Bible Pay

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  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« on: March 18, 2018, 04:05:49 PM »
Dear Sanctuary owners, Dear Forum users,

exactly two month after my first proposal, it is a good time to they hello again and tell you about my work of the last 60 days and why I now a new proposal. In the following text, I will show you my work and the benefits it has for Biblepay. This proposal is for a whole set of interconnected projects, that are created to make Biblepay easier for everyone.

As must of you will agree, a good community need a good ecosystem, websites that supports the community, documentations that help new users to start painfree, software that is easy to setup. In my first proposal, I talked about the Ubuntu Packages I created. I got very good feedback later on these packages, and it showed me how important it is, to make things easier.

To do that, I created a couple of useful and powerful tools, websites and documentations:

1. Continued building Ubuntu packages
As a proof of my reliability, you might have noticed, that Ubuntu packages are still build ;) They are still started by hand, to prevent the build&sendout of an unfinished commit.

2. Mining How-To
I hope most of you had already seen it. As we started a little bit early with PoDC, no real easy documentation was available. So I decided to sleep a little bit less and work a little bit more, and created a Step-by-Step Guide for newcomers to Biblepay Mining. The response was very good so far, and I hope it will help a lot of users.

It was a lot of work to create this How-To, as it includes a lot of testing, creating new accounts and even running some work on these accounts, to ensure that I hadn't missed something. But it payed off :)

3. Purepool Mining pool
The pool is not part of this proposal, as I agreed with Rob that we keep the Pools out of these for now.
But it was an important part of my steps into creating userfriendly websites for Biblepay. The fantastic feedback I got for that Pool was one reason why I created the next important site:

4. Biblepay Central
We already have very nice homepage, and I like it. But it is hard to create a Website that has a focus on every aspect of something as complex as Biblepay. A good way of solving such a probem is by created specialiced sub-sites, that try to be perfect in there category.
Biblepay-Central is such a site. I created it as a tech-centred community-hub. It is itself not a community, more a place that points you in the right direction. A place you visit every day, look up for the newest statistics and use the links to go to places you might not now.
It tries to make all important information available on one place, like the current prices on the exchanges, or your personal PoDC status. Or, in very short time, a very nice overview of all proposals ;)
It targets newcomers and old users, hold documentations and links to all important places, even some most old users might have forgotten already ;)
As it is an always evolving site, it will never be "complete", but will be worked on in the future. The proposal include the parts already build.

And indeed, as always: Biblepay Central is Open Source:

Please also have a look at the PoDC User page:
It is very new, it might still have bugs, but I think it is a great addition for Biblepay.
You can access your own user by using the front page and enter your username, CPID oder Biblepay Address in the "User lookup" field in the middle of the page. You can also see the Leaderboard there.

5. A Blockchain Explorer
Sadly, our second Blockchain Explorer had gone offline, so we needed a replacement. I created one, based on the same base as the original Explorer. It is already online and can be used. We always should have more then one explorer, as they are used by other sites to get statistics about biblepay.

Benefits for Biblepay

Because of my work above, new users get an easier start into Biblepay, are more likely to stay and be active part of the Community. It made it more likely, that they will become Investors, which is indeed good for everybody.
Aside from that, Biblepay Central and the Blockchain Explorer are usefull for old users, too. Especially the new PoDC User Status page is hopefully an important place for most users from now on.
The same will be done for the proposals, and making them visible to the world, not only the registered pool users.


I hope that you will accept my proposal and help me by supporting me in being an active part of the developing community of Biblepay.
I already have more work on my list, that incluses (and more):
- Writing an easier documentation for PoDC itself
- Improving the Mining How-To even further. Including information about Staking and others
- Created the proposal section on the Biblepay-Central page
- Now that Rob had created a fixed layout for the version numbers, there could be a Nightly-Build Ubuntu Package Service
- Improving on the "How to get Biblepay" Guide on Biblepay-Central
- Adding an API to Biblepay Central to allow access to proposal and PoDC statistics
But indeed, these are only Ideas ;)

Calculation in EURO:

1 BBP: EUR 0,0024 (18 Mar 2018, 22:39 CET, coinmarketcap)
30 per/h Group A
40 per/h Group B

Time log:
Group A:
- Package Building in the last 60 days: 4 hours
- Mining How-To (includes testing): 11 hours
= 15h

Group B:
- Biblepay Central: 35 hours
- 2. Blockchain explorer: 5 hours
= 40h

Budget: IT
Requested budged for this proposal: 854'166 BBP (15 hrs @ 30 + 40 hrs @ 40)

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 04:08:51 PM by Lichtsucher »

  • jaapgvk
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2018, 04:52:05 PM »
Lichtsucher, I think you're doing an awesome job! I didn't even realize you made another block-explorer, and I think that is very refined and can't wait to see you add new functions to it.

I'm happy that you are part of this community, and you have my 'yes'  ;)

  • znffal
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2018, 08:49:41 PM »
Go for it, submit to the pool so we can vote!
Only a week to go

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2018, 01:08:17 AM »
I hope it will be online very soon, I asked Rob to create it, as I have not enough coins on the main pool :)

  • jaapgvk
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2018, 04:03:12 AM »
Oh, and I found a small thing: the 'Discord' icon in the community tab links to Slack instead of Discord :)

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2018, 04:26:28 AM »
Oh, and I found a small thing: the 'Discord' icon in the community tab links to Slack instead of Discord :)

Fixed ^^

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2018, 07:02:33 AM »
Is there a budget for an iOS wallet app? I will have some holidays soon and perhaps I'm crazy enough to go for it.  ;)

  • jaapgvk
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2018, 07:31:09 AM »
Is there a budget for an iOS wallet app? I will have some holidays soon and perhaps I'm crazy enough to go for it.  ;)

Definitely! I've been in contact with Coinomi (who are releasing and iOS app soon (tm)), but their fees are just too high for us at the moment (they told me it's 7.5 BTC for BBP integration in their wallet).

Do you also have experience with Android by any chance?

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2018, 08:25:28 AM »
Definitely! I've been in contact with Coinomi (who are releasing and iOS app soon (tm)), but their fees are just too high for us at the moment (they told me it's 7.5 BTC for BBP integration in their wallet).

Do you also have experience with Android by any chance?

A bit, but not as much as with iOS. I can try it anyway, and start with the Android version (which I think could be more demanded at this moment). 

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2018, 01:44:05 PM »
Go for it, submit to the pool so we can vote!
Only a week to go

The proposal is online now ^^  Please vote, THANK YOU :)

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2018, 03:02:47 AM »
Is there a budget for an iOS wallet app? I will have some holidays soon and perhaps I'm crazy enough to go for it.  ;)

Self-quoting: are there already proposals to develop mobile BBP wallets? Or do I have to create new ones myself? Thank you

  • jaapgvk
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2018, 03:26:51 AM »
Self-quoting: are there already proposals to develop mobile BBP wallets? Or do I have to create new ones myself? Thank you

I've contacted Coinomi, but they are too expensive at the moment. And Slovakia found a developer a while back and Rob contacted him, but he didn't seem to have any experience with crypto (you could ask Rob for certainty).

But I can say that there aren't any proposals and that development for a mobile wallet is certainly very welcome at this moment  :D

You can add a proposal if you want, You can find instructions for that here:

Someone else can also add a proposal for you if you don't have enough BBP in the pool at this moment.

I would suggest that you at least show some coding or other work you've done before adding the proposal, because otherwise it would be hard for sanctuary owners to see that you're legit and serious about this.

The amount of BBP you get is up to you, but of course, the sanctuaries will have to vote on it, so it should be reasonable. We can discuss how much is fair in these forums beforehand if you'd like.

Maybe it's best if you create a new topic in the 'production proposal' section for this, and we can discuss further there  :)

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2018, 03:55:04 AM »
I've contacted Coinomi, but they are too expensive at the moment. And Slovakia found a developer a while back and Rob contacted him, but he didn't seem to have any experience with crypto (you could ask Rob for certainty).

But I can say that there aren't any proposals and that development for a mobile wallet is certainly very welcome at this moment  :D

You can add a proposal if you want, You can find instructions for that here:

Someone else can also add a proposal for you if you don't have enough BBP in the pool at this moment.

I would suggest that you at least show some coding or other work you've done before adding the proposal, because otherwise it would be hard for sanctuary owners to see that you're legit and serious about this.

The amount of BBP you get is up to you, but of course, the sanctuaries will have to vote on it, so it should be reasonable. We can discuss how much is fair in these forums beforehand if you'd like.

Maybe it's best if you create a new topic in the 'production proposal' section for this, and we can discuss further there  :)

As you may imagine I don't want to start a project from scratch, I will do a previous research on which project I would fork from.

My thoughts are now closer to BreadWallet than Electrum. It already has Android+iOS versions and they don't rely on 3rd party servers but rather connect to the networks themselves as thin clients. For me this would be the optimal approach.

So after I do this research, see things clear, and calculate the amount of work, I will submit the proposal.
Thanks for your attention.

  • jaapgvk
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Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2018, 06:49:23 AM »
As you may imagine I don't want to start a project from scratch, I will do a previous research on which project I would fork from.

My thoughts are now closer to BreadWallet than Electrum. It already has Android+iOS versions and they don't rely on 3rd party servers but rather connect to the networks themselves as thin clients. For me this would be the optimal approach.

So after I do this research, see things clear, and calculate the amount of work, I will submit the proposal.
Thanks for your attention.

Cool :) I like your thoughts on breadwallet because there is no 3rd party server dependency. I always thought that those servers could be a point-of-attack (especially when it's just one server).

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: Development and Documentation: Work by Lichtsucher Feb/Mar
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2018, 05:11:41 AM »
Cool :) I like your thoughts on breadwallet because there is no 3rd party server dependency. I always thought that those servers could be a point-of-attack (especially when it's just one server).

Most interesting is that Breadwallet SPV thin client C library is shared between Android&iOS so even if we start with Android version, most of the non-GUI work will be already available for the iOS version.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 05:15:32 AM by MIP »