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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Im 34.208, been 18+ hours active, still hummin!

Retirement Accounts WIki:

Tools >> Debug Console

exec retirementbalance
exec tradehistory
exec orderbook
exec listorders
exec order [  Buy/Sell/Cancel ]   Qty  Symbol [Price]

I placed a buy RBBP order, 1000 RBBP at 0.5 BBP each
Sweet, thats cool, well let me write my retirement balance first before we trade.
Mine is "exec retirementbalance" 572054
Now Im going to trade with you:   exec order sell 1000 rbbp .5
exec orderbook
I see that in order to see this orderbook properly, you have to drag and widen your RPC console out! Please widen it then you can see matching sales and buys
Togo I dont see you in the orderbook.
I just did an exec order buy 5000 rbbp .5
Can you please try an opposing sell now?

Also please write your balance down first so we can see if it changes.

Hahaha, I guess we shall see what happens in a few hours :) , masternode/sanctuary has been live for 5 hours 20 minutes so far. Im not sure if I was just impatient on v1.0.5.6, or if v1.0.5.8 fixed my issue, or if my crontab actually is wrong.

Ive just modified crontab:
crontab -e

Changed this:   
* * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman && ./venv/bin/python bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1

To this:
* * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman && ./venv/bin/python bin/

Hows it going guys?  Is it still humming along?

I see 207.244 and 34.208 figured it out (and my 3 nodes).  So we have 5, thats pretty good.
Everyone else is still hosed.

So is anyone ready for a retirement trade? Can someone post their retirement account balance here?


oooo Interesting, no changes ( other than updating to v1.0.5.8 ) and now later masternode has Enabled status!

My crontab is:

* * * * * cd /home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman && ./venv/bin/python bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1

My login name is:  ubuntu
Hmm, note that 1058 relaxes the watchdog timeout for the network from 4 hours to 8 hours, so the problem will still reappear if the crontab doesnt work LOL, so anyway just try running the crontab without the >/dev/null suffix, see if it works, if it doesnt try changing to the shortcut ~/.biblepaycore for the beginning CD part of the command etc.

where i have to setup configs+watchman
i see 2 folders with biblepaycore

cd /home/klondike/biblepaycore
cd ~/.biblepaycore$
Its possible to put it anywhere, but I recommend ~/.biblepaycore as the logs go there and its considered ONE installation if you put watchman in there.

Hmmm, my Masternode has been stuck in PRE_ENABLED as well, I waited a good 45+ minutes, but was still stuck in that state, Ill try updating from v1.0.5.6 to v1.0.5.8 and report back
Sorry if this sounds dumb as I read your prior post, but could you also check this :
Please dump your crontab -e contents and try to exec that manually? Just to ensure the whole line minus the "dev null" part runs without an error?

I had this problem the other day, my watchman ran from the command line but not from crontab- that put me in the "PRE_ENABLED" state.  But since crontab was not running every 5 mins, it never transitioned to "ENABLED".  Once I fixed the crontab, everything was fine, and now ive been up for 2 1/2 days. 

I also learned the way watchdog and POSE work in a more detailed way.

Basically, watchdog enforces the Public IP and the proof-of-service.  If another node catches your nodes public IP not responding once in an 8 hour period it remembers that, and tries to vote you for Non payment.  You have up to 8 hours to fix it.  If a person is on vacation and their node is down more than 8 hours, the watchdog expires. 

This is good, because it means to get paid in Sanctuaries you have to rent public VMs and they have to stay up, otherwise you fall out of payment pool.

I updated my Sanctuary/Masternode and Home Wallets to v1.0.5.6
and updated Watchman to

Im getting WATCHDOG_EXPIRED status

The tests for watchman ran fine,
but when I run I get the below simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError error:

~/.biblepaycore/watchman$ ./venv/bin/python bin/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/", line 244, in <module>
  File "bin/", line 191, in main
  File "bin/", line 24, in perform_biblepayd_object_sync
  File "lib/", line 87, in sync
    (go, subobj) = self.import_gobject_from_biblepayd(biblepayd, item)
  File "lib/", line 116, in import_gobject_from_biblepayd
    object_hex = biblepaylib.SHIM_deserialise_from_biblepayd(object_hex)
  File "lib/", line 204, in SHIM_deserialise_from_biblepayd
    obj = deserialise(biblepayd_hex)
  File "lib/", line 229, in deserialise
    obj = simplejson.loads(json, use_decimal=True)
  File "/home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simplejson/"                                 , line 533, in loads
    return cls(encoding=encoding, **kw).decode(s)
  File "/home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simplejson/",                                  line 370, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s)
  File "/home/ubuntu/.biblepaycore/watchman/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/simplejson/",                                  line 400, in raw_decode
    return self.scan_once(s, idx=_w(s, idx).end())
simplejson.scanner.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 115 (                                 char 114)

Togo, could you please try deleting the /watchman directory, and completely reinstalling watchman, and delete mncache.dat, and restart the biblepayd, then retry the test with watchman from the command line? Lets see if it was a permission error when writing the dependencies from the "install.txt" list, or possibly, something loaded into the Watchman database that cant be parsed as JSON.

my node is  stuck in "pre-enabled" status.
not sure if it's relevant but it's happening after i upgraded to ""

"78a235e8d3427b7fec1a0f3635cf3aeb2dbf7d0d53c44578815060d80280a271-1": "PRE_ENABLED"
Yeah, that happens when watchman is not actually running in the cron.
Please do this:
type 'crontab -e' , copy the exact command you typed into your cron into notepad.
exit crontab.

Now type the command from bash.  Tell me if it throws an error (Im sure it will most likely).
Then fix the crontab.

Klondike,  this guide is not for newbies.  Why dont you have your Senior IT specialists google other coins like Chaincoin and Dash and explain how their video is better?  Its NOT.  It requires patience and doing it exact.  I went through the guide and it works.  I updated the one entry for the crontab yesterday.  I believe your "WATCHDOG EXPIRED" is the same issue as above.  Let me know what the output of the above command is.

Once you figure it out, go ahead and make a video for us, and we will post it here.

By the way, the correct commands are not preceded by biblepay-cli.  Some people use RPC, some use bitnet, some use biblepayd, its common sense to precede your commands with biblepay-cli, so the guide stays as is.

togo: your tutorial about run mining under linux is perfect!!!

im tried do my tutorial

.    installed linux wallet
1.  ./biblepayd -testnet -daemon
2.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet getinfo  =if blocks readed then we can start compilation
3.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet masternode genkey   =got it
4.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet getaccountaddress TEST =got it
5.  i send 500k from testnet wallet to masternode wallet got it.... i see 500k in da MN wallet and its confirmed 7/7
6.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet masternode outputs  =got outputs
7.  im opened masternode.config in tesnet3 folder and addded POKUS IP:40001 93W87RB7sVxu72souCWdHGpTWYFFF84oyRe81hzZcHEzWGdogkR 7b3873de1969b087f63cd287c64694b14250aecf7779c67f68691533a6616f3c 1

7.5   ./biblepay-cli -testnet mnsync status   =ASSETID:999   =999 its OK

8.   now on testnet wallet in folder biblapaycore im opened config file and added this


Saved it, closed and restarted testnet wallet  =WORK

9.on linux the SANCTUARY WALLET STOPED wallet and open biblepay.conf and added this

rpcport=9998  biblepay aka admin doesnt know that this rpcport have to/must be add in this config  >:(

saved config and run masternode-linux-wallet again

and here is your tutorial bugs:

1st bug:

PART 4 - Run Sanctuary Linux Wallet Testnet
On remote Linux machine:
1. Enable & Run Wallet in Testnet mode:
  newbies dont know how run testnet wallet add this command

./biblepayd -testnet -daemon

when i added rpcport=9999 to linux=masternode wallet WATCHMAN ran without errors:


tommorow ill do VIDEO TUTORIAL for idiots=newbies

i have this questions:

masternodewallet is HOT wallet?
controllerwinwallet is COLD wallet?

masternodewallet raising balance=why,when my setup was wrote only testnet=1, why mining?
masternodewallet cancelled/delete= i receive 500k coins back?
masternodewallet raise balance for % reward for block?
controller wallet balance raising same like on masternode wallet? using same like when i have wallet.dat on 2 different wallets,but see same coins on both of it?

thanks for understanding this things

ADMIN: immediately fix your wiki tutorial:

add this line when compiling watchman

on linux config you add this rpcport=9998

YES, Your Sanctuary is Running!  Right On.


Ill add the biblepay -testnet to the wiki - note daemon is not required as you should have daemon=1 in the config.

Your questions:

masternodewallet is HOT wallet?

-> The Sanctuary is HOT when the BBP is in it (not recommended).  The Sanctuary is Cold when the BBP is in the controller wallet (RECOMMENDED).

masternodewallet raising balance=why,when my setup was wrote only testnet=1, why mining?
-> The Sanctuary Can mine, if it is in sync.  No problem.

masternodewallet cancelled/delete= i receive 500k coins back?
-> Yes, to cash out your sanctuary, Enable coin control from SETTINGS, then go to Send Money, then click COIN CONTROL, then UNLOCK ALL YOUR LOCKED FUNDS BY TOGGLING THE LOCK, Then check the 500k, then click OK, then Send the money Out of the sanctuary and it will not be a sanctuary anymore.

masternodewallet raise balance for % reward for block?
-> I dont know please refrase this.

controller wallet balance raising same like on masternode wallet? using same like when i have wallet.dat on 2 different wallets,but see same coins on both of it?
-> No, the rewards for running the sanctuary go to the Controller wallet (wherever the Hot funds are).

ADMIN: immediately fix your wiki tutorial:

add this line when compiling watchman

on linux config you add this rpcport=9998

-> OK

i have to have install any watchdog?what is it? where is here in this forum tutorial how to install it?

please set on your web what wallet is last ... its so hard for you add icon above button downloading wallet what version wallet we downloading?  ::)

Watchman has been in the help guide since the beginning.  Watchdog is part of watchman.
It clearly says in the tutorial you have to comment out mainnet and uncomment testnet.
I have no clue how to answer your question when you say "it didnt work" because that could mean a million things.
The question is when you make ONE change not TWO to the watchman conf file, then follow the instructions, run it again and see if it runs without any output - and only do it when biblepay dameon is already running.  You have to do some things yourself, we dont know your machines paths.

As far as the version number on the web download, put a ticket into github with that suggestion and be very detailed as to what you are talking about.

If you dont like the tutorial try using dashs tutorial or tell us how to make it better.  Its NOT for newbies. 

3850 Upgrade

All, is now available for download.  Please upgrade including controller wallets.

To start testing retirement accounts please see this page:

Anyone who has "restart required" or "watchdog expired" please check your watchman-on-the-wall status.
If watchman isnt running, POSE fails, then watchdog expires, then your node fails to get paid its sanctuary payment.

In my case, 2 of my sanctuaries crontabs were working fine, but one linux box kept showing watchdog expired.
In this particular case, I had a local user account that was set up to run biblepay and watchman.  However, in my crontab I had the path for watchman configured as the root home directory as the start dir (not the local user).  So please, verify the user that you will run biblepay as, grab the full user path, and ensure the start directory is correct for watchman, then edit your crontab -e as the actual user and make the adjustment.  Once I did that, my watchdog status went back to ENABLED.

So now my 3 nodes are running.  Will you all please ensure your masternodes are running?  As we only have 30 days left for testing.

Also please get ready for a new release.

Those on Linux, go ahead and update to  Then we will try a few retirement account trades.

Windows is compiling now.


all tutorials doesnt working

0.    installed linux wallet
1.  ./biblepayd -testnet -daemon
2.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet getinfo  if block readed then we can start compilation
3.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet masternode genkey   got it
4.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet getaccountaddress TEST got it
5.  i send 500k from testnet wallet to masternode wallet got it.... i see 500k in da MN wallet and its confirmed 7/7
6.  ./biblepay-cli -testnet masternode outputs  got outputs
7.  im opened masternode.config in tesnet3 folder and addded POKUS IP:40001 93W87RB7sVxu72souCWdHGpTWYFFF84oyRe81hzZcHEzWGdogkR 7b3873de1969b087f63cd287c64694b14250aecf7779c67f68691533a6616f3c 1

7.5   ./biblepay-cli -testnet mnsync status   ASSETID:999   999 its OK

8.   now on testnet wallet in folder biblapaycore im opened config file and added this


Saved it, closed and restarted testnet wallet  WORK

9.on linux the SANCTUARY WALLET STOPED wallet and open biblepay.conf and added this


saved config and run masternode-linux-wallet again

10. in controller windows wallet opened debug win and write this command masternode start-alias POKUS

where is bug on my side? any help guys?

I removed your swear comment.
Please dont swear here. 

Try going to the controller wallet and copy your txid of your collateral to the clipboard, and type

getrawtransaction tx_id_of_collateral 1

Note how nothing comes back.  That means you have no collateral set up for the masternode.

So here are my feelings on the whole thing.

Starting with where we are now and what I feel was conveyed to the investors before this poll:

The code contains a promise to transition from 10% via Tithing blocks to 10% for *Charity* via the budget, and 5% for IT.  I added the 5% IT expense in the mix 45 days ago based on experience, knowing that there is a real risk of not succeeding for the very long term without it.  So we know how we got here.  And I think those are good decisions.

I agree, Im not completely sold on Pay To Preach either, or spending any of the possible 2.5% allocation from that. 

However, Im calling Pay To Preach P2P as in Social Media Peer to Peer blockchain reward technology.  This is for absolutely anything that makes us great not just pay to preach.  I wanted to convey that I feel that is what that sliver of the vote is for.

Now Im not against combining the actual Allocation amounts for P2P and PR into one allocation, thats not it.  The poll is very specific because Im trying to sell something very specific to the community.  This is because I want this coin to have the utmost integrity to the investor.  How would you feel if you just invested $25k of someones retirement account one month ago and found out the lead dev was going to add a 5% allocation for Unknown expenses?  Not very good.  Thats why these are labeled.  There is another reason to be specific.  I stated on the other forum that I dont think we should Ever spend $1 from the Charity fund for IT or PR.  We should always spend it on the orphans or on charity.  Someday an exchange will ask us for $10,000 to go live - and we should NOT spend that cash out of the Charity budget for going live on an exchange.  Lets suffer on one.  So, in that respect its important to designate that we have a 10% budget allocation for CHARITY.  Not for this or that or something random.  And we have a 0-5% budget for IT.  I dont want to set a precedent where we deliberately try to fill up the IT budget with PR because we have money available in it.  I would rather set the precedent that we have UP TO $20,000 this superblock for IT related expenses, and have our IT department and Ops search and find the most bang for the IT buck.  (Things like Debit cards for biblepay, Zinc API, ongoing monthly payments to the partnerships, Lightning Network, etc).  Those are all IT related expenses.   E-Commerce integration.  Etc.

However, I will bend on combining P2P with PR if that is what the community wants.  I agree that since Dash did not know what they would be doing, they created a general fund for things like ATMs and anything that would popularize the coin.  Thats because they were pioneering an expense system at the time to create the first superblock.  We have more details now.

I wouldnt go as far as making the assumption that just because Dash did something this way, its the best way.  We are a DCO, they are not.  So we are a different animal.  There are things about Dash that are great, that we can model off of.  We are not out to be someones clone.  The differences that should shine through are:
- Effective Charity expenses, making a huge impact in the world
- A Christian community base (IE the light of the world)
- Some brand new technologies that other coins want to copy from US
  and this includes new novel processes that WE create

Regarding burning, burning is actually when you create a burn address and remove money from the money supply by spending it there.  In our case, I think if the community votes for a 5% addl allocation, and it is decided that allocation will not be spent, then what happens is very similar to a burn, because the money is never actually minted.  The block payments are less, but if the budget does not contain the item the money is never spent.  So yes, imo, I like that more than not having the flexibility to built the feature, or spend the PR, or get listed on exchange XYZ.  I believe we have set a precedent where we are frugal.  I dont want to change that one bit. 

So I did a test where my controller win wallet is receiving the subsidy for cold sanctuary #1.  I took the windows wallet offline for 30 hours to see if my sanctuary payments were sent by other nodes, and when I came back online sure enough the payments are coming in.  So that tells me we are 98% finished with the actual sanctuary mechanism.

I just created Oct recurring orphan expenses proposal - please vote on it after about an hour it should be available for voting (it has to send itself into the network, and that requires that it sends collateral, then waits 6 blocks, then creates the proposal object, then sends it, etc- the pool does all this for you right now).

Btw, the way I was thinking that pay to preach might work is (that is if P2P is approved in the budget), we create a pool receiving address for P2P, we add a proposal for P2P for say 1Q 2018, when approved, the payment is sent to the pool P2P key.  Then we give the pool the ability to reward "priests" who are on the schedule with subsidies after a successful sermon.  So basically, Priests register on the pool, we set up a biweekly sermon in a chatroom, participants come in, the priest preaches to the biblepay group, then the pool releases the payment after the sermon is over.  We keep doing that until the funds are exhausted, and do not vote on a new P2P campaign until exhausted.  We can add "Priests" and "Sermons" objects to the pool so we can see, and we can add a metric for the P2P balance.

I would feel that the PR budget should be part of the IT 5%.  My thought is 5% is likely to be more than IT needs on a regular basis (as over the long haul, there shouldn't be a lot of new features introduced to a mature coin) and in a lot of ways good IT is good PR.

I feel that 5% possibly will be barely enough funds (maybe not enough), and you severely discount the required IT maintenance expenses (even without considering an elaborate array of new features).

First, let me say that if we dont have IT expenses the whole coin risks dying (because there is a chance that if no one is being paid to maintain the coin everyone walks away) and I really dont want that to happen.  (Thats because the coin cannot live without an active dev.  There are mission critical issues that will arise over the next year that make or break the coin).

The other thing that people are obviously extremely shortsighted about are security commits and breaking changes.  If you want to be a piece of crap coin, where you dont take security seriously, then you dont need to worry about this.  Software TCO is 20% for the creation and 80% maintenance.  Here are two examples:  We are live 1 year, and 11 months in a new version of BEAST is in the wild.  This requires a patch in OpenSSL.  And, bitcoin merges a patch for SegWit that becomes the industry standard (sort of like JSON).  Lets say SegWit is not something you can just merge the class in and go live.  Lets say it requires an expert to integrate the constants and understand biblepay.  So thats $10000 right there.    Then we have testnet and the release schedule.  Since BiblePay went live there are probably already 40 bitcoin commits already that our devs have a backlog to potentially merge in.

Anyway, I feel that it is barely enough and we need it, and if we do not spend it, then it will just increase BBPs value because more money will stay in the coinbase which is a good thing.   Its better to error on the safe side than risk creating a timebomb that might die off for everyone.

We need 5 full time developers to make it in the top 50.  Thats going to cost us $50 an hour for good developers- if we compensate them.  Here is a good point for argument sake.  5 full time devs is over 500 hours of development per month.  I stipulate that we need at least 500 per month - forever.  Im already putting in 120 of them now for free.  So lets tackle that one, if you think we need less than 500 per month.

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