Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Alright is out there, please upgrade.  Windows is still compiling.

Note that after we all get together with 1054, we have a little work to do on the masternodes.  Part o the reason we couldnt sync is some have banned each other and whats really exact with MNs, is they have an iterative payment schedule depending on who was paid last.  Meaning that if one node knows of A&B, and another B&C, those schedules will not agree.  So please delete your peers.dat, banlist.dat, mncache.dat, and blocks and chainstate and database and resync, we will need to re-seed the mncache data after we all upgrade.

PS Temples have been removed.  You can still have a 10 MM sanctuary right now, but it will not pay you any more than the 500k sanctuary so it is of no benefit. 


I have discovered one issue with Temples related to security that I dont really like, and although we could probably work through it, I think at this point it would be stronger for us to roll back the temples out of the code and cancel them, and consider other options such as paying for the specific service through a budget in the future.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys, but I think this will be more straightforward.  Please hold off on testing until the new version is available.


Please upgrade to on linux, then delete your chainstate and blocks file and restart.

Windows is compiling now.

Looks like we are getting closer now.  The primary issue is we need a rule that prevents a temple from staking during the same block as a superblock.

2017-10-30 13:38:39 coinbase pays too much at height 25700 (actual=9601632816378 vs limit=8660296265738), exceeded superblock max valueHeight 25700.000000, Amount 96016.328164
ERROR: ConnectBlock(biblepay): coinbase pays too much at height 25700 (actual=9601632816378 vs limit=8660296265738), exceeded superblock max value
2017-10-30 13:38:39 InvalidChainFound: invalid block=9cb8783758718a7ebc74bf456f59aeec825444b0954781e612432ea2ef7116cb  height=25700  log2_work=45.197793  date=2017-10-29 02:52:01

Looks like one of the two temples staked at block 25700 which is the same block as our superblock, which has a max payment of 72,000. 

In the mean time to get around this, everyone should reindex your block file.  See if you can get past block 25700 after a reindex.  If you are already above height  25700, delete your whole blocks file and chainstate and restart.  We need to get past the bad block at 25700.

Ill work on adding a rule in the mean time, but if we all sync and drop that bad block then we can at least continue testing on 1052.

Oh yeah, I see the problem, the controller wallets, duh. Sorry.

Yeah, I was trying to avoid releasing the code to prod, because it has untested things in it, but double checking, everything is pushed off until block 400,000 so I think we are OK to push this out to the download site.  Lets cross our fingers and pray.   Please all let me know if this breaks anyone.  The miner is stll f7000, sanctuaries are disabled, and all the features are delayed in prod.

So go ahead and upgrade the controller wallets next.  From the download site.

Yes, it makes sense the chain is hosed in testnet, because we have a high % of controller wallets causing forks.  There are so many different rules in that 1047-1048 its not worth trying to run a fractured net.

Thanks for the tip. I didn't know this. I've spend some other 500k masternode deposits (made 3 in total, while testing).

I'm first gonna try and start my sanctuary again, before moving on to the temple. It shows enabled right now, but my controller-wallet can't seem to sync to testnet (no block source available). Also, I saw there was an update to so I'm gonna update first, before anything else.

Any clue on to why the controller wallet doesn't sync? It's on btw.

Yeah, to find out why it doesnt sync, you have to set debug=true and debugmaster=true first then look for the last line before repeating entries.

Unfortuantely 1051 has a breaking bug (growing pains of Temples I guess).  I cant guarantee the next version will solve everything.

But it appears the last version was capable of Paying temples, syncing When already synced, sharing info about the temples to the other sanctuaries, but where it hosed up, is during fresh syncs from zero and when its masternodes were not synced.

I have to go in baby steps because sometimes after we fix somethng it cascades to a new issue.

So All, please upgrade to 1052 now and lets try this again.  We will all need to reindex afterwards after upgrading  to ensure the blocks from 24 hours ago are pulled in the chain with headers.

The 1052 version is out now on github.

Archived Proposals / Re: New Logo Contest
« on: October 29, 2017, 08:58:55 AM »
I think 'Reimaged B' looks absolutely stunning, but I agree with sato_shi_ate that it looks too clutered. In my opinion the four quadrants with the dove etc take away the simplicity that most logos have. I tried photoshopping them away (making all quatrants plain yellow), but that also doesn't look really good. So I'm a bit stuck.

Maybe the answer is filling the lower two quadrants with a 'B' and 'P' (left and right) in the same fashion als de icons now used. That will also clarify that our coin is BiblePay.

But this is just my opinion, and I have no design experience. The logo really looks awesome and the artist sure knows what he's doing :)

Lets take a look at his monochrome version first and see if we like that for simplicity, I bet the monochrome one looks very crisp & clean.

Also one more clarification for testnet:

When your sanctuary is paid, the retirement coins currently show on the tx line below the sanctuary payment (IE 7900 for sanctuary, 29 bbp for retirement). in the transaction list on the UI.

This is just temporary, in prod, the retirement rows are hidden, and instead we use a command: exec getretirementbalance.

Hi All,

I found a few bugs in

Please upgrade to  Temples do not work in 1049.

Lets also collect info about f8000.  So far Ive only done a couple baby tests, but it appear to be a light year ahead of f7000 in the consistency sense.

My debian box is running at the same HPS as my win box, ~2000 HPS and these are the older type machines, and processor is being utilized fully.

How can I 'update' from sanctuary to temple? Should I just generate another masternode key and use a new alias?

For mine, I used same public IP, new masternode key, Same alias, Same original alias receiving address, updated the masternode.conf file on the controller with the new vin and vout, changed private key on the cold temple, restarted both, waited for mnsync status to = 999, then did a rebroadcast, and Temple updated.  It says PRE ENBABLED right now, so we are not Out of the woods yet :)

I'll update today and try to start a temple if I have enough coins now :)

Offtopic: I want to write a full guide for the pool. But what's your opinion on what the content should be? Should I just write a first introduction on how to pool-mine (create account, name miners) and then create a glossary of all the menu options? And should I make it a wiki-page?
That would be really, really sweet.  I think if you just cover the basics, over a few pages, and maybe the FAQs if you can think of any, -- then later we can fill in what people are really confused about.  But anyway I think a wiki would be great, as then we could link to other wiki pages from the wiki when the docs get really big.

But anyway, I can link to the wiki page from Help | Help just like the BX link works now.

How can I 'update' from sanctuary to temple? Should I just generate another masternode key and use a new alias?
Yeah, you can, but be aware there is a pitfall that affects all masternodes when rebroadcasting same public IP with new VIN.
I recommend spending the old vin first in coin control.  Enable coin control, from settings, go to send money, and spend the 500k.
Then, create your new vin except the only change being with 15MM BBP instead.  Also, make a new masternode privkey.  Restart the Temple.
Restart the controller.  Reactivate the temple (by sending the start command from the controller).  Then look at the logs in the temple and see if the new VIN was accepted.

So far, I just brought one temple online.  We have 4 people on 1049 and 2 on 1048.  Meaning that the supermajority has upgraded.
Now we have to see if these nodes vote that the temple is paid, so far I have not received a payment, but its only been an hour.

3884 - Mandatory Upgrade for TESTNET

- Retirement accounts 1.0 (TESTNET)
- Trading Engine orderbook (TESTNET)
- Temples with 15MM BBP Requirement
- F8000 (TESTNET)
- Colored coins, complex transactions with escrow

All, please upgrade in testnet as Temples are a breaking change requiring a mandatory upgrade.

If anyone wants to test temples, follow the same hot wallet instructions except use 15,000,000 for escrow (as the e-commerce features are not integrated yet).

Alright all, I know a while has passed since we did heavy duty testing.  Ive been adding code in to the core for "Temples" and for F8000.

The code is now running on my LAN, but I need to do a little more testing before I release it here to testnet.

It looks like this is going to be Critical to test, as we have to ensure the Temple will not bring down the sanctuaries and its payments are approved by everyone and works smoothly. 

I would also like to see f8000 get a good round of testing so we know it will solve our "node mutex" issue in prod, on the very first try.  Its critical that once we deem it to be releaseable, that when its released during Christmas and sent as a mandatory that we dont hose up CCEX.  So please be watching for f8000 and jump on with an extra server and lets try to verify the hash speed cannot be manipulated by linux vs windows, or multiple linux vs linux. 

The retirement accounts are almost ready also, but Im going to deprirotize them right now so I can test my Temple, and Ill explain those later.  What to be expected: In the next release, you will start accruing retirement coins.  We will at least be able to own some and see the balance.  Then in a couple weeks we can test trading them.  The trading engine "works" but it needs some business logic to keep it "safe".  Its currently getting a harness put in it that allows the escrow trade of colored coins for non-colored asset, with the ability to roll back the trade.  This is done by using a complex transaction.  The complex transaction piggybacks the output of the first two legs into a new tx and then piggybacks the colored coins on that, along with non colored coins relying on that, so no one can get burned.

Finally this is what I envision a Temple to be:

In TestNet, a temple requires 15MM BBP collateral.  It has to run on windows.  For now, the only requirement is that it runs on a public IP with IIS, and this user syncs the github pool code in.  Im going to be setting one up in an hour so we can test the ecosystem. This will require everyone to upgrade.

Im thinking by the time Christmas hits, we might have ebay integration.  The ebay integration requires the Temple owner to apply for an Ebay developer license.  Im thinking this Ebay ID might be the "key" that unlocks the payment for the temple.  Anyway- the idea here is when a normal wallet user tries to buy a KJV bible, the order will be routed to a temple with a valid Ebay ID and auto-dropped ship to the users house directly from the wallet.  This means the temple will BUY the bible and Receive the Escrow.  Im going to make it so the temple can charge an extra padding fee to sell the coins if they start losing money on the deal.  This is what I think the Temple will provide for the network:  A gateway for purchasing valuable products with BBP.  (If you are asking why Amazon and Walmart didnt work, they have the API blocked off so that users cant use it for purchases or checkouts.  This is deliberate to protect their large billion $ revenue web presence).  It makes it impossible to check out an item with AWS or Walmart without clicking the Checkout button on the ecommerce branded site.  This however, will hopefully work in-wallet if we can integrate with ebay.  Im in talks right now with Zinc, but they seem to be very greedy and high priced, so Ebay is our best bet.

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