Bible Pay

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  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Hey Earl. Can you please be more specific with IRS and Monero? I have been mining XMR for over a year now, though I used most of my earnings for Bitcoin a few months ago. Thanks!

1000 BBP

Hey Radar!

Well essentially the irs wants to be able to track transactions on the monero network and other privacy oriented blockchains.  So they gave out bounty of 625 000 dollars for anyone who can make it happen so to say.

Thers some ongoing attempts that are unsuccesfully trying to hack the monero transaction cyphertrace among others i suppose.

But yeah there is alot you can read up on , on monero reddit among other places.

Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
** BiblePay TestNet (Feb 2021) is Ready and now Needs Testers! **

4700 BBP

  • talisman
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    • March 26, 2018, 07:42:24 AM
** BiblePay TestNet (Feb 2021) is Ready and now Needs Testers! **

Hi Rob,

I checked the thread about upcoming changes, and sadly saw abandoning PODC is opened for debate once again. I wonder if I am the only one that really prefers doing cancer research for coins instead of hashing whatever algorithm. To the extent, in fact, I have not even caculated what I would have earned by doing RandomX with my machines, instead of BOINC. I thought we considered (and advertised as such) PODC to be one of BBP's highlights, has this changed now?

1200 BBP

  • satoshi0x
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    • September 22, 2020, 11:04:40 PM
Hi Rob,

I checked the thread about upcoming changes, and sadly saw abandoning PODC is opened for debate once again. I wonder if I am the only one that really prefers doing cancer research for coins instead of hashing whatever algorithm. To the extent, in fact, I have not even caculated what I would have earned by doing RandomX with my machines, instead of BOINC. I thought we considered (and advertised as such) PODC to be one of BBP's highlights, has this changed now?

1200 BBP

Same! I am a lung surgery survivor from a young age. I beat it with half lung removal 5 years ago when I was 27!  I love the health aspect of WCG. If we HAVE to get rid of PODC but in the past three weeks I'm back with a vengeance and I don't wanna stop!

I also had my one year WCG PODC Team BBP birthday 1/6/21 (began 1/6/20). I would love to continue unless phasing out is a part of the grand progression. In which case I guess I'll buy a new computer to dedicate to BOINC on another PC. The BBP rewards I like, but being on Team BiblePay is even more rewarding. I don't sell a coin. I keep my BBP like extra BOINC credits of honor :)

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Hi Rob,

I checked the thread about upcoming changes, and sadly saw abandoning PODC is opened for debate once again. I wonder if I am the only one that really prefers doing cancer research for coins instead of hashing whatever algorithm. To the extent, in fact, I have not even caculated what I would have earned by doing RandomX with my machines, instead of BOINC. I thought we considered (and advertised as such) PODC to be one of BBP's highlights, has this changed now?

1200 BBP

Hi Talisman,

Nothing is set in stone yet, but I urge you to join us in testnet in the discussion here:

As that is the primary driver and contains the explanation for the motivation to make a change that appeals to more users.   

4800 BBP

  • ringa
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    • January 14, 2021, 03:22:44 PM
First, some context-- I'm new to cryptocurrency, but learning quickly, so please consider that with my newbie questions.  :)

I'm really excited about BBP and I am glad to have been led to discover it. I am committing to help BBP as much as I can. First in prayer for the platform, the founders and contributors, and for the many people in the world who will be helped in the name of Christ. Second, in the dual hash mining efforts to help contribute to charity. Third, in helping to tell my friends and family about it, and encourage us all to use it. Finally, fourth (which brings me to my question), I would like to purchase BBP with fiat currency.

In order to do that, what is the most simple and straightforward way to do that for someone in the USA?

Again, I am new to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, but learning quickly.  There are a lot of very easy options available to directly purchase BTC (or other popular crytpo). What is the most straightforward way for me to do that with BBP?

Thank you!

1000 BBP

  • satoshi0x
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    • September 22, 2020, 11:04:40 PM
I am currently using the latest TestNet release on the production net and merge mining XMR+BBP (RandomX mining). I am still doing PODC by running BOINC on the same machine daily. They all seem to work quite well. IF you think about the XMRig 6.7.2 mining in terms of how many jobs it accepts and how many the CPU accepts from the net instead of "Monero" or BBP payouts (frequency and amounts) the operation works very well. I also think its very unique in mining from the foundation directly, with the XMR Inquiry embedded into the Biblepay Foundation subdomain part of itself and having the service provided by "MineXMR" encoded into the URL itself. never seen anything work that well. Devtome tried doing it with a " but didn't encode the URL or implement it properly (a URL within a forward slash ('page' 'section') of a website...

Some of these things are above me, but because part of the mining requires registration and activity with attention to detail via web browser and the mainsite and its subdomains (basically filling out forms  ;) ) and the other end requires simple mining configuration and launching a .cmd or (in my case a .bat "Batch file" - I prefer those on WIndows) to run another program (xmrig.exe > XMRig 6.7.2) its probably the most unique mining I've ever been a part of. I do similar things like using a folder full of source code to launch .exe and .bat files from other ancient programs that use Java in the background and launch localized sites that provide a UI like the foundation here and I launch .exe of old Bitcoin modified clients to be the only one still mining Tenebrix ;) - but this one is the most fun. BOINC in that its a great cause. The payouts are very generous in BBP. And then this Biblepay foundation merge mining setup because the community is involved and you see the people on the foundation site actively participating. Other UI from previously mentioned products are lonely, you only know your connection counts. There's no social aspect to it.

And like the previous post you replied to said - its nice to know your doing all this computing for a great cause and not just issuing IOUs for people to use as future money or whatever. I already do plenty of that on Tenebrix and its quite boring. Maybe lucrative some day, but this project has my heart more than others. And I could careless if BBP is every valuable enough for it to be justified in someone elses mind. I do this because I believe in it. It's in my ethical prerogative to participate. Probably why I haven't sold a BBP even when I could above a satoshi. It's my collection of building a community. A DAC.

Devcoin, of which I am on their A-Team, operates like a DAC in its own right. Benefits Corporation like. DAC's and Benefits Corporations of hard working peers from all over the world with good hearts and a CPU are the future of this new paradigm.

1000 BBP

  • MIP
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 13, 2018, 11:55:52 AM
Bitcoin block 666666 was mined today

Someone left this message there

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good - Romans 12:21”

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
:) :) :) Our BIBLEPAY-Paani  Water Wells Project is complete!  :) :) :)

I am extremely honored to inform the community that we have successfully finished the wells in Pakistan!

We have donated to build 13 custom made wells (total), that will perpetually provide water for free for up to 7,800 children!

Remember pure and undefiled religions is helping orphans in distress (James 1:27), and Mark 9:41 (If you give a cup of water in Jesus name you will not lose your reward).

For all those who have scoffed at Biblepay, insinuating that our price is low because we are the shunned offscouring of the world, remember that the disciples of Jesus had to be shunned also (1 Corinthians 4:13 - we are made as filth and scum of the earth - until that moment comes of our blessed hope).  But do know that our price is low because we have spent $250,000 for orphan-charity and therefore we DO have something to show for our low price:  I want to remind those people, that is actually 6,250 child-months of orphan-charity, since we have no overhead.  And now, we have also dug 13 wells for children that incur no monthly charges for these families in water bills!

All praise and Glory to the God of the Universe, his Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Project Blog:

4900 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Bitcoin block 666666 was mined today

Someone left this message there

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good - Romans 12:21”

Thats cool, they have negated the mark of the beast block with the power of God!

4900 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
First, some context-- I'm new to cryptocurrency, but learning quickly, so please consider that with my newbie questions.  :)

I'm really excited about BBP and I am glad to have been led to discover it. I am committing to help BBP as much as I can. First in prayer for the platform, the founders and contributors, and for the many people in the world who will be helped in the name of Christ. Second, in the dual hash mining efforts to help contribute to charity. Third, in helping to tell my friends and family about it, and encourage us all to use it. Finally, fourth (which brings me to my question), I would like to purchase BBP with fiat currency.

In order to do that, what is the most simple and straightforward way to do that for someone in the USA?

Again, I am new to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, but learning quickly.  There are a lot of very easy options available to directly purchase BTC (or other popular crytpo). What is the most straightforward way for me to do that with BBP?

Thank you!

1000 BBP

Hi Ringa!
Its good to have you here!

We would love to have you help out, we certainly need help in many area to make us more popular.
I think the best bet would be to join us in testnet first:

If you could help test the latest you can tell us if what we have coming seems to be useful for Christians, and at the same time learn about what we already have in the wallet.

Two things Im excited about that appear to be coming in the next release:
- Bible Verse memorizer tool
- Christian exam tool (similar to a certification tool), part of a Christian Teaching endeavor. 

And of course, the ability to do the hybrid-stake portfolio manager and utxo mining (see in testnet).

Welcome aboard!

4900 BBP

  • Radar_Dude7
  • Jr. Member

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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
Good morning, all.

Is the Dynamic Whale Stake option turned off right now? I tried to create a large one and a small one and was told that the DWU was too low to create a burn. Any help is appreciated!

1000 BBP

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Good morning, all.

Is the Dynamic Whale Stake option turned off right now? I tried to create a large one and a small one and was told that the DWU was too low to create a burn. Any help is appreciated!
Good Morning Radar,
Its not disabled but just overlimit currently.  It will recover eventually (IE within 20-60 days depending on what stakes are being paid).  In the mean time we can use help in testnet as we are mulling UTXO staking to replace DWS which would never get oversaturated.

5000 BBP

  • earlzmoade
  • Super Developer

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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
:) :) :) Our BIBLEPAY-Paani  Water Wells Project is complete!  :) :) :)

I am extremely honored to inform the community that we have successfully finished the wells in Pakistan!

We have donated to build 13 custom made wells (total), that will perpetually provide water for free for up to 7,800 children!

Remember pure and undefiled religions is helping orphans in distress (James 1:27), and Mark 9:41 (If you give a cup of water in Jesus name you will not lose your reward).

For all those who have scoffed at Biblepay, insinuating that our price is low because we are the shunned offscouring of the world, remember that the disciples of Jesus had to be shunned also (1 Corinthians 4:13 - we are made as filth and scum of the earth - until that moment comes of our blessed hope).  But do know that our price is low because we have spent $250,000 for orphan-charity and therefore we DO have something to show for our low price:  I want to remind those people, that is actually 6,250 child-months of orphan-charity, since we have no overhead.  And now, we have also dug 13 wells for children that incur no monthly charges for these families in water bills!

All praise and Glory to the God of the Universe, his Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Project Blog:

4900 BBP

Such a great project. Heartwarming to see the happy children, may the wells produce clean water for a long time coming.
This is what i feel Biblepay is all about, the core  foundation.
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Radar_Dude7
  • Jr. Member

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    • April 16, 2020, 08:52:42 AM
Good Morning Radar,
Its not disabled but just overlimit currently.  It will recover eventually (IE within 20-60 days depending on what stakes are being paid).  In the mean time we can use help in testnet as we are mulling UTXO staking to replace DWS which would never get oversaturated.

5000 BBP
Hi Rob. Thanks for the info. When you say you can use some help in TestNet - how exactly do you mean? Do you need hashpower (point one of my resources to a different IP), or do you need people to use a test wallet, or both?

1000 BBP