I tested these successfully:
- Test a VendorList change (Charity monero addresses in a semicolon delimited list) and a PoolList change (allowable RX pools).
-> Verified a voted in spork change updates the value - therefore the voted in vendorlist change will work in prod: SUCCESS
- Remove POOM from the wallet (remove poom listchildren, poom pay). Move POOM payment budget from GSC to Heat mined blocks. Ensure these heat payments go to the heat side and not to the sanctuary. I believe POOM causes the GSC budget to drop by 240K per day, and the mined block subsidy to rise by 1200~, and the sanc payment should stay the same.
-> I verified the POOM budget has freed up enough to increase the heat mined block to 4283 in testnet (about 3700 or so in prod, due to difference in deflation start date). This looks correct. The sanctuary reward in testnet is now 5678 - I believe this is pretty close (it was 5900 during our prior phase) so its within range. The poom commands have been removed (listchildren , poom payments, cancel child, etc) and this should be fine - for retiring poom: SUCCESS
- Any Dash changes that occurred between Jan 1,2020 and March 30th?
-> On hold til September while MIP refactors the wallet.
- The ability for a RandomX hash to be mined in a more RX compatible way (check to see if foundation.biblepay can receive a blakehash as Solution #1) (This is just a reminder note that may result in a code change in the core wallet if this streamlines the xmrig code to be 100% compatible with the xmrig branch), Checking this. (This basically frees us from maintaining a special version of xmrig).
-> I added code to the foundation pool to operate in a new Mode. Tested successfully. This release will require coordinated effort to changes in the pools, the miner and the wallets: SUCCESS