Bible Pay


Favorite Future Currency Name

Do not offer dual brands; stick with BIBLEPAY only
2 (15.4%)
DAC.NGO [Decentralized Autonomous Currency]
2 (15.4%)
DAC.ONG [Digital Autonomous Currency]
1 (7.7%)
DEC.APP [DECentralized Currency or DECentralized Charity]
1 (7.7%)
DAC.NGO or DAC.ONG as [Decentralized Autonomous Charity]
0 (0%)
Re-brand BiblePay into DAC or DEC and transition to the new name, and retire the BiblePay name
7 (53.8%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: April 04, 2020, 10:00:20 PM

Read 54664 times

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« on: March 05, 2020, 10:00:20 PM »
Biblepay is currently designing a future feature - the ability to offer corporate whitebranding.

In the process of doing this we are also considering offering a DUAL BRAND (One channel for users that are not necessarily Christians, for a Global reach).  This other brand would be our parent company (For example, we could be known as, our name being DIGITAL AUTONOMOUS CURRENCY.  This brand would still tithe 10% to orphan-charity (with the exact parameters of BiblePay and would share BiblePay's codebase and exchanges).  But we would have two tickers:  DAC & BBP pointing to the same underlying order book.  We would also have dual block explorers, dual forums, and dual branded randomx pools.

Or, you may vote for one new brand only (retiring biblepay).  This will give us an idea of the general feel as to what name feels the best, and if users generally like the idea of a dual brand.

In addition to the potential dual brand, we plan on using the new DAC identity to launch our charity-agent feature.  For example, if we become known as DAC, our DAC foundation website will host the charity agent partner pages and deals by magnitude descending, while biblepay acts as a website for gospel media and preaching and salvation, etc.  Basically the DAC arm would be more aligned with those talking about crypto while the BiblePay brand would have more gospel features and media that might turn away some types of traffic (for example hell videos, etc).  However, we could work together to make subtle inroads into the DAC side to try to save those users.

So hence one of the reasons for the dual coexisting brand.  I am also consulting with SX to seek approval for dual-exchange tickers.

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2020, 10:53:35 AM »
I like Digital Autonomous Charity. BiblePay is too niche. I am a follower of Jesus Christ but I do not believe that aligns best with BiblePay. I like Christian values are being forwarded, but cryptocurrency is too fringe right now and adoption is difficult for the lay person. Focusing on charity moving forward is sound. DA currency is redundant so I'd prefer DA Charity. Just from personal experience with giving, I found the transparency in the ledger is a better way to track giving than through fiat.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 11:17:01 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • togoshigekata
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Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2020, 06:22:28 PM »
I like that BiblePay is 3 syllables

10+ - Decentralized Autonomous Currency / Charity
10   - Digital Autonomous Currency
  7   - DECentralized Currency / Charity

I think a lot of popular brands are 2-4 syllables

Amazon, Nike, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, Facebook, etc


Of the current options I like DEC - DEcentralized Charity the best

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2020, 04:25:47 AM »
Im thinking in the same wavelengths as sunk and togo..

My favorite would be: Digital Autonomous Charity . I think it sounds better then Decentralized.

Having  Currency instead of Charity in the name gives less of free pr im thinking and so i think Charity fits better.
Not just for the pr but fits better for what bbp is in the core im thinking, what sets it aside from other cryptos.

Still i wouldnt mind if it were real clear that this is a christian currency, built upon it.
Bible verses i like:

Proverbs 19:17 - Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done.

Matthew 25:35 -  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2020, 09:55:00 AM »
I like that BiblePay is 3 syllables

10+ - Decentralized Autonomous Currency / Charity
10   - Digital Autonomous Currency
  7   - DECentralized Currency / Charity

I think a lot of popular brands are 2-4 syllables

Amazon, Nike, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, Facebook, etc


Of the current options I like DEC - DEcentralized Charity the best
Interesting thought about syllables.

I also liked "DEC" the best (for the short name), as DEC is catchy.  People would say do you have any "DEC".
But one problem with DEC is I was only able to buy, and although that is a premium domain (google has something to do with that), Im not sure if it is as powerful as the NGO or ONG.

I'm still personally weighing the signifigance of Charity vs Currency.  (Not insinuating that my personal belief has anything to do with the outcome).

On one hand, Charity is clearer for our mission, you know you are getting a coin that has a humanitarian or altruistic purporse to help others.  However Charity is strong; and Im wondering if it leads a new investor to automatically think its a money pit (or not).  I am almost wondering if Decentralized or Digital Autonomus Currency will lead more general masses in (and be happy to find we do tithe , and have Christian principles later).  Or, should we be known as Digital Autonomous Charity right off the bat, etc.

Before you guys spoke up I was inclinging toward Digital Autonomous Currency simply because its a very generic and useful name, and we are tehcnically not hiding that we are charitable, but it begs to question should Charity actually be in our name.  This all comes from how much we pulled our price down (and of course with RandomX the hope is that is no longer an issue).  The theory is, if we are Currency, and the Charity part is not affecting our price, if we should be known as currency first and Charity in our details.

Im very, very suprised at how many already voted to just rebrand and ditch the biblepay name!  Its a little sorrowful, actually, but that will also be very interesting in the end to see if the supermajority (and I hope that is more than 75 voters!) vote to retire the biblepay name.

If that happens, Ill hold a second more granular vote to get more of an idea on the perplexity of the name.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2020, 01:15:01 PM »
I was looking on and tickers DAC or DEC are not available.
You have to look for others.
And for that name... Like you said, 3 words are very long name and 3 syllables will be better.
What about something like DArity?
But only available ticker for this name was ITY :)
It looks that almost all tickers are reserved :)
And to the rebranding. I like it. I like dual brand, but won't it be too complicated?
Rob, don't take it personally, but Biblepay sound too Christian.
I know, many of us are here due to that name and coin message, but it looks like there aren't many of us and we need a change to get more people.
How if it'll be working in dual brand? It will be still in one chain? I really dont see into this :)

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2020, 02:12:00 PM »
I was looking on and tickers DAC or DEC are not available.
You have to look for others.
And for that name... Like you said, 3 words are very long name and 3 syllables will be better.
What about something like DArity?
But only available ticker for this name was ITY :)
It looks that almost all tickers are reserved :)
And to the rebranding. I like it. I like dual brand, but won't it be too complicated?
Rob, don't take it personally, but Biblepay sound too Christian.
I know, many of us are here due to that name and coin message, but it looks like there aren't many of us and we need a change to get more people.
How if it'll be working in dual brand? It will be still in one chain? I really dont see into this :)

Hi Orbis!

I'm not too worried if the ticker is taken, just as long there is no currency named "Digital Autonomous Currency" or "Digital Autonomous Charity" for example.
The hardest thing for us was getting a  3  character domain name and that was a challenge but we have those now.
We would have to make the ticker either an "X" or a 4 char ticker.  Such as "XDC" or "DACC" or whatever works, etc.

So yes I dont take it personally as I agree with you 100%.  Plus during the last year in spreading the gospel Ive realized that the ultimate situation is to bring non-Christians in anyway, as Jesus said we are to preach those that need the help, not to those that don't need a phsysician.  So bringing in 10,000 non Christians is the best thing we could ask for.

Anyway, I only thought of keeping the dual brand to have a gospel platform in the first place.  We can always retire biblepay and make a subdomain called, etc.  Thats probably a fine way to do it to.  Of course Im thinking yea maybe two brands will be the most confusing thing ever!  The original intent was to keep biblepay growing with ardent fervor and DAC growing simultaneously, but not if it adds net confusion.

To answer you question though if we did have dual brands, SX would give us two tickers pointing to the same order book.  We would have to have two web sites.  And two themes in the core wallet.  And two binaries.  But the underlying wallet would work the same.  Im making a wiki page on it, and if you come into testnet in a couple hours, after this upcoming release Ill walk you through it - as next release has a switch to run in DAC mode or BIBLEPAY mode.  (Technically speaking on boot, depending on mode you are in, the theme changes, the logos change, the name changes, the currency changes, the ticker changes, the price stays the same, and the leaderboard the same, the chain height the same and the same block chain, and the peers exist with a different prefix, but peers still work as normal peers across both wallets (IE they peer properly) ).

Just to clarify though, once it is compiled, if a user runs the dac-qt wallet, they don't see anything about Biblepay (the theme automatically switches to DAC).  If they run the biblepay-qt, they do see the biblepay themes.  So its not that confusing from the user side.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 02:21:37 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • sunk818
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    • April 24, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2020, 09:10:39 AM »
Changing a brand is a one-time effort (massive as it is). Maintaining two brands is a lot of ongoing work. Its going to get messy real fast. It wouldn't be a good use your talents if you were having to maintain the dual brands.

  • Soengiac
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    • February 12, 2020, 09:56:23 AM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2020, 06:06:53 PM »
I'm not sure if this change is a bit premature.  I don't think that Bible Pay has reached it's full potential and there are still things on the road map that have not been completed.  With the addition to Monero, a pretty big step, maybe a company change would work, but keeping the coin the same as it is would attract better business as well as other opportunities with religious organizations, even though they weren't necessarily the main focus.   8)

  • rwalden
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Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2021, 11:24:11 AM »
Looks like this may have been decided already, but better late than never.

" I am almost wondering if Decentralized or Digital Autonomus Currency will lead more general masses in (and be happy to find we do tithe , and have Christian principles later).  Or, should we be known as Digital Autonomous Charity right off the bat, etc."

I think this is important concept. As it's a bad image to come off as a TV evangelist trying sell a product using Gods Kingdom. This type of image will turn even Christians away. Much better if people join the mission then become aware of it's foundations (don't let the left hand know what right hand is doing kind of concept Matthew 6:3). This way if the mission is successful the Glory will be Gods thus inspiring new Christians on their journey and others to join in the journey.  As opposed to imparting the feeling they were scammed in Gods name if it comes to an end. Jesus's reputation if far more important than our projects.

How about INVI for a ticker symbol?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2021, 01:02:33 PM »
Looks like this may have been decided already, but better late than never.

" I am almost wondering if Decentralized or Digital Autonomus Currency will lead more general masses in (and be happy to find we do tithe , and have Christian principles later).  Or, should we be known as Digital Autonomous Charity right off the bat, etc."

I think this is important concept. As it's a bad image to come off as a TV evangelist trying sell a product using Gods Kingdom. This type of image will turn even Christians away. Much better if people join the mission then become aware of it's foundations (don't let the left hand know what right hand is doing kind of concept Matthew 6:3). This way if the mission is successful the Glory will be Gods thus inspiring new Christians on their journey and others to join in the journey.  As opposed to imparting the feeling they were scammed in Gods name if it comes to an end. Jesus's reputation if far more important than our projects.

How about INVI for a ticker symbol?

I'm not against the continual discussion of a rebranding (like DARKCOIN did transition to DASH at one time)... However realize while we are biblepay we can't change tickers or talk about changing "a little bit of biblepay here or there" we really have to stick with BBP + our entire brand for now, and just talk about all of the requirements that would be required and how that would benefit us.

Part of this however is the discussion that you bring up about Christian damage, as you are almost suggesting its blasphemous to have a coin related to Jesus Kingdom.  But I dont think I would be here in this position if that were the case - let me explain more --   I believe I was led to start this coin before the end times for a certain purpose - a purpose that I wasnt even aware of.  Ever since our prayer calls started 6 weeks ago Ive been praying more and more about this and I believe God is using us for much more than just some 'money transfer system'.

I believe God is going to have us create a new interface for Christians to reach decentralized content.  One that allows 'public opensource development efforts by teams' to create Christian Content Widgets that we host inside our core wallet for the world to consume.  So see this is not a blasphemous endeavor.  We would then still be branded as BIBLEPAY.  And our product would be a decentralized application that is visible on the phone that consumes feeds created by Christian developers that render as widgets for example.  This is just one thing God is revealing.

So Im still leaning towards staying as BBP and not 'corporatizing' the solution (IE caving) to a corporate friendly brand that just helps orphans you know; this sort of limits us (I know that is a tall statement because we are small to begin with) but as we go further into the end times I think it be clear that the world needs a Christian Crypto - right now those not in Christ consider us so tiny-- but I think this perception changes the further we get into the end times and people realize their soul is at stake, Christian themes become more critically useful, I think.

Again Im still open to discussing :).