June 2021 Release - Harvest
Welcome to the Biblepay Testnet Testing thread for the Harvest release!
In this thread we will be testing:
- Dash changes:
We have rebased to 0.16. Include the major changes to be tested here.
- Legacy features:
Ensure coverage of our legacy features. List the main legacy features here.
- Known issue:
List the remaining to do list here.
- NFT's:
Test non fungible tokens.
- Major sanctuary coverage:
LLMQ Chainlocks
- Mining:
Verify RandomX mining still works
Verify UTXO Mining
- Sanctuary Voting:
Verify GSCs still work, sanctuary voting works, POOS sponsorships etc
- Add vote to decrease sanctuary coinbase percentage, and decrease monthly superblock percentage, and increase coinbase emission and reasoning here:
For the first 30 days and for safety reasons, the initial releases of use this data directory:
Primary Test Cases:- Verify dash literals that were changed to BBP (or BiblePay) literals are still captioned as BiblePay in this version: PASS
- Ensure the randomx hash function works : PASS
- Ensure POOS (proof of orphan sponsorship) for sanctuaries works:
From the Sanctuary Page in QT, I verified the poos status has incremented properly when sancs are banned due to non-payment: PASS
- Show Difficulty and Prayers on overview page: PASS
- Merge biblepay red bezaleel genII theme into dash css files : PASS
- Test montserrat font: MOSTLY PASS (there are some grids where the font size is slightly too big - we are tweaking those still)
- Test GSC contracts in the sense - are the sanctuaries allowed to vote daily and is exec health working? PASS
(Sanctuaries appear to vote on the correct frequency). The contract is being voted in. The sancs appear healthy.
- LLMQ IX: Verify quorums form: PASS
Verify IX sends within 7 seconds: PASS
Verify integrity of the quorums (IE chain is not falling out of sync) : PASS (been testing for 14 days so far, need at least 30)
- Test Memorize Scriptures: PASS
- Test BBP Univ: Final Exam Sim: PASS
- Verify -erasechain=1 : PASS
- Verify sync from zero in prod & testnet : PASS
- Verify sporks can be changed : PASS
- Verify exec price works: PASS
- Change sanctuary collateral back to 4,500,001: PASS
- Verify getblock blocknumber: PASS (yes not hash)
- Verify sanctuary page list double click has our fields in it : PASS
- Verify tx-desc double click has our debug info in it: PASS
- Verify rolling prayers and rolling diaries on overview page : PASS
- Verify leaderboard still shows prod UTXO lists: PASS
- Verify upgradesanc and revivesanc : PASS
(NOTE: Due to no bridge being present, all sancs need recreated from scratch in prod after mandatory cutover height!)
- Remove DWS, ensure payment path exists for last DWS (getfinaldwsreport is ported into MAINNET, and I ran it and it looks correct) : PASS
- Add Chained Locks icon for high-yield staking in coin control : PASS
- Verify harvest has all of our custom icons in the txlist decoration: PASS
- Modify windows installer to use our images: PASS
- Verify FTP deployment works: PASS
- Rename masternode to sanctuary everywhere: PASS
- Verify testnet llmq params: PASS
- Merge arm64 for SX: PASS
- Cut spam logging, in a way that is dash compatible : PASS
- Verify getblockchaininfo: PASS (Masked our hardcoded bit-state)
- Verify DGW timing to be compatible with LLMQ prod and testnet: PASS
- Verify watchman on the wall (new proposal), vote for proposal, proposal trigger and proposal payment in monthly governance block : PASS
- Verify getgovernanceinfo : PASS
- POOS: Test that a PAID sanctuary POOS status returns to 0:
- Test Chainlocks (not enabled yet)
- Ensure sanctuaries can run on non standard ports (I ported the code in, but we have only tested Testnets STANDARD port so far)
- Update changelog.md with all of the changes before pushing Harvest to mainnet
- Triple check the LLMQ params for MAINNET before pushing harvest
- Ensure voting for a watchman proposal handles the result properly:
- Test POP3 emails and smtp
- Test NFT system (add, edit, list, view) and foundation view
- Test referral system
Additional Wiki guides:
See the sections about High-risk staking and conservative UTXO staking here:
https://wiki.biblepay.org/NFTPhysical Mail Delivery:
https://wiki.biblepay.org/Direct_Mail_DeliveryGuides by Dash:
Explain Important Changes to Entire BiblePay Network:
- Rebase to and ramifications
*** What still needs done in this version before released to prod ***
- Verify NFTs Add/Edit/List
- Verify randomx mining against prod
- Verify chainlocks
- Verify math on high yield staking
- Verify referral system
- Add poll to approve sanctuary and governance coinbase reward changes
- Ensure APM (automatic price mooning) still reduces payouts when price drops
- Test pop3 emails
Starting Version:
(Please ensure your version is greater than this, otherwise your testnet branch will not sync.
We are at block ___73446_____ as of March 23rd, 2021: Blockhash bcd5757cbaeba04f4f6bb3e36e66d9341a83dba7aee0b0fad4a1bd51c4216f8c.
Testnet Download Links: Ready:
Windows 64-bit:
https://biblepay.org/biblepayevo64develop.exe Linux 64 bits II (QT/biblepayd/biblepay-cli) zip:
https://biblepay.org/bbp-lin-develop-64.zip MacOS QT:
https://biblepay.org/biblepay-harvest-develop.dmgTo self compile:
git pull origin develop
CONFIGURING FOR TESTNET:Create a biblepaytest.conf file with the following contents:
(optional: debug=1)
Place the file in ~/.biblepaytest
Start testnet by typing:./biblepay-qt -conf=biblepaytest.conf
(Note the blocks and chainstate will sync into the ./biblepay/testnet3 folder.
NOTE: This version will also work side-by-side our production nodes,
so, you also have the option if you are short on machines, to run TestNet side by side a prod node!
To run a TestNet Sanctuary:
https://forum.biblepay.org/index.php?topic=391.msg5968#msg5968How to create a deterministic sanc from scratch: