Bible Pay

Read 5536 times

Work on the new website is moving forward successfully as Jaap, April, Togo and I continue to implement a wide range of excellent features. Our efforts include extensive new content that will enhance the web experience for interested viewers of all types. This is quite an ambitious venture, and we look forward to completing in the weeks ahead.

This proposal is essentially an invoice for the hours I've worked since completing my last proposal.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Time Log for work on

New Website:
Install/setup Membership & Newsletter platform
Footer text/links, copyright widget, contact page
Images - research, selection & Photoshop work,
Document royalties and copyright info
Define standard colors RGB
Numerous Skype/chats/emails with web team members
Update layout details, work assignments
Draft Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Current Website:
Add download button/link for mobile wallet,
Add Google Play logo to footer,
Update to 329 orphans Cameroon One/ Bloom,
Create new Team Page,
Revise and create bio info for team,
Add Cameroon One website link,
Create Exchange section,
Add QIEX link and logo

Total Hours: 30.25

1 BBP = $0.003349 ( - May 23, 2018 10:54 AM CT)
Hourly Rate: $35.00 = 10,451 BBP

30.25 hours x 10,451 BBP = 316,143 BBP

The requested amount for this proposal is 316143 BBP.

Thanks again!

  • znffal
  • Full Member

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    • October 02, 2017, 04:01:47 PM
Nice work mate!

Voting yes. :) I was just taking another look at the current website, and I have a suggestion to make exchange links go to BBP trading page, instead of the main page. Like this: => => =>

Thanks for your work!