Bible Pay

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    • September 18, 2020, 01:29:44 AM
BiblePay faucet
« on: October 16, 2020, 06:01:25 AM »

I want to develop BiblePay faucet where users will earn a free BiblePay coins in return of seeing ads.

Project details

Users will need to login with BiblePay address.
Website backend will check if the address is valid via BiblePay rpc command.
Then users will need to click google captcha and submit the form.
Then they will need to wait x amount of minutes until next click.
When user amount reach the threshold the user can ask for a payment.

Admin dashboard

Setting the amount of minutes that users will need to wait until the next click.
Setting the payment threshold.
Setting the ads code.
Extracting BiblePay addresses that requested payout.
Enabling disabling ads placement.

ETA 1 year max.
Result - full source code.
Payout - 1 BiblePay masternode after the website is finished.
Programming languages - front end angular, .net core backend,

Sorry if this proposal request is not right or wort posting here.


  • Rob Andrews
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Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2020, 09:15:42 AM »

I want to develop BiblePay faucet where users will earn a free BiblePay coins in return of seeing ads.

Project details

Users will need to login with BiblePay address.
Website backend will check if the address is valid via BiblePay rpc command.
Then users will need to click google captcha and submit the form.
Then they will need to wait x amount of minutes until next click.
When user amount reach the threshold the user can ask for a payment.

Admin dashboard

Setting the amount of minutes that users will need to wait until the next click.
Setting the payment threshold.
Setting the ads code.
Extracting BiblePay addresses that requested payout.
Enabling disabling ads placement.

ETA 1 year max.
Result - full source code.
Payout - 1 BiblePay masternode after the website is finished.
Programming languages - front end angular, .net core backend,

Sorry if this proposal request is not right or wort posting here.


This is very interesting; so just to understand correctly if the proposal passes you will start coding it?

One question so far, once it is finished will you host it also so people can use it or would it be our responsibility to host it?

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    • September 18, 2020, 01:29:44 AM
Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2020, 01:11:20 PM »
Please don't vote the proposal.
I didn't know that adsense doesn't allow cryptocurrency  websites.


  • sunk818
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Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2020, 02:49:57 AM »

Many crypto faucets use a package alled MafiaNet shop that has a faucet component. Retrieve 0.11 BBP every 5 minutes for example with a Google reCaptcha or SolveMedia captcha. You can also have advertisers pay for pay-to-click ads.

Pay-to-click could be a form of income for third-world members to sell to buy a daily bread. Advertisers could also buy ads. This can be two fold... one can be internally BiblePay can use ads to promote certain web pages, news, achievements, etc.  Other advertisers could also buy BBP to pay for clicks to their web sites. perhaps non-profits want to attract views to their web sites. The ad rates are incredibly cheap, literally 1/10th or 1/100th of a US penny. So, for value minded organizations, its a great buy.

If the site is profitable, then one could donate all or a big portion to supporting orphans each month.

You could just as well run ads on a faucet, but it wouldn't be Google AdSense... it'd have to be other advertisers like mellowads, bitmedia, etc smaller niche advertising companies.

MN-Shop supports DASH so it may not be so difficult to add support for BiblePay (just for sending & receiving tx).

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    • September 18, 2020, 01:29:44 AM
Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2020, 11:50:32 AM »
"This is very interesting; so just to understand correctly if the proposal passes you will start coding it?"
Yes and thank you.
"One question so far, once it is finished will you host it also so people can use it or would it be our responsibility to host it?"
I'll give the website to BiblePay. The website will become BiblePay responsibility.
"You could just as well run ads on a faucet, but it wouldn't be Google AdSense... it'd have to be other advertisers like mellowads, bitmedia, etc smaller niche advertising companies."
Great idea. But I am a bit sceptical of running ads other than Adsense because I don't know CPI CPC of other ad networks.

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    • September 18, 2020, 01:29:44 AM
Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2020, 12:17:00 PM »
"One question so far, once it is finished will you host it also so people can use it or would it be our responsibility to host it?"
Well I think to give the website to BiblePay so it'll become a BiblePay responsibility.

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    • September 18, 2020, 01:29:44 AM
Re: BiblePay faucet
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2020, 10:51:24 PM »
"One question so far, once it is finished will you host it also so people can use it or would it be our responsibility to host it?"
"Well I think to give the website to BiblePay so it'll become a BiblePay responsibility."
But also I am open to suggestions.