Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

Pages: 1 ... 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 [266]
Removed all files and started again, now I have this:

Code: [Select]
    "height": 2800,
    "hash": "eb067b1c548908ab169f1d97b1421213e38970357649116b3818154a0b9eb18c",
    "difficulty": 4.276836403033586,
    "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004ef01f970b6",
    "branchlen": 2724,
    "status": "headers-only"
    "height": 80,
    "hash": "3a1f92a302a6d72eb32581aad9fbd61cf7ee4f71e52497b3b8dd9fc137b2b845",
    "difficulty": 0.1591938163763032,
    "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e14654f62",
    "branchlen": 0,
    "status": "active"
    "height": 28,
    "hash": "f3c2791f04be079d0b7d3a28bf61ae28ee24b06a762ab6ad19af7667b4e8d88c",
    "difficulty": 0.0001111867252099767,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001d0e27",
    "branchlen": 1,
    "status": "valid-headers"
    "height": 28,
    "hash": "e4c3ec0608dd9e051bbdd2dec3772dc3d048e56f19fdd31c67c6f11627412a7c",
    "difficulty": 0.0001111867252099767,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001d0e27",
    "branchlen": 1,
    "status": "valid-headers"
    "height": 19,
    "hash": "7065555a9dd366041ecc5a3d0af2567291058292c5fbe3ca449595f1b8fee7f2",
    "difficulty": 8.31726475264857e-06,
    "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022637",
    "branchlen": 1,
    "status": "valid-fork"

I have to give up for now, will be back tomorrow :)

Yeah, we might have to increment the protocol version in testnet.  Lets see what happens tomorrow after I fire up 3 vultrs and one personal machine and we try at the same time.  Have a good night.

I have a lot of these errors, so I can't get 500k tBBP :)

Code: [Select]
2017-10-03 19:42:05 ^M
ProcessBlockFound::Generated 16800.25
2017-10-03 19:42:05 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(1): BibleHash does not meet POW level, prevheight 2780.000000 pindexPrev e463d4d9e236b8ff1ed18b5bcb03fcc914db7d4a59a0127dd785949c7ce81bf7
2017-10-03 19:42:05 ERROR: CheckBlockHeader(): proof of work failed
2017-10-03 19:42:05 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: CheckBlock FAILED
2017-10-03 19:42:05 ERROR: ProcessBlockFound -- ProcessNewBlock() failed, block not accepted
2017-10-03 19:42:05 keypool keep 12
2017-10-03 19:42:05 12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212CMasternodePayments::SyncLowDataPaymentBlocks -- asking peer 3 for 2781 payment blocks
2017-10-03 19:42:38 1212SYNCSTATUSCOUNT -- got inventory count: nItemID=3  nCount=0  peer=3
2017-10-03 19:42:38 1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212CBlock(hash=e38012aaad6067cdb7d93bf175da5b0632683e7c6ca0ccffefbe92b9b4f2f426, ver=536870912, hashPrevBlock=e463d4d9e236b8ff1ed18b5bcb03fcc914db7d4a59a0127dd785949c7ce81bf7, hashMerkleRoot=1757c05d10cf959f669b18b2b96cfe795f4283d13a98e9462c37d40d2bdef4d7, nTime=1507059804, nBits=1c6128d6, nNonce=22193, vtx=1)
  CTransaction(hash=1757c05d10, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 4294967295), coinbase 02dd0a02dc00)
    CTxOut(nValue=16800.25000000, scriptPubKey=2103b9ef046bca7ec39a61e246eb10)

Code: [Select]
2017-10-03 19:34:15 ^M
ProcessBlockFound::Generated 16882.70
2017-10-03 19:34:15 ERROR: ProcessBlockFound -- generated block is stale
2017-10-03 19:34:15 keypool keep 43
2017-10-03 19:34:15 12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212CBlock(hash=ec2ea9af71570945dd38a4dfb689ea77cad6d9d28360bf4caca8b4dd6fe96ab3, ver=536870912, hashPrevBlock=4649305bba3d4e886d2d258379ff7e6c5bdb37280b523de6e36abdb011bc9aa8, hashMerkleRoot=c06abfafd37dedb14eea6defafde0f91e6cedf1f3e815b6c2d8e248c2d660128, nTime=1507059262, nBits=1d0128a9, nNonce=7175, vtx=1)
  CTransaction(hash=c06abfafd3, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 4294967295), coinbase 02d60a029100)
    CTxOut(nValue=16963.45000000, scriptPubKey=21034728686b433bb0c08cec8fa1ee)

Also, somewhere in debug.log I see lines without any errors and the "AddToWallet" line, but my wallet balance is 0.

Code: [Select]
2017-10-03 19:34:14 ^M
ProcessBlockFound::Generated 16954.10
2017-10-03 19:34:14 12UpdateTip: new best=4649305bba3d4e886d2d258379ff7e6c5bdb37280b523de6e36abdb011bc9aa8  height=2773  log2_work=42.213349  tx=2783  date=2017-10-03 19:34:14 progress=0.003227  cache=0.0MiB(17tx)
2017-10-03 19:34:14 AddToWallet 831af4ce0947df326eb8a2a6e8729ac5b20bf9e37620bfe9b3b7020c28568927  new
2017-10-03 19:34:14 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2017-10-03 19:34:14 1212121212CBlock(hash=e7544330af5181938b9315dd59c97faee9ef0ad7b50dfac6bfdaaa526a864869, ver=536870912, hashPrevBlock=7003ca18a69cfdf83982163b9ae56807befc22163ec094b0be303e6d5d2cdada, hashMerkleRoot=9e9e04108b340d77dc126966d096433c941475d450b34d7162afff8933ad4a8a, nTime=1507059254, nBits=1d010d1e, nNonce=7291, vtx=1)
  CTransaction(hash=9e9e04108b, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
    CTxIn(COutPoint(0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 4294967295), coinbase 02d40a029000)
    CTxOut(nValue=16882.70000000, scriptPubKey=2103c2f360732f95a884a88bbf27d6)

Hmm, I just grepped my first node running the newest version and dont have that particular checkblock error.  Before I delve further into this,  did you possibly have an old testnet blockchain before?  Can you please try deleting blocks -R and chainstate -R and mncache.dat and peers.dat and restarting?  Its possibly you have some headers from the prior chain or from another node running the old version.


Code: [Select]
telnet: could not resolve Name or service not known
Same with ping.
Hmm, cant be, I flushed my dns cache, and when I ping '' i receive  I also checked cloudflare and the entry is live.  Do you have DNS enabled at your provider by chance?
Anyway you can go by IP now :)

Here is a blockhash to see if you are synced:

showblock 2700:
  "hash": "4d5d13c36da85b81ab23e1f2747cc080f053409c711a680b2cbb9e278efc49b3"

Good Afternoon All,

It is time to Test sanctuaries in Testnet.

- Testing requires linux - because windows will not run watchman on the wall (thats the decentralized sanctuary database)
- Testing requires 500,000 TestNet BBP to be sent to the new testnet masternode (actually send more, so you have extra first) - this is not the final amount to run a sanctuary, its the testnet amount
- Testing requires an external open IP, IE you need to be able to run with the firewall port 40001 open
- Testing needs to have the latest version of BBP compiled from source

If anyone needs test BBP, let me know.

Here is a guide to explain how to start a masternode:
(*** NOTE!!!  The above guide says 1 million BBP is required.  Its actually 500,000 BBP in testnet!  Please dont try 1 million as it will not work ***)

** Note that this procedure documented above actually failed.  It failed when I took a look at the log in the actual masternode wallet, an error was generated saying something to the effect of invalid escrow sent to the masternode. 

To get around this, send the test biblepay to the masternode wallet, create the  private key on the masternode, set the masternodeprivatekey and masternode=1 in the config, and then we can resume testing.  If anyone can get this working in 'cold' mode (that means the mastnode has 0 funds in the wallet with remote activation working) that would be extremely valuable.  I will obviously help with this, as we cant go live until cold mode works, but I also need to move past and start testing the governance commands next.

My first test procedure is lets ensure we have 5+ masternodes running and see if we can all see each other and stay in sync.  We now have 1 minute blocks on testnet.

PS: To install watchman-on-the-wall, please see the "BuildBiblePay.txt" document in the root.  It has a section called Watchman. 

Note, I will modify the wiki entry to explain how to add watchman to the cron.

TestNet Discussion Archive / Re: BLOCKCHAIN NEWS
« on: September 29, 2017, 10:00:01 AM »
A little update here for everyone on TestNet:

I decided to modify the testnet chain to have 1 minute blocks, so when someone is actually testing, we can test 700% faster.
For example, if we want to mock up a proposal, a vote, a budget and a superblock, we wont have to wait as long.

On my local nodes, I had to erase all my testnet chains.  The code is out for linux but not for Windows yet.

Also, another major change is Sanctuaries require another piece of linux side software called Watchman on the wall.  Im working on it now, and will update asap.
This will allow us to test sanctuaries in testnet a little early (IE within 30 days from now).  Giving myself 30 days of time max to get the web proposal/budget working.

TestNet Discussion Archive / Re: BLOCKCHAIN NEWS
« on: September 29, 2017, 09:57:29 AM »
I have a one question.

Did you think about some tags/language/category  filed in blockchain ?
It will be nice to filter some news.

Anyway... it's very very nice feature

Thanks, well, all I thought of so far was adding a field above the news (IE if you think of hierarchies, we have blockchain->datatype->object), this of News as just a datatype, and the content of the post as the object.  We should do that,then we could do things like West suggested (have a mining guide in the coin) and the mining guide would be datatype 'guide'for example.  News would be 'news'.  Then we could have other things, like 'proposal' where we store an actual full text of a new proposal for something important like Proposal to fund Cancer Patient, or Proposal for IT integration for Debit Card!  Those would be cool object types to be able to vote on in -client.  But yes, in the vein that you suggested, we could have a field for Tags so then if we want to add searchability, we could search on lists through tags.  As a matter of fact, whatever "news list" we put in the coin we could just have a drop down on the top with the datatype in it, and then search on anything about anythign in the chain...

I think the idea is noble? ...  Exciting.

TestNet Discussion Archive / BLOCKCHAIN NEWS
« on: September 24, 2017, 10:52:40 AM »
This is the testnet thread for :

- Testing Block Chain News (Add an article, View an article)
- Possibly: Viewing a Gui list of articles, Deleting an article, Editing an article
- Fixing Nanaminers double free or corruption mining error
- Baby steps for pre-testing of sanctuaries (primarily as since we will have many testnet nodes online this gives the dev a chance to verify governance proposal creation works, and create the web interface for proposal lists, and proposal voting)

To get started, please download or later from (or build

Launch in testnet mode like this:

cd c:\program files\biblepaycore
biblepay-qt -testnet

Read this wiki page on Block Chain News:

Start by creating a sample blockchain news article to get the feel of how this is done, and optionally publish one.

Note, that the first time you view an article, the images do not load quick enough and you may have to close the preview window and re-open it.  Solutions are welcome.

When you click Read Block Chain News, and enter the TXID, you should see this:

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