Bible Pay

Read 624034 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
My Zotac hard drive blew out 4 days into use!  So much for reliability...

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Same problem here.
Testing in prod.
CPID associated without problem. getinfo, getmininginfo, getboincinfo without problem.
but after podc update it gives false with debug "PODCUpdate::Unable to create PODC UTXO::Balance too low"
I've send funds to my CPID address more than 40 blocks ago.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Same problem here.
Testing in prod.
CPID associated without problem. getinfo, getmininginfo, getboincinfo without problem.
but after podc update it gives false with debug "PODCUpdate::Unable to create PODC UTXO::Balance too low"
I've send funds to my CPID address more than 40 blocks ago.

Oh Ok, I think we found a minor thing should not be a showstopper but will require another tweak in the final prod version-
Do me a favor, type 'exec stakebalance'.  Let me know what your Real unlocked balance is vs your stakebalance?

I believe the PODC update system is only looking for coins older than 24 hours.  We can remove that rule for Prod, as we are going by total balance, not by aged balance (as far as PODC UTXO's are concerned).  Yeah, that looks like the problem.  Fixing this now.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Ok, Togo you made it!  Your in exec leaderboard in Test now.

So thats one huge thing out of the way.  All we have left now is:
- Large podc update handling (field size) in prod
- Sanc supermajority by version
- Non-Aged utxos

I think that sums it up.  Id like to form a game plan for prod before proceeding.
Im thinking with the botnet out there, judging by the fact that 68% are on a heinously old version, we may need to also add a mandatory upgrade flag for prod (IE we become the new network) in this next version.

But lets continue testing and ensure we squashed all the bugs before I create 1099.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Oh Ok, I think we found a minor thing should not be a showstopper but will require another tweak in the final prod version-
Do me a favor, type 'exec stakebalance'.  Let me know what your Real unlocked balance is vs your stakebalance?

I believe the PODC update system is only looking for coins older than 24 hours.  We can remove that rule for Prod, as we are going by total balance, not by aged balance (as far as PODC UTXO's are concerned).  Yeah, that looks like the problem.  Fixing this now.
it looks like possible problem:
Code: [Select]
  "Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 0

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
it looks like possible problem:
Code: [Select]
  "Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 0

Yeah, in UnitTest I just fixed it - its trying to use aged coins > 24 hours in coin_age only, fixed.

So that will be resolved in the next version.

Im thinking to kick the botnet off, we are going to need a flag set anyway to allow us to "be" the new prod network.

Any other issues we can think of for the next build?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Mandatory Upgrade

- Use standard unlocked wallet balance for PODC UTXO stakes
- Require mandatory protocol upgrade for sanctuaries to 70717
- Added BBP address to exec getboincinfo for each CPID

* Windows is now building *

This new version breaks compatibility in test & prod.  Lets all upgrade to 1099 in test, ensure its functioning and then in the evening Ill start recommending we upgrade in prod to ensure things are propagating.

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
Super minor: Something Ive noticed after stopping Biblepay on Ubuntu, I get message written to the command line like this: "written 0.000000  written 960.000000  written 0.000000", the longer its been running the longer the message, I can only backspace a little of it, I just have to click enter and then type my next command in, hasnt caused any issues

Upgrading both of my testnet sanctuaries to v1.0.9.9

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
In testnet your e94 CPID has a 100 weight as of a few hours ago: E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-05-2018 12:31:08)": "100
(exec datalist utxoweight) alluding to the fact that since you have multiple cpids, you probably didnt leave the controller wallet on long enough to send 5 UTXO's out.  Each CPID requires a separate UTXO.  So it might have looped through 4 of your CPIDS and Failed to send the 5th until you manually triggered  it a few hours ago... 

This is a good reason in Prod we should have One cpid, of course for testing, I realize this is why we have multiple CPIDs.

I was referring to my production controller wallet, I associated that CPID with my production wallet so I shoudn't be linked to the test wallet anymore. I checked the stake balance:

exec stakebalance

  "Command": "stakebalance",
  "StakeBalance": 85139

Code: [Select]
exec getboincinfo

  "Command": "getboincinfo",
  "CPID": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee",
  "Address": "BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN",
  "CPIDS": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee;",
  "CPID-Age (hours)": 422298,
  "NextSuperblockHeight": 33620,
  "NextSuperblockBudget": 760165,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_RAC": 5117.84,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TEAM": 15044,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_TaskWeight": 100,
  "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee_UTXOWeight": 0,
  "Total_RAC": 5117.84,
  "Total Payments (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Payments (One Week)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Day)": 0,
  "Total Budget (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock Hit Count (One Week)": 0,
  "Superblock List": "",
  "Last Superblock Height": 0,
  "Last Superblock Budget": 0,
  "Last Superblock Payment": -1,
  "Magnitude (One-Day)": 0,
  "Magnitude (One-Week)": 0

exec podcupdate

  "Command": "podcupdate",
  "PODCUpdate": true

exec datalist dcc

  "DataList": "DCC",
  "04FBA56D89A5EB38B1B82F8A6240132C (03-05-2018 08:37:48)": "04fba56d89a5eb38b1b82f8a6240132c;BQJeuW9czNp7XJGFE11sDxqifaYsKSHmGa;BQJeuW9czNp7XJGFE11sDxqifaYsKSHmGa;1981529;INQ84/j9PlIAiksMlIWytRUWeT1Oy1IUearmIBEQwhSGPyv91yrspBm6SoYXiLQ3g5XTKXBNWBQcrs+GQfLbuzI=;0",
  "1E7184E17377549D5A7D7A2EDFB51017 (03-05-2018 17:58:54)": "1e7184e17377549d5a7d7a2edfb51017;B7AZbMPwtCNejwiLktZteGKuSgdmUkzq4m;B7AZbMPwtCNejwiLktZteGKuSgdmUkzq4m;1982314;H1xGyUiI2Tpbw7TSUZ8wEymzPo4kbb2sHsy6Fn4WyqesOCMS1JxWqrdnqUo0wC4YwhC4lQEiOH7epkNycltZTfc=;0",
  "6785DED1F65063EF8F01F42DEB31CF1D (03-04-2018 23:17:49)": "6785ded1f65063ef8f01f42deb31cf1d;BT9R3ELM81r3uS8aMnKzPq2Mm49mDAVx5j;BT9R3ELM81r3uS8aMnKzPq2Mm49mDAVx5j;1981965;IHbjBdincaH8YS/XL7k6VR9n8dHysachVwo63vwZk732SkG4+Q4qx/qObz2VsYPdBL8RtBpxv5pv3/gmmqtGFPY=;0",
  "8791A036B545F35E9EBD9333922738AC (03-04-2018 20:56:07)": "8791a036b545f35e9ebd9333922738ac;BSfnH2uxp8zm8cCmdxVLji7paJz6zNPd7J;BSfnH2uxp8zm8cCmdxVLji7paJz6zNPd7J;1986929;IH0X/f06jDB7DGrsuew6YOgCwq5DPEcPZjW1hvd11BmvbNlPVOo/O6/RNYi028zk6i2pef0hh4dSMw9j3rqpFYU=",
  "8F273B30F8E0A298ED26E242762DF701 (03-05-2018 02:22:28)": "8f273b30f8e0a298ed26e242762df701;BLLmyTDgsCtD2gC4dxpSXnFHnpVVewkEiq;BLLmyTDgsCtD2gC4dxpSXnFHnpVVewkEiq;1981270;IN1loec110Y97Y9OILSxtkY1e5o1C9V/xOlrmfqwyD1IS9LA8yczMyFAgRa5nN/KQt+JxU+icBIQpKyJT7UsNUA=;0",
  "CA895B47AACFFBDBF906201821AF2F9F (03-05-2018 13:27:33)": "ca895b47aacffbdbf906201821af2f9f;BSw7JZ9r2cFLgLL7tg6oDKDWicGGGzXf4J;BSw7JZ9r2cFLgLL7tg6oDKDWicGGGzXf4J;475629;H1QQr77z7khrCeX3CJn6iUAQRqmqRZyIAl1CJdfeJx3oG9wfeJknjhmBvuokvJSUhqC+3+nzWhsr7T3MOkSoFqg=;0",
  "D9B22FCCFAE5582D4EE7838883AAA3CF (03-05-2018 17:58:54)": "d9b22fccfae5582d4ee7838883aaa3cf;BSqcLcFLYt3bKvoUaZ5rGURW75xgjJdQoD;BSqcLcFLYt3bKvoUaZ5rGURW75xgjJdQoD;1981615;IO9jRoYdWOO9iSFJ+yBLrlIqAhzyxKAv16jrpLrB3sqfEBhHuO+Tu8UWNQISXmp1cUePVOKJm8TBvY8gN8DsVuY=;0",
  "E94C1704C75F731F8BFDE303F08408EE (03-05-2018 02:22:28)": "e94c1704c75f731f8bfde303f08408ee;BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN;BTTa9qDMsX6zEQcYJPNu1KptscotKMbPfN;1981209;IG2r+VxRlr+3ceKJhbLnldsMVoZv/uoKgx4SukL9Z+bJdIjpjCMaoceE1Aog7hFOSGJd70eU6bgLJM56hCRwV1k=;0"
« Last Edit: March 05, 2018, 01:32:32 PM by T-Mike »

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA

Mandatory Upgrade

- Use standard unlocked wallet balance for PODC UTXO stakes
- Require mandatory protocol upgrade for sanctuaries to 70717
- Added BBP address to exec getboincinfo for each CPID

* Windows is now building *

This new version breaks compatibility in test & prod.  Lets all upgrade to 1099 in test, ensure its functioning and then in the evening Ill start recommending we upgrade in prod to ensure things are propagating.

Both of my testnet sanctuaries are upgraded and running
since protocol upgrade ran masternode start-alias commands again

  • orbis
  • Full Member

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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Rob... nice... 1099 workings great...
podcupdate is now true in prod ;)

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

    • 375

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Upgraded 9 sanctuaries to

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Super minor: Something Ive noticed after stopping Biblepay on Ubuntu, I get message written to the command line like this: "written 0.000000  written 960.000000  written 0.000000", the longer its been running the longer the message, I can only backspace a little of it, I just have to click enter and then type my next command in, hasnt caused any issues

Upgrading both of my testnet sanctuaries to v1.0.9.9
Oh OK, thanks, yes that was the debug log from when we started testing SSL.  OK, I removed it for the next version, thanks.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob... nice... 1099 workings great...
podcupdate is now true in prod ;)
Good to hear, all credit to Yeshua Hamashiach.

  • orbis
  • Full Member

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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
for sure...
please give me newest block nr and blockhash :)
test and prod