Bible Pay

Read 503435 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob, how did you send the tBBP to yourself, Before I updated, it gave me that peers warning message when I tried to look up my addresses.

I had to mine a few hundred blocks in order to have enough to start a hot sanc.  Do u need some tBbp?

The peers warning should be gone now; it comes up when all your peers have different block heights.

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
I had to mine a few hundred blocks in order to have enough to start a hot sanc.  Do u need some tBbp?

The peers warning should be gone now; it comes up when all your peers have different block heights.

Yeah, if you have any, thanks. I'm still aiming for 10 nodes.


  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Pre-enabled but stuck here:

"AssetID": 3,
  "Attempt": 12,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true,
  "IsMasternodeListSynced": true,
  "IsWinnersListSynced": false,
  "IsSynced": false,
  "IsFailed": false,
  "MasternodesEnabled": true
Code: [Select]

2018-02-19 20:24:10 Misbehaving: (0 -> 14)
2018-02-19 20:24:14 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=0e4$
2018-02-19 20:24:14 AddToWallet 3ea3e5192c0d5a61091d6537daa5b53e239a58d1d3d1213ba6e46e3cb06ecd83  new
2018-02-19 20:24:14 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:24:18 Misbehaving: (0 -> 14)
2018-02-19 20:24:36 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=52f$
2018-02-19 20:24:36 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:24:39 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=911$
2018-02-19 20:24:39 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:24:43 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=7f0$
2018-02-19 20:24:43 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:24:54 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=d05$
2018-02-19 20:24:54 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:25:00 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=e74$
2018-02-19 20:25:00 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:25:25 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=d4f$
2018-02-19 20:25:25 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2018-02-19 20:25:34 We have a pending superblock at height 1980.000000  AcceptBlock::ExecuteDistributedComputingSanctuaryQuorumProcess PENDING_SUPERBLOCK UpdateTip: new best=9f7$
2018-02-19 20:25:34 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED

« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 02:31:22 PM by Rob A. »

  • togoshigekata
  • Hero Member

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    • September 01, 2017, 10:21:10 AM
    • USA
One of my wallets was stuck syncing the masternode info for a little bit but it finally fully synced,
Got 2 Sanctuaries running now!

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Pre-enabled but stuck here:

"AssetID": 3,
  "Attempt": 12,
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true,
  "IsMasternodeListSynced": true,
  "IsWinnersListSynced": false,
  "IsSynced": false,
  "IsFailed": false,
  "MasternodesEnabled": true
Code: [Select]

2018-02-19 20:24:10 Misbehaving: (0 -> 14)
2018-02-19 20:24
2018-02-19 20:25:34 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED

I think you are OK - sometimes new masternodes take a few hours to sync.  Could you please see if your blocks are still moving on that node- past block 2005?  And then type:
mnsync reset

And lets see if it makes it to 999?

Log looks OK.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
One of my wallets was stuck syncing the masternode info for a little bit but it finally fully synced,
Got 2 Sanctuaries running now!
Yeah, I see my mag dropped to 774, you must have hogged all my mag!
JK, anyway I see we solved 16 of the 16 superblocks this time.

I just remembered, we should all post the sanctuary_rank from exec testvote.  But lets wait til we have at least 5 sancs...

« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 02:35:58 PM by Rob A. »

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM

I think you are OK - sometimes new masternodes take a few hours to sync.  Could you please see if your blocks are still moving on that node- past block 2005?  And then type:
mnsync reset

And lets see if it makes it to 999?

Log looks OK.

It's synced now. It took much longer than I was used to so that's why I posted it.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
The small devices would still work, but this would require a controller wallet running to know when the small device starts hashing.

Thinking about this a little deeper,  that might be a big boon for biblepay.  This would mean to get paid you need to keep your controller wallet running so it can send messages that your devices are starting tasks.  Thats a plus for our security , as that means our networking full node count is higher and the POW-heat side would not be virtually zero.  So this is actually a reasonable and positive requirement....

Lets think about this.
This would be a big minus for me. My controller wallet is on my notebook, which is my only one PC and that is not running 24/7. I really don't like an idea to put my wallet somewhere to run it 24/7 (e.g. VPS). I like current state :) It is ideal for me. OK, i'm just a small fish here, but I think, that you want to point this coin to people like me too. If there will be mobile phone wallet with this option, it wouldn't be so bad. This would be acceptable to almost everyone. There will be just another problem. You must be still online :) , so you need to pay mobile data. In developing countries it may be problem too. OK. I must stop writing, I'm really not optimistic :) But I like a PoDC a lot.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
This would be a big minus for me. My controller wallet is on my notebook, which is my only one PC and that is not running 24/7. I really don't like an idea to put my wallet somewhere to run it 24/7 (e.g. VPS). I like current state :) It is ideal for me. OK, i'm just a small fish here, but I think, that you want to point this coin to people like me too. If there will be mobile phone wallet with this option, it wouldn't be so bad. This would be acceptable to almost everyone. There will be just another problem. You must be still online :) , so you need to pay mobile data. In developing countries it may be problem too. OK. I must stop writing, I'm really not optimistic :) But I like a PoDC a lot.

I catch your drift, but I think security and integrity trumps usability in this case.  I believe we should do everything possible to keep the system working for tablets and phones, and also, keep it acceissble for people in the unbanked world where they cant afford stakes to use it (IE dont make the rich richer).

Im thinking of ways to make that happen, but so far all I have are two modifications:
1) The "controller" wallet can run on any of your boincing pcs (IE if you send the wallet to the boinc PC, it doesnt necessarily mean your home PC has to stay on), but yes, so far at least one biblepay node has to stay up at all times
2) We can make the coin_amount*age modifier relatively small, but definitely intact.  What this would do is going back to the botnet issue, require a mining org to have BBP at stake to receive research rewards.  However in sympathy to 3rd world users mining to pay for a loaf of bread, we should require a pretty low stake amount, say < 99,000 bbp or something.  (I mean any amount would work, but dont give Huge benefits to people with a lot of coin age, or then the rich get richer).  Im thinking CoinAmount*CoinAge*RAC = Reward, but the CoinAmount*CoinAge is limited and capped to something like 7 days of coin age @ 250,000 BBP. Etc.

Im open to suggestions, but driving our price up due to a breakthrough feature, and helping 100,000 orphans is much much more important.  If our price goes up, people will find a way to leave a controller wallet running and then mine on multiple tablets :).

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I catch your drift, but I think security and integrity trumps usability in this case.  I believe we should do everything possible to keep the system working for tablets and phones, and also, keep it acceissble for people in the unbanked world where they cant afford stakes to use it (IE dont make the rich richer).

Im thinking of ways to make that happen, but so far all I have are two modifications:
1) The "controller" wallet can run on any of your boincing pcs (IE if you send the wallet to the boinc PC, it doesnt necessarily mean your home PC has to stay on), but yes, so far at least one biblepay node has to stay up at all times
2) We can make the coin_amount*age modifier relatively small, but definitely intact.  What this would do is going back to the botnet issue, require a mining org to have BBP at stake to receive research rewards.  However in sympathy to 3rd world users mining to pay for a loaf of bread, we should require a pretty low stake amount, say < 99,000 bbp or something.  (I mean any amount would work, but dont give Huge benefits to people with a lot of coin age, or then the rich get richer).  Im thinking CoinAmount*CoinAge*RAC = Reward, but the CoinAmount*CoinAge is limited and capped to something like 7 days of coin age @ 250,000 BBP. Etc.

Im open to suggestions, but driving our price up due to a breakthrough feature, and helping 100,000 orphans is much much more important.  If our price goes up, people will find a way to leave a controller wallet running and then mine on multiple tablets :).

Thinking more about this I think we can have our cake and eat it too.  As long as the CPID does not have any computers on the CPID.

We can say : If the CPID is only phones & tablets, allow it in with no penalty with a stake age of 1 day @ 10000 bbp. 

Otherwise, require proof of every task, every task start time, and a UTXO.  So for the small fish in the block (usually < 100 RAC or so) we could let them in.    I wouldnt mind programming that in, especially for usability in 3rd world countries.

It makes sense, because the power users are the hogs, and those are the ones we check fully.  Then we still have our integrity and competition etc.

  • orbis
  • Full Member

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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
I catch your drift, but I think security and integrity trumps usability in this case. 

Im open to suggestions, but driving our price up due to a breakthrough feature, and helping 100,000 orphans is much much more important.  If our price goes up, people will find a way to leave a controller wallet running and then mine on multiple tablets :).
I agree with you. I just wanted to point on another point of view :) You're making great job and I'm impressed with yours fast making concept/programming ability. Thanks.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I agree with you. I just wanted to point on another point of view :) You're making great job and I'm impressed with yours fast making concept/programming ability. Thanks.
Thanks Orbis, if it works then all credit to Yeshua.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Ok. Now to testing :) After update I've must to start mining to have some tBBP to join Rosetta. Now I'm in, but my magnitude is 0. It all starts from zero after update?

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
Ok. Now to testing :) After update I've must to start mining to have some tBBP to join Rosetta. Now I'm in, but my magnitude is 0. It all starts from zero after update?

No, whenever it gets the data file from Rosetta it will update your mag.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
No, whenever it gets the data file from Rosetta it will update your mag.

Well actually since we have been in business a few days it already knows all of our CPIDs on the sanc side, but you need to reassociate your CPID.

After 6 confirms, you should see your mag reappear.