Bible Pay

Read 532647 times

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Still did not work for me. Am I supposed to sign in using another wallet (ie metamask) or is that automatic given the .conf file? My unchained BBP address is automatically recognized.

This is output of the BMS window:

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\Users\damia\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay\BMS
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware[7]
      Error unprotecting the session cookie.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The payload was invalid.
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.CbcAuthenticatedEncryptor.DecryptImpl(Byte* pbCiphertext, UInt32 cbCiphertext, Byte* pbAdditionalAuthenticatedData, UInt32 cbAdditionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.Internal.CngAuthenticatedEncryptorBase.Decrypt(ArraySegment`1 ciphertext, ArraySegment`1 additionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.UnprotectCore(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, UnprotectStatus& status)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.DangerousUnprotect(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean ignoreRevocationErrors, Boolean& requiresMigration, Boolean& wasRevoked)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.Unprotect(Byte[] protectedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.CookieProtection.Unprotect(IDataProtector protector, String protectedText, ILogger logger)

Ok, I released the latest version (6.52) which includes voice mail.
Go ahead and click Unchained from the left menu from your node and it should upgrade (it could take a good 3-4 mins).  Ive got a future feature coming where it will display the upgrade progress but that is hard to release (right now there is a 50% chance you will get a popup telling you that its upgrading); either way just wait til the web page loads.

Then verify its v6.52 on the web UI; then you should be logged in.

Try saving your NickName just to be sure things work then you should be able to test the phone.

I tested this upgrade on my remote test node and it worked.

  • Rob Andrews
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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Still did not work for me. Am I supposed to sign in using another wallet (ie metamask) or is that automatic given the .conf file? My unchained BBP address is automatically recognized.

This is output of the BMS window:

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Now listening on:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: C:\Users\damia\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay\BMS
warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.SessionMiddleware[7]
      Error unprotecting the session cookie.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The payload was invalid.
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.CbcAuthenticatedEncryptor.DecryptImpl(Byte* pbCiphertext, UInt32 cbCiphertext, Byte* pbAdditionalAuthenticatedData, UInt32 cbAdditionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Cng.Internal.CngAuthenticatedEncryptorBase.Decrypt(ArraySegment`1 ciphertext, ArraySegment`1 additionalAuthenticatedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.UnprotectCore(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, UnprotectStatus& status)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.DangerousUnprotect(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean ignoreRevocationErrors, Boolean& requiresMigration, Boolean& wasRevoked)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.Unprotect(Byte[] protectedData)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.CookieProtection.Unprotect(IDataProtector protector, String protectedText, ILogger logger)

Yeah, the key would be to upgrade to 6.5.2 (you can see the version from the Home page).

I dont know what this error means.

Please try to kill BiblePay BMS from task manager and try one more time?

Then paste stack again?

In the mean time, Ill do a little research and see if we have a separate log for upgrading.

Good luck.

Once you are on 6.5.2 I think your login will work fine (even though its just a local login to localhost).

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Thank you, Rob for your efforts.

The new Biblepay version does not extract the BMS directory at least at the same location. I erased the old BMS directory and reinstalled but the new installation did not contain a BMS directory at ....\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay

Are you kindly able to advise?

Thank you.


Yeah, the key would be to upgrade to 6.5.2 (you can see the version from the Home page).

I dont know what this error means.

Please try to kill BiblePay BMS from task manager and try one more time?

Then paste stack again?

In the mean time, Ill do a little research and see if we have a separate log for upgrading.

Good luck.

Once you are on 6.5.2 I think your login will work fine (even though its just a local login to localhost).

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Prior to deletion of the BMS directory, navigating to localhost:8080 actually gave me the option of connecting to a wallet (see screenshot).


Thank you, Rob for your efforts.

The new Biblepay version does not extract the BMS directory at least at the same location. I erased the old BMS directory and reinstalled but the new installation did not contain a BMS directory at ....\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay

Are you kindly able to advise?

Thank you.


  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
I forgot to mention, on the localhost version of Unchained, we no longer use metamask.
It strictly connects to the unchained.conf file, gets your keypair, and considers you logged in if it has a valid keypair.
This keypair links your wallet to the cockroachdb user record instance which gets your Nickname (and allows you to use social media features etc as a community user).

We should not have changed the location of the unzip; I will look at the installer process and for a log and get back to you.

What version are you currently showing on the home page?

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Dear Rob,

As I have deleted my BMS directory, BMS no longer launches but a parallel version on my other desktop shows BiblePay v4.3.2 on the Chrometab and BiblePay Unchained v6.07 on the home page. The wallet shows the correct address BUT a balance of -1.00 BBP.

Interestingly, using the Phone service tab (Phone v.12), it correctly reports my Unchained BBP address (BAu...WRR) AND CORRECT balance (1,335,601... BBP), but fails to make a call as I am not logged in.

Also, when I purchase (Buy it now) NFT Lamb (2,514 BBP), my wallet is charged 2,514 BBP and 4.73 BBP but fails to appear under my NFTs as I am not logged in.


I forgot to mention, on the localhost version of Unchained, we no longer use metamask.
It strictly connects to the unchained.conf file, gets your keypair, and considers you logged in if it has a valid keypair.
This keypair links your wallet to the cockroachdb user record instance which gets your Nickname (and allows you to use social media features etc as a community user).

We should not have changed the location of the unzip; I will look at the installer process and for a log and get back to you.

What version are you currently showing on the home page?

Sorry been MIA for a while now and haven't kept up to date on things that are required now I must run sancs with my bbp to earn ? can anyone point me to a post or instructions thank you.

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
These are the steps that I took:

(for linux VPS cold sanc)

From Controlling wallet:
Sanc is called sancname
Sub your own masternode outputs
Sub your sanc’s own IP and port
Sub your own keys

Send 4 500 001 to address created in main wallet on Windows Desktop

In command line (ie Tools… Debug Console)
Masternode outputs

Create the entry in (your home path)\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay masternode.conf
sancname mnp 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6 1

then exec createsanc sancname  1


22:34:51   {
  "Command": "createsanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx_register command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with TXID 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6",
  "bls_public_key": "8e5a37a9b0da6e36db6f51e8de60464508ac9ae3ac5c5beafa90ce6242b85c873e3fbc02bbdb009526b10859508a4292",
  "bls_private_key": "40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95",
  "pro_reg_txid": "0300010001a8a15097145bdf8da35b1072a4c4ee531f66524f248fa3a4370f210b351d04f80000000000feffffff01c4df1703000000001976a914ea9f5b86894312595dc834c888a5a98abdb1c4f488ac0000000000d1010000000000c6771def714c64c47de6d146b64efdb4362bec56cc1599d0694aaad86205e9400100000000000000000000000000000000000000000072cbfd2df18676c6a6be384c1dd700466b1db44c8e5a37a9b0da6e36db6f51e8de60464508ac9ae3ac5c5beafa90ce6242b85c873e3fbc02bbdb009526b10859508a429272cbfd2df18676c6a6be384c1dd700466b1db44c00001976a914ea9f5b86894312595dc834c888a5a98abdb1c4f488ac3307696bf21e8c9cfb6080045b4baf8dad1614aa3ab289bb4f381a2722662d3200",
  "pro_reg_collateral_address": "B5FE5Y312sZeK2QY6ANkECBQpRHqMio223",
  "pro_reg_signed_message": "BRqedxYm24M4uAojESxf7wYDRZWt5CFQqB|0|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|3bc38c2ce6fdfd09f31fb56306483cc286babaa428cd36e22792808d11b12973",
  "pro_reg_signature": "IDMRZ6C4Fn4xGO60F75puzjPB4CottsGXmvfcPPTl6sPLyxp7HeoPcf9QXMvd5iO8L5oZfIrrlK5vIiFIu9uSlA=",
  "sent_txid": "3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0"

Copy the bls_privatekey to the biblepay.conf of the VPS cold sanc (ie linux)


restart biblepayd


exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   No funds at specified address (main wallet address) (code -32603)
<- send some funds to this address

22:53:20   exec revivesanc sancname

22:53:20   {
  "Command": "revivesanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx update_service command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with origin pro-reg-txid=3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0(protx update_service 3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0 40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95).",
  "Results": "Sent sanctuary revival pro-tx successfully.  Please wait for the sanctuary list to be updated to ensure the sanctuary is revived.  This usually takes one to fifteen minutes."


Sorry been MIA for a while now and haven't kept up to date on things that are required now I must run sancs with my bbp to earn ? can anyone point me to a post or instructions thank you.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2023, 10:11:16 PM by oncoapop »

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Great I see several more sanctuaries created!

These are the steps that I took:

(for linux VPS cold sanc)

From Controlling wallet:
Sanc is called sancname
Sub your own masternode outputs
Sub your sanc’s own IP and port
Sub your own keys

Send 4 500 001 to address created in main wallet on Windows Desktop

In command line (ie Tools… Debug Console)
Masternode outputs

Create the entry in (your home path)\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay masternode.conf
sancname mnp 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6 1

then exec createsanc sancname  1


22:34:51   {
  "Command": "createsanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx_register command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with TXID 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6",
  "bls_public_key": "8e5a37a9b0da6e36db6f51e8de60464508ac9ae3ac5c5beafa90ce6242b85c873e3fbc02bbdb009526b10859508a4292",
  "bls_private_key": "40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95",
  "pro_reg_txid": "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",
  "pro_reg_collateral_address": "B5FE5Y312sZeK2QY6ANkECBQpRHqMio223",
  "pro_reg_signed_message": "BRqedxYm24M4uAojESxf7wYDRZWt5CFQqB|0|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|3bc38c2ce6fdfd09f31fb56306483cc286babaa428cd36e22792808d11b12973",
  "pro_reg_signature": "IDMRZ6C4Fn4xGO60F75puzjPB4CottsGXmvfcPPTl6sPLyxp7HeoPcf9QXMvd5iO8L5oZfIrrlK5vIiFIu9uSlA=",
  "sent_txid": "3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0"

Copy the bls_privatekey to the biblepay.conf of the VPS cold sanc (ie linux)


restart biblepayd


exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   No funds at specified address (main wallet address) (code -32603)
<- send some funds to this address

22:53:20   exec revivesanc sancname

22:53:20   {
  "Command": "revivesanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx update_service command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with origin pro-reg-txid=3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0(protx update_service 3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0 40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95).",
  "Results": "Sent sanctuary revival pro-tx successfully.  Please wait for the sanctuary list to be updated to ensure the sanctuary is revived.  This usually takes one to fifteen minutes."

« Last Edit: August 12, 2023, 10:11:56 PM by oncoapop »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Thanks for the update Oncoapop.

I got called to be best man at a wedding so things have been a little behind here, but I'm checking on this today.

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

    • 4141

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Dear Rob,

As I have deleted my BMS directory, BMS no longer launches but a parallel version on my other desktop shows BiblePay v4.3.2 on the Chrometab and BiblePay Unchained v6.07 on the home page. The wallet shows the correct address BUT a balance of -1.00 BBP.

Interestingly, using the Phone service tab (Phone v.12), it correctly reports my Unchained BBP address (BAu...WRR) AND CORRECT balance (1,335,601... BBP), but fails to make a call as I am not logged in.

Also, when I purchase (Buy it now) NFT Lamb (2,514 BBP), my wallet is charged 2,514 BBP and 4.73 BBP but fails to appear under my NFTs as I am not logged in.


Theres got to be a reason its not upgrading from 4.3.2 to 6.5.2 - I sent you a DM about it and we can try a reinstall with reupgrade to see where it falters in the ugprade process.

So on the lamb, I added a piece of BL lately that stops a user from buying an NFT if they are not logged in but you have to be upgraded to see that.
Once you upgrade we can see if you can view the lamb in My NFTs.

In the near future we will be able to show the user more clearly that the node is upgrading (IE a message) and we can also enforce the new version when it has broken compatibility (IE when a major release is released, the node should stop working and show a clear message that it has to upgrade, otherwise it dies off).  I'm working on that.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 01:55:42 PM by Rob Andrews »

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
We appear to have 91 sanctuaries created with 409.5 million BBP invested in these!

These are the steps that I took:

(for linux VPS cold sanc)

From Controlling wallet:
Sanc is called sancname
Sub your own masternode outputs
Sub your sanc’s own IP and port
Sub your own keys

Send 4 500 001 to address created in main wallet on Windows Desktop

In command line (ie Tools… Debug Console)
Masternode outputs

Create the entry in (your home path)\AppData\Roaming\Biblepay masternode.conf
sancname mnp 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6 1

then exec createsanc sancname  1


22:34:51   {
  "Command": "createsanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx_register command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with TXID 40e90562d8aa4a69d09915cc56ec2b36b4fd4eb646d1e67dc4644c71ef1d77c6",
  "bls_public_key": "8e5a37a9b0da6e36db6f51e8de60464508ac9ae3ac5c5beafa90ce6242b85c873e3fbc02bbdb009526b10859508a4292",
  "bls_private_key": "40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95",
  "pro_reg_txid": "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",
  "pro_reg_collateral_address": "B5FE5Y312sZeK2QY6ANkECBQpRHqMio223",
  "pro_reg_signed_message": "BRqedxYm24M4uAojESxf7wYDRZWt5CFQqB|0|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|BEv51zCynSstEezBLfsN4gZVczo8ohZjsn|3bc38c2ce6fdfd09f31fb56306483cc286babaa428cd36e22792808d11b12973",
  "pro_reg_signature": "IDMRZ6C4Fn4xGO60F75puzjPB4CottsGXmvfcPPTl6sPLyxp7HeoPcf9QXMvd5iO8L5oZfIrrlK5vIiFIu9uSlA=",
  "sent_txid": "3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0"

Copy the bls_privatekey to the biblepay.conf of the VPS cold sanc (ie linux)


restart biblepayd


exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   exec revivesanc sancname

22:51:00   No funds at specified address (main wallet address) (code -32603)
<- send some funds to this address

22:53:20   exec revivesanc sancname

22:53:20   {
  "Command": "revivesanc",
  "Summary": "Creating protx update_service command for Sanctuary sancname  with IP with origin pro-reg-txid=3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0(protx update_service 3f72d16d967f213be0f6110592092447438b0380a1ba645327d426920e1ba8c0 40a5fc4d9f64cbd3d6ed738e0485427b5cd979f073b57417b4aaafc6aa205a95).",
  "Results": "Sent sanctuary revival pro-tx successfully.  Please wait for the sanctuary list to be updated to ensure the sanctuary is revived.  This usually takes one to fifteen minutes."

« Last Edit: August 12, 2023, 10:10:17 PM by oncoapop »

  • Rob Andrews
  • Administrator

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    • June 05, 2017, 08:09:04 PM
    • Patmos, Island Of
Just a friendly note, Oncoapop, in the inner text of the instructions, its supposed to be 4,500,001 for the collateral.

  • oncoapop
  • Full Member

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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Sorry - amended. Thanks, Rob.

Just a friendly note, Oncoapop, in the inner text of the instructions, its supposed to be 4,500,001 for the collateral.

  • oncoapop
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    • October 23, 2018, 12:31:17 PM
Thank you for releasing the new BBP wallet version!

It reinstalls over the old and the previous issues were addressed!

1. Selecting Unchained from the wallet after install of the new version shows BMS upgrading and reinstalls BMS directory (which I previously deleted).
2. Unchained then loads in the (default, in my case Edge) browser and is automatically logged in with the correct BBP value in the address and Unchained version. All my NFTs are correctly displayed!
3. The phone works well and very clear from my BBP number to my Canadian cell phone! I can call the BBP number from my cell phone but I did not know it was ringing unless I had my browser window open and could see the pop up.
4. I also tried SMS which works both ways! This is great!

Congratulations on the success! Excellent work! Thank you!  :)

« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 06:56:15 AM by oncoapop »