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Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« Last post by MR.A on May 06, 2024, 04:44:03 AM »
Just downloaded the wallet.
If anyone is available to test in testnet, the release will be ready in 1 hour.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« Last post by Rob Andrews on May 05, 2024, 02:51:36 PM »
Alright the time has come for Babylon Falling.

The Windows wallet is ready for download.

I created 3 public testnet sancs:  2 regular and 1 temple.  I also created an investor Altar.

So now we can test LLMQs, and payment amounts, governance proposal and watchman on the wall.

Active Discussions / June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« Last post by Rob Andrews on April 30, 2024, 07:32:54 PM »

June 2024 Release - Babylon Falling

Welcome to TestNet - Babylon Falling!

Testing Starts: May 4th, 2024
Testing Ends: June 4th, 2024

In this thread we will be testing:

- Ability to create a sanctuary of each size (Altar, Sanctuary, Temple) with collateral amounts (455,001, 4,500,001, and 45,000,001) and corresponding payments of (10%, 100%, 1000%)
  a. Verify each size of sanc can register properly and appear in the deterministic masternode list
  b. Verify the payment amount on each sanc
  c. Verify the chain can sync from 0 after we solve some temple blocks
- Verify the monthly superblock still works and emits and is the correct amount
- Verify Quorums form
- Verify Temple and Altar coins in wallet lock in coin control and require an unlock (like regular sancs) so they dont get spent by accident
- Verify inactive sanctuaries (IE investor nodes) receive 50%
- Verify masternodelist shows the Tribe for a Temple
- Cutover height     ________195350_________________________
- Block hash :
getblockhash 195350

Explain Changes to Entire BiblePay Network:   

- Explanation :


Wiki Articles:

Older - Create a Sanc:

Starting Version:    0.20.3:

(Please ensure your version is greater than this, in order to sync.  See post #2 for current hash.

Testnet Download Links:


     Windows 64-bit:
     Linux :  Self compiled version ready (please post if you want Ubuntu binary)

NOT READY (ask before trying):
     (Inquire first before downloading)
     MacOS QT:

     Linux 64 bits (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip:

To self compile:
git pull origin develop


Create a biblepaytest.conf file with the following contents:

Place the file in ~/.biblepaycore

Start testnet by typing:
./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf

(Note the blocks and chainstate will sync into the ./biblepaycore/testnet3 folder.

NOTE: If you only have one machine, you can run in testnet side by side a prod node.

To create a TestNet Sanctuary:


                                                                   OUR BIBLEPAY CORE TESTERS

#1 -

#2 -  Mr. A

#3 - Rob Andrews

#4 -

God bless everyone, including non BiblePay users.

7 more days until the TestNet release.

Man, I don't know many of them do not trust in this project! Hats off brother for your dedication!
Thanks; even though there is not much of a reward right now, I think we are still close to deploying the cutting edge use cases, and God will help us get through the fog and make a valuable service for Christians (and non Christians) that fulfills voids in the current world systems:  Banks start to collapse, people turn to Crypto.  Retirement accounts earn less than inflation: people look for alternative investments, like crypto-indexes and crypto based instruments. 

The new code is cleaner, I can see why they refactored so much.  They gutted a lot of fluff out of the old wallet.  They refactored the whole program so its more efficient.  I had trouble understanding the new "node interface" that Dash uses now; there is a lot of new code that sets references to the NodeContext and the CoreContext so that requires some work for BBP custom code to be ported over to work with it but it was a good learning experience for me anyway; I think we are over the hump now and I'm hoping to have it in testnet by the end of the month.

Man, I don't know many of them do not trust in this project! Hats off brother for your dedication!
Thanks for solving the issue Rob!
No problem brother A.

Rebase 50% finished but its a huge project.  There are about 500,000 lines of code that were changed in Bitcoin and Dash.

Thanks for solving the issue Rob!
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