Bible Pay

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Messages - Rob Andrews

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Dear brothers.
I started the new version wallet and synched well.
I executed the masternode status command, below the results..... I'm on right way ?

masternode status

  "outpoint": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-4294967295",
  "service": "[::]:0",
  "state": "WAITING_FOR_PROTX",
  "status": "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain"

Thank you...

Yeah, you seem to be on the right track.
If you did an exec upgradesanc, the protx went out, but it takes a few blocks to register itself.

Just try the status again after a couple hours.

Without going into all the boring technical details, we adopted CockroachDB as our back-end decentralized database in hopes that Temples could run an instance of CockroachDB, and that would be the storage engine of choice for us to host the sidechain.

Most of the hurdles were solved, like the HTTPS certificates, the automatic syncing, the install, the data format, the blocks, the content, etc.
However, one thing ended up killing the project in the end (and it is very similar to other non decentralized clustered databases):  It does not gracefully handle the loss of nodes during volatile periods.  We had 3 nodes in the cluster for months without a problem but after some expirimentation, I found that if BBP temples would join/unjoin sporadically, it would corrupt the database, and after spending an exorbitant amount of time to try to restore the db in those situations, I realized its just not going to work for us long term. 

So Im back to creating our own flavor of decentralized dbase, one that the Users own (I wont even be required in this project once I check in the code); all the keys are going to belong to the Temples who run this dbase.  Im migrating cockroach data down to JSON first.  Working on this in the background.

So to keep this decentralized it looks something like this:
- You host a temple
- Your temple runs this BBPDB
- Keys and configuration are embedded in the program, so Im not required

A second project is required for our Phone and Storj storage:
- Since Storj hosts our video content
- Since our PBX provides phone service
- We need a generic layer that will allow more than one, preferably 3, users to "volunteer" to run a "service type" (like phone or storage),
and the code will encrypt the keys, and use them in the temple.  Then when people drop off who no longer host a PBX or a Storj account,
they will get replaced with the other keys automatically.  This would be similar to a decentralized "market making" service.

This way I will not be needed for that particular function, and its keys can be used and protected by a temple (node).

So that is the plan for the time being and Im actively working on the BBPDB.

Does anyone know Bob personally, and could reach out to him?
Are you all referring to me?
I'm fine, just havent been on the forum with all the IT projects going on.
I'll have to elaborate on the CockroachDB, that is the biggest problem right now.
I spend over 200 hours getting CockroachDB to behave in a decentralized way for BBP, and at the end, its not going to work for us.


Hi Rob,

Sorry, I didn't see this until now.

Thanks for acknowleding my post.

Yes, you understand what I'm saying.  It's up to you of course.  Its a type of design philosophy, UX as they say these days. 

User Experience (UX) is a big thing today in programming. 

I am upgrading to the wallet that was just released and will get it synced.

Sounds good.
You can always try to create an altar on the new version; and I look forward to our UX project.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: August 18, 2024, 03:19:56 PM »
Anyone who wants to test RDP, lets continue testing this feature:

The feature is part of the MainNet wallet.

Please launch it from there and comment here.

The new wallet comes with BiblePay RDP, a feature that allows you to Remote Desktop (RDP) from one machine to another through a sanctuary.

You can read about it here:

Lets talk about it in the TestNet thread, here:

BIBLEPAY v0.21.3
Mandatory Upgrade

For entire network including Sancs
Cutover Height: 526500
Release URL:
Source code:
Self build guide:

Note: Because we missed a few critical versions of Dash over the last year and the format of the Sanctuary record has changed, we will need to recreate our sancs.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

To get a safe start, I have recreated 3 of my sancs already and therefore the LLMQ's will be forming over the next 24 hours (that will allow instantsend and chainlocks to re-enable ~Aug 18th or so).

IMPORTANT:  Once you upgrade, be sure to restart with -reindex=1 if you have any trouble syncing to the latest block height.
Reference hash and height:
getblockhash 524382
hash: 000005b1821c81863ff01d949aa6efe35d03d72e6bea18fb1280ca722d4f7bb4

Block Explorer (Chainz) has upgraded:

Good luck, and God Bless You.

PS As usual, you can create an altar, sanc or temple to become a sanctuary miner (and this puts your latent BBP to use giving you earnings).

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: August 14, 2024, 08:59:53 PM »
Looks like testing passed.

Thanks to all who helped test the wallet.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: August 10, 2024, 05:06:48 AM »
So I created a Temple, and received payment and it is working as intended.
In my prior wave I created an altar and it is also receiving the correct amounts.

Wallet testing is coming to a close.

However I have a really positive surprise for this release that Im on the final stretch on.
We have something additional called BiblePay Extensions.
This menu option gets included with the new EXE, and it allows our development team to release BBP "Modules" or extensions that extend the code base.
These get upgraded automatically when versions change (due to bugs found in the extensions and feature releases in the extensions).

The first actual extension or use case is RDP.  This allows you to RDP from your work to your BBP machine or your BBP machine to work etc (actually its BBP machine to BBP machine).
One real use case for the BBP network to send the traffic through a sanctuary and back to your desktop.
The traffic is encrypted and private and the sanctuary cannot see it either because of the encryption and the keys.
It uses the BBP keypair as an "RDP address" to connect to etc.

Ill get this final leg finished and let you all know when we can test RDP 1.0 and BBP Extensions.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: August 10, 2024, 05:03:11 AM »
Yep it seems to be working as intended.

I'm good my friend, i hope you are well too.
Heh Bro, thanks for the confirmation.
Im glad you got it.  This wallet seems to be pretty solid.  I sent myself tx's over the last 2 weeks and they all got IX'd and chainlocks is still up.
Must have been an inherent problem in the old code base with both of those things as chainlocks never worked correctly in the old wallet.
So Im very happy about that, that this will be a great blessing for us when we go live.

Hi Rob,

I was thinking about Biblepay today and thought I would share some experience I have being in the space since 2016.

Some coins I notiiced were coins by software guys for other software guys.  It was very hard to keep up with the wallet, things were explained as cryptically as possible, using a lot of private jargon and the coins ended up not having very big teams.

Other coins were created by software developers for the general public and those coins tended to do better.

I still have a BBP balance and booted up the wallet to sync, and just wanted to share that with you.

I don't mind not getting anything from running the wallet since staking has been taken away (this is a tangent to my point, maybe it's not taken away, maybe it's called something else, etc.).  But like probably most supporters, there are
a lot of things I can do for the Lord and his people.  I went to the Jesus march in downtown Seattle yesterday.  Only two people in my church went, etc. etc.

I want to support Biblepay, but if it's going to take a big learning curve to use, not sure how much I am going to want to use it as life is complicated enough.

Hi CB,

Ok, I think I understand your point.  Your point is that there is going to be low adoption if it requires extremely high technical details to set the wallet to earn rewards.
I think what has happened is over time as we kept changing, we had releases where it was easy at one point but that got replaced by something new, and it became hard again.  Every time we release a new wallet the features that made it easy have been removed again.  It is certainly possible to make an "Easy Altar" feature.

The summarized answer is:
- We do still have rewards for small, mid, and large wallets.  They are altars, sancs and temples.  (All pay the same %s, but are different size collaterals).
- It would be beneficial for us to make an Easy Altar feature.
- Our next wallet is due out within 30 days, and then we have a base that we can add the feature into.

If this sounds right let me know and when the next core wallet is released we can work together in testnet to making something that is easy to set up for a newbie?

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:27:52 AM »
Hi Rob,

my testnet address is yZ4LmikQgzq5q1sc9SRsyQ4JeKDw4YCSme, sorry had a busy weekend missed your message.
Hi Bro Budinga,

Sent 525K to your testnet.  If you want to make sure it went via instantsend just look for the blue lightning bolt symbol.  Also you can check the Info tab of the wallet and look for a chainlock hash on the current block.

I hope you are doing good.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:26:19 AM »

I have tested two testnet governance proposals at height 216685.

One for 200K and one for 777K.
Test results: SUCCESS
If you want to see them you can browse in "TESTNET" mode in unchained, and also to see the payment you can do
getblockhash 216685, getblock _hash, note the TX #0 in the coinbase block (copy it), getrawtransaction _txid 0, and look for the two tx's and you will see a vout for 200K and vout for 777K.

Next step is to test creation of a temple and an altar, and then we can verify the rewards for those two node types.
Will be back on after my next two sancs are online.

I've got pretty good news for BiblePay, and its something that is actually exciting.  Something decentralized.  Something that adds a lot of value to BBP that we can actually do.  All glory to God.

It's so good in fact, I'm not going to explain what it is until its released, because I don't want the technology to be stolen by another block chain. 
I declare that BiblePay will Live and Not die.  Pray that for BiblePay, please.

In the mean time while our development team finishes this secret project, would you please pray for God to open a door to list BiblePay on a new exchange?  This is one thing that we desperately need.  An exchange that is above our expectations, with a large user base.  One with a lot of liquidity so when we get back to sponsoring more than 300+ orphans, we can liquidate without moving the market much.  One that can handle inflows from India and China and liquidations from US to foreign projects.  Etc.  Please pray for that miraculous outcome.

Active Discussions / Re: June 2024 (Q2) - Babylon Falling Release
« on: July 19, 2024, 12:04:48 PM »
I entered two governance proposals, and they went in successfully into the new wallet.
I voted Yes on these first two, from three sancs:

Will let everyone know if it pays after the next gov block.

Now I need to create a Temple and an altar, and verify the payments are right on all 3 flavors of sancs.

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