Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Archived Proposals / Re: Proposal - listing BBP on GIN MN platform
« on: September 19, 2018, 03:41:35 AM »
I think we need to look past the price of $14 on this one, and have a hosted service (like GIN) available in our arsenal for the Non Technical users.

I see we have the same sort of arguments in this thread repeating (people with closed minds who view things one way).  We need to start thinking out of the box, and thinking of newbies.

(A technical minded entrepeneur may go out and start their own version of Gin and charge $1 a month and see if you can live on that, but it may go out of business).

I support this proposal, but our budget is too small this month.

All - I decided to remove QT (quant tightening) due to lack of popularity.

Please get, and resync the chain.

Windows is compiling...

Oops, after I removed QT, I just realized one of the chain parameters in testnet was adjusted to look back 30 days for the QT 'governanceinfo' prior total (this was for future qt).... Sorry...

Please all, upgrade to

Building windows now.

We can talk about the cpids solving ability tomorrow after we resync again.


All - I decided to remove QT (quant tightening) due to lack of popularity.

Please get, and resync the chain.

Windows is compiling...

So on the positive side we broke through the chain, and we are rolling.

But the thing Togo mentioned in his log he has solved prior blocks; so I set up two distinct CPIDs in testned and they are both synced to the top.
Whats very, very strange is they both also say they solved prior blocks (like Togo).

In addition, I took a look at the code, and it looks fine, and we havent changed anything related to mining with this QT feature, so Im confused how we introduced a failure in this respect.  Im also mining at .80 hps.

So, let me add some special logging for this and Ill get to the root of the problem.

My Sanctuary is synched with the proper hash, but it's not linked to a CPID and I don't have tBBP on that wallet to link it.

The wallet I have all my tBBP on doesn't synch yet (it can't find any peers), so I can't send tBBP to my Sanctuary :,)

Can someone send tBBP to my Sanctuary:


I sent 1 mil a block back, but we are stuck til we find another cpid :).

Upgraded to v1.1.5.3, Reindexed, Masternode stuck trying to sync, tail debug.log shows my CPID cant solve more blocks haha

Yeah, I see that mining issue.  I took a look at the code - and basically the state we are in testnet is each cpid can solve every other block (the lookback is 1 but in prod its 4).  So I was able to solve the block after yours, 67135, but I think maybe you just stopped mining?  Looks like were' stuck, anyone have any good cpids out there?

Let me take a look at all my other wallets and see if I can find an old cpid.  (I cant reassocate one new one if the chain isnt moving, :) )

Also please reindex your chains. 

Proper blockhash is:
getblockhash 67134

PS We need a miner to start mining on 1153 - my only testnet cpid just solved 4 in a row so it cant continue.

All, please upgrade to so we may resume testing QT.  Bug is fixed.

EDIT: Windows has been released.

Upgraded to v1.1.5.2, Masternode Enabled, ipfs daemon running


I tested adding a Contact:

Contacts >> Contact Add

Filled in info, Clicked Save Record, A Popup came up, but not sure what it says

In my transactions I saw that a transaction happened with the Funding Address, -1.0001 BBP

Typing command "exec bolist contact", I see my contact object in the list!

I tested 'exec bosearch contact email [email protected]', works!
I searched for [email protected] as well, also worked

I ran  'exec emailbbp [email protected] 5' and 5 BBP was sent!


Great progress!  Thats an interesting pop-up.  Can you try again and see if its expandable  - or if it reproduces the same behavior twice?

Yes, I see you in the list, I received your BBP and sent you back something like 10.2 bbp this morning, thanks.

BTW guys, these contacts are stored in IPFS, not in the chain.  Its interesting.. Kind of wild that we are creating a front end business system here.

And Jaap, I got your bbp also, great!  I sent 10.15 or so back.  (Via e-mail address).

So I was thinking, I fear starting with a disruptive mandatory where we *require* the sancs to all run IPFS so quickly (with all these other features at the same time).  Im thinking we phase the IPFS requirement in slowly, maybe we create another type of business object, and make it optional to run IPFS (so that we have 10 or so nodes running in prod).  Then we vote on potentially requiring IPFS after the next mandatory is out, and possibly requiring it if that vote passes.  But I do want to pull off some high-end features during this next release:  Contact add/edit, Gospel links, IPFS attachments, Fork Fix, etc.

I am considering that we make a really extensible feature for the next mandatory release: a user configurable business object.  I believe we will start with Gospel Links, and make add/edit/view/list pages, and enter in all the gospel links we have in the pool.  Id like to make it so we can store the actual Christian Video content in IPFS (so if the internet is down, and Christians are in a camp together they can pull the videos off of the local IPFS laptop).  In baby step 1, we can upload the links as-is.  In baby step 2, we can make a YouTube -> IPFS converter.   (So for our Great Trib feature, User A who runs a cloud VMS would not stream to the Christian camp, but User B who runs IPFS on a laptop would have the video content in the event the net was down).

In other respects, I found a bug in in QT.  The great news is:  QT was *starting* to work today.  The Sancs decided on the price, decided we were in phase 1, emitted a contract, the core wallets found it, honored it-but the bug prevented the block from being mined.  So we will all need to upgrade to next- it should be out shortly.  Note that I believe the chain will roll back 100 blocks or so, as it finds some bad testnet blocks mined at the higher non-qt adjusted subsidy.  This will be normal, the chain should recover, and we should revert to qt phase 1. 

Yeah, I didn't even build windows yet.  So I have a new feature for us to test today (Quantitative Tightening).
Let me go ahead and release this in a couple hours, then build windows along with the new version.

Alright guys, is out there for linux.

Please, everyone must upgrade in testnet in order for us to test QT (quantitative tightening) properly (as we dont want an old sanc voting on a contract with a missing price, if that happens, the QT will succeed sometimes and fail other times, meaning we would oscillate between a QT start phase and a QT reset).  In prod as long as we make this a mandatory upgrade, we will be able to successfully launch the spork however.

So please upgrade and let me know when we have a new superblock voted in and we can look at the biblepay price and QT level.

Has anyone tested a contact add yet?  I'm getting the feeling we only have one tester and no one cares about the new features.  If we want biblepay to succeed then we have to do a better job.

NOTE!  We had a bug discovered in, please upgrade to 
(Windows is now compiling). is required for QT to successfully mine (in the miner).

I haven't come around to testing the newest features yet Rob, but is it possible that something went wrong when deploying the Windows version? Seems like it's still on

Yeah, I didn't even build windows yet.  So I have a new feature for us to test today (Quantitative Tightening).
Let me go ahead and release this in a couple hours, then build windows along with the new version.

Archived Proposals / Re: Coin Review - Mr.Node It All
« on: September 15, 2018, 07:53:42 AM »
Wrong category is OK, just causes a small skew in grand total of one bucket.

Lets go through some use cases for business objects.  Currently we only support non-encrypted objects in this version, so when we Add a business object, all of biblepay can see it (from a hacker standpoint) and any IPFS node can see it (if they decipher the JSON and know how to hack into the local database).  In the future, we can support encrypted business objects, which would only be viewable from someone within your organization.  In the future we would also be able to honor the RWAD permissions per user per organization.

So lets start with what we can do now.  Please go to your Contact Add page from the menu.  The primary key of a contact record is One labeled wallet public key (we automatically create a wallet public key and label it BUSINESS_OBJECTS in the address book).  So this means if you Edit an existing  Contact record, it will be Updated by physically deleting the old one, and saving a new one with the primary key - IE Your public receiving address + CONTACT.  So there won't be duplicates and we will have One contact per wallet.

Go ahead and add a contact record to the chain, but most importantly fill out a working e-mail address (as I want to demo that feature).  Save the record.  (You can add a contact by Clicking Add Contact from the top menu).

After a few confirms you can type 'exec bolist contact' to see if your contact record is publically viewable.  What we can do with this is:  make a wallet UI (ie a grid for a list), in a generic way, to allow a user to view a list of that type of business object (and search the list in the future).  We can map these users on our great tribulation map.  We can send biblepay to each other via e-mail address.  We can work with MIP to make a tithing feature now (a congregation can tithe to a registered church). 

After a while you can also test an edit.  To edit a contact, go back to contact add and change one the fields, and re-save the record.  The system will realize its an edit and save it appropriately.  For GDPR we also support physical Deletion of a record.

Next we can test the business object search feature.  You can search by type, fieldname and field value currently.  Type 'exec bosearch contact email [email protected]', and the system will locate all contacts with a field named email with a field value of my e-mail address and add them to the results list and display them. 

Next, if you want to test sending bbp via e-mail address, type:   exec emailbbp [email protected] 5, and feel free to replace the amount (5) and the recipient e-mail.  The wallet will locate the contact record and send the amount.

I also want to point out that although it appears we created a 'contact' feature, you should look at business objects from a generic perspective.  Contact is one type of business object with a UI.  If we make this as generic and abstract as possible, we could really make a powerful front-end system here, by making UI based on generic business objects - another words, we don't have to create 70 pages of UI to make a powerful system.  We can create add/edit/view abilities for business objects, that provide manipulation and UI for both form based and list based presentations, another words, it would be easy to support as the data is serialized in a common format in the back end, and presented in a common way in the front end.

2864 - Leisure Upgrade (Mandatory for TestNet)

- Updated Build Instructions
- Added Contact Add/Edit/View/Delete page
- Added ability to store and retrieve a business object in IPFS
- Added ability to serialize and deserialize a business object with JSON
- Added RSA file and string encryption (for symmetric uses, such as encrypted business objects and user permissions)
- Added RPC bolist, bosearch commands, exec bolist contact, exec bosearch contact email emailaddress
- Added ability to send BBP via e-mail address (exec emailbbp e-mailaddress amount)

Alright, it's out for linux.  Building windows now.

I'll explain some of this ASAP.

Please refer to this wiki as the starting point for Business Objects:

... Testing locally, please standy by until tomorrow ...

So this (next RSA) feature has sort of prevented the release, but now the new feature has finally been tested and now I can go back to preparing the next release.

We should have this ready by this afternoon....

SunK, not sure where the question went on Business objects, but yes, the object itself would be stored in IPFS to prevent chain bloat.

Ill paste a wiki later on the mechanics of business object persistence.  This is primarily to create a stable interface to understand the RWAD ability by organization.

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