Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #105 on: January 24, 2021, 10:27:01 AM »
** Test Case for "Memorize Scriptures" **

So first let me be clear on this new Gospel feature:  This feature does not simply pull up a random verse and ask you to memorize it.  Part of the call for this feature has to do with a future feature being designed called BiblePay University 1.0.  In BBPU, we are attempting to partner with a Christian Academic publisher, that publishes college study materials for Theology degrees.  That particular feature lets people enter into a Christian college course, learn about a particular module, then where we come in, we will have a testing center that lets you go forward and back through Final Exam testing questions (similar to a certification test page).  The final idea is to provide technology to assist you in bible verses, where you lack in the test, and grading.  We may be able to keep track of the scores via the CPK, so you can continue where you left off in the module.  Now I say all this because part of the Theological study material is a set of useful bible verses that Christians need to memorize to finish a course.  Hence the reason for a Memorizer.  The Other reason is simply being a bible thumper, or a Bible ninja when you are spreading the gospel or healing people.  Additionally I have been on sites that talk about 'the 10 best bible verses to memorize' etc. 

Knowing all this, I found that it would be prudent for us to keep the actual list of verses outside of the code and make them dynamic.  So for now what we do is I have entered the first 25 verses (and we only enter the verse references - IE John 3:16 for example, the Start verse and the End verse, for example John 3:16 - John 3:17) in the chain as a datatype record (memorizer).  This allows us to make Sanc spork voting on this in the future - so sancs can add or delete more verses.  I can see this happening as we grow.  For the initial release in Prod, Ill try to find the top 70 verses or so to start with and enter as data when we go live.

Next as far as language translation and version, we currently have the KJV embedded in the wallet.  For now, the wallet pulls the verse intrinsically (from reference), then uses that for the test material.

Now let me move on to how to use this tool as an end user (and, of course how do we test it):

Click on Memorize Scriptures from the menu.
There are two modes;  Learning and Testing.  The system starts out in the Learning mode. 
In learning mode you will just type the verse into the practice area.  Then click Next to move on.  You can also recite it.
The wallet will keep track of your "learning" score, which is just a grade on how well you typed it in the practice area.  Know that we do a smart analysis of the text, not a verbatim analysis.

When you go into "TEST" mode (by clicking the TEST button), the wallet instead just shows the verse, and we want you to type in the Book, Chapter and Verse Number. 
In this mode we record how well you did in verse matching->reference verse (how many scriptures you matched to references). 

When you click Done you will see your final results and grade as a percentage.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 10:30:55 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #106 on: January 24, 2021, 12:26:46 PM » - Mandatory Upgrade for testnet

- Add support for BTC, LTC, DOGE, DASH and BBP utxostakes
- Add pin staking (rpc: getpin)
- Ensure SMTP supports CC & BCC (we did this, please test)
- Add Memorize Scriptures page with Learn Mode and Test Mode
- Add easystake, easybbpstake, getpin.  Add auto currency detection by address.

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #107 on: January 24, 2021, 01:38:53 PM » - Mandatory Upgrade for testnet

- Add support for BTC, LTC, DOGE, DASH and BBP utxostakes
- Add pin staking (rpc: getpin)
- Ensure SMTP supports CC & BCC (we did this, please test)
- Add Memorize Scriptures page with Learn Mode and Test Mode
- Add easystake, easybbpstake, getpin.  Add auto currency detection by address.

Ready for MacOS. I will check the new test cases out.

Regarding the socket message, I agree with your assessment.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #108 on: January 24, 2021, 03:12:16 PM »
Ready for MacOS. I will check the new test cases out.

Regarding the socket message, I agree with your assessment.

And we also still need help testing the e-mail.  I sent a couple e-mails to you and Earlz.  Please reply and let us know if you got them. 

Also guys, the CC and BCC works now, so please, test with multiple recipients in the CC field and the BCC field.


  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #109 on: January 25, 2021, 02:22:02 AM »
And we also still need help testing the e-mail.  I sent a couple e-mails to you and Earlz.  Please reply and let us know if you got them. 

Also guys, the CC and BCC works now, so please, test with multiple recipients in the CC field and the BCC field.


I didn't seem to receive any emails from you since 15th. I will try to send some emails to you now.

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #110 on: January 25, 2021, 02:36:45 AM »
Regarding the email tests:

- sent 2 separate emails to Rob and Earlz, they are in my outbox and generated a transaction of -100 tBBP in the wallet

- sent 1 email to Earlz with CC Rob, it's in outbox but it didn't generate a transaction in the wallet. I tried to resend it 7 minutes later and it was delivered and the transaction executed this time.

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #111 on: January 25, 2021, 07:24:29 AM »
Regarding the email tests:

- sent 2 separate emails to Rob and Earlz, they are in my outbox and generated a transaction of -100 tBBP in the wallet

- sent 1 email to Earlz with CC Rob, it's in outbox but it didn't generate a transaction in the wallet. I tried to resend it 7 minutes later and it was delivered and the transaction executed this time.

Yeah i received 2 emails from you MIP, but i belive only CC  and not BCC.
Anyhow i sent you and Rob 1 CC and one BCC email, transactions went thru so hopefully you guys received them.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #112 on: January 25, 2021, 07:54:08 AM »
I didn't seem to receive any emails from you since 15th. I will try to send some emails to you now.
Remember the interface changed around that time (1).
2 - You have to run the client for more than a half hour for it to gather old emails from peers.  (How long do you run biblepay in test once you start it)?
3 - Can you send me a txt file of the contents of your ~/.biblepay/SAN directory after the machine is warmed up for 30 mins?  This should give me all of the email hashes.
4 - Im mostly concerned with the one email I sent you on 1-19.  It says "FW: 3008".  It has a picture of blue skies attached.  it says Hi All, This is my first email going out of 1536.  I CCed Earlz and he got it.  This one would be a good one for us to track.  Please send-receive after your client has been on for 30 mins.

I got your emails from this morning  and replied to them also.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #113 on: January 25, 2021, 09:59:22 AM »
Yeah i received 2 emails from you MIP, but i belive only CC  and not BCC.
Anyhow i sent you and Rob 1 CC and one BCC email, transactions went thru so hopefully you guys received them.
Sweet.  I think I got all of yours and replied.  I also tested CC and BCC privately and it appears to work.

I havent found any breaking errors with email on my end.  We need to get MIP to test this thoroughly as he thinks there is some type of error possibly because of MAC- MIP can you give it more thorough testing by tracking the serial # of each mail you send and see if we reply - for at least 5 of them (IE put the S/N in the e-mail that you make up, for example #1001 and track in a txt file til you hear back).

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #114 on: January 25, 2021, 10:26:35 AM »
** Test cases for Easy Stake **

This is going to be a doozy, so I'm going to attempt to write the test case here first rather than make a wiki page (in fear that this is our evolving process).  I will make a wiki for the mandatory release however so it is more concise.

So here goes.  We have the ability to stake BIBLEPAY alone, and that gets you in the leaderboard and the reward is Half of what you would get if you stake BIBLEPAY+ANOTHER_CURRENCY. 

We now support BTC, LTC, DOGE and DASH!  WOW!  That should be an amazing launch.

The great news is we are rolling out Pin staking.  Meaning that you no longer need to sign your coins on your foreign wallet!  All you need to do is get your BBP pin for the foreign currency address, which is 5 digits, and then send some foreign currency with the correct Amount suffix!

Why 5 digits?  This keeps the maximum "testing/convenience" costs for the end user down to $22 for BTC (as you know you have to go three digits after the decimal point in scale on BTC to get down to the $22 level).  Note that the money is not wasted, it is sent back to you anyway, but again this is for convenience and affordability.  This way any of us can test no matter how little we have.  Besides, we can obviously go with LTC or DOGE now for testing anyway, but I still would like to get full coverage.

Let me break this guide up into two parts, staking BBP alone first:

How to stake BBP the easiest way (without knowing about UTXOs):
We covered the UI earlier - option 1 is going to Send Money and click "UTXO Stake".  However, this guide is about the new rpc commands.
Now you can go to the RPC and type "easybbpstake min_amount 0/1".  Where min_amount is the smallest amount of BBP you want to stake.
The wallet will search through your UTXOs finding one that is not locked that is bigger than that amount.
0 equals dry run.  A Dry Run is a test only.  The BBP will not be spent.  A 1 means do it for real.
This will place you in the leaderboard.  Your DWU (DWU is similar to ROI) is half for BBP only staking.

Please test this feature.

Next, let us move on to our UTXO staking with foreign currencies.  This draws the masses into BBP to receive rewards.  They still must buy a commensurate amount of BBP to perform this stake, otherwise it will reward them minimally (the reward is based on the lesser of the USD value of the two, each day, assessed by the sancs, *2).  However hybrid staking rewards you with double the reward, since you have two components.

Let our example go with a LTC stake.  Let us assume you have 1 LTC.  You may now do this from light wallets, electrum, or even SouthXChange.  For this test lets use SouthXChange since we are all familiar with SX.

First you need your BBP Pin for your foreign currency receive address.  Grab your LTC address from SouthXChange by clicking LTC | "Deposit", and Copy the LTC address down to the clipboard.

Then, From BBP type:
BBP responds with a 5 digit pin.

Now to send this collateral into a BBP Hybrid Stake, go to SX, go to the Withdraw Coins (for LTC).

Set the send_to address to your LTC Deposit Address (this is the address in the clipboard from the prior step -- this means SX will be sending the coins out from SX, but back into SX as a deposit back into your own account).  This keeps them safe as an unspent UTXO - UNTIL they do their next re-organization batch job. 

Here is the most critical part:  Your amount to SEND must end with a suffix of the BBP 5 digit pin:
Let me show you an example:
You have 1.25 LTC at SX.  You want to stake 1 LTC in bbp.  Your pin is 12345.

The amount you want to send is:

Note that you can optionally send:  1.0012345 or 1.00012345.  But You cannot send "1.000012345" because the total digit count after decimal must be 8 or less! 
Second Example, how do I send .10 ltc as a stake?  Send .1012345.

Critical NOTE:  You MUST check "I pay the fees", otherwise the exchange will change the withdrawal amount.

Next Click Send.

Now from BBP, after a couple blocks in LTC have passed do this:

easystake min_bbp_amt ltc_address foreign_amount 0=test/1=real

Where min_bbp_amt is the quantity of BBP you would like to stake in the hybrid stake.  You will want to pick a number that gives you a good tie in total USD value with the foreign currency value in USD (for example, if you stake $50 of LTC you will want to try to stake at least $50 of BBP, to give you the $100 total stake value).  Where foreign_amount equals the amount you just staked in LTC (the number with the pin suffix).

Note, to make this as easy as possible for the masses, we also support "-1" for the foreign_amount.  If -1 is passed, we will scan the foreign currency chain for stakes from today that match your pin.  If one matches we will show it on the screen and use it.

To make this as secure as possible, the sanctuaries (who act as oracles) will check that the coin is not spent, each day.  It does this for both BBP coins and Foreign coins.  Only when the coins are verified, then those entries are added into the GSC contract (this is the same as what is shown in the leaderboard).  We also enforce the stake pin this way:  The RECEIVE address in the foreign currency resolves to a pin through our base58->pin algorithm, meaning that only the initiator of the pin could possibly know the coin amount suffix to send for the foreign address.  We additionally check the TIMESTAMP of the sent coins to ensure it is within the STAKE WINDOW.  This makes it impossible to do a stake harvesting attack for biblepay rewards.

First i tested just biblepay.
Code: [Select]


easybbpstake 22500 1


  "BBP UTXO": "25837ab812cd8bbcef686ef044d7507361a5ba5f9d26b2f8b62b08b487f0559b-3",
  "BBP Address": "yi8CutjTx7Ch5MYPbAQhEaUKLwtqdXMGwa",
  "BBP Amount": 34057,
  "DWU": 2,
  "BBP Value USD": 1.722221736397633,
  "BBP Value USD": 1.722221736397633,
  "BBP Amount": 34057,
  "UTXO Value": 1.722221736397633,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "ab7b5b3336466602deb10c6413265d90e4cc0caea5a488767e3111621b00188c"

Second test i did a BBP+DASH test but i did it from the Ledger Live  wallet.  I will link output i got:
Code: [Select]

easystake 150000 XwJPFmLwVf67uGivE3byh9cL7UgqtSxJAS 0.1099733 1


  "BBP UTXO": "56f4f9dc6ea197efd399b8560ad3cbab5266b96b8fb04e13ce488b0d077f8d0c-27",
  "BBP Address": "yi8CutjTx7Ch5MYPbAQhEaUKLwtqdXMGwa",
  "BBP Amount": 1000000.001,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.1099733,
  "Foreign UTXO": "aa5e03988c8120388502501601892ef88955c7710108fbdd13b0d042bc183a97",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 0,
  "Foreign Value USD": 12.25112562053917,
  "BBP Value USD": 51.51595930176597,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 99733,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "BBP Value USD": 51.51595925025001,
  "BBP Amount": 1000000,
  "Foreign Ticker": "DASH",
  "Foreign Value USD": 12.25112562053917,
  "Foreign Amount": 0.1099733,
  "UTXO Value": 24.50225124107834,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "3595ac6b6c15e68cb6d8cc86a139a976b89aa1fd140383ab5a659bbd2011ad6f"

I find it strange when i submit  150k tBBP  but still i see contract made 1MM tBBP hmm any ideas Rob?
Other then that i think it was pretty strait forward even from ledger live wallet, and it looks really promising i mean its multi currency hardware wallet like trezor or what not.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #115 on: January 25, 2021, 12:15:46 PM »
First i tested just biblepay.
Code: [Select]


easybbpstake 22500 1


  "BBP UTXO": "25837ab812cd8bbcef686ef044d7507361a5ba5f9d26b2f8b62b08b487f0559b-3",
  "BBP Address": "yi8CutjTx7Ch5MYPbAQhEaUKLwtqdXMGwa",
  "BBP Amount": 34057,
  "DWU": 2,
  "BBP Value USD": 1.722221736397633,
  "BBP Value USD": 1.722221736397633,
  "BBP Amount": 34057,
  "UTXO Value": 1.722221736397633,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "ab7b5b3336466602deb10c6413265d90e4cc0caea5a488767e3111621b00188c"

Second test i did a BBP+DASH test but i did it from the Ledger Live  wallet.  I will link output i got:
Code: [Select]

easystake 150000 XwJPFmLwVf67uGivE3byh9cL7UgqtSxJAS 0.1099733 1


  "BBP UTXO": "56f4f9dc6ea197efd399b8560ad3cbab5266b96b8fb04e13ce488b0d077f8d0c-27",
  "BBP Address": "yi8CutjTx7Ch5MYPbAQhEaUKLwtqdXMGwa",
  "BBP Amount": 1000000.001,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.1099733,
  "Foreign UTXO": "aa5e03988c8120388502501601892ef88955c7710108fbdd13b0d042bc183a97",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 0,
  "Foreign Value USD": 12.25112562053917,
  "BBP Value USD": 51.51595930176597,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 99733,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "BBP Value USD": 51.51595925025001,
  "BBP Amount": 1000000,
  "Foreign Ticker": "DASH",
  "Foreign Value USD": 12.25112562053917,
  "Foreign Amount": 0.1099733,
  "UTXO Value": 24.50225124107834,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "3595ac6b6c15e68cb6d8cc86a139a976b89aa1fd140383ab5a659bbd2011ad6f"

I find it strange when i submit  150k tBBP  but still i see contract made 1MM tBBP hmm any ideas Rob?
Other then that i think it was pretty strait forward even from ledger live wallet, and it looks really promising i mean its multi currency hardware wallet like trezor or what not.

Hi Brother Earlz,

Well this is awesome that you are testing the newest most coveted feature (not that its better than DAC+Orphans, but that its promising to bring in hundreds of users, we pray).  Anyway, thats great your BBP went through on test 1, and I see I need to remove the duplicate "BBP Value" row.

Anyway first to answer your question on why it used 1mil, when you typed in 100K:  The more technical answer is, the wallet is only programmed to loop through unspent and unlocked UTXOs for the first BBP coin that is worth more than your minimum prescribed coin.  So another words, if you wanted a $25 coin worth say 250K, it would guarantee to use a UTXO bigger than 250,000 bbp.  However in your wallet your smallest found was 1mil.  The user does have some control over this - if they use the exec bankroll command first to denominate the wallet, it will be much more predictable, because I believe we sort by coin*age in our utxo sorter, so it should theoretically pick the smallest bill that is bigger than the target.

Of course explaining this in the wiki will be a little complicated.  But nuance two is we simply use the BBP amount of the coin that was found, to give you the maximum actual value.  So if we found a coin for 500K, the assessment is based on the 500K coin.  The actual Leaderboard assessment is based on the lesser of the two hybrid symbols as you probably know.

Btw you can also double click the leaderboard now and make sure your DASH + BBP shows up?  You can also type 'exec listutxostakes' and see the two stakes you made.  I still need to add an option to show "only my" utxo stakes from the RPC :), that would be quite useful!

Im very very happy to see you did this from ledger live, so now we dont have signing to deal with!  Man if we only could pray that God clears out the sell side on SX, we have a real chance of rising with this portfolio feature if we did not have so much resistance in the sell book.

EDIT:  Btw, the DWU of "4" also needs multiplied * 100 (400% currently in testnet).  I will fix that also.  The 400% comes from the 200% display cap * 2 (since its a hybrid stake).  I capped the DWU at 200% so as not to promise something wildly unrealistic at go live (like 1 billion % for example).

I like it so far!  Do you guys like this? 
« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 12:23:59 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #116 on: January 25, 2021, 12:32:50 PM »
Sweet.  I think I got all of yours and replied.  I also tested CC and BCC privately and it appears to work.

I havent found any breaking errors with email on my end.  We need to get MIP to test this thoroughly as he thinks there is some type of error possibly because of MAC- MIP can you give it more thorough testing by tracking the serial # of each mail you send and see if we reply - for at least 5 of them (IE put the S/N in the e-mail that you make up, for example #1001 and track in a txt file til you hear back).

My problem is that the core client is running on a VM inside a MacBook Air, and both enter in screensaver mode in few minutes.
So execution gets probably interrupted and resumed every time I come by to check out. I don't know if we need 30 minutes of wait time or 30 mins of effective foreground execution, but so far I could not receive those emails.

I moved the screensaver timer to 1h and I will check again in a while.

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #117 on: January 25, 2021, 12:49:15 PM »
regarding BBP UTXO stake:

Code: [Select]

easybbpstake 50000 1


  "BBP UTXO": "b2d89fb027b0970d9d80b4bf528de14410efecfd9637df4886beefe28977661e-1",
  "BBP Address": "yiA3T65AH5Nu1ztVzNvrmmMoeKZFttAaP3",
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.98741,
  "DWU": 2,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647689884451,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647691203828,
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.99,
  "UTXO Value": 203.7647691203828,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "5137e081ed41076017ac67539a1852f5b39d1313ab39ae0d705b8bb77e9bc587"

Not sure why I wrote 50k tBBP but it took 3999998.99 instead...

I will prepare a DASH UTXO and test easy stake

  • MIP
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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #118 on: January 25, 2021, 01:12:08 PM »
Ok so I understood that the previous easybbpstake took 4M UTXO as it was the closest over 50K.

This prevented me to create the Dash stake because after this, I have no more unused BBP

Code: [Select]


getpin XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ


  "pin": 20379


easystake 200000 XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ 0.40020379 0


  "BBP UTXO": "b2d89fb027b0970d9d80b4bf528de14410efecfd9637df4886beefe28977661e-1",
  "BBP Address": "yiA3T65AH5Nu1ztVzNvrmmMoeKZFttAaP3",
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.98741,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.40020379,
  "Foreign UTXO": "6de59866edb9761c875b9c7f3ab93798f71a1924ea12c869cac9806a2b10f79f",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 1,
  "Foreign Value USD": 43.79861399117564,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647689884451,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 20379,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "Dry Run Mode": true


easystake 200000 XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ 0.40020379 1


  "BBP UTXO": "b2d89fb027b0970d9d80b4bf528de14410efecfd9637df4886beefe28977661e-1",
  "BBP Address": "yiA3T65AH5Nu1ztVzNvrmmMoeKZFttAaP3",
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.98741,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.40020379,
  "Foreign UTXO": "6de59866edb9761c875b9c7f3ab93798f71a1924ea12c869cac9806a2b10f79f",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 1,
  "Foreign Value USD": 43.79861399117564,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647689884451,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 20379,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "Error (Not Sent)": "Duplicate BBP UTXO. "

But at least we can say the system works, it picked the correct Dash UTXO id and checked the pin correctly.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: February 2021 Testnet Thread (Tribulation)
« Reply #119 on: January 25, 2021, 01:28:23 PM »
Ok so I understood that the previous easybbpstake took 4M UTXO as it was the closest over 50K.

This prevented me to create the Dash stake because after this, I have no more unused BBP

Code: [Select]


getpin XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ


  "pin": 20379


easystake 200000 XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ 0.40020379 0


  "BBP UTXO": "b2d89fb027b0970d9d80b4bf528de14410efecfd9637df4886beefe28977661e-1",
  "BBP Address": "yiA3T65AH5Nu1ztVzNvrmmMoeKZFttAaP3",
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.98741,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.40020379,
  "Foreign UTXO": "6de59866edb9761c875b9c7f3ab93798f71a1924ea12c869cac9806a2b10f79f",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 1,
  "Foreign Value USD": 43.79861399117564,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647689884451,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 20379,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "Dry Run Mode": true


easystake 200000 XuaM6msExXfzojwv9KBtwdiRtfhPoFyWDZ 0.40020379 1


  "BBP UTXO": "b2d89fb027b0970d9d80b4bf528de14410efecfd9637df4886beefe28977661e-1",
  "BBP Address": "yiA3T65AH5Nu1ztVzNvrmmMoeKZFttAaP3",
  "BBP Amount": 3999998.98741,
  "Foreign Symbol": "DASH",
  "Foreign Amount": 0.40020379,
  "Foreign UTXO": "6de59866edb9761c875b9c7f3ab93798f71a1924ea12c869cac9806a2b10f79f",
  "Foreign Ordinal": 1,
  "Foreign Value USD": 43.79861399117564,
  "BBP Value USD": 203.7647689884451,
  "DWU": 4,
  "Pin": 20379,
  "pin_valid": true,
  "Error": "",
  "Error (Not Sent)": "Duplicate BBP UTXO. "

But at least we can say the system works, it picked the correct Dash UTXO id and checked the pin correctly.

Thats sort of good but we need to test thoroughly so let me send you 20MM bbp:  Sent.

Yeah we need to see if you can extend the run time of your VM so you can check on that one specific email I mentioned (in the comment about the SAN dir etc).  Once you get it to run for 30 mins consecutively, you should see that directory populate.