Final update
This week we received donations for 87.5 USD and thus this project has been fully funded.
I will now send over the funds to Rob and let him handle the rest of the process.
Thanks for your donations everyone, God bless.
Hi Earlz and Community,
This is really awesome.
We raised the entire $1,403 of donations for 7 new water wells in Pakistan with custom plaques!
(This time I'm trying to type 'BiblePay - In Jesus Name' (We will see if they print Jesus on these).
I confirm that I received the entire balance, and I am ordering the wells now.
These usually take 90-120 days to finish, so please everyone be patient until about beginning of September 2022, then we should look for the completion and we will receive media kits that show the construction of the well, which we can place in our new Sanctuary Water Well page (since we will be moving from Foundation over to Sanctuary Web next month).
Thank you Earlz for putting this together, it truly is a blessing in God's Kingdom, and I'm proud to be part of this project for BiblePay.
We've done so much with so little here at biblepay. We've given way over 10% to orphan charity and we've sown good seed for our future.
If any cryptocurrency project is primed to be blessed, it would be biblepay.
Going out on a limb, I believe we will be one of the long lasting coins for Christians in the long run after the crypto-landscape restructures itself.
In Jesus name we pray this becomes reality.
EDIT: The wells have been ordered.