So from a very high level, the plan for the Healing campaign is to create a workflow, where the user : Joins, accepts critical documents and signs off, makes diary entries, sends healing transmission records, and then receives payments.
The flow will most likely be like this: User types 'exec join HEALING', BiblePay sends them a URL with a PDF (explaining what they are getting into), User authorizes acceptance of the terms, User is now enrolled, User sends a diary entry each time they heal by going to Send Money, typing it in the Diary text memo box, click the Diary checkbox, Select the Campaign Name (Healing), Click Send, .01 BBP is sent out (with a Healing stake in the transmission), the user can read the diary by double clicking on the txlist-tx. On the server side, we assess the diary text entry as a valid source of Points.
In this rudimentary version today, all we have is the campaign, and a generic stake transmission for healing.
To get started please do this:
exec join HEALING
<BiblePay says true>
exec sendgscc true
(This is force)
Wait for next superblock - check exec prominence - see if we receive revenue from Healing.
Tomorrow I will work on the Diary entries.