Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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can I call outside of US?
I see we have not re-exposed the Intl calling pricelist on the left menu (that used to exist); ok, I am putting that on my todo list now.

But yeah you can call any country.

There are just a few out there that are expensive for some reason.  Maybe try a 10 min call and wait 15 mins and check out the price we charge in BBP in your tx history tab, before doing a long call.

Great work brother,

I have just tested this and it works great, very useful.
Thanks bro.

I was unable to dial. it shows microphone option but after few seconds nothing happens.

Yeah, there was a problem where the Low Balance indicator label was missing on the new UI.

I just added it and now you should be able to dial.

Please use 1 in front of LD numbers.


Hi Rob
I'm still stuck with the error belowe

exec upgradesanc AltareSanto 1

bad-protx-collateral-check-proreg-tx (code 16) (code -1)


No problem, can you please paste your TXID of your collateral and the amount you are using here, and Ill check the collateral using getrawtransaction?


DOGE and STELLAR Atomic Swaps now trading on Unchained:

1) When you use unchained, you start with a single BiblePay keypair.
2) That same key derives a personal DOGE key, and a personal Stellar Key.
3) When you launch the DOGE wallet (within unchained from the left menu, click DOGE wallet), you can send DOGE from your DOGE unchained wallet to an outside DOGE address.
These transactions are instant (sent directly to the DOGE network, from the Biblepay network, signed by the BBP node using our own signer).
4) When you launch the Stellar wallet (within Unchained from the left menu), you can send Stellar from your Stellar unchained wallet to an outside Stellar address.
These transactions are instant (they are signed by your private unchained key).
5. You can now Swap BBP to DOGE instantly using the DOGE atomic swap.
Simply click Atomic Swap from the left menu and choose DOGE.
Choose an amount of BBP and the screen will show you how much DOGE you will receive.
Note that by doing this, your BBP unchained balance will decrease and your DOGE unchained balance will increase.
6.  You can now Swap BBP to Stellar instantly by using the Stellar Atomic swap.
Follow the same directions as above, and the Stellar will be added to your Stellar Unchained wallet, and your Unchained BBP balance will be reduced.

God bless you.


I read that Southxchange has closed.
On which exchanges can now trade Biblepay?

Best regards

Hi Simon,

1) You can still trade BBP on bololex:

2) We are looking for another exchange as well, at least one that will put us back on CoinMarketCap.

3) I am working on in-wallet DOGE atomic swaps (Sanctuary BBP->DOGE swap, in wallet).

4) If you or anyone has a BBP link or piece of info you believe is outdated, provide the LINK URL and how many inches down on the screen the info is, and what you believe needs updated and then we will look into fixing it.

General Discussion / Re: UPDATE BIBLEPAY SITE;S.
« on: March 06, 2024, 06:40:50 AM »

I agree, the page might need updates.
Does anyone knows on which exchanges you can trade Biblepay? I read that Southxchange has closed.

Best regards
Hi Simon,
Can you please post this question here?

This way I can help respond to it as well while other people read it.

Its the only thread actively being watched with active replies.

It sounds like (maybe) that people who only want to invest $50 to $100 are not in the "staking/mining" option now?
Actually an altar is only $20 right now - see Bololex.
So imho, the altar option gives BBP users a breakthrough option compared to DASH.  Imagine if you had to pay $45,000 for one masternode.

Hello and still love BBP after all these years! God Bless!

Usually the BBP Core Wallet runs smoothly.  However, I'm having a BBP Core Wallet Sync Issue.  I am using the latest version. Wallet is locked.  Previous version results the same. I have Wallet backup (dat). Device is Desktop PC on Windows 10 64 bit (all updated).
After many hours, It would seem the BBP Core wallet is hanging at:

"Syncing Headers" 98.8%
"Number of Blocks Left"  479699 blocks of transaction history
"Progress" 98.57%
"2 Active connections to BBP Network"

So, I see the "Wallet Repair" option "Rescan blockchain Files" 1 and 2.  Should I run those? Or reinstall the program itself?
TYIA and God Bless the team, community and this project!

Thanks bro Haze!
Glad you are still around.

So step 1, just make sure your wallet is running v0.17.5.4.
Then try restarting with either the Wallet Tools | Reindex option or my favorite way , from the command prompt type:
biblepay-qt -erasechain=1

It could be that your wallet has a bad block at that height (thats a sanc governance height for a superblock so that happens occasionally).
Then once synced you should match the chainz block explorer.

Something very interesting going on at AXELAR:  (AXL):

Programmable cross chain atomic transactions by a proof-of-stake network of decentralized nodes.

Hi Rob,
I read back several threads but clearly none of this is intended as a beginners guide to what these concepts even mean.
I'm not trying to be nor do I feel antagonistic, but it's very important to have some kind of introductory pages about what you guys are talking about, lol.
No, thats cool, I dont mind going into more detail where need be.  We also do have some wiki guides on some of these concepts and when one is discovered that is really necessary to document we do make an end-to-end tutorial as a wiki.

First of the reason there are 3 flavors of Sancs now is because some people cant afford 4.55MM bbp for a sanctuary; so now we offer one flavor of sanc for 455,001 bbp and also a Temple for 45MM bbp.  They each have really the same reward (IE the altar pays 10%, the Sanc 100% and the Temple 1000%).

With a sanc you get a bigger reward because its doing the randomx mining in the pool, and you end up with the entire block reward every time your deterministic sanctuary is scheduled for payment. 

If you are an investor you will get 50% of the reward, but an active hosted sanc on a VM, you get 100%.

I would suggest to go back to the release where we ask you to create a deterministic sanctuary, and simply ask questions on any area that is confusing and I can try to help.
Most of this documentation was already established dash; so any terminology on the basics, you can get that from googling that term and Dash Masternode.

Weve simply enhanced and extended those Masternodes to become deterministic sancs with different sizes, and we ported the block miner into the sanc.  And we added the 50% active/passive rules.

Here is the guide to set up a sanc:

Just let me know what you need help with.  If you simply want to set up one without renting an actual VM (IE as a passive investor) you just follow the guide, but you point it to your own IP address.

Substitute the 4,500,001 with 450001 to create an altar.

I was bit confused how can I mint nft? could find the option though.
Maybe I forgot to add the "Add NFT" button.
(Plz check).

In the mean time I will be finishing the new sidechain so I can make NFT 2.0.

Ill post more about NFT 2.0 as the original ERC721 spec has limitations that we can solve.

- Orphan NFTs
- NFTs that encrypt the final high resolution payload
- NFTs that encrypt software licenses
- NFT with a low res preview only for the user
- NFT with atomic transfer on the new sidechain
- Better security
- NFT payload that is immutable and hosted by the sidechain rather than ERC721's problem where it can be "altered or removed" after posted

I was unable to follow why the staking stopped about a year ago, and what is the current stake of distributing the block chain.

Is there staking now and was it used as in traditional POS wallets?

Can someone else please answer this for Christblood and explain how Sanc mining works?

In the mean time you can go back a few pages and look at Temple, Sanctuary, and Altar and simply create a few Altar's to earn rewards.

If anyone would like to help test the new version of Unchained Web from your Desktop PC, the URL is here:

To read about it and comment about it please use this thread:

Good evening and God bless everyone.

Before going into the new site, let me review some of our older web solutions:

First we had the BBP Foundation web site, which was simply a Microsoft site that used a conventional centralized database and allowed users to watch God videos, do fractional sanctuary staking, post twitter like alerts and had some gospel features.

Then we had BMS 1.0, where we had node-to-node (server) communication with an independent sidechain but it was limited in that it was not fully synchronized with the core wallet and it didn't have a very good UI layer. 

Then we had v7.1, which was an MVC solution, and finally did integrate with a cockroachdb cluster, had a non synchronized sidechain, could send money independent of bbp core wallet, had an API, and offered videos stored on BBP-wrapped-storj, and even hosted the BBP softphone.  Although "warm", I was still looking for BBP to have a true synchronized and immutable sidechain offering, hence the reason for the rewrite.  I also discovered that the in-wallet version of Unchained received very little interest since we could not make phone calls without launching the core wallet (it would be much more useful to make a call from a web page).

Now we have Unchained-RedSeaParting v1.37 that is being released.  It is our MVP (minimal viable product release) of unchained.  Meaning that this time, features do not exist in it that are not fully finished; they are held back.

This version attempts to "fix" all of the shortcomings in prior versions technologically speaking as each foundation has a pro and con.  I have a plan to bridge permissions, business objects, the sidechain and the UI in a way that binds those fields to new pages in such a way as to make BBP a unique solution for certain apps.  So when you are reviewing the UI you may think that it oddly feels like Windows, but that is by design.  To give an example of what the vision is in the future, imagine this:
Rob owns XYZ corp, and grants (on chain) permissions to RWAD for two business object tables : property and lease to his BBP coworkers Alice and Bob.  Bob grants R to John.
Then Bob creates a new page for viewing Lease and Adding Lease with 10 new fields.  Each of these coworkers will be able to RWAD or R these pages respectively, all on chain.  Hence the reason for the look and feel of "an app" and windows.

First, if you are coming from Unchained and you have an NFT or a balance, you can log in to this new version by pasting your private key as your password, and using your email address as your username.

You can get your private key by finding your "Unchained" address in your core wallet, and typing "dumpprivkey your_unchained_address".  Once you are logged in you may change your password and hit Save.

Alternatively if you dont care about your old account you can Register as a new User.

Some things I would like to discuss:

Highlights of the new system
Things we Achieved (completed)
Things that are ToDo, and an updated roadmap
The Vision


- Create a Responsive view for mobile devices.  Right now the pages work on mobile, but they require you to pinch and squeeze.
- Linked immutable sidechain needs finished
- Permissions and Grants
- App sections backed by secured role views
- Sending a Note with a TX in the core wallet, and having the receiver read the note that is generated by the sidechain Inside the core wallet (demo hybrid integrated functionality)

Completed Items:

Note: The phone system now works from mobile phones as of today! 
[Add Completed Items Here]


- Permisionless Zero Trust security architecture (this means even the devs cannot break the security of the sidechain.  Granted permissions are virtually impossible to hack-except by breaking a full key, even by the creator).
- Blocks are immutable and linked to the sidechain blocks in a forward only fashion.  Nothing can be squeezed in between or rolled back, therefore they are immutable and secure.
- Temples provide the database security for our Cockroachdb cluster; with each temple required to run one cockroachdb node in the future (current state we run 3 from the first 3 temples to bootstrap the project until it is stable)
- Cockroach automatically "fills in the gaps" on unsynchronized content, which is very exciting.  This means we scale.  And we scale automatically.
For example, if 3/4 nodes are synced, and one new temple comes online, it will automatically sync or fill in the entire sidechain without any BBP code.
Cockroach also streams content in parallel, so when you request a report it is fulfilled by many nodes.
- The forward only sidechain block index has corresponding database Views that represent table objects for user consumption.
These always maintain their integrity since even if one was altered or corrupted, it would regenerate from the cluster, which is based on the forward only sidechain transactions that
drive the view.  No user can alter the sidechain content, except by paying for transactions that go in it.
Transactions look like this:
BBP Core TX -> Contains Metadata
Sidechain TX -> Contains 1:many transactions that occur within one BBP block.
Each sidechain tx can alter a Business object, or can point to media (such as a video or a file).
Thousands of sidechain tx's can fit in one metadata tx that is secured by one BBP block.
The sidechain tx's are instantsend locked.
Sidechain transactions are almost instant because they run at the speed of our cluster.
Storage on the sidechain is cheap, and extremely cheap to use our sidechain to store videos or files, as we store the actual video or file on storj, and our sidechain stores the pointer to that data.
- Binding a new page to BBP objects will be simple once the foundation is released
- We have a new secure API.  You can access certain API endpoints and functions with the BBP keypair.
Other endpoints require a temple (such as interacting in debug mode in prod from a hosted satellite).
- Field captions in our dictionary and language literals
- A temple is required to Host an unchained web satellite instance
By requiring a temple signing key for every cockroachdb write, we can securely maintain the integrity of every zero trust object in the view.
For example, if I own NFT 123, and I sell that NFT to user B, that sidechain transaction will only "transfer" via a hosted tx that executes on a web node owned by a Temple and that
temple signs the tx.  This way, even our devs who debug the code cannot facilitate transactions in prod unless they debug from a temple, however we will have a Full testnet so that debugging is not a problem.
- Sanctuary voting for upcoming features

Let me know if anyone has any trouble signing in or testing.

Current state, unchained is meant to run on a desktop until we have bandwidth to tackle the Responsive Mobile endeavor.

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