Bible Pay

Read 493181 times

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
As far as testing the sanctuary rank feature, this is used by the SanctuaryQuorum to determine your sanctuaries place in being called into service to process and vote on the filtered magnitude files.

Only do this if you are a synced sanctuary with a position in "masternode winners" report.  If you are not in winners, this command will be useless as we only choose sancs who have a rank.

If you have a place in the payment queue type 'exec testranks'. The tail end of this command shows the sanc count, and it looks like we have a piddly 4.  Anyway this means you should see (since we need a minimum of 2 voting sancs in testnet, 10% in prod with a minimum of 5 in prod), an alternating 50% chance of being called to filter or vote on a file, for every Other block number (since 2 minimum divided by 4 is a 50-50 chance per block).  So now look at your heights starting with the current height and go forward in the future - IE right now we are on block 10005 so go from 10005 to say 10025, and just see the pattern, is it 0%, 100%, 0%, 100%,100%, etc.  If so our rank is working. 

I am looking at my testranks report on my hot sanc and it appears this is working.  (The number is height,  percentage of being called, and Sanctuary Rank) in the report.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
thx for fast answer ..woho :D

1. i didnt yet...ill go update now= tBBP is all
2. polpercentage setuped to 50 may be help it

thanks guys ...

Rob: whats problem when on rosetta i saw last 12hours    Error while computing  .. can be problem with less RAM? thx

These are not valid questions.

  • jaapgvk
  • Hero Member

    • 558

    • 31
    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
    • Netherlands
As far as testing the sanctuary rank feature, this is used by the SanctuaryQuorum to determine your sanctuaries place in being called into service to process and vote on the filtered magnitude files.

Only do this if you are a synced sanctuary with a position in "masternode winners" report.  If you are not in winners, this command will be useless as we only choose sancs who have a rank.

If you have a place in the payment queue type 'exec testranks'. The tail end of this command shows the sanc count, and it looks like we have a piddly 4.  Anyway this means you should see (since we need a minimum of 2 voting sancs in testnet, 10% in prod with a minimum of 5 in prod), an alternating 50% chance of being called to filter or vote on a file, for every Other block number (since 2 minimum divided by 4 is a 50-50 chance per block).  So now look at your heights starting with the current height and go forward in the future - IE right now we are on block 10005 so go from 10005 to say 10025, and just see the pattern, is it 0%, 100%, 0%, 100%,100%, etc.  If so our rank is working. 

I am looking at my testranks report on my hot sanc and it appears this is working.  (The number is height,  percentage of being called, and Sanctuary Rank) in the report.

Code: [Select]


masternode winners


  "10155": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:5",
  "10156": "yczua3NywynKiUUN3yzKryLJgJmgt466QV:5",
  "10157": "yczua3NywynKiUUN3yzKryLJgJmgt466QV:5",
  "10158": "yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:1, yW7P6b7572frx11TgeyBnNCjKaRCfYz6fi:4",
  "10159": "yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:1, yW7P6b7572frx11TgeyBnNCjKaRCfYz6fi:4",
  "10160": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yjQfaAE1yqYULCJMS6FmX98jBHtaY9sdMb:4",
  "10161": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:3",
  "10162": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:3",
  "10163": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yLi5aMHH4ZwXT1jPzmSKNoZHT2hyjLey7p:3",
  "10164": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:5",
  "10165": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:4",
  "10166": "ySYCxw9dKishWtwAEWN3Md8xqUSLSufZ2D:4",
  "10167": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, ySYCxw9dKishWtwAEWN3Md8xqUSLSufZ2D:3",
  "10168": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yh4nfiwoS94uqR7yMibib6UDe7kqxXRyCe:4",
  "10169": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yh4nfiwoS94uqR7yMibib6UDe7kqxXRyCe:4",
  "10170": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yZ7hJEWGw3hU76xdpWaBsuAkqmvpCXbwKQ:4",
  "10171": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:4",
  "10172": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:4",
  "10173": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:1, ygfopeKeCyL6NgtP1o1T63euiBteJp8vHg:4",
  "10174": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:1, ygfopeKeCyL6NgtP1o1T63euiBteJp8vHg:3",
  "10175": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:5",
  "10176": "Unknown",
  "10177": "Unknown",
  "10178": "Unknown",
  "10179": "Unknown",
  "10180": "Unknown",
  "10181": "Unknown",
  "10182": "Unknown",
  "10183": "Unknown",
  "10184": "Unknown"


exec testranks


  "Command": "testranks",
  "percentrank 10073 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10074 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10075 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10076 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10077 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10078 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10079 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10080 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10081 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10082 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10083 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10084 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10085 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10086 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10087 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10088 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10089 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10090 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10091 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10092 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10093 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10094 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10095 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10096 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10097 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10098 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10099 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10100 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10101 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10102 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10103 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10104 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10105 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10106 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10107 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10108 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10109 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10110 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10111 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10112 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10113 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10114 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10115 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10116 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10117 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10118 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10119 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10120 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10121 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10122 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10123 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10124 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10125 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10126 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10127 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10128 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10129 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10130 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10131 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10132 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10133 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10134 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10135 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10136 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10137 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10138 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10139 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10140 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10141 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10142 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10143 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10144 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10145 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10146 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10147 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10148 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10149 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10150 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10151 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10152 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10153 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10154 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10155 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10156 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10157 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10158 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10159 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10160 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10161 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10162 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10163 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10164 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10165 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10166 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10167 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10168 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10169 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10170 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10171 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10172 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10173 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10174 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10175 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10176 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10177 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10178 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10179 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10180 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10181 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10182 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10183 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10184 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10185 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10186 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10187 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10188 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10189 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10190 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10191 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10192 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10193 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10194 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10195 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10196 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10197 0": -1,
  "sanctuary_count": 2


masternode count enabled






  "8a90e15bbfaeac9ed6aebb654374900346fa9ea47e91418dcb2f8083f058c00e-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "0d73d75aa399c497e9569232c6dfb8f7fd0f2f3c333f10b980839dba215c1d11-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "57347df338d9bb8fa4e91852c910047df171f318ae70dfa263a11ef5726401c2-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "bffc8466fb89bdd425ad884e0c31a677093260a80350c2e804cfeb79b836bb0a-0": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "7fb209612bed04aa95e68091cfd0958396890aa7df748ce1b68502e23b9363ec-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "da1bc33cdb64a4ef4cf6a9194fe4ca2350b2d53ee229cbf86c61b54777442223-1": "ENABLED",
  "5d0f236522fa2a9acf8f3b8523e67a34600f754aedf146b366361ab7dea41028-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "73a43e8a400802c41fd3d5b04ebfd77b809c24cb8167bf12b6ea6f1b6261eb18-1": "ENABLED",
  "70c0e1dd08b3ea91a175452cf372f047b0b3b627527679209abe906b5eb06e96-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "4f2d9e9097cc065a4600fa470a5950e58699f58a9464a12ef98e695e179e94df-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "c7f3413b0bcfb871babde98ddef1f375572eadf567a3b2deccdd1bd454e69d56-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "44b2fcb6d8092d1e837709e2fc181ef2ecf663737e1bbdb32f6cfb9279e87273-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED"

My masternode says that there are only 2 masternodes enabled, but the payment que suggests otherwise. I am the 'yUU' adress btw.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob A. from where i know that problem is in BOINC?   exists any BUG TUTORIAL with BBP-ROSETTA? no, so you can test alone with 3 guys here

and dont think that you kill da BOTNET..... scripts is made for ROSETTA  ;D


Ill bet you $1000 of BBP that (after PODC Goes Live) : Either the Botnet is : A) Doing cancer research and is no longer a bot-net, or B) We are a secure happy family with lower difficulty.  Either of those is a win-win. 

My clarification is :  If difficulty is high in PODC, and we have 5,000 CPIDs for cancer research- That is No Longer a Botnet.  Why?  Because then we have our software updates on our side of the house still working, and those clear designated CPIDs are publically visible in our reports.  That makes them cancer researchers and Not a botnet.

If you are willing to take this challenge Ill send my BBP into escrow with one of the trusted members here like Togo or Jaap, and you can bet me publically.

Thats how much I believe in PODC.

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

    • 375

    • 2
    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
10 Sanctuaries up!

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Code: [Select]


masternode winners


  "10155": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:5",
  "10156": "yczua3NywynKiUUN3yzKryLJgJmgt466QV:5",
  "10157": "yczua3NywynKiUUN3yzKryLJgJmgt466QV:5",
  "10158": "yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:1, yW7P6b7572frx11TgeyBnNCjKaRCfYz6fi:4",
  "10159": "yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:1, yW7P6b7572frx11TgeyBnNCjKaRCfYz6fi:4",
  "10160": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yjQfaAE1yqYULCJMS6FmX98jBHtaY9sdMb:4",
  "10161": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:3",
  "10162": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yesrwrCZpBTrHXzt6o36WTAqtagvPpCp6F:3",
  "10163": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:1, yLi5aMHH4ZwXT1jPzmSKNoZHT2hyjLey7p:3",
  "10164": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:5",
  "10165": "yfhgGUHDYBaSyWYXd1X1gARTswyWKsyRX5:4",
  "10166": "ySYCxw9dKishWtwAEWN3Md8xqUSLSufZ2D:4",
  "10167": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, ySYCxw9dKishWtwAEWN3Md8xqUSLSufZ2D:3",
  "10168": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yh4nfiwoS94uqR7yMibib6UDe7kqxXRyCe:4",
  "10169": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yh4nfiwoS94uqR7yMibib6UDe7kqxXRyCe:4",
  "10170": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:1, yZ7hJEWGw3hU76xdpWaBsuAkqmvpCXbwKQ:4",
  "10171": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:4",
  "10172": "yd7si6yg2Tp4Pkp1dSYeisWFzJwmdwsjq3:4",
  "10173": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:1, ygfopeKeCyL6NgtP1o1T63euiBteJp8vHg:4",
  "10174": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:1, ygfopeKeCyL6NgtP1o1T63euiBteJp8vHg:3",
  "10175": "yUUGJxxFFxx3e9EWU7q2G649EvEs8bNvDC:5",
  "10176": "Unknown",
  "10177": "Unknown",
  "10178": "Unknown",
  "10179": "Unknown",
  "10180": "Unknown",
  "10181": "Unknown",
  "10182": "Unknown",
  "10183": "Unknown",
  "10184": "Unknown"


exec testranks


  "Command": "testranks",
  "percentrank 10073 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10074 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10075 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10076 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10077 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10078 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10079 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10080 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10081 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10082 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10083 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10084 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10085 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10086 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10087 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10088 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10089 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10090 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10091 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10092 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10093 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10094 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10095 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10096 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10097 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10098 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10099 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10100 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10101 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10102 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10103 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10104 300": 7,
  "percentrank 10105 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10106 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10107 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10108 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10109 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10110 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10111 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10112 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10113 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10114 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10115 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10116 200": 4,
  "percentrank 10117 100": 2,
  "percentrank 10118 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10119 100": 3,
  "percentrank 10120 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10121 200": 5,
  "percentrank 10122 0": 1,
  "percentrank 10123 300": 6,
  "percentrank 10124 400": 8,
  "percentrank 10125
  "percentrank 10176 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10177 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10178 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10179 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10180 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10181 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10182 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10183 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10184 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10185 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10186 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10187 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10188 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10189 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10190 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10191 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10192 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10193 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10194 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10195 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10196 0": -1,
  "percentrank 10197 0": -1,
  "sanctuary_count": 2


masternode count enabled






  "8a90e15bbfaeac9ed6aebb654374900346fa9ea47e91418dcb2f8083f058c00e-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "0d73d75aa399c497e9569232c6dfb8f7fd0f2f3c333f10b980839dba215c1d11-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "57347df338d9bb8fa4e91852c910047df171f318ae70dfa263a11ef5726401c2-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "bffc8466fb89bdd425ad884e0c31a677093260a80350c2e804cfeb79b836bb0a-0": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "7fb209612bed04aa95e68091cfd0958396890aa7df748ce1b68502e23b9363ec-1": "NEW_START_REQUIRED",
  "da1bc33cdb64a4ef4cf6a9194fe4ca2350b2d53ee229cbf86c61b54777442223-1": "ENABLED",
  "5d0f236522fa2a9acf8f3b8523e67a34600f754aedf146b366361ab7dea41028-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "73a43e8a400802c41fd3d5b04ebfd77b809c24cb8167bf12b6ea6f1b6261eb18-1": "ENABLED",
  "70c0e1dd08b3ea91a175452cf372f047b0b3b627527679209abe906b5eb06e96-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "4f2d9e9097cc065a4600fa470a5950e58699f58a9464a12ef98e695e179e94df-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "c7f3413b0bcfb871babde98ddef1f375572eadf567a3b2deccdd1bd454e69d56-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED",
  "44b2fcb6d8092d1e837709e2fc181ef2ecf663737e1bbdb32f6cfb9279e87273-1": "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED"

My masternode says that there are only 2 masternodes enabled, but the payment que suggests otherwise. I am the 'yUU' adress btw.

Thanks Jaap!  Yeah, the thing is the 'masternode list' command returns all the sancs in every state, and technically the ones in watchdog expired status that are UP, where biblepayd is responding , they are still voting for payments and end up being in the payment list and paid.  Thats because we dont have the spork enabld to Ban users for watchdog expired (watchman on the wall) violations, but we do POSE ban if the node goes down, so they are not getting free money.  SO yes we have something like 8 sancs up, the wallet thinks we have 2 (enabled sancs).

But anyway all this is OK because the Rank feature - when it exceeds the sanc count - does not fail, it just makes more sancs work than normal (IE more show 100% chance than normal), so look ing  at your report, your looks good, looks like mine...

I think that test will pass for prod.

In prod however we should have much more accuracy - about 10% voting, thats 15 sancs voting and processing files.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
500 CPID?   1CPID=1machine=1guy

botnet script = exists in botnet forum about rosetta how can we do script for 100 users=accounts on rosetta

100 accounts= 100CPIDs=totally easy make it and owner of botnet doesnt idiot, trust me

SVK guys 20 persons
1 person do 10 accounts with 10 CPIDs=10machines

200 CPIDS for 1 day.. wink


and yes, you have true about botnet for rosetta= will be good deal for cancer researching

You act as if you have zero intelligence.  Its not beneficial to create more than one CPID, RAC takes 14 days to build up, magnitude is based on RAC per CPID, and it takes work to maintain each CPID. 

Slovakia, please stop posting here if you are not a NET VALUE to the community.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4112

    • 97
    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Posted by T-Mike:

Klondike, if the "bots" are doing work on Rosseta, we do not consider it a bot anymore, it is doing good work. If you are here for profit, then it makes a different, if you are not, let all the botnets in the world start computing for Rosetta.

  • orbis
  • Full Member

    • 215

    • 7
    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
As far as testing these things:
 -  Allow unbanked to be compensated without PODC Updates
We need to ask Rastiks to not shut down the cell phone, and not add any non-ARM rac.
Looking in my Sanctuary for Rastiks, I dont see your CPID in the list : fe553a955f0e21d46724858870014cbe.  (I found your CPID by looking at the unbanked report in the pool), anyway I see Rastiks is on the team, but your not associated in Biblepay (exec associate).  I see this by typing exec datalist dcc and do not see your CPID.  This would be a nice feature to test, so if either Rastiks could you please associate your cpid or someone else could start an unbanked CPID also?
So, you must have ARM based devices on unique CPID if you want to work like unbanked?
And what if my ARM based Galaxy S7 is without "CPU type":
If I have PC what I just wanna run only sometimes (and it can run with controller wallet) it must be with different CPID?

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
So, you must have ARM based devices on unique CPID if you want to work like unbanked?
And what if my ARM based Galaxy S7 is without "CPU type":
If I have PC what I just wanna run only sometimes (and it can run with controller wallet) it must be with different CPID?

You just must not have any non-arm processors and non-blank processors on the same CPID, in order to not be disqualified.

  • T-Mike
  • Sr. Member

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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
You just must not have any non-arm processors and non-blank processors on the same CPID, in order to not be disqualified.

Oh, if you have a non arm it can't be on the same account? I didn't know that. I created the account on my desktop even though I'm not using it for computing but since it's in the list my Android phone will not be excluded?

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
You just must not have any non-arm processors and non-blank processors on the same CPID, in order to not be disqualified.
OK. Are these my findings good?:
1. If I want to have ARM based devices unbanked and PC's normal I must have at least two rosettas accounts.
2. It is no problem to join two rosetta acc to one BBP wallet with exec associate. (I didn't try it)
3. My ARM based Galaxy S7 can't be in unbanked acc because it has blank CPU type. (So it will be safer to try every phone outside unbanked acc to not disqualify myself)

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
If you have a sufficient BBP balance (50K+) there is no benefit to dividing accounts.  In fact, it would hurt you since you'd then have to run two separate wallets to account for the different rosetta accounts (as I understand it).  But the first part I'm confident of, no reason to run "unbanked" if you have 50K+ BBP.
But other reason to be "unbanked" (even if you have 50k) is that you don't have  24/7 server for controller wallet ;)

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
But other reason to be "unbanked" (even if you have 50k) is that you don't have  24/7 server for controller wallet ;)

Thats the main benefit of course.  You dont have to have a BBP balance, and you dont have to run the controller wallet.

Meaning a tiny ARM cell phone in Ethiopia could potentially buy a loaf of bread!  Once we have coinomi!

However I warn you, if anyone finds a way to exploit the unbanked feature, we will most certainly and quickly reward .75 to the unbanked side, and that will take care of the exploit in a jiffy.  For now its 1 * utxo weight * 1 * task weight * RAC = Magnitude for the unbanked.

  • orbis
  • Full Member

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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Thats the main benefit of course.  You dont have to have a BBP balance, and you dont have to run the controller wallet.

Meaning a tiny ARM cell phone in Ethiopia could potentially buy a loaf of bread!  Once we have coinomi!

However I warn you, if anyone finds a way to exploit the unbanked feature, we will most certainly and quickly reward .75 to the unbanked side, and that will take care of the exploit in a jiffy.  For now its 1 * utxo weight * 1 * task weight * RAC = Magnitude for the unbanked.
Ok, but how do you join your rosetta acc to wallet in Coinomi (if it will be)? Is it enough to change your "web page" in rosettas acc? I see that there is my controller wallet written.
And I really hope, that no one will exploit it. It would be big disadvantage for "normal" users.