Bible Pay

Read 11747 times

PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« on: January 05, 2018, 10:04:59 PM »
Hello all- My name is April and I not only run BLOOM, one of the charities BBP will hopefully support, but I am also a PR professional. My most relevant experience has been helping Factom with their PR during their launch phase (Feb 2015-May 2016), resulting in media hits in Reuters and Fortune, among others. (Can't take credit for every hit they got by any means, as they also had an internal PR team, but these are two higher tiered pubs I secured for them).

I'm proposing to organize and formalize our communications strategy. My proposal for spearheading Bible Pay's PR is broken into two phases. Phase 1 is ready for approval now. Phase 2 will need to be built out a bit more after Phase 1 is begun, but I wanted to lay it all out so we can build a discussion on the direction we're going. I'd like everyone's input, as how you see the project will shape my strategy for both internal and external communications. This is a long-term, ongoing proposal.

Phase 1

-Step 1-

I propose to be the head of PR/Marketing/Comms to review the overall messaging for all FB, Twitter, blogs and other public posts to ensure cohesive messaging. I would also like to copy edit any major public appearances in writing, starting with the website.

Without one central "voice" and overall comms guidance, we stand to look disorganized and thus less credible. Our messages to the public must be cohesive before going out to avoid a fiasco like what IOTA went through which tanked a perfectly poised token from 5 to 10 on coin market cap.

I will also work with Togo to prepare the spokesperson (Rob?) for media interviews/provide media materials as needed, be the media contact if needed, but not the spokesperson (I can provide media relations consulting).

This will be an ongoing task that can add up to approx 1-5 hrs/week depending on who else does marketing that I would need to work with/oversee the messaging. I would "bill" for this every 2 weeks per the billing cycle if everyone would be comfortable running their "copy" by me and we could consult about strategy together as needed prior to copy creation.

I will estimate this at just 4 hours over the next 4 weeks as I don't think there's a lot going on with this type of thing at the moment.

-Step 2-

I would like to re-write/edit all web copy as needed to be more professional and appealing to the target audience, as well as more cohesive. Right now there are some grammar, capitalization, punctuation issues, and it is a bit disjointed in the messaging and mission. (No offense to whomever wrote it- just needs a PR touch ;-)
(This would take approximately 3-5 hours)

-Step 3-

I would like to develop a boilerplate, long company description, FAQ, and other media kit necessities.
(Approx 3-4 hours)

Basically, I want to overhaul our whole image right now, from messaging to possibly even the site wireframe, because first and foremost we need to clearly establish UTILITY. The public's perception of the coin's utility is the only way it will really go up or down in value. Right now, our messaging isn't quite clear to me or a few people I've spoken with about this.

Total Requested Now to be distributed over the next 2 pay periods:

4 hours of general comms oversight

3-5 hours of web copy re-write

3-4 hours of media kit development

TOTAL: 10-13 hours at $30/hour = $300-390 = approx 100,000-130,000 BBP

P.S. I believe average PR professionals go for about $125/hour :)

Phase 2 - to be built out as phase 1 progresses

-Step 1-

I'd also like to develop a Facebook marketing campaign targeted at the people who would invest in BBP, but I am hesitant until we can get on a easier-to-use exchange. Are we ready for this? Most regular people wouldn't feel comfortable purchasing on the two exchanges we're on now. I was hesitant, and I'm pretty familiar with all this now.

(Approx 2 hours + actual facebook mktg costs)

-Step 2-

Research target publications for PR
(approx 2-3 hours)

-Step 3-

Develop/distribute media pitches and facilitate scheduling interviews
(approx 8-10 hours)

-Step 4-

Develop internal and external communications plan concurrently through steps 1-3 so we aren't running things like a pack of wild cats
(approx 6-8 hours)

-Step 5-

Possible press release- topic TBD
(approx 3-4 hours)

A few topics for discussion:

***WHO IS GOOD AT SEO AND WANTS TO WRITE BLOGS I CAN REVIEW AND GET PART OF THE PR BUDGET???? I don't have time to write blogs, unfortunately, but I can review/edit. I think blogs are an excellent way to catch media attention as well as the attention of potential investors. These should be written more to attract layman investors as opposed to people who understand blockchain/crypto and/or miners.****

****What do we want our message to be? What is our main UTILITY in your eyes, and what is it in the eyes of lay people, not just crypto investors like us? (Ie- Is it facilitating orphan care, is it a christian currency we want churches to eventually use as a tithing alternative, etc? It can't focus on all these things. One or two need to be the focus, while the others are supplemental)****

Thanks and let me know your thoughts on all this.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 04:55:18 PM by orphandefender »

  • togoshigekata
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Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 10:34:21 PM »
I think this will be interesting to see how this turns out. Just giving some feedback / talking out loud.


Phase 1 - Step 1

I think this is going to be potentially tough, as I see communications funneling through one person as a potential bottleneck
(I like my freedom and lack of red tape LOL, but Im open to do what is best for the project)

Right now I may on average tweet and post on reddit once a day, and potentially post in the bitcointalk forums 0-2 times a day,
as well as Rob who posts in the bitcointalk forums potentially a few times a day. And sometimes we have information that needs to go out right away, like software updates, bugs, issues.

Not only is there the Twitter, Reddit and Bitcointalk forums, but there are also the BiblePay forums, Discord and Slack.
So there are 6 different places we are communicating and talking on.

In addition there is also email (I know Rob gets a TON of emails), there are also comments in other subreddits, comments in other bitcointalk subsections, comments on articles, Steemit comments and articles, and articles written about BiblePay by other people.

So far Id say most communication with the public has been about mining, most of our current users are most likely miners, and the talking has been more technical. But also now we have gotten more interest from investors because now we are more known as having masternodes (sanctuaries), which has also drawn in more speculators, day traders and swing traders.

Who would we say represents BiblePay? or speaks for BiblePay?
Definitely Rob for sure, and I guess me too since Im doing the social media?

I think the project is still pretty young and still definitely in a beginning startup phase, but I think we could blow up pretty quickly and good PR will become more and more important.


Phase 1 - Step 2

There is a 2nd website in development, but nothing created so far, we have a viewable google doc, let me know if you would like viewing and editing access.


We do have information about BiblePay in multiple places, Ill just list them all to also help step 1 above:

Main Information:
Original Bitcointalk Post:
Moderated Bitcointalk:
BiblePay Wiki:

Other forms of information/communication
BiblePay Forum:


Phase 1 - Step 3

Currently I have been targeting those already trading cryptocurrencies and mining cryptocurrencies,

Examples of my advertising/marketing:


The average person is still not as interested in cryptocurrencies sadly.

Bitcoin Demographics:
"91.8 percent defined themselves as male, 72.5 percent said they are white and 65.8 percent declared themselves a techie."

7 Stats That Highlight A Millennial Propensity For Bitcoin


Phase 2 Step 1

We definitely could use help on Facebook, I think Matt currently owns the BiblePay facebook page but hes only made maybe 3 posts in the past 3-4 months and has I think 12 followers.

Im not sure how to talk to / target / advertise to the regular average joe about Cryptocurrencies and BiblePay.


BiblePay Summary


I know Rob is doing some Google Adwords advertising, but Im not sure what keywords he is using,
for my own advertising Ive used the keywords:
cpu mining, asic resistant, masternode, christian cryptocurrency (and variations of those)


Hope this information helps!
Ill try to give more feedback later on, but I dont really know much about PR, but most of this sounds pretty good.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 10:22:48 PM by togoshigekata »

Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 04:48:50 PM »
I think this will be interesting to see how this turns out. Just giving some feedback / talking out loud.


Phase 1 - Step 1

I think this is going to be potentially tough, as I see communications funneling through one person as a potential bottleneck
(I like my freedom and lack of red tape LOL, but Im open to do what is best for the project)

*Fair enough- instead of creating red tape, perhaps we work together on a clear communications plan so we are communicating the right message in general with all posts?

Who would we say represents BiblePay? or speaks for BiblePay?
Definitely Rob for sure, and I guess me too since Im doing the social media?

*For the press, Rob if he's comfortable. Are you going to do Facebook social media too? Or would you like someone else to do that? I could give it a go.


Phase 1 - Step 2

There is a 2nd website in development, but nothing created so far, we have a viewable google doc, let me know if you would like viewing and editing access.

*YES PLEASE! I am still struggling with the utility for people. Is it to spread the gospel to the IT community as wiki says? Is it just to have another method of donating to charities? Is it aiming to provide oversight to charity organization spending? Why would people want to invest in this project? Once that is determined clearly, we can bring in more potential buyers.


Phase 2 Step 1

We definitely could use help on Facebook, I think Matt currently owns the BiblePay facebook page but hes only made maybe 3 posts in the past 3-4 months and has I think 12 followers.

Im not sure how to talk to / target / advertise to the regular average joe about Cryptocurrencies and BiblePay.

*Must determine utility to determine target audience to grow before tackling this. Determining utility is going to take some conversing with you and Rob honestly. I can read this stuff online all day long, but it all tells me different things. I need a human to explain what the point of developing this was intended to be long-term. What was the growth strategy envisioned? ROB! HELP! lol


BiblePay Summary

*"BiblePay’s goals are to spread Christianity and help those in distress (specifically orphans and widows)." Wont be enough to convince people to invest in this.

*I'm seeing a lot about getting BBP in rewards for doing various things related to spreading the Gospel. I see a lot about how you can know that your money is going toward the child you're sponsoring. But, why sponsor through BBP instead of through the charity directly? Otherwise you're just adding a step. BLOOM can let you write your child directly without BBP, for example. We're happy to show you money was wired to our team in country, and show you photos of your kid eating, getting clothing, schooling, etc. So, why BBP? It may be that I'm dense and have totally missed this! LMK if so.  We need a hook. I'm sure it's there, we just need to dig it out. Maybe we're able to use BBP for churches to accept for tithes? That could add utility. Sorry if I've missed the boat on this somehow!

  • jaapgvk
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Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2018, 03:00:55 AM »
Thank you for your insightful answers April. I can really see the added value a good PR-person can bring to this project.

About BiblePays 'hook': I think this is indeed a difficult question to answer, because we are trying to be a lot of things at the same time, but who knows how it all shall evolve. I think primarily, we are a combination of an investment and a charity, with the core of it being that our governing is decentralised.

I like the idea West stated in another thread, about forming a sort of 'Foundation'. It kinda maybe defeats the purpose of the whole 'being decentralised', but it would really give us something palpable in the world.

I'm just thinking out loud here, but to me, it's maybe a 'feel good investment' to be involved in BiblePay. But I can also see why such a PR wouldn't really work, because it could maybe be seen as making money off of starving children (being really morbid here). I would like it if biblepay could in the future be it's own charity, while also being a good investment, and that people investing are incentivised to give part of their earnings (mining, masternodes, transaction costs etc) to the charity-fund, so there is a continues mutual growth.

i guess that paying directly to charities is more efficient, but I also think that BiblePay has the power to reach people that would otherwise would not give much money to charity.

Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2018, 11:09:55 AM »
I like the idea West stated in another thread, about forming a sort of 'Foundation'. It kinda maybe defeats the purpose of the whole 'being decentralised', but it would really give us something palpable in the world.

My thought is a Foundation is basically what DASH has.  The governance of it is still decentralized, but it gives a place for storing IP, maybe even electing a director for a term and the like.   I think you can retain the important aspects of decentralized (proposal governance being the prime one) while having an official entity to oversee other aspects.

Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2018, 01:31:18 AM »
My thought is a Foundation is basically what DASH has.  The governance of it is still decentralized, but it gives a place for storing IP, maybe even electing a director for a term and the like.   I think you can retain the important aspects of decentralized (proposal governance being the prime one) while having an official entity to oversee other aspects.

Totally possible to incorporate it and would probably be what we want to be able to grow more. Of course, it is crucial to make sure the bulk of the governance still remains in the masternode holders hands.

Dash is doing exactly that so it would totally be possible for us to do it too! Of course that's a lot of work (and probably a lot of money to make sure it's done correctly) so that would probably only be done much later.

  • jaapgvk
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Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2018, 02:38:04 AM »
Hi April,

I was thinking about your marketing-proposal in light on the new website that is up. In my opinion, the website could definitely use your touch, because it just seems disjointed right now in the way that information is provided.

I just read this medium article from Togo, which doesn't include the rosetta@home cancer research yet, but I think gives a more clear depiction of what Biblepay is about than the website does at the moment:

If you would consider working with Thomas (and maybe Togo, if he is willing) to really get the website to shine content-wise, I would absolutely vote 'yes' for that proposal. I'm also willing to provide content and/or feedback.

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Re: PR, Communications, Marketing Proposal
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2018, 02:34:33 PM »
Hi April,

I was thinking about your marketing-proposal in light on the new website that is up. In my opinion, the website could definitely use your touch, because it just seems disjointed right now in the way that information is provided.

I just read this medium article from Togo, which doesn't include the rosetta@home cancer research yet, but I think gives a more clear depiction of what Biblepay is about than the website does at the moment:

If you would consider working with Thomas (and maybe Togo, if he is willing) to really get the website to shine content-wise, I would absolutely vote 'yes' for that proposal. I'm also willing to provide content and/or feedback.


Could you please give an update on the progress of PR? Thank you.