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Does anyone know Bob personally, and could reach out to him?
Announcements & Fundraisers / Re: Empowerment!
« Last post by MR.A on October 06, 2024, 10:53:58 PM »
In this Christimas and halloween season it is a great opportunity for us. You can amplify it by giving us capital.
Rob, we hope you hop on soon or we can know something about you.
Please don't turn into Satoshi Nakamoto. Any of his team or family plz confirm us if he is unable.

but the hope of us is we are family of 73,377 people as of the time of posting.
Rob are you with us?
Production Proposals / Requesting Help to hope for orphans center kenya
« Last post by joshua oendo on October 02, 2024, 10:15:32 AM »
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,
Receive much greetings from Hope for orphans center kenya . We are writing to seek for your help for the 27orphans under our care.
We seek help to get food, clothing, medical care, bedding, school supplies (books, pens, pencils, school uniforms, tuition fee and writing books)
In the last months the kids have been sent home because of school fee and other materials. The food has not been easy to get  hence this forced us to do one or two meals a day depending how we get it.
We request for your help in getting food and other basic necessities. You can support a child at
May the Lord bless you all as we look forward to work together.

Hi Rob,

Sorry, I didn't see this until now.

Thanks for acknowleding my post.

Yes, you understand what I'm saying.  It's up to you of course.  Its a type of design philosophy, UX as they say these days. 

User Experience (UX) is a big thing today in programming. 

I am upgrading to the wallet that was just released and will get it synced.

Sounds good.
You can always try to create an altar on the new version; and I look forward to our UX project.

Is mobile wallet, ok?
MIP has given some clue in the other thread.
Can you confirm.
I was unable to reach you.
Downloading ,,,,,,,,,,,
Hi CB,

Ok, I think I understand your point.  Your point is that there is going to be low adoption if it requires extremely high technical details to set the wallet to earn rewards.
I think what has happened is over time as we kept changing, we had releases where it was easy at one point but that got replaced by something new, and it became hard again.  Every time we release a new wallet the features that made it easy have been removed again.  It is certainly possible to make an "Easy Altar" feature.

The summarized answer is:
- We do still have rewards for small, mid, and large wallets.  They are altars, sancs and temples.  (All pay the same %s, but are different size collaterals).
- It would be beneficial for us to make an Easy Altar feature.
- Our next wallet is due out within 30 days, and then we have a base that we can add the feature into.

If this sounds right let me know and when the next core wallet is released we can work together in testnet to making something that is easy to set up for a newbie?

Hi Rob,

Sorry, I didn't see this until now.

Thanks for acknowleding my post.

Yes, you understand what I'm saying.  It's up to you of course.  Its a type of design philosophy, UX as they say these days. 

User Experience (UX) is a big thing today in programming. 

I am upgrading to the wallet that was just released and will get it synced. 
Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« Last post by Rob Andrews on August 18, 2024, 03:19:56 PM »
Anyone who wants to test RDP, lets continue testing this feature:

The feature is part of the MainNet wallet.

Please launch it from there and comment here.

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