Bible Pay

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  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #195 on: May 14, 2021, 03:45:54 PM »
And on our NFTs:
So Todd is working on creating an orphan NFT; we will wait on that scenario.
We tested most of the features on the digital goods type NFT.

On the social media NFT, I just created one here that should theoretically show our OP post:

EDIT:  I already discovered a bug:  the equals sign does not get encoded in the URL correctly:  EDIT2:  FIXED, will be in the next release.  This affects URLs with certain characters.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 08:54:47 AM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #196 on: May 14, 2021, 03:57:41 PM »
Evenin Rob.

Trying to spend the high risk bbp stake i get 2 errors.
First pop up window saying "insufficient funds" and the next one that pops up is "transaction creation failed"

What i tried was target the high risk stake in the coin control have it schecked in then try and send the entire stake to my main test wallet,  i have tested to check/uncheck the box called "subtract fee from amount"  , well it dosent seem to make any diffrence , just that i get another pop up window.
Right now i created a normal tBBP stake to see if i can liquidate that one.
I noticed that from the ui it didnt work for me to make the stake just said "Unable to create UTXO stake , unable to find stake between 10k&10MM older then 24hours" 
So then i tested from the terminal/console

Code: [Select]
easybbpstake 2999999 1

  "BBP UTXO": "e429a3d8f8a1204d0816a01cb7364e3fec534c0fce67d43cda7fb3cb68519521-13",
  "BBP Address": "yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx",
  "BBP Amount": 3000000.001,
  "Commitment Days": 0,
  "DWU": 168.3734873672299,
  "BBP Value USD": 2334.035517832162,
  "UTXO Value": 2334.03551705415,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "70de2242b1c213d8604cbab69dd6da8a067f9278caf43372d43c4f13e6325c79"

Now it worked normal.

So the trouble i have Rob is to simply spend the locked high risk bbp stake so to say.
I believe earlier that i spend a highriskstake but that one was already fulfilled so no penalty there.
Any ideas on ways to spend non fulfilled stake?
Creating the high risk stakes both pure bbp and bbp+foreign currency i have had no problems with.

Anyways while im continuing trying and tinkering im gonna read up on what more test cases you got going.

Talk to you laters.

Hi Earlz,

So although I don't think anything has been discovered that is 'broken' yet I see that we need very in-depth testing for these scenarios to make sure all these high risk staking features are solid (spending them, checking the penalty, the icons etc).

So first of all on the one you were creating from the UI, with the error "must be between 10K-10MM".  Know that in the UI, we simply check to see if you have an *extra* small coin (between 1-1K) available for the utxo-fee (in addition to the stake coin).  Its a little bit of a nuisance, but its possible either the coin control had some coins selected; or you didnt actually have the extra coin...   Could you try again after knowing that no coins are selected in coin control (try a UI checkbox stake) while there is at least one small coin in the wallet?  You can make a small coin with 'banroll 5 1' for example.

On the transaction create failed while spending a high risk stake, I definitely need to know what the coins icon looked like (was it a dove, or was it a chain?).  If it was a dove, I think what probably happened is you selected to spend it, typed in the whole amount and clicked SEND.  This means there was no extra available for change and for the tx fee.  You can safely type in LESS than the amount, and it will just give you change.  I think the problem was simply the tx fee needed more size.

I think we should test about 10 new scenarios, if we can guys.  Can we create some high risk stakes and put them in a little spreadsheet, of varying durations (IE 30 days to 100 days) and test different spending scenarios on those?  As mentioned earlier we will see testnet time go by 24* faster than normal, so the 30 day high risk stake will be mature in only 1.5 days.  Also we can deliberately try to spend a few and see what the hit is.  When you guys do this please look at the coin control icon also, note which stage it is in and verify the stage matches what it should be (IE immature is a chain and its locked etc).

Let me know did I miss anything you guys are testing with high risk?  Or in other areas?

« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 04:00:09 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #197 on: May 14, 2021, 03:58:53 PM »
Btw, I did add CSV greeting cards that let the user:
- Send greeting card batches With or Without gift cards attached.

So yes, they can do a template, write a paragraph, attach a gift card amount, and if it is sent to 10 people, all 10 will get the same amount and the same paragraph.

But, I need to make a wiki page to explain the CSV format before we can test it.

  • earlzmoade
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    • August 02, 2018, 03:22:01 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #198 on: May 15, 2021, 10:00:12 AM »

Hi Earlz,

So although I don't think anything has been discovered that is 'broken' yet I see that we need very in-depth testing for these scenarios to make sure all these high risk staking features are solid (spending them, checking the penalty, the icons etc).

So first of all on the one you were creating from the UI, with the error "must be between 10K-10MM".  Know that in the UI, we simply check to see if you have an *extra* small coin (between 1-1K) available for the utxo-fee (in addition to the stake coin).  Its a little bit of a nuisance, but its possible either the coin control had some coins selected; or you didnt actually have the extra coin...   Could you try again after knowing that no coins are selected in coin control (try a UI checkbox stake) while there is at least one small coin in the wallet?  You can make a small coin with 'banroll 5 1' for example.

On the transaction create failed while spending a high risk stake, I definitely need to know what the coins icon looked like (was it a dove, or was it a chain?).  If it was a dove, I think what probably happened is you selected to spend it, typed in the whole amount and clicked SEND.  This means there was no extra available for change and for the tx fee.  You can safely type in LESS than the amount, and it will just give you change.  I think the problem was simply the tx fee needed more size.

I think we should test about 10 new scenarios, if we can guys.  Can we create some high risk stakes and put them in a little spreadsheet, of varying durations (IE 30 days to 100 days) and test different spending scenarios on those?  As mentioned earlier we will see testnet time go by 24* faster than normal, so the 30 day high risk stake will be mature in only 1.5 days.  Also we can deliberately try to spend a few and see what the hit is.  When you guys do this please look at the coin control icon also, note which stage it is in and verify the stage matches what it should be (IE immature is a chain and its locked etc).

Let me know did I miss anything you guys are testing with high risk?  Or in other areas?

Alright now i Think things are moving forward.

I managed to spend  the  tbbp only highriskstake that i made earlier.

Code: [Select]
highriskbbpstake 777777 365 1

  "BBP UTXO": "926c119765f820695028c32ed8a2a8f9ef783c4ffa6a9b5de6a5198e30968edf-11",
  "BBP Address": "yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx",
  "BBP Amount": 777777.001,
  "Commitment Days": 365,
  "DWU": 307.064728349887,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 365 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 782.5136147227827,
  "UTXO Value": 1565.027227433385,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "87d4fae09f9cefae4130f78717f65f8a75da6341b12fb77880fec08f54cba173"

Like you said :
On the transaction create failed while spending a high risk stake, I definitely need to know what the coins icon looked like (was it a dove, or was it a chain?).  If it was a dove, I think what probably happened is you selected to spend it, typed in the whole amount and clicked SEND.  This means there was no extra available for change and for the tx fee.  You can safely type in LESS than the amount, and it will just give you change.  I think the problem was simply the tx fee needed more size.

It was the chain one, so i believe i was trying to spend the entire amount like you said and it didnt work for me, although i was sure i tested to just withdraw a bit of it aswell to test and it didnt work, im thinking i didnt calculate in the penalty in the transaction and therefore the transaction didnt work.

Now i set spend to just 10k and the transaction worked , high risk spend.

Code: [Select]
Status: 11 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-05-15 10:50
To: yLKSrCjLQFsfVgX8RjdctZ797d54atPjnV
Debit: -388 888.50050000 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.06575000 tBBP
Net amount: -388 888.56625000 tBBP
Transaction ID: 76b968a7fa7da860b0c805822fc0843fd9f1504e39b212078573881aee4d54ea
Output index: 2
Transaction total size: 263 bytes

Height: 89350
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 05-15-2021 08:53:22
Subsidy: 7420.6421

Debit: -777 777.00100000 tBBP
Credit: 10 000.00000000 tBBP
To: yWxLzk2tEFSuaw1s2V3rYLrPb6itNi8w7U 10000.0000 BIBLEPAY
Credit: 378 888.43475000 tBBP
To: yVdHJQWeGp1ikiPbmdnqGGTXZFWgudkBQe 378888.0000 BIBLEPAY

looks like i received : 48.71422014279157%  penalty for shorting the highrisk stake.

Then i created Another highriskstake but for 31 days and spent it.

Code: [Select]
highriskbbpstake 2999999 31 1

  "BBP UTXO": "2e6ef29f17796ef05e542a061c4c1d31f5ff8f795662a83d637c86f18cd6eee7-0",
  "BBP Address": "yWxLzk2tEFSuaw1s2V3rYLrPb6itNi8w7U",
  "BBP Amount": 2999999.95275,
  "Commitment Days": 31,
  "DWU": 183.8171421328033,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 31 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 1468.41205292861,
  "UTXO Value": 1604.294957848415,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "c44e2f543128125ad5cd2bd5e22ca3e83cd1c245646332109233598160a2985d"

This time it worked aswell.

Code: [Select]
Status: 38 confirmations, locked via ChainLocks
Date: 2021-05-15 14:13
To: yLKSrCjLQFsfVgX8RjdctZ797d54atPjnV
Debit: -1 499 999.97637499 tBBP
Transaction fee: -0.06575000 tBBP
Net amount: -1 500 000.04212499 tBBP
Transaction ID: b54141b62ea5d14484903a238320dfcfcf57cf1eba2b8d1708f5b648ab678a29
Output index: 2
Transaction total size: 262 bytes

Height: 89398
Difficulty: 0.00
Time: 05-15-2021 12:20:42
Subsidy: 7420.6421

Debit: -2 999 999.95275000 tBBP
Credit: 100 000.00000000 tBBP
To: ybnpUQZLECgeM9gS6K8QnjU7tpfZDnJGhv 100000.0000 BIBLEPAY
Credit: 1 399 999.91062501 tBBP
To: yPQaCMUyAGBSnYnhQnTAe5r7jvRvv8AbZ6 1399999.0000 BIBLEPAY

Close to 50%  penalty this time aswell.
Took a screenshot of the final spend, looks solid from here.

Running  command
Code: [Select]
listutxostakes 0 0Showed all my stakes as spent, so good there aswell.

Code: [Select]
listutxostakes 0 0

  "87d4fae09f9cefae4130f78717f65f8a75da6341b12fb77880fec08f54cba173": {
    "RiskType": "H",
    "DWU": 330.1866559622127,
    "Sigs": "1-NA",
    "TotalValue": 730.679081890743,
    "Ticker": "BBP",
    "Status": 1,
    "CPK": "yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx",
    "BBPAmount": "777777.00000000",
    "ForeignAmount": "0.00000000",
    "BBPValue": "365.34",
    "ForeignValue": "0.00",
    "Commitment": 365,
    "Fulfilled %": 32.59172126426262,
    "Time": 1620662685,
    "Spent": true
  "c44e2f543128125ad5cd2bd5e22ca3e83cd1c245646332109233598160a2985d": {
    "RiskType": "H",
    "DWU": 180.3706241735368,
    "Sigs": "1-NA",
    "TotalValue": 1539.568824622444,
    "Ticker": "BBP",
    "Status": 1,
    "CPK": "yhFqES1X7kY4nSxnLgieZTE3ytCBL3yWrx",
    "BBPAmount": "2999999.95000000",
    "ForeignAmount": "0.00000000",
    "BBPValue": "1409.17",
    "ForeignValue": "0.00",
    "Commitment": 31,
    "Fulfilled %": 20.08670805531364,
    "Time": 1621068528,
    "Spent": true
  "Total BBP": "3777776.95000000",
  "Total Foreign": "0.00000000",
  "Total Hybrid BBP": "3777776.95000000",
  "High Risk Pctg": 0.0215030641866466,
  "DWU": 252.9650150395335
EDIT: These tests i did on the v1.6.1.4-Harvest

« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 10:05:38 AM by earlzmoade »
Joshua 1:9
Have i not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go.

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #199 on: May 17, 2021, 09:15:04 AM »
I am going to start testing soon, let me know what you would like done, I just have to sync the wallet. Are you still working on the highriskstake function? Have a fantastic day, and may God bless you.

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #200 on: May 17, 2021, 10:26:11 AM »
Also, for some reason my wallet (testnet version) is stuck on "connecting to peers", and hasn't started loading the blocks or anything yet. I have done this before with the actual wallet, so I know what to look for, yet it just isn't loading at all with the testnet one. It seems really odd, and I have been trying it for the past hour or so. Does it just take that long to get started? Or do you have to run as admin or something?
Thanks, and may God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #201 on: May 18, 2021, 12:46:18 PM »

Alright now i Think things are moving forward.
I managed to spend  the  tbbp only highriskstake that i made earlier.
Like you said :
It was the chain one, so i believe i was trying to spend the entire amount like you said and it didnt work for me, although i was sure i tested to just withdraw a bit of it aswell to test and it didnt work, im thinking i didnt calculate in the penalty in the transaction and therefore the transaction didnt work.
Now i set spend to just 10k and the transaction worked , high risk spend.
looks like i received : 48.71422014279157%  penalty for shorting the highrisk stake.
Then i created Another highriskstake but for 31 days and spent it.
highriskbbpstake 2999999 31 1
"Commitment Days": 31,
  "DWU": 183.8171421328033,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 31 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 1468.41205292861,

This time it worked aswell.
close to 50%  penalty this time aswell.
Took a screenshot of the final spend, looks solid from here.
listutxostakes 0 0

  "DWU": 252.9650150395335

EDIT: These tests i did on the v1.6.1.4-Harvest

Hi Earlz,

Sweet, yes looks relatively solid, although I think I will go ahead and make a google sheet to track 10 of them over a little duration just so we can see the icons change too.
On the 48-49% penalty, thats good,  sounds good, I did end up capping the penalty at 50% just to give the user an incentive to terminate it for the extra cash (rather than keep it to the end)
 cause who would terminate it  (while reaping from our daily kitty) if we penalized them 80%+ etc.  So basically, we penalize them at double what we believe it costed us, but we cap it at 50% no matter when the fault occurs.

Yes your other highrisk stakes look good too.   Im not too concerned about any risk about continually paying someone for a stake they spent (because the code is solid that detects spent utxos), although Im definitely concerned about the ability to "covertly spend a high risk stake" and not pay the fee.  I thought about this extensively , and I believe we have it covered.  Basically heres what would happen:  If you spend a high risk stake from the UI, the transaction will not be created unless the (burn-network-fee) is included, and if someone were to forge or falsify a fake version of biblepay, and drop one hex version of the tx on the network, the other nodes would reject that tx in the memory pool.  Same thing would happen if they create a binary transaction from the RPC and try to spend that coin - the tx will be rejected in the mempool.  So that risk should be eliminated.

Now all I have to do is make the spreadsheet for the sake of verifying the icons and spend status.
Did you take a look at the icon state of each of your high risk stakes in coin control?  You should see a DOVE for the one(s) that are Fulfilled (and free to spend), and a chain-hard-drive looking icon for the ones that are not fulfilled yet?

I feeel pretty good about referral codes also.  From what I can see, there is no attack vector possible (if someone uses too many codes, they get capped at 10% of the portfolio size).  If many codes are attached, they are capped.  If people share codes among friends, they are capped.   Just to clarify, codes are also limited to one distinct code per direction per cpk, so there is no unfair advantage among any player, either.   Additionally, this reward is decreasing over 700 days at the decay factor  - basically my feeling is we ramp up some referral code reward activity now for the next two years and that sort of gets phased out as the portfolios age and this is our chance to popularize biblepay.  Obviously these are assessed at the sanc level so there is no risk of anyone falsifying a greater referral code than another...

So yeah I will take care of the spreadsheet next, do you have any other concerns in this version?

I also need to make that CSV wiki for us right now so we can test csv greeting cards.


« Last Edit: May 18, 2021, 12:55:28 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #202 on: May 18, 2021, 01:30:23 PM »
Hey guys --

Here is a wiki containing our Greeting card CSV format:

Feel free to test a file with about 5 (or more addresses) by following the CSV section.
Note that if you click "Deliver for real", you will see the virtual gift card amount deducted for each card.
If you leave that unchecked, we will just process the dry run info for each one (IE the proofs).

In prod, that checkbox will cause the delivery to actually occur.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #203 on: May 18, 2021, 03:37:53 PM »
I am going to start testing soon, let me know what you would like done, I just have to sync the wallet. Are you still working on the highriskstake function? Have a fantastic day, and may God bless you.

Hi Twinkle,

Thank you for coming to help us test, we can definitely use the help.

Actually, since we only had two full time testers in this round anything is helpful.  I think the high risk stake would be helpful to have a third set of eyes on it, sure, if you could go back a few pages you will see a few simpler examples (IE one that is plain biblepay and not combined with another coin) for example, 'highriskbbpstake 1000000 1' is an easy one to do, then you can see yourself in the leaderboard and test cases where you try to spend it early etc.

You will need some tBBP, can you please paste your tBBP address and Ill send some?

Feel free to test BiblePay University, the Final exam simulator also.

(And anything else in the OP post).

Regarding the syncing, could you please confirm that your version is or higher?  And also, confirm your system time in testnet is within a couple minutes and the timezone is correct (nodes hang up on you otherwise).
Also confirm when you start the client it says "testnet" and not mainnet.  You can see this in tools | information.  If still no peers appear, let me know and Ill try to look at the next issue (or there might be a message in your ~/.biblepay/debug.log).


  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #204 on: May 19, 2021, 07:56:10 AM »
Ha, lol, I wasn't even using the right version :) syncing again, this time with the correct edition.

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #205 on: May 19, 2021, 08:05:51 AM »
Fully synced now, super easy. I will say that, first of all, the interface is super nice and upgraded.
tBBP address is: yUYSsCGvXhyWhRhzaEPiB3UXHPsGuGaSfD

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #206 on: May 19, 2021, 09:00:17 AM »
Fully synced now, super easy. I will say that, first of all, the interface is super nice and upgraded.
tBBP address is: yUYSsCGvXhyWhRhzaEPiB3UXHPsGuGaSfD
Thanks!  Sent 5MM!

  • twinkle
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    • May 12, 2021, 09:05:47 AM
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #207 on: May 19, 2021, 04:23:25 PM »
Just did my first highriskbbpstake, here are the results:

highriskbbpstake 1000000 31 1

  "BBP UTXO": "aeb552f14822481044d62cb2113299a3f2e108ad6f0b8f2c64ed53c79f1fbeb9-15",
  "BBP Address": "yQjboQHyyRAPWbwE3ZXNwc5LH5ZgCeh3TA",
  "BBP Amount": 4999849.8155,
  "Commitment Days": 31,
  "DWU": 194.7211631656014,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 31 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 1995.503500064616,
  "UTXO Value": 2180.162034868621,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "6979fdab69635be8c3b2a7ec77ac27165ba45cb291b60cb840dc82d73b99d611"

everything looks good from my end/perspective. I would say, though, that maybe having the system say what to do if the transaction should fail would be useful. For example, if I do not have any bankrolled coins, or if my wallet does not have a nickname, or if coin control is not enabled, etc., the code can spit out how to set those things that the user does not have properly set up so one does not have to look too hard to find how to set it up. This would be especially useful for someone who does not know necessarily what they are looking at or how to properly navigate wallet yet. Furthermore, having the staking in UXTO mode be its own tab on the top of the wallet could be interesting, as it would also help people to more easily navigate to a place where they can stake in this way.

Also, how do you add to a uxto stake or modify/take coins out of such a contract? Thanks, and may God bless,

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #208 on: May 20, 2021, 08:14:08 AM »
Just did my first highriskbbpstake, here are the results:

highriskbbpstake 1000000 31 1

  "BBP UTXO": "aeb552f14822481044d62cb2113299a3f2e108ad6f0b8f2c64ed53c79f1fbeb9-15",
  "BBP Address": "yQjboQHyyRAPWbwE3ZXNwc5LH5ZgCeh3TA",
  "BBP Amount": 4999849.8155,
  "Commitment Days": 31,
  "DWU": 194.7211631656014,
  "!WARNING!": "When you promise to lock for 31 days for a high yield reward,  you hereby AGREE that you may be PENALIZED by up to 50% of the value of your UTXO.   If you do not fulfill your obligation, your original UTXO will have burn fees deducted from it.   EXAMPLE:  You have a 100,000 BBP coin.  You lock it for 90 days for a 40% DWU.  On the 15th day you try to spend the coin (breaking your obligation).   You will be penalized 40%*2=80% (capped at 50% max) of your original UTXO.   (If you do not agree please use our conservative staking feature: easybbpstake.)  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY.  ",
  "BBP Value USD": 1995.503500064616,
  "UTXO Value": 2180.162034868621,
  "Results": "The UTXO Stake Contract was created successfully.  Thank you for using BIBLEPAY. ",
  "TXID": "6979fdab69635be8c3b2a7ec77ac27165ba45cb291b60cb840dc82d73b99d611"

everything looks good from my end/perspective. I would say, though, that maybe having the system say what to do if the transaction should fail would be useful. For example, if I do not have any bankrolled coins, or if my wallet does not have a nickname, or if coin control is not enabled, etc., the code can spit out how to set those things that the user does not have properly set up so one does not have to look too hard to find how to set it up. This would be especially useful for someone who does not know necessarily what they are looking at or how to properly navigate wallet yet. Furthermore, having the staking in UXTO mode be its own tab on the top of the wallet could be interesting, as it would also help people to more easily navigate to a place where they can stake in this way.

Also, how do you add to a uxto stake or modify/take coins out of such a contract? Thanks, and may God bless,

Hi Bro/or/Sis twinkle -- thank you for testing (may I know your gender so I can address you properly?), anyway, thats awesome you created a high risk stake.
Let me send you 10MM right now so you can test more: Sent.
Excellent advice on the 'hangups' that a user may encounter!  Actually we recently added a blurb about 'bankroll' to 'easybbpstake' but it is not as complete as it should be, nor is it 'consistent' through the wallet.  I certainly will implement the Help feature, and I just added it to my todo, thank you.

The dedicated tab idea is nice; that will need to go here as a feature request:

So first, to try to spend your high risk stake early:  Enable coin control (You appear to be advanced, so I think you know how to do this part).  Then go to Send Money | Inputs.  From there, find the high risk stake and its corresponding icon:  the icon should be a dove if its fulfilled (that is, the duration elapsed already, and remember, testnet time is 24* faster than prod, so a 24 day duration in testnet is only 1 day in testnet!), otoh, if its still locked, it should show a 'hard drive platter icon with a chain on it'.  Anyway, choose it and try to spend that one coin, and you should see the penalty on the screen!

If you could also test the BBP Univ final exam simulator, just check out the 'review mode option', it lets you see the answers and learn the test more easily.

Ill try to think of more test cases; but I think in general we probably need help testing the NFTs.  You could create a digital goods nft, verify you can see it here:
Verify you can see it on the 'listnfts 0 0' in the wallet, and in the NFT | My NFTs, etc.  Then we can buy one of yours and I can list one and you can buy one of mine, actually we already have some for sale in so you can buy one right now.  But you do have to paste your Tnet CPK in Account | Account | "CPK BBP Address"  in order to buy one.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Re: June 2021 Release - Harvest - TestNet Thread
« Reply #209 on: May 20, 2021, 08:18:53 AM »
If anyone is wondering what happened to 7 second instantsend transactions and chainlocks, they temporarily got disabled because I had to bounce every one of my sancs to enable the addressindex (which was recently made mandatory so this will automatically be done when we upgrade in prod) but anyway this stopped chainlocks.  Hopefully IX will be back on automatically within 24 hours.