularize biblepay.  Obviously these are assessed at the sanc level so there is no risk of anyone falsifying a greater referral code than another...

So yeah I will take care of the spreadsheet next, do you have any other concerns in this version?

I also need to make that CSV wiki for us right now so we can test csv greeting cards.


Evenin Brother Rob.

Did you take a look at the icon state of each of your high risk stakes in coin control?  You should see a DOVE for the one(s) that are Fulfilled (and free to spend), and a chain-hard-drive looking icon for the ones that are not fulfilled yet?

Indeed, i think the icons looks just fine, easy to see diffrence between normal stake and highriskstake and ofcourse aswell the dove for the fulfilled ones easy to spot aswell. Thumbs up from me.

So yeah I will take care of the spreadsheet next, do you have any other concerns in this version?

The user experience feels smooth, the core wallet responsive and all. The new interface right up my alley..

I have one thing i was thinking of, if its possible to add the penalty bbp fee in USD aswell in the popup window  for the final confirmation, something like: "Biblepay will charge 100 000 bbp (50 USD) for this transaction"
Just thought could be sweet to have the fee in USD aswell.

Talk to you later, have a great weekend.

Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #221 on: May 21, 2021, 02:34:15 PM »
Evenin Brother Rob.

Indeed, i think the icons looks just fine, easy to see diffrence between normal stake and highriskstake and ofcourse aswell the dove for the fulfilled ones easy to spot aswell. Thumbs up from me.

The user experience feels smooth, the core wallet responsive and all. The new interface right up my alley..

I have one thing i was thinking of, if its possible to add the penalty bbp fee in USD aswell in the popup window  for the final confirmation, something like: "Biblepay will charge 100 000 bbp (50 USD) for this transaction"
Just thought could be sweet to have the fee in USD aswell.

Talk to you later, have a great weekend.

Hi Bro Earlz,

Thanks for the compliments, I like the dark theme too for a while, it reminds me of 'hungry startups'.  And I agree on the speed, I think Dash did some architectural improvements in that area that remove some unecessary wallet locks as it is much faster when processing a large number of transactions (for example in my home wallet on the pc, it takes a couple seconds to get through the tx list refresh but on Harvest, things are immediately snappy).

Yes thats a really good idea about the penalty amount in USD.   I just added it to both dialogs.

When you get a chance are you interested in testing the Batch Greeting Card send?  You just need a csv file with about 5 entries for example.  I did one over here and it worked but of course Im looking for alternative eyes etc.  I could see myself using this feature at Christmas and sending everyone I know a virtual card.

Im glad you like the icons, I think we are getting warmer with these UTXOs.  All we need is some corporate interest, and I think it can become a real service.
Imagine if a company issued retirement accounts for their employees, or really anything is possible, now that crypto is breaking out into the common world...

Im almost ready to merge in Stellar and Ripple-- will post more about that soon.

I have a question Earlz since you are a big Monero guy, you know we have access to all the monero utxo info but I realize once you send a tx it becomes a stealth address.  Do you know much about this cause this is where my knowledge falls short.  We could make a BBP UTXO for monero if we track a stealth address and an amount.  Is it plausible for the user to access the stealth address if they create a dedicated monero wallet on their end and load it with a customized value (one that ends with our pin)?

« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 02:37:07 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #222 on: May 21, 2021, 04:16:10 PM »
So, I tried the easybbpstake, and it worked just fine, no issues at all. I literally tried all of the nft's on the actual website page, and they said "nft not found" on a message page after. Again, whenever buying through the actual command option, it worked totally fine. Also, I will try the greeting cards tomorrow probably, as well as make a nft then too just of some picture or something, see if it lists correctly. Lastly, the prompt inside of the wallet to see all of your owned nft's works well too. The one of the deer that I bought does say it is not marketable in the prompt, though, not sure if that is correct or not, or how to edit that portion of the nft. Lastly, just a suggestion, maybe there could be another line within the nft dropdown of "see all available nfts", and that is a hyperlink to the actual nft store page on foundation.biblepay. Just an idea, might make it so that users can find how to buy nft's easier.
May God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #223 on: May 22, 2021, 09:30:26 AM »
So, I tried the easybbpstake, and it worked just fine, no issues at all. I literally tried all of the nft's on the actual website page, and they said "nft not found" on a message page after. Again, whenever buying through the actual command option, it worked totally fine. Also, I will try the greeting cards tomorrow probably, as well as make a nft then too just of some picture or something, see if it lists correctly. Lastly, the prompt inside of the wallet to see all of your owned nft's works well too. The one of the deer that I bought does say it is not marketable in the prompt, though, not sure if that is correct or not, or how to edit that portion of the nft. Lastly, just a suggestion, maybe there could be another line within the nft dropdown of "see all available nfts", and that is a hyperlink to the actual nft store page on foundation.biblepay. Just an idea, might make it so that users can find how to buy nft's easier.
May God bless,

Hi Bro Twinkle,
So on the NFT not found, I was able to reproduce this as my foundation user, and yes they are all not found.  I will work on this issue next.

10-4 on easybbpstake working (I assume maybe the high risk one had too high of an amount selected or something) - yes on a side note having a GUI tab - would be nice in order to take care of all that for the user.   Ill see if we can squeeze that in before go-live (July 10th or so). 

On the 'marketable flag' on that deer, let me explain part of the nft process.  So while you are in ownership of an nft, you control the state of the 'marketable' flag, and the buy it now amount and reserve price.  But whenever you buy an nft, we set the item as not marketable and the price to 0 to keep it out of the marketplace until the user specifcally goes to sell it again.  Yes the 'show all nfts' from the core wallet would be very cool too.  (We do have listnfts 1 1 btw but I understand this would be very good for the gui).

  • Rob Andrews
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Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #224 on: May 22, 2021, 09:46:18 AM »
So, I tried the easybbpstake, and it worked just fine, no issues at all. I literally tried all of the nft's on the actual website page, and they said "nft not found" on a message page after. Again, whenever buying through the actual command option, it worked totally fine. Also, I will try the greeting cards tomorrow probably, as well as make a nft then too just of some picture or something, see if it lists correctly. Lastly, the prompt inside of the wallet to see all of your owned nft's works well too. The one of the deer that I bought does say it is not marketable in the prompt, though, not sure if that is correct or not, or how to edit that portion of the nft. Lastly, just a suggestion, maybe there could be another line within the nft dropdown of "see all available nfts", and that is a hyperlink to the actual nft store page on foundation.biblepay. Just an idea, might make it so that users can find how to buy nft's easier.
May God bless,

Ok, so I found the reason a user can't buy any NFTs:  I apparently broke that function when I added "social media" NFTs.

FIXED, now you should be able to buy one.

(This is a perfect example as to why TESTNET testing has such a high value!)

On a side note you guys might note the real reason we are rolling out NFTs (other than the popularity boost factor).  We want to have Orphan NFTs for cameroon-one available.  Those children will be in a separate page:

We are still working with Cameroon-One on the first set so please don't sponsor these yet.

Great news, Chainlocks and InstantSend is up again!  On a side note if you want to test an LLMQ 7 second tx, just send some BBP somewhere and look for the blue lightning bolt to appear.  Once it appears its IX locked.  You can also see the chainlock by typing 'getblock blockhash' (for one of the more recent blocks).

Its all coming together now!