Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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 I tested the portfolio builder for ETH  and it does not show up my ethereum stake, not sure if i messed up with the pin or whatever. 

Here you have my information Rob.

On the eth explorer:

so what i did was move into portfolio builder>coin ticker>ethereum>pasted my adress>received pin 47070
went into ledger wallet and sent some funds.

Still Query UTXO shows no transaction.

Hey bro. Earlz, Thanks for testing man.

Alright I will go in and create a DOGE ASAP and see if there is a problem, and try to see whats up with ETH too.


Evenin brother Rob.

I saw your 2 uploaded videos. I tipped 1 of them with 700tBBP
Tested the 2fa for the tipping function and it looks solid aswell.

Code: [Select]
You have successfully paid this invoice [] on TXID 419b53d7f2c409ff99ffdce07a33fb090dd38f20484ffb82c33903576320682c for 700 BBP.

Test Case #3 - Tip a Video

Added a video myself that i named: Gods list is bigger then yours!  Trust in God and have faith.

my testnet name being : earlz testnet

Test Case #4 - Add a Portfolio Builder Position

Q1. Verify the portfolio builder position was recognized in the leaderboard?

Yep. I see them in the leaderboard.

Q2. Verify more than one PB position correctly adds in Summary and Details show each detail?

Created 3 tBBP positions and it looks all good to me. Gonna test out eth and see if it works out for me.

Q3. Wait 24 hours, and look for the next superblock (you can get the height by typing getgovernanceinfo). Verify that you received the correct daily reward?

Will come back to this one once next payment been done and also the ethereum stake.

Talk to you laters Rob.

10-4 on all this Earlz, awesome.

I tipped you back (you should see it in "Receivables").

Let me know if your Ethereum position shows up too.

Figure i redo from second test case hence its new unchained account.

Test Case #2 - Send BIBLEPAY back and forth from your wallet to Unchained and back to yourself

Sent 20 000 tBBP and was credited the same amount, so yes.  Took around 1 confirmation in core wallet.
Q2. Did your biblepaycore balance successfully increase, and your unchained balance decrease by the correct amount?

From core wallet
Code: [Select]
Status: 0/unconfirmed, in memory pool, verified via InstantSend
Date: 9/27/2021 20:19
From: unknown
[b]Test Case #3 - Tip a Video

Will rotate back to this one because we need to upload new videos , i see nothing in there.
On a sidenote Rob i got some error trying to access Community>Add New Video Or Media
showing me:
[b]Test Case #4 - Add a Portfolio Builder Position
Q1. Verify the portfolio builder position was recognized in the leaderboard?[/b]
[b]Q2. Verify more than one PB position correctly adds in Summary and Details show each detail?[/b]
[code]TXID Amount
196223052409f9795aec8dbccc31817eec3074e5de077c4a2e10f3ceb4ec7b07 1500
a3465d3a4c9ac1c1d7940fe59fa6795db41858b38b7dc10154e799043bd05708 1000

Neither one i see yet in the leaderboard. Will sheck back tomorrow.

Q3. Wait 24 hours, and look for the next superblock (you can get the height by typing getgovernanceinfo). Verify that you received the correct daily reward? Will come back to this one.

Hi Bro Earlz,

Great on the send back and forth test for user->user payment.
As far as tipping, I have a couple short videos in there now.  (For the other guys, plz go to your Editing room and Edit the video then select a category and hit save, Or upload a couple new videos guys).

So yeah, on portfolio builder, it looks like this was (mostly broken) due to the last round of unchained upgrades.
One thing that changed that I failed to tell everyone, is we now require a new pin (its still 5 digit, but its calculated using both your unchained address and your core wallet UTXO address), this is for higher security, but the only downside is everyone has to recreate their Portfolio Builder positions.
So could you please add a new one, then wait a block and see if it shows?
I recreated mine, and now Im in the leaderboard.
(Note that it takes 48 hours to actually start receiving the rewards, and they should come into your Core wallet now).

I realize I need to re-test non-bbp currencies; I will try to set up a DOGE soon, then some others.

I will reply to the post asap, but in the mean time :
I see the error that occurred with the video category:  We now require the category to be chosen during the upload and apparently they were all empty in testnet; FIXED.

(Im working on adding AI for the categories still) but at least for now you can upload again.

I believe all the other videos are empty because their categories are blank; each user will need to go to 'my editing room' and choose a category, then their videos will reappear).

Hello Brother Rob.

Yeah i suppose that makes sence.

I seem to be having trouble syncing up the windows wallet beyond sept 18. Also i noticed the version crashes upon start sometimes.

Odd part in debug log i saw was :
Code: [Select]
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: Platform customization: windows
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "79:ad:16:a1:4a:a0:a5:ad:4c:73:58:f4:07:13:2e:65" ("Microsoft Root Certificate Authority") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Paymen

2021-09-25T06:01:55Z Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
biblepay-qt.exe -printcrashinfo=cfbgsytmmvigc6kdojqxg2cjnztg6aiab5rgsytmmvygc6jnof2c4zlymuwvo2lomrxxo4zaiv4ggzlqoruw63r2ebcvqq2fkbkest2ol5augq2fknjv6vsjj5gecvcjj5haaaa=

Authority 2018") () ()

Anyways after the crash i can just reopen the biblepay-qt and it works , still i have trouble syncing up the wallet.
i have tested from cmd a few times the erasechain=1 command and it tries to resync from zero , but after testing 2 times i noticed it looks like it stops syncing at sept 18. Blocknumber 118074

Gonna do it again and go make some mornin coffe and i post again.
Hey bro Earlz,

So I found a little more info on the Windows crash you had.
(On a side note, creating a debug executable for windows make an EXE file that is over 1 GIGabyte, which is absolutely insane, its so big we cant even package it for a release because it doesnt finish zipping into the installer, so we would have to release the EXE binary naked as a lone download and have people run it manually).  But I don't think that will be necessary if we work around the problem with the stack-trace deserializer.

Anyway I ran your stack trace through my windows build (you can do this by running the --printcrashinfo command that it spit out during the crash, and dash-qt takes that hex and deserializes the trace and prints it.

In this case, it looks like its a windows 10 specific issue, something to do with Data Access Prevention (similar to what mac did with gatekeeper) - it keeps monitoring the code to see if it wants to execute any binary instructions at run time outside the scope of the allowed memory; but the problem is for randomx, randomx has a virtual machine that does just that.

And realize we actually call randomx hash functions for every block (even if your not mining) so I can see how this might occur; and I dont think its *every* hash that triggers DEP; I think its more like 1 in 10000 hashes (at least thats what we observed on mac).

So one *possible* solution is to disable DEP or tuen off UAC:
(I still dont have windows 10 here, so I dont know for sure).

I suppose if you want to try it you can at least tell us that if UAC is OFF and DEP is off, if biblepay runs solid for a certain amount of time?  Then we can at least be fairly sure it had something to do with that.

And what I can do from my end, is offer a release switch to disable randomx.  Note that I do this for MAC, but I dont want to do it for Everyone (because that would impact our security).  I would rather it be an obscure feature that makes biblepay into an SPV client...

So let me know if you want to expiriment with that first and if it helps Ill add the disable randomx switch to windows for people who want to run with all the security on (if thats the problem) ...

The randomx virtual machine executes dynamic instructions at run time that It makes up in its own memory space...

Also one other thing we can do once we know its UAC or DEP, is we can reach out to Tevador who supports xmrig, and ask for help, as he might be able to give us a solution that works with windows 10 ; out of curiosity do we need to disable dep and uac on xmrig to mine on windows 10?


Hello Brother Rob.

Yeah i suppose that makes sence.

I seem to be having trouble syncing up the windows wallet beyond sept 18. Also i noticed the version crashes upon start sometimes.

Odd part in debug log i saw was :
Code: [Select]
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: Platform customization: windows
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "79:ad:16:a1:4a:a0:a5:ad:4c:73:58:f4:07:13:2e:65" ("Microsoft Root Certificate Authority") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "00" ("Thawte Timestamping CA") () ("Thawte Certification")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "c1:00:8b:3c:3c:88:11:d1:3e:f6:63:ec:df:40" ("Microsoft Root Authority") () ("Microsoft Corporation", "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" ("Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" () () ("Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.", "Microsoft Time Stamping Service Root", "Microsoft Corporation")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "4a:19:d2:38:8c:82:59:1c:a5:5d:73:5f:15:5d:dc:a3" () () ("NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.", "VeriSign Time Stamping Service Root", "VeriSign, Inc.")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "44:be:0c:8b:50:00:24:b4:11:d3:36:2d:e0:b3:5f:1b" ("UTN-USERFirst-Object") () ("")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "1d" ("Sonera Class2 CA") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
biblepay-qt.exe -printcrashinfo=cfbgsytmmvigc6kdojqxg2cjnztg6aiab5rgsytmmvygc6jnof2c4zlymuwvo2lomrxxo4zaiv4ggzlqoruw63r2ebcvqq2fkbkest2ol5augq2fknjv6vsjj5gecvcjj5haaaa=
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "14:98:26:66:dc:7c:cd:8f:40:53:67:7b:b9:99:ec:85" ("Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" ("AddTrust External CA Root") () ("AddTrust External TTP Network")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: PaymentServer::LoadRootCAs: Loaded  47  root certificates

Anyways after the crash i can just reopen the biblepay-qt and it works , still i have trouble syncing up the wallet.
i have tested from cmd a few times the erasechain=1 command and it tries to resync from zero , but after testing 2 times i noticed it looks like it stops syncing at sept 18. Blocknumber 118074

Gonna do it again and go make some mornin coffe and i post again.

Hey great news:  We didn't break the chain; the problem was just that no one was mining... My sancs were stalled there also... Once I started mining the network recovered and Im in sync on all 4 nodes.

So I did test syncing from zero, and I was able to successfully sync without any issue, here is the latest hash - please verify you are in sync with me?

getblockhash 118716


I have not created the Debug version of windows; let me get to that so we can detect this Crash next...

Hello Brother Rob.

Yeah i suppose that makes sence.

I seem to be having trouble syncing up the windows wallet beyond sept 18. Also i noticed the version crashes upon start sometimes.

Odd part in debug log i saw was :
Code: [Select]
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: Platform customization: windows
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "79:ad:16:a1:4a:a0:a5:ad:4c:73:58:f4:07:13:2e:65" ("Microsoft Root Certificate Authority") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "00" ("Thawte Timestamping CA") () ("Thawte Certification")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "c1:00:8b:3c:3c:88:11:d1:3e:f6:63:ec:df:40" ("Microsoft Root Authority") () ("Microsoft Corporation", "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" ("Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" () () ("Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.", "Microsoft Time Stamping Service Root", "Microsoft Corporation")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "4a:19:d2:38:8c:82:59:1c:a5:5d:73:5f:15:5d:dc:a3" () () ("NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.", "VeriSign Time Stamping Service Root", "VeriSign, Inc.")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "44:be:0c:8b:50:00:24:b4:11:d3:36:2d:e0:b3:5f:1b" ("UTN-USERFirst-Object") () ("")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "1d" ("Sonera Class2 CA") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
biblepay-qt.exe -printcrashinfo=cfbgsytmmvigc6kdojqxg2cjnztg6aiab5rgsytmmvygc6jnof2c4zlymuwvo2lomrxxo4zaiv4ggzlqoruw63r2ebcvqq2fkbkest2ol5augq2fknjv6vsjj5gecvcjj5haaaa=
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "14:98:26:66:dc:7c:cd:8f:40:53:67:7b:b9:99:ec:85" ("Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018") () ()
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: "ReportInvalidCertificate: Payment server found an invalid certificate: " "01" ("AddTrust External CA Root") () ("AddTrust External TTP Network")
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z GUI: PaymentServer::LoadRootCAs: Loaded  47  root certificates

Anyways after the crash i can just reopen the biblepay-qt and it works , still i have trouble syncing up the wallet.
i have tested from cmd a few times the erasechain=1 command and it tries to resync from zero , but after testing 2 times i noticed it looks like it stops syncing at sept 18. Blocknumber 118074

Gonna do it again and go make some mornin coffe and i post again.
So first of all on the "ReportInvalidCertificate" errors, for the payment server, those errors are all OK:  Dash wallets have the same issue... I think that is the dummy HTTPS for the web server that we dont use (unless we want to run a payment server, which I think is a merchant only feature).

However the crash during this line:
2021-09-25T06:01:55Z Windows Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

That is definitely a problem.

I think what I will do is give everyone a debug version of windows that should throw a stack trace during the next blow up.

Give me a while and I will make a new release and while Im at it, Ill sync from zero and see if we broke the chain.
(We might have broke it with the last release of unchained, cause now the utxos are on the sidechain).

All is well now. I missed the message about creating new accounts.

I also posted two of the videos of scholars. One is in senior high school, and the other boy is in elementary.

I didn't see the other video yet. Maybe still processing...

Hi Andy,

Yes, the videos do take between 1-20 minutes to show up (as we inform the user of that in the message after each upload), this is because we have to transcode them, and we go through an AI process now also (to Transcript them too).  We also just recently started showing the AI Transcript on the right side of the screen while you play the video, we now highlight the paragraph you are in (check out the audio bible) for example.

So I see your two videos in TESTNET, very nice.

I want to make a distinction for everyone:  Once we go to prod, these links you post - for example of a video with an id in it, those refer to PROD (MAINNET).  So thats why the users here cant simply click on the link and see the video.  But for us testers, here is what we have to do:  You go to unchained, click "TESTNET" first.  Then while your session is in testnet, if you click Andys link you will see the video.  I just tested this for mainnet (for a video) and confirmed people can share mainnet videos out with the world (and google should see them etc) also.

But hey anyway I just added a new feature to help provide Channels to churches...  If you go to TestNet, then click PEOPLE, then drill into Andys profile (Andrew Scribner), notice the link that says "My Video Channel".  Now you can click on that link (or give it out) and others will see your channel.  Isnt that cool?

We can also start testing our social media features; if everyone will please fill out the My User Record extraneous fields (like Professional Info, About Me Public info, etc).  Ill make a test case for that as we see progress here on the prior test cases come to a close. 

Andy, if you want you can upload a few videos into Mainnet so we can see your mainnet video channel? 

Looking good Andy!  Thanks!

Hello Rob.

Creating a new testnet unchained account went fine.
email adress, password and 2fa went fine for me. 2fa i used Google Authenticator. No problems there.
On the cellphone setup i did receive the SMS on the phone with the verification code, should the pin go were you input the cellphone number? anyways that just gives me a error:
Code: [Select]
Error sorry this pin you have entered is invalid
Tested the diffrent themes and black looks nice. I also set up a avatar.
Now i will redo some testcases.

Hi Bro. Earlz,

So I was actually (probably right around the time of your post) receiving another complaint (from our other testing group) about SMS pins too, and I decided to just remove the Send SMS code, and Verify pin for now (as its causing some confusion in registration flow).  Of course, I love having the 'higher verified' weight for votes eventually but I feel we can do that later when we have more than 500 users (in the advanced area).  For now everyone gets 1.0 weight votes, and I hid those features and its deployed.

Announcements & Fundraisers / Re: Second fundraiser for wells in Pakistan
« on: September 24, 2021, 07:35:14 AM »
3rd update.

We now have  1 900 USD

In other words  we are on the finish line, almost there.   The fundraiser is 95%  finished from the goal of 2000 USD.
Im thinking let the fundraiser go for another week then i will send over the funds to Rob and let him handle the rest.

Thanks for all the donations to this project.

What an astounding success!

I received $2046 today, this should fund all of the wells!

God bless everyone who helped us with this goal.

Plz give us about 100 days to process this (as it takes at least 90 to dig a well) and then you will see a status update.

EDIT:  I will donate $47 to the foundation from my wallet.  (TXID 84616ec2083f07e6a59960399966db63b01ef98b24ee02133880e3c7251109e4)

General Discussion / Re: Kairos Children's Fund
« on: September 23, 2021, 10:31:20 AM »
Guys thanks for helping our kids. I have put some thank you videos on our website, and I will be posting more when they come it...

We still have kids on our waiting list. 3 are in Bayawan City and 2 are in San Jose. These kids are all very poor, yet from Christian families

These videos are beautiful!  Thanks Andy, I watched all of them.

Hey, I was thinking you know what would be useful...  We should make a "channel" for any biblepay unchained user that wants church videos to be hosted in their "room"..  And for example you could post all these in one swoop into your room and they would not be mixed on the main content (and you would have a link to your 'channel').

We already have 90% of this done so I see this would be a good use case for this!

Would you use it if we did that for example?

When trying to create a proposal, I got this error: Address is not valid for this chain.

Question, did you do this from testnet mode?  (To enter testnet you have to go to your User Account in foundation, and change the chain to Testnet, then look on the page and see if it says Chain: Testnet) then try?

Cause if I remember right, I was able to add one; second prong:  Be sure you are requesting proposal funds for a testnet address (these start with a y*)?



Hello Andrew.
I saw a few pages back Rob posted:

Btw everyone, we just had a major upgrade to Unchained, so please recreate your accounts; please re-test sending biblepay back and forth etc.

So we have to create new accounts or perhaps use the seedwords.
Yeah thanks for stepping in and helping Earlz, yes Andy let me clarify:
We had a major upgrade due to upcoming specs and (although on a side note, the Sidechain data never gets erased, but the entities have all changed), so that we do need to create new accounts.

We moved from the seed-word model to a new model, where your User has an e-mail address as a Login, its protected by a Password (which the Hash is stored in the sidechain so people cant log in as you), we now have 2fa support for protected spending, and the BiblePay address is now also, a new format!  So you get a biblepay address assigned to you when you create your account (youll see it in the User account record).
Now the way we protect your account is your Private key is encrypted with RSA (and this way a biblepay.dll user Or a satellite web site cant access your private key) and also, whats nice is people on your computer or in your household cant get the private key either!

We also improved the security where the password is never cached by the browser, and 2fa can prevent spending (without the 2fa key, the signer will not work!).

So yeah if everyone could start over on unchained and try to fulfill all the tests that would help us.

Yeah, there is no option for setting a nickname on that page there is only first and last name which I have filled in but my video says uploaded by N/A.

I set up 2FA with google authenticator and it works as expected. 👍

My balance has increased by the correct amount. 👍

I deleted everything except my wallet then tried 5 times and no crashing. I will let you know if it ever happens again.


Thats awesome man!  On all that...

Now on the nickname, thats right, we did move from NickName to first+last (Ill explain why once the rollout endeavor is a little more public... we have a little bit of corporate interest in our social media system..) so --- yes, so I did find a bug and I see the N/A; fixed;  Now go ahead go into testnet, and view the Recently Added videos, and you will see all the UploadedBy and when you click on a video - you will see the Uploader there;  however for your account; I dont see the First or last name just on your video.

Could you please try ensuring that you have your first & last - that it appears when you click My User Record (if not populate it then re-save it).
Then see if your uploaded by appears?  If not can you plz try adding another video too?  To make a distinction?

Also, plz try adding a prayer or a town hall in testnet; lets see that your User Name is on those things?

Test Case #2

Note: While following the instructions clicking on the wallet icon in the top left did nothing for me. I never saw anything to click "generate new address" and I never got to see the 10 seed words. I had to log out and log back in and then my address was already populated. Also, I don't see any spot to create my nickname?

Q1. Transaction was successful and credited the correct amount in unchained (77777.00)

Q2. Transaction was successful (showing in core wallet instantly) and unchained decreased by the correct amount (7777.00) + 3.34 was this a fee?

Test Case #3

Video Name: Sunset
Nickname: NA (I can't find where to change it?? I'm looking under "My User Record")
TestNet Biblepay balance: 69996.66 BBP

Please tip whenever convenient.

Extra note: the client has crashed a couple of times immediately after opening but either re-opening or restarting my computer seems to fix it..

1) Great testing, your getting through a lot of this.
2) Regarding the seed words, the nickname and all that:  First of all, I took out Seed Words, took out Generate new wallet, and Recover; so all that is gone.  Now when you create an account, we create a bbp address for you (this is to simplify it for the user).
To set your nickname, just log in again, and navigate to My User Record; then set it and save it.  If you could please test the 2fa features, that would be nice also.
3) I See your video:  I tipped you 70K.  You should have it now.
4) Regarding the fee:  I explained this earlier in the testnet thread on one of the posts.
5) Regarding the crash: Could you please try to reproduce it again:  Try starting from a clean environment, by deleting everything but your wallet in this directory:
If it is not reproduceable, try 5 times in a row-- at that point Im going to assume its the Dash 'new css bug' which is cleared up once you boot the client once and set your default settings.
I dont think that is going to be an issue in prod, because we have the qt settings set when you transition, and new users get that key set for them once...
However if you can reproduce let me know the circumstance.

Otoh, if you think its related to low-resolution (IE if your monitor is less than 1024x768) let me know, that is another possibility (because this crash is related to either CSS being set the first time, we have one called bezaleel and its saved as DARK, OR the font pitch size).

Im using windows, linux, and MAC and no longer seeing a crash.

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