Bible Pay

Read 157598 times

  • sunk818
  • Developer

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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

Wow, it actually works pretty good. :-*
Windows 10 64-bit.

> Test attaching a document to a new QT Send Transaction

Looks like c:\ is prefixed to the URL.

For example, if I want to upload a file located in --
C:\temp\GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg , QT actually looks for

When I attach file, the URL is file:///C:/temp/GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg

QT wallet responds with IPFS Attachment Failed. IPFS File not found.

If I remove c:/ then the send button works: file:///temp/GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg

I don't know code, but found the error message in src/rpcblockchain.cpp , around line 6400 , something about sPath...

Also, if we if attach file from non C: drive, what will happen. Will need to test again (e.g. attachment is from e: drive)


I uploaded a 21MB video. BiblePay took the file, but there was no progress indicator.

> Test double clicking the transaction list and viewing the attached IPFS file hash

Works with no checkboxes ticked on.

Is there a file size limit or file type restriction? I tried uploading 21MB video. It uploaded okay it seems, but doesn't show up in Transaction Details.

If after ipfs.exe uploads the file, what happens to the file if I decide to not send the transaction. Is the file deleted on the server? Worried about DDoS type of issue where files are uploaded, but no transaction sent.

> Test Opening the IPFS document link

IPFS Document: Navigate to document QmanVaVYE1phtQeQqp23SZk6FM5nWBRu2KD9d6eaGZHV1P 
Transaction ID: ce930cf4b4794964ca69129c7ef51ba99601ba588f055b717036645c34cf2869-000

IPFS Document: Navigate to document QmcUr2WpiEg6ZWwTdHRDfxNVZzwpns7pdoYSQyt46wMHyX 
Transaction ID: 45d826b3e6f24da2dd6379fedf10413dc9dab9132b0b1c390110fe6a7667861e-000

* Make blue link clickable as well under Transaction Details?
* Make a newline so Transaction ID is in its own line after IPFS document
* Maybe instead of blue checkmark icon on left column (for confirmed), have a clickable paper clip icon to indicate there is attachment with transaction?

> Test the fee charged for BiblePay storage

What fee?
> Assess exact root cause of IPFS instability; links are down right now, but worked. Are you going to make HTTPS?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 11:48:09 PM by sunk818 »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ok, there was a firewall rule needed for the ipfs gateway 8080 - fixed.

Ill check out the other stuff in the AM.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ive updated, cleaned and reindexed my testnet server, v1.1.4.7

Code: [Select]
getblockhash 53960

Old notes on setting up Testnet Masternode:

Ive installed ipfs in /home and have the daemon running

Masternode says PRE-ENABLED state, but I just started it again anyways,
"masternode list" shows all other masternodes as NEW_START_REQUIRED?

UPDATE: Masternode ENABLED now

Do we need multiple masternodes enabled to test?


Code: [Select]
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
Search Google for ipfs biblepay org 8080

The ipfs gateway should be up now, can you please try again?

As far as masternodes, the code doesnt enforce anything right now, so as long as we have a few IPFS nodes running we are good.  We can run a command once we have a few successful attachments to ensure these are available on multiple nodes.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Wow, it actually works pretty good. :-*
Windows 10 64-bit.
> Test attaching a document to a new QT Send Transaction
Looks like c:\ is prefixed to the URL.
For example, if I want to upload a file located in --
C:\temp\GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg , QT actually looks for
When I attach file, the URL is file:///C:/temp/GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg

QT wallet responds with IPFS Attachment Failed. IPFS File not found.
If I remove c:/ then the send button works: file:///temp/GatewayArchNP_EN-US13744808809_1366x768.jpg
I don't know code, but found the error message in src/rpcblockchain.cpp , around line 6400 , something about sPath...
Also, if we if attach file from non C: drive, what will happen. Will need to test again (e.g. attachment is from e: drive)


I uploaded a 21MB video. BiblePay took the file, but there was no progress indicator.
> Test double clicking the transaction list and viewing the attached IPFS file hash
Works with no checkboxes ticked on.

Is there a file size limit or file type restriction? I tried uploading 21MB video. It uploaded okay it seems, but doesn't show up in Transaction Details.

If after ipfs.exe uploads the file, what happens to the file if I decide to not send the transaction. Is the file deleted on the server? Worried about DDoS type of issue where files are uploaded, but no transaction sent.

> Test Opening the IPFS document link

IPFS Document: Navigate to document QmanVaVYE1phtQeQqp23SZk6FM5nWBRu2KD9d6eaGZHV1P 
Transaction ID: ce930cf4b4794964ca69129c7ef51ba99601ba588f055b717036645c34cf2869-000

IPFS Document: Navigate to document QmcUr2WpiEg6ZWwTdHRDfxNVZzwpns7pdoYSQyt46wMHyX 
Transaction ID: 45d826b3e6f24da2dd6379fedf10413dc9dab9132b0b1c390110fe6a7667861e-000

* Make blue link clickable as well under Transaction Details?
* Make a newline so Transaction ID is in its own line after IPFS document
* Maybe instead of blue checkmark icon on left column (for confirmed), have a clickable paper clip icon to indicate there is attachment with transaction?

> Test the fee charged for BiblePay storage

What fee?
> Assess exact root cause of IPFS instability; links are down right now, but worked. Are you going to make HTTPS?

Good morning all... :)

"Looks like c:\ is prefixed to the URL."
So on this issue, during programming I was testing against linux and hadn't got into the quirks on windows yet.  So it looks like QT changes backslash to forward slash and prepends with the "file:\\\".  The C, D, E drive prefix is not a problem (thats there because the file picker does support picking from various hard drives).  Really the whole problem can be eliminted in this version if you do this:  After picking the file, remove the "file:\\\" (note the three slashes here).  Thats all the code needs to do on win & linux to get it to work.   YAY!

Wow, a 21 meg file, thats cool, lets see if it plays from our gateway link, can you paste the link?

As far a limit I have it set to 90 Megs right now.  Its not a limit in IPFS.  So we can go higher.
As far as doing whats called 'garbage collection', this is the activity of deleting files that users didnt pay for, I did think of that, and I think we can handle that in this way:  The sancs maintain a directory of files that are paid for.  The rest get garbage collected.

As far as clicking on the link to navigate to the doc from inside the view window:  I originally planned this to work-but due to a limitation in QT the textedit wont let you click external links  (Great) meaning in order to get it to work we have to upgrade the viewport to be like our prayer view page (I think its a rich edit box) and I dont feel like breaking anything yet, so thats why I added the Open Attachment button, :).    So yes this needs to be on our enhancement list. (You can copy the link btw and manually open it).

Newline after txid: OK will do

Paperclip idea to show attachment is preset:  Good idea

So Ill make a new release today with the fix to the file picker, but guys, now that you know the workaround this should not be a showstopper.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

So, if sender & recipient can view attachment only... is this like an extension of signed messages? Does that mean public content will be hosted via IPFS but not required to be peers by BiblePay sanctuaries? M
aking attachments only visible to sender & recipient is very low utility and limited use case don't you think?

IPFS handles illegal content by blocking the hash. I think people will use attachment feature more if content has option to be public. Maybe a checkbox to opt-in making attachment private & encrypted, so only sender & recipient can view. I think if we have issues with illegal content due to higher adoption, this is a good issue to have and can be dealt with if we ever cross that bridge. For now, getting people to join BBP due to innovative feature is important for BBP's survival...

I can't reach the site either, but I was able to see your hi.txt containing hello by using ipfs directly.

I do think you make very good points, although before I delve into the nuances of this, I checked out your link for 'blocking the hash' at ipfs and came to a different conclusion.  I believe IPFS' position on this is not that they will create a blacklist, nor a whilelist, nor a blocked hash blacklist, but instead that IPFS is a protocol and not a store.  Their position is that it is the users responsibility who owns the hardware to determine if they should host a hash.  Meaning that if Im joe six pack, I should be smart enough to not navigate to an x-rated link, but if I do, its up to me to delete that file quickly from my store as I dont want it hosted.

The IPFS architecture is set in a way that if you pull a file from (the IPFS decentralized host network) and do not delete it from your IPFS local store, you are now hosting it-as its now in your repo.  If you dont want copyrighted moves hosted you should not "get" them in the first place.

So my argument here is biblepay is not capable of policing what we store.

Before delving into this, my position by default is that we should not provide a service where one can upload a virus (imagine Not-Petya), or Porn, or an unreleased Movie, into biblepays store (of sancs) unencrypted, in a way where the world at large can download these three things from an association from one of our blocks transactions.  It is simply unresponsible for us to take the position that "oh maybe it wont happen", I feel like we have to be vigilant and set a precedent of quality here so the world knows we are Christian (IE our light is shining).

I do understand your view that what use or utility are you if every file is encrypted?  You want me to pay 5000 bbp to host my web site files with you for 6 months, but you dont even let me view them without a decryption key?  LOL.  On the other end of the spectrum we have a real estate lease, where they want to put the PDF in and its just one document for a business transaction, that person may not mind transmitting the key via email to the customer.  But I do realize, the revenue cut would be dramatic.

So, my initial design idea to tackle this would be to require encryption, but support an on-the-fly decryption if the consumer has the key.  For example if the gateway supported this feature

Then the file is decrypted and served using the key blah.  I realize it looks pretty lame and weak, but it technically takes the responsibility off of biblepay (as to what we are hosting) and allows the file to be useful in a website etc.

  • klondike
  • Full Member

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    • October 10, 2017, 09:00:24 AM
win 1147- testnet ... peerlist is empty and i cant synching

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
win 1147- testnet ... peerlist is empty and i cant synching

I see the problem; is not resolving.  I made a couple DNS changes.
It should resolve itself in an hour.

In the mean time try from the RPC:

And see if it comes up.

This should not require a config change for new users in one hour.

  • klondike
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    • October 10, 2017, 09:00:24 AM
ok, looks that im connected to 2 peers

« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 09:05:47 AM by klondike »

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Please test this gateway with a file uploaded outside of biblepay into IPFS:

Tested again, I see "hello"!

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Tested again, I see "hello"!

Ok good, and Sun was asking if this gateway link could be https, Yes, I already bought a certificate but for a long drawn out technical reason, the IPFS is not working in HTTPS mode yet (I think those guys have it in a tunnel over there) so eventually Yes, we will crack this if this gets to prod.  Its not one of those easy things to turn on.

So do we have any other docs to click on yet?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ok good, and Sun was asking if this gateway link could be https, Yes, I already bought a certificate but for a long drawn out technical reason, the IPFS is not working in HTTPS mode yet (I think those guys have it in a tunnel over there) so eventually Yes, we will crack this if this gets to prod.  Its not one of those easy things to turn on.

So do we have any other docs to click on yet?

Heres one I sent to myself this morning:

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
I had to upgrade my server, was freezing up, 100% disk usage, couldnt pinpoint the issue, didnt see anything big in ~/.biblepaycore hmmm


I clicked the Add Recipient button in the Send tab,
It opened a 2nd set of duplicate inputs with an extra Attached File field
I had already filled out the first set of inputs, and filled 2nd with same info,
I clicked send and it said I couldnt have the same address in both,
I got confused b/c I wasnt sure why I needed 2 different addresses, put in a diff one and sent

I think this is the correct link format? (address file attached to and filename):

Code: [Select]
invalid ipfs path: selected encoding not supported
Transaction only has 1 confirmation so far

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I had to upgrade my server, was freezing up, 100% disk usage, couldnt pinpoint the issue, didnt see anything big in ~/.biblepaycore hmmm


I clicked the Add Recipient button in the Send tab,
It opened a 2nd set of duplicate inputs with an extra Attached File field
I had already filled out the first set of inputs, and filled 2nd with same info,
I clicked send and it said I couldnt have the same address in both,
I got confused b/c I wasnt sure why I needed 2 different addresses, put in a diff one and sent

I think this is the correct link format? (address file attached to and filename):

Code: [Select]
invalid ipfs path: selected encoding not supported
Transaction only has 1 confirmation so far
So no you dont have to click Add recipient to the send transaction.  You can just click Send, and click Add File (not add recipient).

Yeah the UI wont let you send two transactions to the same person; you would have to send one to the foundation, one to yourself for example (but , you only need to send one transaction, not two so thats moot point).

The link you pasted seems like something you made up, could you paste the one from the double click of the transaction?  It should end in a hash.

  • klondike
  • Full Member

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    • October 10, 2017, 09:00:24 AM
is any restriction on testnet?

mining only with 1core .....

attach file is for what? isnt this IPFS like offering space..... how much space i offer,so many BBP getting?

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Im unable to duplicate it, but I believe the confusion stemmed from the Attached File field being missing the first time I was using the Send tab after upgrading, and then it showed up on the Add Recipient. It shows up every time now.

I also had no idea there was a multiple recipient feature LOL


When I click "Open Attachment", no action occurs,
Im using Lubuntu with just Firefox installed

I composed the link above as a guess

Transaction ID: 51bf312343f303c1ca9234f2515b8947738a0303fd8742b4b7d4aa377620cbf0-000

{PACK} {MT}MESSAGE{/MT} {MK}OUT_TX{/MK} {MV}  {/MV} {/PACK} {PACK} {MT}ATTACHMENT{/MT} {MK}OUT_TX{/MK}{MK}{/MV}{ipfshash}{/ipfsash}{/PACK} ...

Im unable to copy paste from Vultr Console / Lubuntu (nor know how to change resolution)
(What Linux GUIs do you guys use in Testnet?)