Hi Rob,
I was thinking about Biblepay today and thought I would share some experience I have being in the space since 2016.
Some coins I notiiced were coins by software guys for other software guys. It was very hard to keep up with the wallet, things were explained as cryptically as possible, using a lot of private jargon and the coins ended up not having very big teams.
Other coins were created by software developers for the general public and those coins tended to do better.
I still have a BBP balance and booted up the wallet to sync, and just wanted to share that with you.
I don't mind not getting anything from running the wallet since staking has been taken away (this is a tangent to my point, maybe it's not taken away, maybe it's called something else, etc.). But like probably most supporters, there are
a lot of things I can do for the Lord and his people. I went to the Jesus march in downtown Seattle yesterday. Only two people in my church went, etc. etc.
I want to support Biblepay, but if it's going to take a big learning curve to use, not sure how much I am going to want to use it as life is complicated enough.
Hi CB,
Ok, I think I understand your point. Your point is that there is going to be low adoption if it requires extremely high technical details to set the wallet to earn rewards.
I think what has happened is over time as we kept changing, we had releases where it was easy at one point but that got replaced by something new, and it became hard again. Every time we release a new wallet the features that made it easy have been removed again. It is certainly possible to make an "Easy Altar" feature.
The summarized answer is:
- We do still have rewards for small, mid, and large wallets. They are altars, sancs and temples. (All pay the same %s, but are different size collaterals).
- It would be beneficial for us to make an Easy Altar feature.
- Our next wallet is due out within 30 days, and then we have a base that we can add the feature into.
If this sounds right let me know and when the next core wallet is released we can work together in testnet to making something that is easy to set up for a newbie?