Bible Pay

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Messages - Christblood

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Hi CB,

Ok, I think I understand your point.  Your point is that there is going to be low adoption if it requires extremely high technical details to set the wallet to earn rewards.
I think what has happened is over time as we kept changing, we had releases where it was easy at one point but that got replaced by something new, and it became hard again.  Every time we release a new wallet the features that made it easy have been removed again.  It is certainly possible to make an "Easy Altar" feature.

The summarized answer is:
- We do still have rewards for small, mid, and large wallets.  They are altars, sancs and temples.  (All pay the same %s, but are different size collaterals).
- It would be beneficial for us to make an Easy Altar feature.
- Our next wallet is due out within 30 days, and then we have a base that we can add the feature into.

If this sounds right let me know and when the next core wallet is released we can work together in testnet to making something that is easy to set up for a newbie?

Hi Rob,

Sorry, I didn't see this until now.

Thanks for acknowleding my post.

Yes, you understand what I'm saying.  It's up to you of course.  Its a type of design philosophy, UX as they say these days. 

User Experience (UX) is a big thing today in programming. 

I am upgrading to the wallet that was just released and will get it synced. 

Hi Rob,

I was thinking about Biblepay today and thought I would share some experience I have being in the space since 2016.

Some coins I notiiced were coins by software guys for other software guys.  It was very hard to keep up with the wallet, things were explained as cryptically as possible, using a lot of private jargon and the coins ended up not having very big teams.

Other coins were created by software developers for the general public and those coins tended to do better.

I still have a BBP balance and booted up the wallet to sync, and just wanted to share that with you.

I don't mind not getting anything from running the wallet since staking has been taken away (this is a tangent to my point, maybe it's not taken away, maybe it's called something else, etc.).  But like probably most supporters, there are
a lot of things I can do for the Lord and his people.  I went to the Jesus march in downtown Seattle yesterday.  Only two people in my church went, etc. etc.

I want to support Biblepay, but if it's going to take a big learning curve to use, not sure how much I am going to want to use it as life is complicated enough. 

It sounds like (maybe) that people who only want to invest $50 to $100 are not in the "staking/mining" option now?

Can someone else please answer this for Christblood and explain how Sanc mining works?

In the mean time you can go back a few pages and look at Temple, Sanctuary, and Altar and simply create a few Altar's to earn rewards.

Hi Rob,
I read back several threads but clearly none of this is intended as a beginners guide to what these concepts even mean.
I'm not trying to be nor do I feel antagonistic, but it's very important to have some kind of introductory pages about what you guys are talking about, lol.

I was unable to follow why the staking stopped about a year ago, and what is the current stake of distributing the block chain.

Is there staking now and was it used as in traditional POS wallets?

So to summarize the problem:  You just have 25 wallet tx's locked in coin control and they just need unlocked.  Nothing complicated.
Just right click on the first 5 or so and click unlock, and whatever the balance is of those "selected" just send yourself (to your own address) that amount minus 1000.
Then repeat for the other 20.

Thanks.  I was able to get it to work.

I am only able to uncheck those boxes.  I am not able to put a check in an empty square box. 

I can hit unselect all and they are all unselected.  I can then select one at a time that once had a check in it, but not the original empty ones.

Most of these that I can select only have a small amount of coins.  I've encluded an image.  It says 27 locked and those are the ones with most of my balance. 

I was only able to send 500 to an exchange, thus far.

My wallet is on the same block as the exploer.

Here is a copy of all my deposites into my wallet.   I can post the whole log but it should be on the chain. 

I selected attach file but it's not displaying in preview.

OK, I get the same result when I run

biblepay-qt -zapwallettxes=1

The amount exceeds your balance.

These are all coins I bought with about two months of profit from trading on SouthExchange. 

I also just resynced the wallet from scratch on Windows.

I found:
BBP Address BRYiUxjY6B1XM6d26sLGN9gsHnFDhntcWT Copy address to clipboard
Balance   Balance   
23,837.62 BBP
with 69444 confirmations 10 months 9 days

I'm not sure how I ended up with that little balance.

I locked away most of my coins in staking.  Then all the problems started happening and I noticed I wasn't getting any more stakes. 

My balance on my wallet shows 635 837 BBP.

Will I ever get those coins back left in staking?

Version:   Biblepay Core version v0.17.5.4-Red-Sea-Parting (64-bit)

It's the most recent version from the website, but why does it say:

Copyright (C) 2014-2021 The Biblepay Core developers
Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers

Hi CB,
I hope you are doing good!

Next, try restarting the wallet with:
./biblepay-qt -zapwallettxes=1

That will clear out any orphaned tx's that might be in your wallet, keeping it from trying to send invalid coins.


"On Windows, you need to start the command line prompt (cmd.exe), go to your window search and enter "cmd" and start cmd.exe. Start bitcoin-qt with --zapwallettxes=1

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe --zapwallettxes=1"


Newbie ponderings that don't work:

I have never used this to start a wallet.  I am wondering how to do it.

All I see are shortcuts on my machine.   When I try to edit them they launch.  Also, I tried running the command in the directory that came up and it launched Edge. 

When I go to command line with wallet running I get:


Method not found (code -32601)

I was told to post this here.

I have newest wallet from website from two days ago.  I sync'd and now trying to send just 30 K.  I have 660 K.

It says "Amount exceeds your balance".

Why is this and how can I send coins from my wallet?

Using Windows 10.  The only firewall/virus program is Microsoft's.

General Support / Connection Reset when downloading Windows Wallet
« on: May 25, 2023, 11:40:08 AM »
I thought it would be a good idea to try the Windows wallet, and I am getting

"This site can't be reached

The Connection was reset"

It only happens when I try to download the Windows wallet, no other pages seem effected.

Tried two browsers.

i know with this issue it can be on multiple machines.

General Support / Re: Amount Exceeds Your Balance Error
« on: May 09, 2023, 03:37:10 PM »
Thanks.  I'm not a native Mac user and really should enjoy using it more as my own software program (ParaMind Brainstorming Software) has got a reboot since it's output is a lot like some ChatGPT outputs (the mother of all prompt YouTube videos shows this clearly).  The Mac market was always good.

So, if I can figure out how to get Biblepay working that should up my Mac skills.

Your Prayers desired for this!  I'm not the nerd I used to be.

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