Bible Pay

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  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« on: January 19, 2018, 05:28:36 AM »
Dear Sanctuary owners, Dear Forum users,

with great joy I want to announce the first version of an (unofficial) ubuntu package repository to the Biblepay community. In the course of a couple of days containing very hard and long work, I was able to bring the existing biblepay code to the modern world of package management.

URL of the PPA repository:

But it is not only the repository, it is the whole workflow of creating and managing ubuntu packages that was solved. A new subproject ( was started that streamlines the process and make it available for everybody. Documentation included. An official repository would be very easy to setup and maintain.

In the hopes that future users of Biblepay will benefit of the very easy installation and easy-to-update nature of such packages, I hope that you will accept my proposal.

With all that said, I really need to get some sleep ;)

Features for the users
  • Easy installation, Desktop with Icons and Menu entries
  • Separate Packages for biblepay-qt and biblepayd/biblepay-cli
  • Quick update with apt-get upgrade
  • No compilation hazzle, seconds of download time version minutes or hours of compilation time
  • Easy-to-follow howto for installation in the wiki:
  • Launchpad PPA is more trustworthy then most binary releases *1
  • Binaries for different ubuntu versions and plattforms (i386 & amd64)

*1 = The code is build by launchpad and everybody can download the source code that was used to verify it.

Features for the developers
  • New project that simplifies the workflow:
  • Workflow for upload to PPA
  • Supports local deb building, too (like for custom builds)
  • Less questions from newcomers about problems with the compilation
  • Creating of deb file requires only 2 short steps: Update changelog + build/upload
  • Builds multiple versions at the same time: Multiple ubuntu releases and plattforms (i386 & amd64) build with one run

Benefits for Biblepay
  • Looks more professional than requiring to compile the code
  • A must have for desktop users on Ubuntu, compilation isn't common there
  • Less Users are scared away (by compiling the source code)
  • More users = better for the project as a whole
  • Helps admins of bigger serverfarms to keep there servers up-to-date

Work done
  • Preparation: Investigation the best way of deploying deb files for a project like biblepay. Tested repositories via webserver, Amazon S3 upload and PPA. PPA won, as it was the easiest on the long run.
  • Started the project "biblepay-deb-builder" to local build deb-files
  • Fixed the old contrib/debian folder. Created pull request (
  • Bug hunt: Got problems with qt4 build of the ui that costs me hours of understanding it, seems to be a bug in biblepay that was already fixed in dashpay:
  • Improved biblepay-deb-builder to support PPA Builds (source code builds)
  • Improved the script to use Docker, to support different ubuntu versions
  • Wrote a detailed howto for the setup of a launchpad PPA
  • Wrote a Wiki page how to install the debian package
  • Tested the whole setup on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04 (i386 and x86) with server version and desktop version, plus Lubuntu as a test for a more exotic version.

I still want to create a version for debian to, I'm currently investigating how to make that possible with PPA.

Calculation in EURO:

1 BBP: EUR 0,0055 (19 Jan 2018, 10:00 CET, coinmarketcap)
30EUR/h - Local low rate for a normal DevOp

Time log:
5 hrs: Preparation and Investigation
15 hrs: Project setup, contrib/debian fixing, bug searching, first builds
15 hrs: Add PPA support, PPA setup, troubleshooting (ppa has horrible error messages...), ppa documentation (
5 hrs: Installation Wiki and testing the setup with different ubuntu versions
= 40 hrs

Budget: IT
Requested budged for this proposal: 216'785 BBP (40 hrs @ 30 EUR + costs of the proposal)

Relevant Links:

Launchpad PPA Repository:

Pull Request:

« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 03:54:59 AM by Lichtsucher »

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2018, 05:38:51 AM »
A word about the speed of the precompiled deb files:
I'm currently testing the package on an i7-7700 compared to a locally compiled version with standard compile parameters (as given in the reddit howto).
Both versions show nearly the identical hps, it seems that there is no significant speed difference on that system.

  • togoshigekata
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Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2018, 01:30:31 PM »
Note: I had not yet setup the real proposal, I need a way to send the biblepay coins to the pool, is there an official way of doing that?

Hey Lichtsucher, You will have to message Rob to have funds transferred into your pool account, otherwise you could send me the funds and I can enter the proposal in for you. Thanks!

Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2018, 04:15:55 PM »
How will the PPA repository be updated with new BiblePay versions in the future?

Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2018, 11:38:38 PM »
As soon as I vouch for the integrity of the files (soon) I'm willing to make your proposal for you.  I'll set up a user account at Launchpad and message you through their to get you receive address.

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2018, 04:31:52 AM »
How will the PPA repository be updated with new BiblePay versions in the future?

Yes, I will update it with new Version as soon as I see them. For now, it it a little bit more complicated, as there is a waiting pull request on github that is requried for the package building. In the meantime, I build from a fork that has the changed (but nothing else changed).  Hope the changes will be included very soon :)

I just submited 10.8.3c as new version, launchpad is building it right now. I also added Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful) as target distribution.

togoshigekata already created the proposal, but thx :)

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2018, 04:33:25 AM »
Small note:
My hope would be, that the core team would create the packages in the future. Do make that possible, I created a howto on the whole process:

This way, the packages would be as trustworthy as the whole project. In the meantime. I will keep them uptodate on my PPA :)

  • Lichtsucher
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    • January 09, 2018, 03:27:09 AM
Re: Proposal: Ubuntu packages and repository management tool
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2018, 04:14:12 AM »
The build for Version is ready.
By the way, I also added support for arm64 and armhf, these packages are compiled, too. But we need somebody to test them, I have no supported arm system here.

By the way, hope more more sanctuary owners will upvote, THX a lot :)