I was looking on https://www.coingecko.com/ and tickers DAC or DEC are not available.
You have to look for others.
And for that name... Like you said, 3 words are very long name and 3 syllables will be better.
What about something like DArity?
But only available ticker for this name was ITY 
It looks that almost all tickers are reserved 
And to the rebranding. I like it. I like dual brand, but won't it be too complicated?
Rob, don't take it personally, but Biblepay sound too Christian.
I know, many of us are here due to that name and coin message, but it looks like there aren't many of us and we need a change to get more people.
How if it'll be working in dual brand? It will be still in one chain? I really dont see into this 
Hi Orbis!
I'm not too worried if the ticker is taken, just as long there is no currency named "Digital Autonomous Currency" or "Digital Autonomous Charity" for example.
The hardest thing for us was getting a 3 character domain name and that was a challenge but we have those now.
We would have to make the ticker either an "X" or a 4 char ticker. Such as "XDC" or "DACC" or whatever works, etc.
So yes I dont take it personally as I agree with you 100%. Plus during the last year in spreading the gospel Ive realized that the ultimate situation is to bring non-Christians in anyway, as Jesus said we are to preach those that need the help, not to those that don't need a phsysician. So bringing in 10,000 non Christians is the best thing we could ask for.
Anyway, I only thought of keeping the dual brand to have a gospel platform in the first place. We can always retire biblepay and make a subdomain called gospel.dac.org, etc. Thats probably a fine way to do it to. Of course Im thinking yea maybe two brands will be the most confusing thing ever! The original intent was to keep biblepay growing with ardent fervor and DAC growing simultaneously, but not if it adds net confusion.
To answer you question though if we did have dual brands, SX would give us two tickers pointing to the same order book. We would have to have two web sites. And two themes in the core wallet. And two binaries. But the underlying wallet would work the same. Im making a wiki page on it, and if you come into testnet in a couple hours, after this upcoming release Ill walk you through it - as next release has a switch to run in DAC mode or BIBLEPAY mode. (Technically speaking on boot, depending on mode you are in, the theme changes, the logos change, the name changes, the currency changes, the ticker changes, the price stays the same, and the leaderboard the same, the chain height the same and the same block chain, and the peers exist with a different prefix, but peers still work as normal peers across both wallets (IE they peer properly) ).
Just to clarify though, once it is compiled, if a user runs the dac-qt wallet, they don't see anything about Biblepay (the theme automatically switches to DAC). If they run the biblepay-qt, they do see the biblepay themes. So its not that confusing from the user side.