Bible Pay

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  • znffal
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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
Luke (znffal) work from last few months
« on: June 22, 2018, 05:40:52 PM »
Hi all,

I just wanted to put in for a few things that have taken quite a bit of time over the last few months.

1) I started a Medium news site for BiblePay:
     I also started a Steemit page because that is popular with crypto people. 
    Most of the articles overlap between the two sites, but not quite all.
    Since I started the Medium account (almost 30 days ago) we have had on average 14 unique visitors per day, and as of this minute, 777 views total in that time.
My vision for this is that it would be a news-hub for BiblePay. Also, it looks like we will post these articles to the new website, so I hope that they will be very useful for BiblePay PR moving forward.

Total articles: 11 on Medium + 1 unique on Steemit.
Total Time: 22 hours.

2) Togo and I did a radio interview with Canary Cry radio, check it out!

Total Time: 4 hours.

3) I have been running point on a few outreach projects. I have had two phone meetings and many email exchanges with the team at Manna (another cryptocurrency). I can't talk specifics of this at this time, but we are hoping that we can get some good PR for both causes.

Total time: 7 hours.

Grand Total: 33 hours.

Average BBP price last 7 days: 0.00244 USD

Requested: 33 hours x $25 USD/hour / 0.00244   =   338000 BBP