Many things to talk about, I suppose lets go back to Biblepaycore first, to the actual Sanctuary software (BiblePay core testnet):
Could you all please upgrade your sancs to :
This version POVS bans on the correct BMS port, and adds some sidechain features that BMS needs to operate, please do this first, then do a:
exec revivesanc sancname
To ensure you are not POSE banned. Then continue.
BMS changes in this next release:
- Moved some of the sidechain code to biblepaycore c++. This gives us a more solid foundation for the future (as far as syncing against chainlocks and leveraging LLMQ for sidechain).
- Refactored MYSQL backing to more efficiently work against the sidechain. (This basically means we will eliminate polling and just apply database changes to blocks as they pass, and keep track of the tip as it changes).
So first a bit of configuration changes to BMS:
As of May 29th, I added some configuration changes to our BMS wiki installation guide, that adds some entries to the BMS.conf file, and some more entries to the Sanc testnet Config file , and some more entries to the Prod MainNet Sanc configuration file.
Please check out this document: for "Phase II: Additional items", then add those items to your bms.conf file and save it and exit nano.
Then add the Phase II items for the TestNet sanctuary biblepay.conf file (also located right after the bms changes in the doc).
Then save that and upgrade the sanc with the mandatory upgrade and restart it.
(Verify you are on
Then restart BMS by clicking: ctrl-c TWICE, which gives you your command prompt back, then restart BMS (by typing
dotnet BiblePay.BMSD.dll)
Once it starts check your :
/BMS/Status page
See if you have two new fields:
Check mine out as an example: for the Block Count Main and Block Count Test. Verify your Block Count Test is incrementing along with biblepay testnet.
Now the question is, what will all this do for your sanc?
This will give your sanctuary a database backing, which allows us to write the social media system on the sidechain.
Every block and transaction that passes is stored in mysql, and, more importantly sidechain transactions affect the Database views.
Once this is working then we can start to test NFTs.
Please let me know if your sanc syncs (it is not mandatory to configure the MainNet sanc settings yet, but I will configure them on my node so we can do some mainnet testing vs testnet before our go live so we dont have any surprises).
There are some things I need to explain regarding User Experience next.