Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Sanctuary Video Transcoding Mining - 2023
« Reply #2430 on: December 09, 2022, 06:18:09 AM »
Hi Rob - Good to hear about the upcoming changes. I like the idea of transcoding (CPU/GPU usage) and serving videos (storage and bandwidth?). h.264 is a well supported format. Are there plans to support newer codecs like hevc, or av1? av1 is open source and royalty free. God bless your efforts.
Hi Sun! Good to hear from you.  Hows your health and recovery from your miraculous deliverance?

So on this video mining, its on track to being released into test very soon and its working in unit test no problem.
The CPU usage is a little high when new videos come in, but I think since we have over 35 sancs that will probably not be a problem unless we ever grow to the size of rumble or something.  We've had 300 videos sitting in there for a couple years, so at this point, technically the spike in CPU usage is miniscule compared to the work ingress.
Bandwidth is even less of a concern on an upload because its done once and its over.  The bandwidth challenge will defiitely be serving customers (when they come) via our homegrown CDN.  But I think we can solve that too by blending some of the load off to a competing CDN like Fastly or cloudflare etc.

But anyway, Im supporting the HLS Libx264 at first to get off the ground.  This is because this is the industry standard for Youtube and Rumble.
The issue isnt really a simple technical choice of a codec, to explain a little more of this from an end to end perspective:
The ability to skip around when watching a video on youtube, the fast start, and the non-buffering on mobile, those are all achieved with codecs that do file splitting, like HLS (that have a manifest with the video), and then the HLS Libx264 part comes in when you talk about industry standard video players ability to play those.

So if youve seen any of our sanc videos on | Social | Videos you can see what I mean - the quality should be on par with the way youtube works...

But of course if we ever grow to have video demand for our 'sanctuary video widget' on third party sites, more codes can be added if they would be aligned and necessary to work with the corresponding player.  (We have a Sanctuary video player also that has to work with the format).

I'm using an open source version of ffmpeg in the sanctuary miner for dotnetcore.

Re: Sanctuary Video Transcoding Mining - 2023
« Reply #2431 on: February 17, 2023, 03:43:03 AM »
You mentioned that this video service will be user friendly and be able to help BBP become more popular.  How is the user supposed to upload videos and pay for the service in an easy to understand manner?  Maybe theres a wiki on this and I just missed it.  Is there a GUI or website that a person can go to and easily upload the videos and then be able to link to that video on thier own website?  Are there plans to also host data other than videos?

Thanks!  I have been mining for a couple years now and am excited about the work you guys do on this crypto.  I'm just wondering if this service would be user friendly to get more attention from people who aren't invested in this project.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Sanctuary Video Transcoding Mining - 2023
« Reply #2432 on: February 18, 2023, 08:39:07 AM »
You mentioned that this video service will be user friendly and be able to help BBP become more popular.  How is the user supposed to upload videos and pay for the service in an easy to understand manner?  Maybe theres a wiki on this and I just missed it.  Is there a GUI or website that a person can go to and easily upload the videos and then be able to link to that video on thier own website?  Are there plans to also host data other than videos?

Thanks!  I have been mining for a couple years now and am excited about the work you guys do on this crypto.  I'm just wondering if this service would be user friendly to get more attention from people who aren't invested in this project.

Ive been a little concerned about that myself, I mean, comparing the ability to share gospel videos (and prophecy videos), and provide a CDN (IE a real world valuable service) as compared to mining really when you weigh them out, Imho, the video service wins over heat mining, right.  So thats step 1.
Regarding the web site, we have "" and it does have a video viewer where you can view the sanctuary videos right now.  Although I admit, the ERC20 login process and register process needs to be improved.  Its a little hard to understand as a new user how to create an account (you can but its not easy to understand).  I feel that I can handle improving that.
Im really over the long term looking for more help in making BBPs timeline and social media presence better (IE more programmers).
But yes, we totally need wikis, and Im absolutely sure we can document the upload video process and the view video process, and figure out some type of staking that goes on to make BBP more valuable (maybe staking BBP on an important video for example).
In the past our devs have already written an upload UI, but its just not exposed yet so that will be available too (for the avg user to upload something).