Bible Pay

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  • T-Mike
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    • February 06, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
So I think it is possible to welcome and love the unbanked and cells and tablets, if you log in to the pool, and look at the rosetta leaderboard machine view, I see that I can determine Which CPIDs are 100% tablets or phones by querying the Processor field per CPID (IE If the processor contains "ÄRM" and all processors are ARM then this is an unbanked CPID).  . .   So that is good, EXCEPT, one processor on the list: Rastiks.

Rastiks I see your machine right above your other ARM has 1.9GB ram and a BLANK for the processor.  What machine is that?

So far that is my assumption, we can mark CPIDs who are associated in biblepay as "ARM" only if they only have ARM devices, and those CPIDs do not need to stake UTXOs and do not need to have TaskWeight audited  they just receive 1*RAC = Magnitude, automatically.  Which makes it nice and easy for them - they basically need a PC with a controller wallet Once to set it up, then they dont need to leave their controller wallet on either.

Yes, I think you can white list the ARM devices. In the future we can add one more check to fail any ARM processors having more then a certain amount of RAC. Actually, maybe we can just have an average ARM RAC counter and if anyone exceeds that by 20% it fails. That way as technology improves the threshold is automatically raised.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Yes, I think you can white list the ARM devices. In the future we can add one more check to fail any ARM processors having more then a certain amount of RAC. Actually, maybe we can just have an average ARM RAC counter and if anyone exceeds that by 20% it fails. That way as technology improves the threshold is automatically raised.

Yeah, I think this is potentially resolved now but let me go over the feature now.
I think we can have the Sanctuary pull the unbanked report in the morning before it processes the RAC from its user file.

Please click on the unbanked report in the pool - its under Reports | Rosetta Unbanked report.

This thing pulls the Non-Arm RAC vs the ARM Rac for CPIDs who have ARM Rac > 0.

So what I think we can do is filter this report in the mornings , while its processing its User file, to find CPIDs who have LESS than 15 NonArm Rac, and Arm RAC > 0 into a little list of Ünbanked CPIDs.  So in this case, Rastiks is the Only one who would qualify as of today.

Rastiks Rosetta ID is connected to a certain CPID, that CPIDs RAC would be pulled in with no questions - everyone else would not be included. 

Now Im going to work on the Sanctuary side to see if I can make that rule.  Still looking into the Miner threadings.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 11:44:49 AM by Rob A. »

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Would it be more transparent if the Sanc just looks the CPID up to see if it's an arm processor?

By the way, I started on the research assignment and right now I'm trying to figure out how much you can make with your phone per day. I think we might have to have a certain percentage of the block reward to be allocated to cellphones for it to be profitably for them. (So they have enough to buy bread.)
Hi Mike, I'm testing my phones/tablets too :)
Like I wrote earlier my Nexus 4 is doing very well:
It is interresting, that old Nexus 4 is doing better than my Galaxy S7.
I don't know why. N4 runs on 2 of 4 cores. S7 4 of 8 cores, but when I look at completed tasks Nexus 4 has avg task run time 14500 sec and CPU time 14500, but S7 has avg run time 14500, but only 7000 CPU time. And the reward is only 1/2 from N4 too. Now I'm testing S7 only on 2 cores, so we will see. Difference is, that N4 is "mining" 24/7 and S7 is my primary phone, so it runs boinc mainly on night. I've tested 3 others tablets/phones. One intel based tablet wasn't compatible with rosetta. One old LG phone was compatible ARM based, but all tasks was denied (don't know why). And one old ARM based tablet was running fine, but with very small rewards.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
In testnet we use what's call hot sanctuaries where the controller wallet is on the same machine as the Sanctuary. Once in production, you should really have you wallet on your home computer, never run your wallet on the VPS!
I have only one notebook PC and it is not possible to run it 24/7 that's why i ordered VPS. And that's why I'm aware of running controller wallet. But that's only my situation and my problems :)

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Yeah, I think this is potentially resolved now but let me go over the feature now.
I think we can have the Sanctuary pull the unbanked report in the morning before it processes the RAC from its user file.

Please click on the unbanked report in the pool - its under Reports | Rosetta Unbanked report.

This thing pulls the Non-Arm RAC vs the ARM Rac for CPIDs who have ARM Rac > 0.

So what I think we can do is filter this report in the mornings , while its processing its User file, to find CPIDs who have LESS than 15 NonArm Rac, and Arm RAC > 0 into a little list of Ünbanked CPIDs.  So in this case, Rastiks is the Only one who would qualify as of today.

Rastiks Rosetta ID is connected to a certain CPID, that CPIDs RAC would be pulled in with no questions - everyone else would not be included. 
Rob and what about poeple like me, if I have hidden PC's? :)
I have no problem to unhide it, but it's option too and we must count with it.
To the ARM based phones. On Rosettas CPU models page you can see all ARM based CPUs:
But what is interesting and like you wrote before some CPUs are not visible.
E.g. my Galaxy S7 has blank CPU model too. And it is arm64 based Exynos 8890 soc with a Quad-Core 2.3 GHz + Quad-Core 1.6 GHz.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Rob and what about poeple like me, if I have hidden PC's? :)
I have no problem to unhide it, but it's option too and we must count with it.
To the ARM based phones. On Rosettas CPU models page you can see all ARM based CPUs:
But what is interesting and like you wrote before some CPUs are not visible.
E.g. my Galaxy S7 has blank CPU model too. And it is arm64 based Exynos 8890 soc with a Quad-Core 2.3 GHz + Quad-Core 1.6 GHz.

I forgot to mention that earlier- if you hide your PCs while you are a member of biblepay, two things go bad for that CPID:
1) The PODCUpdate fails, because it cant figure out what tasks are part of each hostid.  So no UTXOWeight = 0 reward
2) The Sanc will not be able to figure any ARM RAC, so the user would not be able to ever become an Unbanked CPID either

So with those together : Hiding PC's from Biblepay = No Research Reward

  • jaapgvk
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    • September 01, 2017, 08:02:57 PM
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Yeah, I think this is potentially resolved now but let me go over the feature now.
I think we can have the Sanctuary pull the unbanked report in the morning before it processes the RAC from its user file.

Please click on the unbanked report in the pool - its under Reports | Rosetta Unbanked report.

This thing pulls the Non-Arm RAC vs the ARM Rac for CPIDs who have ARM Rac > 0.

So what I think we can do is filter this report in the mornings , while its processing its User file, to find CPIDs who have LESS than 15 NonArm Rac, and Arm RAC > 0 into a little list of Ünbanked CPIDs.  So in this case, Rastiks is the Only one who would qualify as of today.

Rastiks Rosetta ID is connected to a certain CPID, that CPIDs RAC would be pulled in with no questions - everyone else would not be included. 

Now Im going to work on the Sanctuary side to see if I can make that rule.  Still looking into the Miner threadings.

I just checked the pool for the 'unbanked report', and I think this is a great way to 'shortlist' the data for the sanctuaries in light of this feature.

Rob, I must say, in the beginning I was not sure about PODC, but the more I'm able to wrap my head around it, the more excited I get! Absolutely marvelous work thus far.

I've also been testing with my daily phone. It only uses one core, and only when it's connected to the charger at night. But still I'm getting pretty nice results (a RAC of around 75).

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
I forgot to mention that earlier- if you hide your PCs while you are a member of biblepay, two things go bad for that CPID:
1) The PODCUpdate fails, because it cant figure out what tasks are part of each hostid.  So no UTXOWeight = 0 reward
2) The Sanc will not be able to figure any ARM RAC, so the user would not be able to ever become an Unbanked CPID either

So with those together : Hiding PC's from Biblepay = No Research Reward
That's interesting because my TaskWeight and UTXOWeight are 100.
But i'm going to unhide it :)

Admin EDIT:  But, I forgot to tell you all the fact that I unhid it today!  So maybe it isnt Biblepay, maybe its ME.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 02:29:18 PM by Rob A. »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
That's interesting because my TaskWeight and UTXOWeight are 100.
But i'm going to unhide it :)

What is your CPID?  Can you please leave it hidden so I can see what the sancs can see in your account?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I just checked the pool for the 'unbanked report', and I think this is a great way to 'shortlist' the data for the sanctuaries in light of this feature.

Rob, I must say, in the beginning I was not sure about PODC, but the more I'm able to wrap my head around it, the more excited I get! Absolutely marvelous work thus far.

I've also been testing with my daily phone. It only uses one core, and only when it's connected to the charger at night. But still I'm getting pretty nice results (a RAC of around 75).

Thanks, yeah I think if we can have a few months of consecutive uptime (98% + reliability) we will have something here, God willing.

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
What is your CPID?  Can you please leave it hidden so I can see what the sancs can see in your account?
I'm sorry, but they're unhidened right now.
My CPID is 04fba56d89a5eb38b1b82f8a6240132c
Should I hide it again?

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I'm sorry, but they're unhidened right now.
My CPID is 04fba56d89a5eb38b1b82f8a6240132c
Should I hide it again?

Yeah can you hide them now? Ill write some commands that force it to show me what we can see.

Let me know when hidden.


  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Yeah can you hide them now? Ill write some commands that force it to show me what we can see.

Let me know when hidden.

OK. Hidden.
But now I was thinking about that and I unhide it for few hours yesterday because my podc wasn't work (that with locked wallet) and this was for test if it helps.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
OK. Hidden.
But now I was thinking about that and I unhide it for few hours yesterday because my podc wasn't work (that with locked wallet) and this was for test if it helps.
Thanks for telling the truth.

I stand by with what I said earlier:  Those two statements above will cause the researcher to end up with 0 utxo weight and 0 task weight.

In your case you will lose your UTXO weight and your Task weight within 24 hours of being hidden.

I just verified:  We can't see your tasks right now, and your podcupdate will fail when it comes around within 8 hours.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 02:18:37 PM by Rob A. »

  • orbis
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    • February 08, 2018, 04:37:14 PM
Thanks for telling the truth.

I stand by with what I said earlier:  Those two statements above will cause the researcher to end up with 0 utxo weight and 0 task weight.

In your case you will lose your UTXO weight and your Task weight within 24 hours of being hidden.

I just verified:  We can't see your tasks right now, and your podcupdate will fail when it comes around within 8 hours.
OK... so can I leave it hidden for now?
They're hidden now more than 8 hours. Except of theese few unhidden minutes.
My UTXOWeight drops now to 75.