Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
First, thank you for setting up a fantastic free service for fractional sanctuary. It is super easy for BBP users to participate in. Setting up a server up is a bit harder, costly, and I know a few people I helped setup quit after a mandatory upgrade.

Did the deposit limit change to 4.25M? What was your reasoning for the deposit limit? It must be more work for you the more BBP you have to manage because a new sanctuary has to be spun up every time? If we could deposit more BBP, what are your thoughts on a daily charge to cover your hosting costs at least? I know you've mentioned that if a sanctuary holder sponsors a child, it is more personal and it becomes a 1-on-1 type of relationship, where a frac sanc sort of makes it a group effort. That in itself is not bad, but I suppose, it makes the investor less vested in the child than a 1-on-1 type of situation?

Could you please check the post and edit it to make sure its visible - I dont want to give the impression to the users we are hiding anything.

As far as Deposit Limits, these changes were set to be released to prod in 12 days (for POOS), but, today, we had some type of script kiddie attacking the pool so I had to make a release and therefore some of the new rules got released for September to prod (which is OK, none were created yet that charge for orphans attached to fractional sancs).

The idea is that I believe I will want to limit fractional sanctuaries to 4.25MM once we cut over to POOS, because I want them to sponsor their own orphans (with their own sanc, if they have that much capital), and not rely on the pool to do it.  This is primarily because I want the maximum chance of an investor paying USD or fiat for the orphan (and not using the pool to liquidate BBP to sponsor orphans as that drives our price down).

As far as hosting costs, I incur a lot of fees and at this time Im not seeking rewards.  The pool does support charging fees (from miners) so this in no way stops another pool from starting and charging fees (they can set 1%, 2%, etc whatever they want).  Id rather see bbp grow first so Im trying not to hamper the sponsorship of orphans.

Yes, fractional sancs definitely make our children feel alien, as compared to a single sanctuary.  A single sanc has more of a propensity to write to an orphan.  However, we also need an onboarding method for some of the 240 sancs that are about to be unplugged on September 5th that might feel like $40 a month is too much but want to help our cause.

4200 BBP
« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 01:48:38 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Sorry, the small text is not intentional. I seem to have problems with font sizes even after I click on remove formatting.

The text that is small says the following:

First, thank you for setting up a fantastic free service for fractional sanctuary. It is super easy for BBP users to participate in. Setting up a server up is a bit harder, costly, and I know a few people I helped setup quit after a mandatory upgrade.

2600 BBP

  • Sammyolami
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    • August 16, 2020, 11:59:57 AM

Approximately 2-3 months ago,Moises cabrera got really sick and was told he had a bacteria in his stomach. As the days went by, we noticed he didn’t get any better and due to the severity of the issue he was hospitalized last month. For an unknown reason the bacteria started causing heart failure. Moises cabrera had an open heart surgery in the past so this is a major problem. The doctors are not 100% sure what caused it but his heart is not doing good or getting better. The medicine he is on at the hospital is what is keeping his heart going. After speaking to the doctors today, 8/4/20 the next steps would be to get him an LVAD surgery that can cost up to $200,000 while he is on the list for a heart transplant. Without this, he doesn’t have much time left. He will need to stay on the medication that is making his heart work and this will cost $2,000 per month. Moises cabrera was the sole provider for his wife and two young daughters (ages 17 and 8 ). We are doing what we can to help provide but we cannot afford the surgery or the medication for him to have it at home. I know times are extremely hard right now but if there is any way you could give a small donation or share this, it would mean the world to us. We are hoping this can help us afford his medications, any treatments and help the family with essential expenses. Thank you in advance for helping and donating. Please keep moises cabrera and family in your prayers, we truly need it more than ever. We know God works in amazing ways so we are trying to stay as optimistic and positive for him as we can. Once again, thank you and may God bless you .



1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Sorry, the small text is not intentional. I seem to have problems with font sizes even after I click on remove formatting.

The text that is small says the following:

First, thank you for setting up a fantastic free service for fractional sanctuary. It is super easy for BBP users to participate in. Setting up a server up is a bit harder, costly, and I know a few people I helped setup quit after a mandatory upgrade.

2600 BBP

Thank you for the compliments, Sun.

4200 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of

Approximately 2-3 months ago,Moises cabrera got really sick and was told he had a bacteria in his stomach. As the days went by, we noticed he didn’t get any better and due to the severity of the issue he was hospitalized last month. For an unknown reason the bacteria started causing heart failure. Moises cabrera had an open heart surgery in the past so this is a major problem. The doctors are not 100% sure what caused it but his heart is not doing good or getting better. The medicine he is on at the hospital is what is keeping his heart going. After speaking to the doctors today, 8/4/20 the next steps would be to get him an LVAD surgery that can cost up to $200,000 while he is on the list for a heart transplant. Without this, he doesn’t have much time left. He will need to stay on the medication that is making his heart work and this will cost $2,000 per month. Moises cabrera was the sole provider for his wife and two young daughters (ages 17 and 8 ). We are doing what we can to help provide but we cannot afford the surgery or the medication for him to have it at home. I know times are extremely hard right now but if there is any way you could give a small donation or share this, it would mean the world to us. We are hoping this can help us afford his medications, any treatments and help the family with essential expenses. Thank you in advance for helping and donating. Please keep moises cabrera and family in your prayers, we truly need it more than ever. We know God works in amazing ways so we are trying to stay as optimistic and positive for him as we can. Once again, thank you and may God bless you .



Sammy, if you go to, you can populate the Forum Rewards address in Account Settings and get rewarded for posts here also.

4200 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

What country is Moises in? If Moises is in the United States, I can forward some resources to you. Can you explain who you are? Unfortunately, unless transplant patients are financially secure or have a sponsor, they are not likely to receive a new organ even if they are a good physical match. Many pharmaceuticals offer financial assistance if the patient does not health insurance or poor. What drug is Moises on?   


Approximately 2-3 months ago,Moises cabrera got really sick and was told he had a bacteria in his stomach. As the days went by, we noticed he didn’t get any better and due to the severity of the issue he was hospitalized last month. For an unknown reason the bacteria started causing heart failure. Moises cabrera had an open heart surgery in the past so this is a major problem. The doctors are not 100% sure what caused it but his heart is not doing good or getting better. The medicine he is on at the hospital is what is keeping his heart going. After speaking to the doctors today, 8/4/20 the next steps would be to get him an LVAD surgery that can cost up to $200,000 while he is on the list for a heart transplant. Without this, he doesn’t have much time left. He will need to stay on the medication that is making his heart work and this will cost $2,000 per month. Moises cabrera was the sole provider for his wife and two young daughters (ages 17 and 8 ). We are doing what we can to help provide but we cannot afford the surgery or the medication for him to have it at home. I know times are extremely hard right now but if there is any way you could give a small donation or share this, it would mean the world to us. We are hoping this can help us afford his medications, any treatments and help the family with essential expenses. Thank you in advance for helping and donating. Please keep moises cabrera and family in your prayers, we truly need it more than ever. We know God works in amazing ways so we are trying to stay as optimistic and positive for him as we can. Once again, thank you and may God bless you .



2700 BBP

  • Sammyolami
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    • August 16, 2020, 11:59:57 AM
Sunk818 ,he is in mexico ,I am samola Walter Revoal one of Moises best friends and family member since I am married to his sister so he is my inlaw,please continue to support us with you prayers and don't forget to support us financially too as we will be needing all the support we can get  ,we thank you all in advance

1000 BBP

  • Sammyolami
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    • August 16, 2020, 11:59:57 AM
My apologies for such a late reply. We have been trying to continue
contacting various hospitals to hopefully get moises the surgery he needs.

He is soon to be moved to Denver, Colorado.

Thank you very much.

1000 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM

I will pray that he gets the help he needs with a new heart.

My apologies for such a late reply. We have been trying to continue
contacting various hospitals to hopefully get moises the surgery he needs.

He is soon to be moved to Denver, Colorado.

Thank you very much.

2700 BBP

  • Sammyolami
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    • August 16, 2020, 11:59:57 AM
May the God that listens to the prayer of  all people answer your prayers!

1000 BBP

  • Radar_Dude7
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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
My apologies for such a late reply. We have been trying to continue
contacting various hospitals to hopefully get moises the surgery he needs.

He is soon to be moved to Denver, Colorado.

Thank you very much.

1000 BBP

Thank you for letting us know about Moises' situation. We are praying that God would heal him and provide for his family. I am sending some support as well. God bless!

1000 BBP

  • Radar_Dude7
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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
Unsure why this happens, but this is the second or third time I have seen it since mining on Foundation. The BBP awards are down to less than 50 BBP per cycle right now, sometimes less than 5. I was receiving 300+ for weeks, sometimes as much as 1K+. Is it just cyclical and the wallet catches up after a while? My worker address is:
Also, I have not seen any funding from posting yet. Is there a cache that will pay out after a certain amount is "earned"? Thanks for your help in understanding this cryptocurrency mining thing!

1000 BBP

  • Radar_Dude7
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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
And also another thing that appears to be coming to pass - one of the prophecies in Dana Coverstones dream (this is one I tweeted out) was that first dimes and nickels wont be available (and thats happening now), then dollars and fives, then (as Sundar Selvaraj said) the world will want to go cashless - in order to usher in the mark of the beast.

Today the Federal Reserve announced they will be making a digital currency soon:

This is a pretty large sign, that a cashless society is on its way.

4200 BBP
Pretty interesting article. AND it was updated just last week. To me, the most interesting part was the final line: "In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, prominent economists have noted that a digital currency would have made it easier for the government to send stimulus checks to workers." Just like the gov'ment to make it all about supporting the people...

1000 BBP

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Pretty interesting article. AND it was updated just last week. To me, the most interesting part was the final line: "In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, prominent economists have noted that a digital currency would have made it easier for the government to send stimulus checks to workers." Just like the gov'ment to make it all about supporting the people...

1000 BBP

Hopefully, digital dollar is designed correctly. I know Fed Reserve is working on instant transfer feature (between banks I think) for injecting liquidity, but I suppose the same technology could be used in the context of a digital dollar. Even with the USD having inflationary value, USD  provides a stable value. Some countries use it informally as their currency of choice because their government backed fiat is unreliable or too volatile.

Innovation is occurring with cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, but anonymity doesn't seem to be a characteristic they are considering when building digital dollar. China is building their own digital yuan and it could very well be used to track usage of dissidents and/or limit access to people they disagree with. I could see the same being done in the USA with homeland security, DEA, FBI, NSA, etc.

Bitcoin and the stablecoins aren't any better on the anonymous point. At least stablecoins offer a stable value pegged to the USD. But I'm still not impressed that most of the stablecoins decided to be ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network. So, none of them will have instant transfer feature like XLM, XRP, or DASH InstantSend.

Still, a digital account for every US citizen would be great. You get your social security, unemployment, federal pension, military pension, irs tax refunds, etc all can be deposited into a US digital account. If the government bails out a corporation, we can all get dividends when the corporate stock is sold at a higher price. Reparations for African-Americans could also be deposited here if it became law.

Overall, I'd support a US digital account to streamline the bureacracy.

2700 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Unsure why this happens, but this is the second or third time I have seen it since mining on Foundation. The BBP awards are down to less than 50 BBP per cycle right now, sometimes less than 5. I was receiving 300+ for weeks, sometimes as much as 1K+. Is it just cyclical and the wallet catches up after a while? My worker address is:
Also, I have not seen any funding from posting yet. Is there a cache that will pay out after a certain amount is "earned"? Thanks for your help in understanding this cryptocurrency mining thing!

1000 BBP
Hi Radar,

On the Forum reward bonuses of 1K each, I see the foundation has rewarded you 5*1K (5K) so that looks right.  The way they currently work is they go into your Forum account (please click Deposit report) and you will see them.  We could have sent them with individual tx's but I just did this to keep the tx qty down etc.

I have to look into the mining issue separately, please hang on.

4200 BBP