Guys, I give up.
I’m stuck in this situation.
I tried everything, reinstalled wallet, changed configuration, changed IP port, updated to the latest version, all the rules of NAT on routers are fixed, if I run a netstat ports are in listen, if I run on external ip telnet on ports 40000 and 41000 the machine reachable.
All this did not help to solve the situation.
Below the output from masternode status
masternode status
"outpoint": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4294967295",
"service": "*.*.*.66:41000",
"status": "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain"
Any suggestion? [/list]
Sorry to hear you are having issues creating a new sanc. I am sure it works as last month I created a few more (to ensure our LLMQ was working good etc).
The Sanc IP is public and announced all over the place (its in the masternode list) so it should not really have to be concealed.
If you dont want to reveal it I would try this from another machine on a network outside your LAN, like a work machine:
telnet sancip port
And see if it answers; if you do want to reveal it I can telnet from my house and tell you if it answers.
Im not sure if you are saying the problem is that you are not being entered into sanc list, or if you are in the list and are not being paid 100%.
Even a faulty setup should get you in the list and get you 50% payments (IE investor type payments).
Im not saying to be happy with that just looking for more info.
Definitely do a getnetworkstatus on each machine, and verify they are on the latest software version, and a getblockhash, verify they match chainz.
Verify the TXID that sent the 'exec upgradesanc' command is in the chain more than 6 deep.
Verify that you are in the masternodelist, even if it is the wrong IP, you should be in the list.
Then you can do an additional 'exec upgradesanc sancname' and that will fix the ip.
I always do that after I create a sanc, and after a few blocks pass as generally I have a new sanc with the wrong ip, then the exec upgradesanc fixes the ip.