Now we can mine BBP and Monero but for now BBP does not worth much and mining BBP also does not worth much. I was thinking if it was possible to add also Loki mining (because it has the same RandomX algo).
So if someone prefer to just mine Monero instead of BBP + Monero - 10% monero (because as I said BBP does not worth much and miners likes to dump what they mine) the same person maybe would like to mine 90% Loki + 90% Monero + some very low 0.xx BBP.
I don't know how this combined mining works, I assume it is like a proxy so it should be possible to also mine Loki, it just need the result to be sent to the pool without any delay right?
I think someone can fork and use it to mine another RandomX type coin, yes...
I have a little too much on my plate right now to personally do this but I suppose I could assist in questions once a person gets a clone of foundation.biblepay running...
Note that with xmr merge mining, the high difficulty (28 right now for example) would make it really hard to solve a block on another chain though. So, it might not be profitable to do it.
(Another words, our diff is shared across chains).