Bible Pay


Favorite Future Currency Name

Do not offer dual brands; stick with BIBLEPAY only
2 (15.4%)
DAC.NGO [Decentralized Autonomous Currency]
2 (15.4%)
DAC.ONG [Digital Autonomous Currency]
1 (7.7%)
DEC.APP [DECentralized Currency or DECentralized Charity]
1 (7.7%)
DAC.NGO or DAC.ONG as [Decentralized Autonomous Charity]
0 (0%)
Re-brand BiblePay into DAC or DEC and transition to the new name, and retire the BiblePay name
7 (53.8%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: April 04, 2020, 10:00:20 PM

Read 14041 times

  • rwalden
  • Jr. Member

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    • April 21, 2021, 10:02:35 PM
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2021, 11:24:11 AM »
Looks like this may have been decided already, but better late than never.

" I am almost wondering if Decentralized or Digital Autonomus Currency will lead more general masses in (and be happy to find we do tithe , and have Christian principles later).  Or, should we be known as Digital Autonomous Charity right off the bat, etc."

I think this is important concept. As it's a bad image to come off as a TV evangelist trying sell a product using Gods Kingdom. This type of image will turn even Christians away. Much better if people join the mission then become aware of it's foundations (don't let the left hand know what right hand is doing kind of concept Matthew 6:3). This way if the mission is successful the Glory will be Gods thus inspiring new Christians on their journey and others to join in the journey.  As opposed to imparting the feeling they were scammed in Gods name if it comes to an end. Jesus's reputation if far more important than our projects.

How about INVI for a ticker symbol?

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: Vote on your favorite future currency name:
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2021, 01:02:33 PM »
Looks like this may have been decided already, but better late than never.

" I am almost wondering if Decentralized or Digital Autonomus Currency will lead more general masses in (and be happy to find we do tithe , and have Christian principles later).  Or, should we be known as Digital Autonomous Charity right off the bat, etc."

I think this is important concept. As it's a bad image to come off as a TV evangelist trying sell a product using Gods Kingdom. This type of image will turn even Christians away. Much better if people join the mission then become aware of it's foundations (don't let the left hand know what right hand is doing kind of concept Matthew 6:3). This way if the mission is successful the Glory will be Gods thus inspiring new Christians on their journey and others to join in the journey.  As opposed to imparting the feeling they were scammed in Gods name if it comes to an end. Jesus's reputation if far more important than our projects.

How about INVI for a ticker symbol?

I'm not against the continual discussion of a rebranding (like DARKCOIN did transition to DASH at one time)... However realize while we are biblepay we can't change tickers or talk about changing "a little bit of biblepay here or there" we really have to stick with BBP + our entire brand for now, and just talk about all of the requirements that would be required and how that would benefit us.

Part of this however is the discussion that you bring up about Christian damage, as you are almost suggesting its blasphemous to have a coin related to Jesus Kingdom.  But I dont think I would be here in this position if that were the case - let me explain more --   I believe I was led to start this coin before the end times for a certain purpose - a purpose that I wasnt even aware of.  Ever since our prayer calls started 6 weeks ago Ive been praying more and more about this and I believe God is using us for much more than just some 'money transfer system'.

I believe God is going to have us create a new interface for Christians to reach decentralized content.  One that allows 'public opensource development efforts by teams' to create Christian Content Widgets that we host inside our core wallet for the world to consume.  So see this is not a blasphemous endeavor.  We would then still be branded as BIBLEPAY.  And our product would be a decentralized application that is visible on the phone that consumes feeds created by Christian developers that render as widgets for example.  This is just one thing God is revealing.

So Im still leaning towards staying as BBP and not 'corporatizing' the solution (IE caving) to a corporate friendly brand that just helps orphans you know; this sort of limits us (I know that is a tall statement because we are small to begin with) but as we go further into the end times I think it be clear that the world needs a Christian Crypto - right now those not in Christ consider us so tiny-- but I think this perception changes the further we get into the end times and people realize their soul is at stake, Christian themes become more critically useful, I think.

Again Im still open to discussing :).