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Messages - Rob Andrews

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On a good note, both my dns seeds are now up and running!

On a bad one, it looks like my BX went on a fork (stuck on block 55990 now). I'm restarting it now.

Yeah, I see the same problem you and Klondike have- my main test nodes stayed on the right chain with the masternodes, my controller win wallet just went on a different chain.  Here is the chain I show the enabled masternodes running on:

getblockhash 56000

Regarding the question about prod, it depends on why this is happening.  Ill look at my windows logs and see if it banned the rest of the network.


Lets try to get to the root of the problem with this one.
On my windows node, if you want to see if you have similar problem, go to peers and take a look at the banlist.  I banned every peer.

This time Im not reindexing the chain, Im going to unban peers and see if it catches up.

I received the Bible in the mail Tuesday morning and got it out today, Thank you Rob!

./biblepay-cli exec orderstatus
  "Command": "orderstatus",
  "0718083296": {
    "Product ID": "0718083296",
    "Price": 12230,
    "Added": "",
    "Title": "The NKJV, Holy Bible, Larger Print, Paperback",
    "Status1": "PLACED",
    "Status2": "FILLING ORDER",
    "Status3": "USPS XXXXX",
    "Details": ""

Thats great buddy!  So do you guys think this will be a hit in prod?

I have not received any orders in the pool itself (IE BiblePay Storefront) for anything yet.

We can of course add more items to the list for Prod.... Of course it would be nice to have a popup with an actual picture in an HTML frame, but Id like to see how popular this feature is first.

It will definitely accomplish one thing if used:  market depth - as the sales would create volume on the exchange, and thats what we need for debit card integration.

Hey Rob, I'm modifying some things and I can now provide a dns seed node for mainnnet and testnet (should be available soon).



Edit: just to avoid the confusion, these will be dns seed nodes so they will just crawl the network and give back a list fo reliable nodes to connect to! I "may" also provide regular seed nodes.

Thanks a lot alex, I added your two DNS seed nodes to ThreadOpenAddedConnections.  This is called once when the wallet starts and does a one shot add of normal DNS addresses (we have 4 now in here):
      AddSeedNode(""); // Volunteers welcome to run external nodes and we will add during future releases
      AddSeedNode("");    //PlainKoin
      AddSeedNode("");  // Alex
      if (!fProd) AddSeedNode(""); // Alex (TESTNET)

So thats great, that should give us start up stability for new users who open the wallet in fringe areas.  Or in AWS for example.

Yeah, dont worry about the elaborate requirement of bitcoin-seed nodes - that requires running another seed server.  These DNS seed nodes should cover us for the foreseeable (foreseedable LOL) future. 

I tested your node (telnet 40000) and its working.  Will be in the next release.

Thank you for your support :).

Yeah, it seems we're stuck...

Also, my masternode says 'UPDATE_REQUIRED' when I call 'masternodelist'. Never saw that before. I'm already on
UPDATE_REQUIRED seems to happen when your watchman database has your last protocol version active and enough time hasnt passed for it to know you upgraded.  If you were to delete mncache.dat and the watchman.db file, it should alleviate that.
But in reality no one does that, and it does get updated in 24 hours.  It should be fine now.

Rob: ouch  :o didnt know that we have calculator internet traffic in win: thanks:nice

Rob: im deleted peers.dat mncache and sync and still im on bad chain: banlist i hadnt in folder

EDIT:// im offline and received 2 rewards ... something is wrong after last update wallet

Ive gone through this before and something is either cached in your mncache, peers (a ddossed node) or chainstate.

To be on the safe side :
cd \testnet3
rm blocks -R
rm chainstate -R
rm mncache.dat
rm peers.dat
rm banlist.dat

Then remove any extra .dat file for governance
Then resync.  I do not think you will end on the wrong chain after that as we have 6 masternodes on the chain with higher work now.

wut? do you know what is traffic? how big will be internet traffic for 1 month? will be enough 500GB traffic?

im stuck ...

EDIT:// 1st im deleted mncache.dat and resyncing nad stuck still

EDIT:// 2nd test and still im on bad chain and stuck still

EDIT://3rd test and still on bad chain= deleted chainstate+blocks+peers.dat and stuck still

i gave up
I think you forgot to describe your question.  Just click Tools | Network Traffic and monitor it for a while.

Just delete your banlist.dat and your peers.dat and your mncache.dat and then sync.

A couple more tips:
If your getchaintips is not clean, restart with -reindex flag, and resync.

Next, if your sanctuary list differs from Alex, delete your mncache.dat and restart.


Windows compile of is out there now, feel free to upgrade controllers.

The testnet BX has been upgraded.


Upgraded all 3:




    "height": 54194,
    "hash": "9a412d5c7faee2f5048a0dec4ba6ed45b81e595a834e43eef9c64a65d38700ac",
    "difficulty": 0.01934920419809971,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002f6df8bc31f4",
    "branchlen": 0,
    "status": "active"

Chaintips is clean!

Crossing fingers this trend continues til Christmas...

Still waiting for windows to finish compiling....

how big will be traffic on VPS for masternodes?
Not much, masternodes only take up 10% more than bitcoin.

3730 Upgrade for TESTNET

Please all, in testnet, please upgrade to

The entire network is down until we upgrade.

Building windows for controllers now...

Oh ok. What is weird though is that I was still connected to 20 nodes and receiving bad headers before I resynced.

I'm now on the good chain and I am pretty sure I am connected to the same 20 nodes. (also isn't one of your node the seed node?). So it looks like I didn't ban anyone and no one banned me?
Yes true, but it is also possible my only banned you for 1-8 hours (IE one d-dos level 1 ban per bad header received) putting you on a bad fork and while we were looking at it its possible the ban expired.

Anyway I was going to say this is such a critical test, before Christmas, I think we really need to fix the chaintip issue and force a protocol upgrade to 70709, just to ensure we have a long span of uptime for all of our core masternodes.

Just a heads up everyone, I am writing the code to force a network upgrade on testnet only, so please be ready to upgrade as during the next upgrade, all the nodes will disconnect on each other if they are running a prior to version.

It should be out in about 30 mins....

I just deleted blocks and chainstates and it's resyncing right now (the testnet explorer is actually already synced. It just takes a few minutes for the mongo database to reindex everything).

Somehow my nodes never banned anyone.

I just checked and I also have ad4510d1c7fa0ca1cda93c4119581374612737ea41fa5e9e338c65ebd273308a for 54088.
Its possible my nodes banned you when you went on the fork originally (as you would be voting to not pay my 3 masternodes :)), thats why it gets so severe.  Your nodes say No Im not going to add a payee that I dont know about.  My nodes say you must pay these 5 nodes, in this order.

Alright I added checkpoints, and I counted 50 forks in getchaintips Before checkpoints.  Let me see how many we have now after checkpoints.

I decided to look at the peers I was connected to using getpeerinfo and I think a lot of them are on a different chain (with the latest block being 53062).
Could you have a look at that on your own nodes Rob?
Hmm, I see a huge problem in getchaintips.  We have about 30 prior forks due to all those bad headers.
I think if I make a release with a few testnet checkpoints we can eliminte 99% of that  problem.

For now, Im seeing 54088:


getblockhash 54088


Alex, try deleting mncache.dat on your 3 testnet nodes and banlist.dat and chainstate and blocks and resyncing?

Ill work on adding a few checkpoints now so we can all clear out our chaintips problems.

Just checked my logs and saw a spam of invalid block headers. I also noticed that there hasn't been any new block since the 28 lol. My explorer somehow went on a fork. I'm going to resync it now.

Yeah, btw, I have some inside info on why some forks start to occur (at least part of the problem).  If we have say 8 masternodes, and lets say 2 are only connected via 1 node to the rest, if that 1 node gets ddossed, that masternode will have a propensity to create its own chain (especially with our low diff on testnet).

Now the smoking gun here is our recent fix to the biblehash itself makes it much more likely that those running 1062 are all producing the same hashes.  So, somehow we should probably make an effort to ask everyone on testnet to upgrade to 1062.

What I can do from my side is force an upgrade to 1063, and force a protocol upgrade (meaning everyone lower than 1062 actually gets disconnected).  It might be worth doing between Dec 2 and Dec 20th just to ensure we dont have a lurking problem.

Let me take a look at the retirement issue before monkeying with it.  I think we were close on that but not quite done.

EDIT: BTW, you may have to delete your banlist.dat before resyncing to bring back all nodes into your testnet node.

Awesome work Alex! Looking good :)

Looking at the masternode list, mine says 'NEW_START_REQUIRED' in your overview ( That's strange, because my masternode says 'ENABLED' when I call 'masternodelist' and my controller-wallet says 'WATCHDOG_EXPIRED'.

So I've got three different status-things going on with the same sanctuary :p I've been getting my payments and the both the sanctuary and controller-wallet are on the same chain:

Code: [Select]

getblockhash 53371



What do you guys think this might mean?

Yeah, looking at Alex's testnet masternode list, something does look wrong....

Im showing you on my masternode list as enabled now (  First, you are right in that when you issue the command to start, the local wallet just changes the caption blindly.  However, the other values: watchdog_expired, Enabled, new_start_required should be network values. 

But looking at 45.76...64 and 45.76..42 those two are Enabled on my controller, my vultr, my other vultr, my dev machine but "Expired" in the explorer... Hmmmmm, explorer is synced though.  Thats strange.

Alex, what happens if you look at those 2 node statuses from the GUI?  Do they match the explorer?

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